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Английский язык
Методические рекомендации по развитию письменной и устной речи для магистрантов
Издательство «Ивановский государственный университет»
Составитель: кандидат филологических наук, доцент Лаврентьева Н.Г.
Данные методические рекомендации предназначены для магистрантов и имеют своей целью обучение устной и письменной научной речи.
Раздел «Writing» включает справочный материал, рекомендации, образцы написания и ведения научной корреспонденции, а также различные упражнения и задания коммуникативного характера. Раздел «Speaking» имеет целью развитие и активное закрепление навыков устной речи по темам, связанным с научно-исследовательской работой магистрантов.
В заключении учащимся предлагаются итоговые задания, которые представляют собой ситуации для моделирования в письменной или устной форме.
Печатается по решению методической комиссии
факультета романо-германской филологии
Ивановского государственного университета
Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английского
языка Маякина М. А.
© Лаврентьева Н.Г., составление, 2017
Изучение иностранных языков в вузе является неотъемлемой составной частью подготовки специалистов различного профиля, которые в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта должны достичь уровня владения иностранным языком, позволяющим им продолжить обучение и вести профессиональную деятельность в иноязычной среде.
Настоящие материалы предназначены для магистрантов, обучающихся на второй ступени высшего профессионального образования и имеют своей целью обучение магистрантов устной и письменной научной речи, то есть развитие и совершенствование таких видов речевой деятельности, как письмо и говорение. В основу методических материалов положены принципы коммуникативной направленности и взаимосвязанного обучения видам речевой деятельности на иностранном языке.
Пособие состоит из двух частей «Writing» и «Speaking». Раздел «Writing» включает справочный материал, рекомендации, образцы написания и ведения научной корреспонденции (писем-запросов, писем- ответов, писем-приглашений, писем-просьб, писем- благодарностей, резюме, электронных писем), а также различные упражнения и задания, которые помогут магистрам овладеть навыками ведения научной и деловой корреспонденции. Раздел «Speaking», состоящий из шести частей, имеет целью развитие и активное закрепление навыков устной речи по темам, связанным с научно-исследовательской работой магистрантов: Field of Science and Research, Research Problem, Problems, Methods, Results and Conclusions of Current Research, Conference Participation. Каждая часть включает активную лексику по обсуждаемой тематике, отобранную с учётом частотности её употребления. Лексика раздела закрепляется в упражнениях, способствующих развитию и совершенствованию навыков как диалогической, так и монологической речи. В заключении каждой из двух частей методических рекомендаций учащимся предлагаются итоговые задания, которые представляют собой ситуации для моделирования в письменной или устной форме.
Данные методические рекомендации призваны помочь магистрантам налаживать научные и профессиональные связи с целью обмена опытом и продолжения обучение в условиях академической мобильности.
1. Formal Letter Structure:
1. Sender’s address.
2. Date.
3. Receiver’s name, title and address.
4. Salutation.
5. Body text.
6. Complimentary close.
7. Name and title of the sender
95 New Edition Road Cambridge CB 2 RU United Kingdom (1) 7 October 2011 (2) Secretary Hall School of Design 39 Beaumont Street London W 44 LJ United Kingdom (3) Dear Sir, (4) I should be grateful if you would send me information about the regulations for admission to the Hall School of Design. Could you also tell me whether the School arranges accommodation for students? (5) Yours faithfully, (6) (signature) Keith Parker (7) |
In English letters different types of salutations are used:
Dear Sirs, - письмо адресовано компании в целом
Dear Sir, - письмо адресовано мужчине.
Dear Mr. Brown, - письмо адресуется хорошо знакомому должностному лицу-мужчине.
Dear Madame, - письмо адресуется женщине или девушке.
Dear Mrs. Brown, - письмо адресуется хорошо знакомому должностному лицу-женщине.
Dear Ms. Freizer, - письмо адресуется хорошо знакомому должностному лицу женского пола.
Dear Sir/ Madame, - письмо адресуется должностному лицу и автору письма не известно, мужчине или женщине.
