Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...

Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

Layout of a business letter.

2017-09-26 862
Layout of a business letter. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Topic 1



Task 1. 1) Correspond the titles with the texts. 2) Translate one of them.


A. Request Letter D. Enquiry Letter G. Letter of Apology B. Letter of Invitation E. Cover Letter H. Letter of Complaint C. Congratulation letter F. Order I. Letter of Condolence



1) Dear BrandСo Department Store,

I would like to order one of these Japanese kimonos you advertised in Provost Journal today. Please send me one light blue kimono with a white sash. My size is medium. I am enclosing a check for $25 to cover all costs.

Yours truly,

Elizabeth Dane


2) Dear Mr Ivanov,

On behalf of Sir John Cuckney, myself and all the employees of John Brown, please accept our expression of deepest sympathy and regret to you and your colleagues on the death of Mr. X.

Yours sinserely,

Allan Gormly

John Brown PLC


3) Dear Sir,

We are interested in the new model of harvester advertised by you in the current number of The Industry and we are considerding ordering 3 machines on trial. The advertisement, however, does not give sufficient information about the delivery time and otherwise. Therefore we should appreciate further details as soon as possible. We hope to establish business relations with your company and are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

African Food Co. Ltd.


4) Dear Sir,

We are sorry to have to inform you that in the consignment of equipment we have received against the Contract No. 184/115 there are several broken cases and some machines are damaged.


5) Dear Sir,

We write to inform you about a delay in shipment of any goods from the London port because of a strike of transport workers. Your goods are actually in London and we are trying to get them to the docks so they can be loaded on the next vessel sailing on the 7th July. We apologize for this unfortunate delay and are doing our best to get your order away.

Yours faithfully,

The Brush Group


6) Dear Sir,

We are interested in the equipment produced by your company and advertised in the latest issue of The Worker. Please send us your latest catalogues and price-lists of this equipment. We would be much obliged if we could have them by return.

Yours faithfully,

Stales & Co.


7) Dear Mr Pavlov,

It would give us great pleasure if you and your wife could join us for dinner on Saturday, the 23rd August, at seven o’clock.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Brown


8) Dear Mr Stone

I have just read of your promotion to sales manager. Let me offer my warmest congratulations. I don’t have to tell you that all of us here wish you the best of luck in your new position.

Yours sincerely,

John Smith


9) Dear Sir,

At your request we are sending your under separate cover our latest illustrated catalogue and some other technical data about our new model of Harvester H-130. We hope that you will find our machine useful and reliable and place an order with us.

Yours faithfully,

Technical Machines Ltd.


Task 2. Read the rules about the layout a business letter. While reading 1) copy out the names of its parts together with models; 2) write out highlighted words and translate them into Russian.




It is placed in at the beginning of the page and includes:

· The name of the company

· Address and telephone numbers

· Other useful information


Continental Equipment 9 North Rd, Brighton, BN 5 JF Telephone: 0273 543359 Fax: 0273 559364 Director: John G. Smith


Logotype can be put here.

Letterhead is a part of a blank. It gives you more freedom to express the character of you company than any other part of the letter.



It goes right after the letterhead and identifies the letter. It contains initials of the sender and typist, the number of the department or the number of the file where the letter is kept. At first – addressee’s data, then – sender’s.

Topic 2


Task 1. Read the text, translate the highlighted words and find answers to the questions:

1. What is the purpose of the sales letter?

2. How many parts does it consist of? What are they?

3. Why is the opening important?

4. How can you begin the letter?

5. What is the main rule for explaining the product?

6. What will create a vivid image of the product?

7. What can prove the picture?

8. Why must you praise your product with caution?

9. What will help the customer to take an action?

The sales letter is the most selective of all forms of advertising as it aims to sell particular kinds of goods or services to selected types of customers (office equipment to business houses; towel machines to hotels; drugs to doctors).

The purpose of the letter is to persuade the reader that he needs what you are trying to sell and to get him to buy it. You take something attractive and make it necessary or you take something necessary and make it attractive.