In American business letters we can find a specific type of salutation:
Gentlemen, - письмо адресовано
Dear Sirs, компании
Dear Gentlemen, в целом
Dear Mr. Brown, - письмо адресовано
Dear Mrs. Brown, определенным
Dear Miss Brown, должностным лицам
The body text contains the message of the business letter.
The body of a business letter may include the following elements:
Reference to Dates
1. We refer to your letter of June 6th - Мы ссылаемся на Ваше письмо от 6 июня.
2. Your letter of 20 ult. … - Ваше письмо от 29 числа прошлого месяца…
1. Your telegram dated 25th inst. - Ваша телеграмма, датированная 25 числом текущего месяца
2. The plane will arrive on the 2nd prox. - Самолет прибудет 2 числа следующего месяца
3. of today’s date - от сегодняшнего числа
4. of yesterday’s date - от вчерашнего числа
5. of the same date - от того же числа
Requesting the Answer
1. We should appreciate a prompt reply.
2. A prompt reply would be appreciated.
3. Will you kindly reply to this letter.
3. We should appreciate to receive your prompt reply at your early convenience.
4. In anticipation of your early reply, I remain…
Apologies for a Late Reply
1. I am very sorry to have taken so long in replying to you.
2. Please excuse me for my late reply.
3. I apologize for the delay in replying to your letter.
1. With best wishes (regards).
2. With kind (kindest) regards.
3. With best wishes and regards.
4. With compliments.
5. Thank you once again for …
6. I hope to hear from you soon…
7. We look forward to hearing from you in the nearest future.
8. We look forward to welcoming you in this country.
9. I look forward to the pleasure of seeing you.
1. Study the vocabulary above and translate into Russian.
1). In reply to your letter dated March 10, I wish to inform you that our Council is willing to discuss your proposal.
2). Thank you for the letter of December 19 and for the materials you enclosed with it.
3). On behalf of our University I wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks the receipt of your letter of May 12.
5 May
Smith & Brown Ltd/
12 High Street
London E C 2
Dear Sirs,
We have received your letter of May 4 sent by airmail and thank you for the information you sent to us.
Yours sincerely,
John White
PR Manager
2. Translate into English.
1). Мы получили Ваше письмо, датированное 28 февраля.
2). Подтверждаем получение Вашего письма от 15 мая, за которое мы Вас благодарим.
3). Подтверждаем с благодарностью получение Вашего письма от 20 января, посланного Вами в ответ на наше письмо, датированное 15 января.
4). С настоящим письмом посылаем Вам доклад профессора В. В. Маслова для публикации в сборнике докладов Симпозиума.
5). Подтверждаем с благодарностью получение Вашего письма от 15 ноября с.г. с приложенной к нему копией проекта.
6). Благодарю Вас за письмо от 10 июня с приложенной к нему копией ваших статей.
7). В ответ на Ваше письмо от 10 июня посылаю вам наши последние данные и таблицы, которые, надеюсь, помогут Вам в Вашей работе.
8). Мы напишем Вам немедленно по получении ответа от завода, изготавливающего эти приборы.
3. Correct mistakes in the following dates.
23, February, 2012 | November, 2, 2011 |
20th of July, 2011 | August 12 2011 |
6.4. 2011 | 2011, June 12 |
4. Correct the following letter layout:
Feb. 21, 2011
Assoc. Prof. Smirnov
Department of Physics
Rostov State University
Zorge St. 5
344090 Rostov-on-Don
Dear Dr. Johnson
I wish to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of April 6 and to thank you for sending me the reprints.
V. Smirnov
Yours sincerely (signature)
Letters of Invitation
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend the Jubilee celebration of..
On behalf of the Organizing Committee may I invite you to participate in...
The Institutes of Physics officially invites you to deliver a series of lectures on …
It’s my great pleasure to invite you to make a poster presentation at the 17th International Conference in Hamburg …
Accepting an invitation:
I am delighted to accept an invitation of the American Physical Society to participate in the conference on space research.
I am pleased to accept an invitation to the Congress on Hot Plasma and would like to contribute to the session on plasma instabilities.
Thank you very much for your kind invitation to the symposium on Applied Linguistics and Phonology.
I accept your invitation with great pleasure.
I am pleased to receive your invitation to …
I appreciate very much your invitation to …
Declining an invitation:
Thank you for your invitation to … but I regret that I am unable to accept it as …
I am sorry to decline your kind invitation …
It is with great regret that I have to decline your invitation to …
I regret to inform you that I am not in a position to accept your invitation to…
I regret that I cannot …
I am sorry to inform you that …
1. Read the samples of invitation letters and highlight the common phrases used in such letters. Translate them into Russian.
Letter 1
Dear collegues,
We would like to invite you to attend our conference “ISFD 4 - International Symposium on Ferroic Domains” in Vienna, Austria, March 25-30, 2012. The conference is organized by the Institute for Experimental Physics of the University of Vienna and the Austrian Physical Society.
Our conference will pay for your accommodations, including full board and lodging at the conference hotel during the conference.
Beyond this, the conference organization has no financial responsibility for your stay in Austria.
Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna.
Sincerely yours,
Mark Kreps
Letter 2
Dear Prof. Miles,
It’s a pleasure for me to accept your invitation to participate in the symposium on Semiconductor Device Research to be held in Boston, September 2-4, 2012. The title of my paper is “Some Recent Development in High Power Devices”. This is a review of the latest research data obtained in my laboratory.
I look forward to the meeting in Boston as an opportunity for an exchange of information and ideas.
Sincerely yours,
Aleksey Volkov
2. Write a letter inviting Prof. Haus to participate in the conference on …. Inform Prof. Haus about the conference, which will be held in …, September 15-21 of the next year.
3. Write a letter in which you:
a) thank the Organizing Committee for inviting you to participate in the conference;
b) give the title of your poster paper;
c) ask about the program and the deadline for submitting abstracts.
4. Write a letter in which you:
a) express gratitude for the invitation to …;
b) express your regret for declining the invitation because of some circumstances.
Letters of Request
A request usually consists of a request phrase, a reason for the request and an expression of gratitude.
Making a request:
Please acknowledge the receipt of the following publication …
Could you inform me about the scientific program in more detail?
I would appreciate further details of the symposium program.
I would very much appreciate information about accommodation, travel and living expenses and the terms of financing them.
I would like to ask you to …
Could you please …?
I would appreciate it very much if you could …
I would be very grateful to you if you could …
Would it be possible for you to …?
Replying to a request:
A. I am happy to be of help/ assistance to you.
I am pleased that I can offer you this help.
If I can be of any further help please do not hesitate to contact me/ to let me know at once.
If you require further information on …, I will be happy to help you …
I am glad that I can help you in this matter.
B. I very much regret/ I am sorry that I am unable to help you in any way.
Unfortunately I am unable to …
I am very sorry that I cannot …
I must apologize to you for …
1. Read the samples of requests and highlight the common phrases used in such letters. Translate them into Russian.
Letter 1
Dear Prof. Neverov,
I would be pleased to accept a 200-word abstract of your article for publishing in “Sociological Review”.
We are looking forward to receiving your abstract as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Corn
Letter 2
Dear Professor Brown,
I have received your letter of May 12 requesting a contribution to Psychological Review. I am extremely grateful for your kind invitation. However, I am afraid I shall have to decline it, as only a small part of my work covers the subjects your journal deals with.
I express my regret once again.
Yours sincerely,
Sean Din
2. Write a letter asking Dr. … to supply you with the recent experimental data/ research data on …. Explain why you need these data.
3. Write a letter in which you:
a) acknowledge the receipt of the letter (date);
b) respond to the request in a favourable way;
c) offer your help if it is needed in the future.
Letters of Thanks
On receiving invitations, papers books or valuable information you should send a letter of thanks, gratitude or appreciation to acknowledge their receipt.