Readers of sales letters are interested neither in you nor in your company. They are not even particularly interested in what you are selling. What they want to know about is what you can do for them - what benefits you can offer them. There are 2 ways in presenting sales letters:


Attention Promise
Interest Picture
Desire Proof
Action “Push”



a) You will be surprised how little it costs. For fifty-two weeks in the year your Stenogram works hard far you, without lunch breaks or holidays. You can't ever give it too much to do. And all for less than an average month's salary for a secretary. It will take your dictation at any time, and anywhere - after office hours, at home, or even while you are travelling. It does away with mistranscriptions in shorthand and can even do away altogether with typewriting since recorded messages can be posted.

b) Dear Mr Reddy


c) Some of your business friends are sure to be using the Stenogram. Ask them about it before you place an order; or, if you prefer, fill in the enclosed prepaid card and we will arrange for Mr James Baron, our representative for your area, to call and give you a demonstration. Just state a day and time.


d) Have you ever thought how much time your typist wastes in taking down your letters? It can be as much as a third of the time she spends on correspondence. Why not record your dictation - on our S tenogram - and save this time for other jobs she can be doing while dictation is in progress?


e) Yours sincerely

f) The Stenogran is efficient, dependable, time-saving and economical and, backed as it is by our international reputation for reliability, is in regular use in thousands of offices all over the country. It gives superb reproduction quality - every syllable clear as a bell. It is unbelievably simple to use. You just slip in a pre-loaded cassette, press a button, and your Stenogram is ready to record dictation, instructions, interviews, telephone conversations, or what you will. Nothing could be simpler — or more efficient either. Our unique after-sale service contract ensures lasting operation at the peak of efficiency.



a) You are already aware of our terms of dealing, but to encourage you to lay in a stock of the new solid "Reliance", we are prepared to allow you a special discount of 3% on any order received by the end of this month.

b) Yours faithfully

c) Reports from all over the world confirm what we had known before we put the now famous "Reliance" solid tyre on the market - that it is the fulfilment of every car-owner's dream.

d) You are of course well aware of the weaknesses of the ordinary air-filled tyre - punctures, split outer covers under sudden stress and a tendency to skid on wet road surfaces, to men­tion some only of the motorist's chief com­plaints. Our "Reliance" tyre enables you to offer your customers a tyre that is beyond criticism in those vital qualities of road-holding and reliability.

e) Dear Sirs

f) We could tell you a great deal more about these tyres, but prefer you to read the en­closed copies of reports from racing drivers, test drivers and motor dealers and manufacturers.



a) At the cost of a few pounds a month you can buy peace of mind for your wife and children - and yourself. You cannot, you dare not leave them unprotected. So let me call on you to tell you more about a scheme that so many families are finding attractive. I shall not press you to join; I shall just give you the details and leave the rest to you. I will call at any time if you will use the enclosed prepaid reply card, and say when.

b) Yours sincerely

c) Should he die within the next twenty years his wife and family will now be provided for. For less than £2 a week his wife would receive £50 a month for a full twenty years and then £10,000 in a lump sum.

d) A client of mine is happier today than he has been for a long time - and with good reason. For the first time since he was married ten years ago, so he tells me, he.feels really comfortable about the future

e) Such protection would have been beyond his reach a short time ago but now, under a new and novel scheme, he has been able to provide for his family. The scheme need not be for twenty years. It can be for fifteen or ten, or any other number of years. And it need not be for £10,000. It can be for much more or much less to give the protection you want.


F) Dear Mr Goodwin



a)Our new "Aquamaster" washer is just one of them. It takes all the hard work out of the weekly wash and makes washing day a pleasure. All you have to do is to put your soiled clothes in, press a button and sit back while the machine does the work. It does everything - washing, rinsing, drying - and (we mean no offence when we say this) does it quicker and better than you can.

b) Dear Mrs Hudson

c)Yours sincerely


d) Come along and see the "Aquamatic" at work in our showroom. A demonstration will take up only a few minutes of your time, but may enable you to banish the dread of washing day and make life easier and pleasanter.

e) A customer said to me recently, "Modern scientific invention is a curse to the human race and will one day destroy it". A rash statement - and quite untrue for there are modern inventions which, far from being a curse, are an unmixed blessing.


f) We hope you will accept our invitation and give us the chance to show you what this latest of all domestic time-savers can do for you.