We are glad/ pleased to receive your letter of …
It was a great pleasure to receive your letter of …
It is so kind of you to send me …
I am much obliged to you for sending me …
Thank you so much for …
1. Read the sample of a letter of thanks and highlight the common phrases used in such letters. Translate it into Russian.
Dear Prof. Maslov,
It was a pleasure to receive your letter of October 15. Thank you for sending me your book. It is of great help for me. Please give my best regards to your son.
Hoping to see you at the Congress in London.
Yours sincerely,
Helen Crow
2. Write a letter in which you:
a) acknowledge the receipt of the letter of (date);
b) express your gratitude to Dr. … for an invitation to the conference to be held;
c) express hope to meet him at the conference.
Resume/ Curriculum Vitae
Study the examples of a resume and a CV carefully and write a resume or a CV of your own.
The following expressions will be helpful too:
I developed; I created; I took responsibility for; I managed; I devised; I controlled; I initiated; I worked for; I negotiated.
E-mail Style
E-mail letters are less formal in style than ordinary business letters.
E-mails do not necessarily contain all the elements important for business letters. So e-mails are usually shorter and it takes less time to compile and send them. The e-mail language is much closer to spoken English than traditional business correspondence style. But the point is the e-mail sender has a free hand to choose the style and form of his message.
Information about the sender and the receiver (addressee) appears at the top in special frame – so the writer doesn’t have to use traditional greetings. Mr Black, Dear Peter, Peter are all acceptable ways of starting an e-mail. It is easy to sound abrupt in an e-mail, so a short greeting can help to lighten the tone.
As e-mails are designed for speed, they usually avoid the formal expressions used in letters, and people very often do not write in complete or grammatically correct sentences using abbreviations and industry jargon.
E-mails usually contain fewer fixed expressions and are less formal than business letters. Nevertheless it is still very helpful for clarity if they are divided into paragraphs. Your message should be short to fit on one screen, whenever possible, thus keeping all important information visible at once. But don’t be so brief that your meaning is lost and your approach seems unprofessional. Be sure your message is easy to answer. Ask questions that can be given a one word response, but don’t give lengthy instructions.
You can end you e-mail with:
To people you know well, you can end with:
People often sign their e-mail with their first name.
1. Don’t type everything in capitals. (People may think you are shouting).
2. Limit the length to 65-70 characters.
3. Think carefully about what you write – it is a written record, not a telephone call!
4. Don’t waste bandwidth – what you write should be to-the-point.
5. Warn the recipient if you want to attach a large file.
6. Write descriptive subjects lines so the receiver knows what to expect.
7. When replying, don’t quote back the whole message – delete the excess.
8. When forwarding a message, put any comments you have on the top.
9. Don’t overuse acronyms, smileys or Internet expressions – not everyone will know what you are talking about.
10. Use a spell checker or be sure of your spelling.
11. Read through your e-mail before sending it – it may be informal but you still have to be clear and concise.
2. Find the definitions for the words in the box.
control panel – network – hyperlink – web browser – offline – operating system – download – applet – search engine – web site – book marking – online – message board – mailing list – newsgroup – chat site |
a). A type of software that enables your computer to load and display pages in a web site.
b). A special web site that enables conversation between people on the same site at the same time.
c). Working on a computer without a “live” connection to the Internet.
d). A set of tools to look up system features and change the setting.
e). A service that collects messages and broadcasts them to a specific group of people by e-mail.
f). An easy way to find page you liked again.
g). An Internet discussion group about a particular topic.
h). A word or a graphic which, when licked with a mouse, pens up a new Web page or pert of the same page.
i). A special kind of Web site used to search for a topic.
j). A small program in your Web browser to provide interactive or animated content.
k). The software which manages the software.
l). Working on a computer that currently has a “live” connection to the Internet.
m) A collection of pages with text, pictures, moving images and sound to describe an organization/ service etc.
n). A page on a Web site use to display a topic or a question to which anyone can respond.
o). Put information/ a program from the Internet onto your computer.
p). Computers joined together by cables and software.