Task 4. Translate the following letter into English:


Уважаемый покупатель,


Вы хотите, чтобы Ваш ребенок был весел и счастлив? Вы хотите удивить его новой игрушкой, но не знаете, что выбрать? Обратите внимание на наше новое изделие, которое произвело революцию в мире игрушек. С плюшевым медвежонком Тимоти Ваш малыш не будет чувствовать себя одиноким и требовать постоянного внимания к себе. У Вас освободится время для себя и для других дел.


Медвежонок Тимоти станет лучшим другом Вашего ребенка, ведь он сделан из мягкого, экологически чистого плюша и умеет многое делать сам. 4 встроенные батарейки типа AK позволяют ему говорить, двигаться и даже обниматься. При этом игрушка имеет рост 30 см и абсолютно безопасна в эксплуатации.


Розничная цена в £ 9,99 не сравнима с ценой тех проблем, от которых Вы избавитесь. Кроме того, до 1 декабря у Вас есть возможность приобрести медвежонка Тимоти со значительной скидкой (до 20%), так как в ноябре наша компания проводит благотворительную акцию «Лучшее - детям».


Посетители, сделавшие покупку до 5 ноября, получат специальный подарок. Приходите в наш фирменный магазин и Вы не сможете устоять перед этим плюшевым чудом.


Искренне Ваш,

Джон Пайк,

менеджер по продажам


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Я хочу приобрести (заказать) игрушек медвежонка Тимоти.


Имя: ______________________________________________



Оплата: Чек___________________


В кредит________________


Topic 3



Task 1. Read the text and make notes about Request Letters:


The reason for writing a request letter may be the following:

· To obtain information (prices or technical data)

· To receive printed matter (booklets, catalogue, price-lists)

· To receive sample products

· To order merchandise

· To engage services(repair or maintenance)

· To make reservation

· To seek special service



In an enquiry letter state simply, clearly and concisely what you want – general information, a catalogue a sample, etc. – and no more.


When making an enquiry observe the following rules:

1. Begin with the question(s) you want to ask; your reader then knows at once what your enquiry about.

2. Put your request in a form of a question, not a statement. Don’t say: “I would like to know in what shades you can supply shirts”. Say instead: “In what shades can you supply the shirts?”

3. Keep your enquiry short and to the point. Say what needs to be said and then stop.

Any enquiry must be acknowledged. The letter of acknowledgement is an OFFER of a supplier to a potential customer.



Task 2. Make plans for enquiries and offers. Use information from the textbook: p.p.129-132 and p.p.155-158.


Task 3. Translate sample letters into Russian.


Dear Sir,


Some years ago we bought from you a consignment of wrist watches in stainless steel cases with unbreakable glass.

We are interested to know whether you are still making watches of this type and, if so, should be glad to have particulars, including prices for quantities of not less than one hundred. We should require delivery within four weeks of order.


Yours faithfully


Dear Sir,


Thank you for your enquiry of 8th April.


We are still making watches of the type referred to and welcome the prospect of your renewed custom. Owing to the increased demand for them we can now offer these watches in a wider range than when you placed your last order.


For quantities of not less than one hundred of each type, CIF Manchester, are from $12.75 each for the “POPULAR” to $32.60 each for the “ARISTICRAT”. These prices are subject to a trade discount of 40% on the exworks cost.


The enclosed booklet contains details of all our watches and will enable you to make a suitable selection. For all types we can promise delivery well within the period of four weeks mentioned in your letter.


Yours faithfully


Task 4. Read and translate the enquiry letter and write the acknowledgement for it.


Dear Sir,


For a number of years we have been imported electric shavers from the United States but now learn that these shavers can be obtained from British manufacturers. We wish to extend our present range of models and should be glad if you could supply us with a list of British manufacturers likely to be able to help us.


If you cannot supply the information from your records, could you please refer our enquiry to the appropriate quarter in London.


Yours faithfully


Task 5. Read and translate the offer. Compose an enquiry to which this letter will be the answer.


Dear Sir,


We thank you for your enquiry of 25th April. I am glad to say that we can help you.


The “Universal” typewriter is an excellent machine and is quite suitable for tabulation. We have it in stock and can supply it with a carriage able to take papers up to 60 cm wide. The enclosed booklet describes the machine in detail.


Also from stock we can supply several makes of power-operated offset duplicators, including the well-known “Gestetner” and “Roneo” models. Both are excellent machines able to turn out copies at the rate of fifty a minute. Illustrated leaflets describing the machines are enclosed.


We feel you may also be interested in a very modern system of filing recently put up on the market by Harveys of Birmingham. The system is specially designed for firms handling the accounts of large numbers of customers.


May we suggest a visit to our showrooms. We could then demonstrate the various machines and show you our very wide range of modern office appliances and equipment.


Yours faithfully


Task 6. Arrange the parts of the letter in the correct order and translate it into Russian.

A Sales Department Aluminium Alloy Co Ltd Birmingham 79 Prince Albert St Birmingham 821 8DJ  
B Robert Hanson Import Manager  
C For the balance we would require three weeks from the date of receiving your confirmation that this arrangement is acceptable. Prices are quoted f.o.b. London. Delivery as specified above. Payment against documents.  
D Dear Sirs  
E Your ref: SD/jr Our ref: G/f146  
F We hope you will find our terms, method of payment and delivery dates satisfactory; and we can assure that you may count on our full cooperation and immediate attention in this matter.  
G 15 November 1998  
H Yours faithfully,
I CONTINENTAL EQUIPMENT 9 North Road, Brighton, BN 5 JF Tel 0273 543359 Fax 0273 559364  
J We thank you for your letter of 11 November and would like to inform you that we can deliver all the items required from stock according to the enclosed detailed offer.
K Attention Sales Manager


Task 7. Translate the letters into English:


Уважаемые господа,


Мы обратили внимание на рекламу Вашего нового холодильника модели IPD-245 на канале ОРТ.


Мы бы хотели получить более подробную информацию об этой модели:

- наличие товара на складе;

- технические характеристики;

- цена и возможные скидки в зависимости от формы оплаты и размера партии;

- сроки поставки.


После реконструкции “Sanita Hotel” мы хотели бы установить в нем наилучшую бытовую технику, в том числе холодильники. Ваша продукция заинтересовала нас. Если она подойдет нам и мы получим выгодное предложение, то мы готовы заказать большую партию холодильников.


С нетерпением ждем Вашего ответа.


С уважением,



Уважаемые господа,


На Ваш запрос от 10 июня мы рады сообщить, что интересующий Вас товар действительно производится на территории Великобритании в настоящее время.


В приложении Вы найдете список таких компаний и их координаты. Все они имеют безупречную репутацию, так как производимый ими товар, в том числе электробритвы, отвечают требованиям мировых стандартов.


Благодарим за проявленный интерес к нашим производителям, и мы уверены, что Вы найдете своего поставщика.


Искренне Ваш,




Task 8. Read the rules for writing orders on p.p. 186-187 and answer the questions:

- What parts does the order include?

- What will be written in both of them?

Make a plan for the order.


Task 9. Translate the order into Russian and compose a cover letter for it.




Task 10. Translate the cover letter into Russian and fill in the order form:


Dear Sirs,


Referring to your offer of 15th February we would like to send you the following order No. 38127 for 200 leather bags at $ 16 each. The articles should conform to those described in your brochure and to samples you sent us.


We expect delivery free of charge, as specified in your order, by 5th March. Packing is to be in boxes and with no extra charge.


Please confirm this order.


Sincerely yours,

Task 11. Translate cover letters into English:


Уважаемые господа,


Ссылаясь на Ваше предложение от 24 июня, просим выслать нам партию одноразовой посуды.


Товар должен быть поставлен на условиях ФОБ Москва. Оплата будет произведена по получении товара с 3% скидкой при оплате наличными. По имеющейся договоренности нам будет предоставлена дополнительная 2% скидка, если упаковочный материал будет возвращен вам в течение 4 недель с даты выставления счет-фактуры (invoice).


Просим подтвердить получение данного заказа. Если товар будет доставлен в отличном состоянии, вы можете рассчитывать на дальнейшие наши заказы.

Искренне Ваш,


Уважаемые господа,


Высылаем наш заказ № DR 4316 на свитера для мужчин и мальчиков указанных размеров, цветов и моделей.


Мы решили принять предложенные Вами 15% скидки и условия платежа по выставленным платежным документам. Однако, в ближайшем будущем нам хотелось бы пересмотреть эти условия.


Если у Вас нет указанных в списке товаров, просим не присылать вместо них замены. Будем признательны за доставку в течение 6 недель.


Вышлите, пожалуйста копию заказа, подписанную должным образом, в качестве подтверждения заказа. С нетерпением ждем Вашего ответа.

Искренне Ваш,

Task 12. Compose a plan for the order acknowledgement and the rejection of an order. Use information on p.p. 186-187.


Task 13. Read the following letters and decide which of them is an acknowledgement and which is a rejection of the order.




We have received your order No 13658 of 26th January. Unfortunately we must inform you that at present we are not in a position to deliver your order as specified. For the next 4 months our entire production is sold out.

Please let us know if you are interested in a shipment in June. We regret not being able to meet your order at the present time.

Sincerely yours,



Dear sirs,


We wish to conform receipt of your order of 12th February for the delivery of office appliances.


We will dispatch the goods to you as per our agreed schedule of delivery. Shipment will be made in accordance with the conditions of our offer dated 1st February.


We are certain you will be successful with our equipment.

Sincerely yours,


Topic 4



Task 1. Read the information about writing complaints and make notes of these rules.


Claims are written to inform the company of the problem and suggest a fair compensation. The most common cases for claims are:

- an incorrect bill, invoice;

- a bill for merchandise ordered but never received;

- delivery of unordered merchandise;

- delivery of incorrect merchandise;

- delivery of damaged or defective merchandise;

- an unusually delayed delivery;

- short – delivery;

- misdirection and errors in addressing.


When making a complaint plan your letter as follows:

· Begin by regretting the need to complain;

· Mention the date of the order, the date of the delivery and the goods complained about;

· State your reason for being dissatisfied and ask for an explanation;

· Refer to the inconvenience caused;

· Suggest how the matter should be put right.

Observe the following rules:

1. Make your complaint at once. Delay weakens your position and makes it more difficult for your supplier to find out why things went wrong.

2. Assume that your supplier will want to put the matter right (it’s in his interest).

3. Don’t assume that your supplier is to blame, he may have a perfectly good defense.

4. Confine your complaint to a statement of the facts and a polite enquiry as to what your supplier proposes to do about it. You may or may not decide to suggest how the matter should be put right, but don’t suggest hoe the mistake may have occurred. That is a matter of the supplier.

5. Above all, avoid rudeness; it may well create ill-feeling and cause the supplier to be unwilling to be helpful.


Task 2. Translate into Russian the Sample of a complaint

Dear Sirs,


We have recently received a number of complaints from customers about your fountain pens. The pens are clearly not giving satisfaction and in some cases we have had to refund the purchase price.


The pens complained about are part of the batch of 500 (five hundred) supplied to our order#8562 of 28th March. This order was placed on the basis of a sample pen left by your representative. We have ourselves compared the performance of this sample with that of the pens complained about and there is little doubt that many of them are faulty, some of them leak and others fail to write without making blots.


The complaints received relate only to pens from the batch referred to. Pens supplied before these have always been satisfactory. We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return of unsold balance, amounting to 377 pens in all, and to replace them by pens of the quality our earlier dealings with you have led us to expect.

Yours sincerely,

Task 3. Study the following models of complaints and find their essential parts: 1) product information, 2) problem, 3) cause of problem 4) action taken, 5) solution desired.



Dear Sir,


On 25th July I sent you an order for sixty copies of English and Business Correspondence by S.Selcomber, stressing the importance of delivery by 5th September at the latest, the date on which the new school session was due to begin.


I have received no acknowledgement of the order, nor have the books been delivered. Failure to receive them on time is causing serious inconvenience and I shall be glad if you will look into the matter as one of urgency and let me know when the books may be expected.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Sirs,


We thank you for your promptness in delivering the coffee we ordered on 30th July. The number of bags delivered by your carrier this morning was, however, 160 whereas our order was for 120.


Unfortunately, our present needs are completely covered and as we cannot make use of the forty bags sent in excess of order we have put them in our warehouse to be held for you until we receive your instructions.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sirs,


On 1st March we ordered and subsequently received one case of hand saws, model 88b. We paid for the order with our cheque # 7293, a photocopy of which is enclosed.


When we decide to order these saws instead of model 78b, it was at the urging of your sales representative, Harold Saunders. He assured us that the new saws were more durable and efficient than the older model.


However, we have now had the saws on our selling floor for three weeks and already six have been returned with broken teeth by extremely dissatisfied customers.


We are therefore returning the entire order of 88b saws and would like to be refunded for their full purchase price plus shipping expenses.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sirs,


We regret to note that we have not received the necessary data from you, therefore our design organizations are unable to start elaborating the working drawings.


In view of the above we would like to draw your attention to the fact that if the above mentioned data is not received this month we shall have to raise the question of the corresponding prolongation of the time-limits for the preparation of the working drawings.

Yours faithfully,


Task 4. Translate the following claims into English


Уважаемые господа,


Два месяца назад я купил в специализированном магазине «Телемир» цветной телевизор модели ACE Z35. Я решил приобрести именно этот телевизор, так как на меня большое впечатление произвела демонстрационная модель, а именно, четкость изображения и яркие натуральные цвета. Однако у телевизора, доставленного мне домой, обнаружились серьезные неисправности. Картинка, сохранив яркость и четкость, воспроизводится вверх ногами.


Телевизор не подвергался механическим воздействиям и находится на бесплатном гарантийном обслуживании. К сожалению, магазин «Телемир» сейчас закрыт, и я не мог найти в моем районе магазина, торгующего телеаппаратурой или предлагающего услуги по обслуживанию, поэтому я обращаюсь к Вам.


Сообщите мне, пожалуйста, как можно устранить неисправность. Не считая этого дефекта, я доволен моделью ACE Z35. Я бы хотел, чтобы Вы произвели ремонт или заменили телевизор.

С уважением,



Уважаемые господа,


12 августа я заказал в Вашем издательстве 12 копий книги Х.Лоури «История музыки» по цене $ 1. 25 за штуку


Сегодня утром я получил посылку, но, открыв ее, обнаружил «Истоки музыки» того же автора. К сожалению, я не могу согласиться на подобную замену, так как у меня уже есть эта книга. Я возвращаю Вам вышеупомянутые книги и прошу заменить их на те, что были заказаны первоначально.


Не сомневаюсь, что Вы поторопитесь с выполнением заказа и возместите мои почтовые расходы.

С уважением,


Dear Mr. Falco,


As you mentioned in your letter of December 3, your were indeed billed for a purchase you had not made.


According to our records, you should not have been charged the $ 83,95, and the sum has been stricken from your account.


Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We hope you have not been inconvenienced and will visit Gleason’s soon so that we may again have the pleasure to serve you.

Sincerely yours,



Dear Mr Patterson,


We are sorry that the model 88b hand saws you purchased have not lived up to your expectations. Franfly, we are surprised they have proved so fragile and appreciate your returning them to us. Our lab people are already at work trying to discover the source of the problem.


We are glad to assume the shipping costs you incurred, Mr Patterson. But may we suggest that instead of a refund, you apply the price of these saws to the cost of an order of model 78b saws. Your own experience will bear out their reliability and we are sure your customers will be pleased with Eterna Tool Product.


If you will drop us a line okaying the shipment, your 78b saws will be on their way within a week.

Sincerely yours,



Topic 5


Task 1. Look through the Resume and make a plan to suit any resume. Translate the Resume into Russian.


Name Address     Tel. Date of birth Age Marital Status Nationality Objective Education Dates College Qualification   Dates College   Qualifications     Employment Dates Company Position Responsibilities     Other skills and Occupations References Emily Alison Biggins 47 Putney Hill London SW16 4QX London 475 78 65 15 July 1970 Single British To secure a part-time position that offers a variety of tasks, in which to use my secreterial skills and knowledge of foreign languages.   1987-1992 South Thames College, London Secreterial Courses; Shorthand grade 2; Typing Grade 3 1993-1994 Oxleigh Secreterial College, College Road, Oxleigh Secreterial Skills Refresher Course: Shorthand (90 w.p.m.), typing (60w.m.p.), book- keeping grade one. Word-processing.   1995-to present Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd. Secretary to the Sales Manager Taking shorthand,typing and filling correspondence, maintaining diaries, office support   I now work regularly as a volunteer for the Red Cross. I also have a clean driver's licence and a good knowledge of Spanish and French. My personal interests include classical literature reading, independent travel, modern jazz and swimming. Available on request.

Task 2. Study the resume on p. 134 and rearrange it according to the plan.


Task 3. Look through the CV, answer the questions and shorten it to the size of a resume:

· What is the difference between the Resume and the CV?

· What sections can be added to CV?

· When is CV composed?

Name Address: Telephone:   Education & Training December 1991-April 1994   Qualifications     September 1981-June 1986   Qualifications     April 1997     Employment July 1996 - to present   Position Responsibilities     August 1995- July 1996 Position: Responsibilities Maria Ivanova ul. Tverskaya, dom 55, kv. 134 Moscow Home: (095) 292 52 22     Moscow State Linguistic University, Department of English Lexicology. Linguistic Researcher;PhD diploma was obtained in April 1994.   Moscow State Linguistic University, Department of German Languages Higher education diploma: teacher of English and German.   Computer training courses in Xylos (Microsoft Authorised Training Centre in Moscow).     Price Water House, Translating & Interpreting Department Translator from/to English and Ger man. Interpreting, audit documents translation from/to English and German   British Petroleum Translator and Administrative Assistant Translating from/to English, administrative duties performance  
August 1994 - August 1995 Position Responsibilitie   August 1986 - August 1994     Position Responsibilities     1986 up to present   Skills   Computer literacy Language Interests Social/Cultural   Sporting Countries visited References Norton Rose Translator and interpreter Translation from/to English and German (commercial contracts,legal documents, etc.)     English languageteaching at the Department of English Lexicology of the Moscow State Linguistic University Tutor of English. Practical English and Grammar for third year students, Stylistics   Free-lance interpreter and translator at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Good typing skills, strong organisational ability to work under pressure, customer-oriented, good time management   Word Perfect, MS Word for Windows, Lotus Ami-Pro 3.1., Lotus 1-2-3, e-mail, Internet user   Native Russian, professional level of English and German.     Travelling, classical literature world history, jazz music, Swimming, skiing. UK, USA, Spain, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.   are available upon request

Task 4. Prepare your own Resume (both in English and in Russian).


Task 5. Read about writing Applications on p.129 and make a plan.


Task 6. Translate Cover Letter on p.130 and shorten it so as to make universal.

Task 7. Compose a cover letter to the following classified ad:

Job opportunity: Executive Secretary to the Managing Director Prestigious western financial institution seeks an executive secretary to the managing director to provide full administrative support to the director, to maintain contacts with major clients according to high. professional standards, to fulfil secretarial duties and handle PR matters in the office.   main requirements: fluent English, age 24-30, good typing skills, PC literate, solid secretarial experience with top executives for at least 2 years. Please fax \ (095 222 22 22) your resume to Mrs. Jane Brown, Personnel Manager.

Task 8. Translate the following references paying special attention to the underlined words.


Dear Mrs. Bridge

Henry James

Thank you for your letter of 15 February, asking a reference for Henry James, It is a pleasure to offer comments on this individual.

I have known Henry for over 12 years, since he joined our company. We have both worked in the same department.


Henry is a natural leader and organiser. He inspires enthusiasm among other members of our team He listens attentively to the opinions and desires of others and compromises when required.


He has shown himself to be responsible and trustworthy, both as a personal friend and as a valuable member of the community. It was a great pleasure to work with him. I believe he would be an effective contribution to your team.


If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely


Richard Snow



Dear Mrs Bridge


Julia Rose

I write to advise you that Miss Julia Rose who is currently a student at the University of Brighton has been in touch with me to say that she has applied for one of the posts in your company and has asked me if I could act as a referee for her and submit this reference to you.


I have to say that I am very happy indeed to do so.


Julia has worked for us each summer holiday since she left school and I think that the best way of describing her is as a very positive person.


She is a very serene person and with the confidence to deal with qny problems that arise from time to time either on her own initiative or, by asking a superior how a particular matter should be dealt with.

I have also found her an extremely willing person and one who never complains whilst she also has the ability to work independently, and in 1994, indeed, we sent her to a number of cities in Great Britain in order to carry out research in connection with the firm's business.


I have to say, therefore, that I have absolutely no doubts in recommending her to you.


I am absolutely sure that she will serve you well and will also mix in well with other colleagues.


I do hope that the foregoing is of help and if I can о 'sist further, please, do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely


Sarah Taylor


To Whom It May Concern

Jo Cowie


Mrs Cowie worked for me for 2 years as my personal assistant. During that time she delt efficiently with my general correspondence, telephone calls and other routine paper work. She also proved herself to be a resourceful and hardworking researcher.

She is a communicative person and works well independently. She is thoughtful and pays due attention to detail. She was punctual and frequently worked late when we had a deadline to meet. I regret that she had to leave us for family reasons.


I would recommend Mrs Cowie as an outstanding researcher and PA, and feel sure that she would be a valuable asset to her future employers.


Jim Manson

Marketing Manager


Всем заинтересованным лицам


Topic 1



Task 1. 1) Correspond the titles with the texts. 2) Translate one of them.


A. Request Letter D. Enquiry Letter G. Letter of Apology B. Letter of Invitation E. Cover Letter H. Letter of Complaint C. Congratulation letter F. Order I. Letter of Condolence



1) Dear BrandСo Department Store,

I would like to order one of these Japanese kimonos you advertised in Provost Journal today. Please send me one light blue kimono with a white sash. My size is medium. I am enclosing a check for $25 to cover all costs.

Yours truly,

Elizabeth Dane


2) Dear Mr Ivanov,

On behalf of Sir John Cuckney, myself and all the employees of John Brown, please accept our expression of deepest sympathy and regret to you and your colleagues on the death of Mr. X.

Yours sinserely,

Allan Gormly

John Brown PLC


3) Dear Sir,

We are interested in the new model of harvester advertised by you in the current number of The Industry and we are considerding ordering 3 machines on trial. The advertisement, however, does not give sufficient information about the delivery time and otherwise. Therefore we should appreciate further details as soon as possible. We hope to establish business relations with your company and are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

African Food Co. Ltd.


4) Dear Sir,

We are sorry to have to inform you that in the consignment of equipment we have received against the Contract No. 184/115 there are several broken cases and some machines are damaged.


5) Dear Sir,

We write to inform you about a delay in shipment of any goods from the London port because of a strike of transport workers. Your goods are actually in London and we are trying to get them to the docks so they can be loaded on the next vessel sailing on the 7th July. We apologize for this unfortunate delay and are doing our best to get your order away.

Yours faithfully,

The Brush Group


6) Dear Sir,

We are interested in the equipment produced by your company and advertised in the latest issue of The Worker. Please send us your latest catalogues and price-lists of this equipment. We would be much obliged if we could have them by return.

Yours faithfully,

Stales & Co.


7) Dear Mr Pavlov,

It would give us great pleasure if you and your wife could join us for dinner on Saturday, the 23rd August, at seven o’clock.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Brown


8) Dear Mr Stone

I have just read of your promotion to sales manager. Let me offer my warmest congratulations. I don’t have to tell you that all of us here wish you the best of luck in your new position.

Yours sincerely,

John Smith


9) Dear Sir,

At your request we are sending your under separate cover our latest illustrated catalogue and some other technical data about our new model of Harvester H-130. We hope that you will find our machine useful and reliable and place an order with us.

Yours faithfully,

Technical Machines Ltd.


Task 2. Read the rules about the layout a business letter. While reading 1) copy out the names of its parts together with models; 2) write out highlighted words and translate them into Russian.




It is placed in at the beginning of the page and includes:

· The name of the company

· Address and telephone numbers

· Other useful information


Continental Equipment 9 North Rd, Brighton, BN 5 JF Telephone: 0273 543359 Fax: 0273 559364 Director: John G. Smith


Logotype can be put here.

Letterhead is a part of a blank. It gives you more freedom to express the character of you company than any other part of the letter.



It goes right after the letterhead and identifies the letter. It contains initials of the sender and typist, the number of the department or the number of the file where the letter is kept. At first – addressee’s data, then – sender’s.

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