3. Rewrite the following extracts from business letters as e-mails using the words and expressions in the box.
Sorry about … Bad news: … Could you do me a favour and …? Got your message on … Sorry, but I can’t make … Best wishes Good news from Shall I…? If you have any questions, let me know. Following … About … Are we still OK for …? I’m sending you … as an attachment. Thanks. Speak to you soon. Please … See you … |
Dear Mr Brown, Thank you for your letter of June 17th. Unfortunately, I shall be unable to attend the meeting on the 25th. I would appreciate it if you could send me a copy of the minutes. Yours sincerely, Tom Grant |
I regret to inform you that the board turned down your proposal. I would like to apologize for not getting back to you sooner on this, but I’ve been in London all week. |
I am writing to confirm our appointment on October 8th. My flight gets in about 11 a m. With regard to my presentation on the 9th, could you make the necessary arrangements? I enclose the list of the equipment I will need. I look forward to meeting you next week. Sylvia Wright |
Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I would be grateful if you could send me a full description of the problem and I will pass t on to our technical department. Thank you for taking the time to do this. If I can be of any further assistance, please do contact me again. I look forward to hearing from you. |
4. Make the massage below simpler and clearer by deleting as many unnecessary words as possible without changing the meaning.
From: Brian Huxbury brian_huxbury@megabook.com
Date: Monday, July 7, 2008 10.50
To: Otto Nugen ottonugen@bergman.com
Cc: Jonas Kamprad
Subject: Fact finding trip to B&C (France)
Dear Mr Nugen,
On behalf of myself and my colleague, Karen Sharpe, may I take this opportunity to thank you and your team once again for your kind hospitality during our brief stay in Paris. Karen and I both felt that the two-hour meeting we had with you at your headquarters last week was, no doubt, a great success, and we very much look forward to discussing our ideas with you in much more detail than we were able in that extremely short but highly productive meeting.
I am sure you will be pleased to know that I passed on your valuable comments to our Managing Director, Diane Lee, and she assures me that she will certainly be in contact with you over the next couple of weeks or so. In the meantime, let me just say that it was a very great pleasure meeting you, your managers and enthusiastic staff and exploring the possibilities of some kind of a joint venture between us in the not too distant future.
With my very best wishes,
Brian Huxbury, Senior Product Manager, Thermoflex (UK)
Active Vocabulary
to do/ to carry on/ to carry out/ to conduct research
to contribute to/ to make a contribution to
to influence/ to affect/ to have an effect on/ upon
to study/ to make studies/ to investigate/ to explore
to put forward an idea
to suggest an idea/ a theory/ a hypothesis
to advance/ to develop/ to modify a theory
to predict/ to forecast/ to foresee
to accumulate knowledge
field of science/ research
a new area of research
current branch/ field of research
latest/ recent achievements/ developments/ advances
a (an) outstanding/ prominent/ world-known scientist/ researcher
A. Answer the questions:
1. What is your field of science/ research?
2. What are the current issues in your field of science/ research?
3. Have new areas of research appeared in recent years?
4. What is your particular area of research?
5. What are the latest achievements in your field of science/ research?
6. Have many fundamental discoveries been made in your field of science/ research?
7. Can you name some outstanding researches in your field of science? What contributions have they made?
8. Do achievements in your branch of research influence everyday life? In what way?
9. What further developments can you predict in your field of science?
B. Complete the sentences which contain the words from the Active Vocabulary. Speak about your field of research.
1. I do research in the field of …
2. It is the science/ a comparatively new branch of science that studies …
3. The field of science/ research that I’m concerned with gathers knowledge about …
4. Major developments include advances in …
5. Remarkable advances have been made in …
6. The branches of science contributing a lot to the progress in my field of research are …
7. My current field of research is …
8. It’s difficult/ not difficult to foresee/ forecast/ predict …
C. Work in pairs. Ask for and give information on your field of research.
Research Problem
Active Vocabulary
to be due to
to arise from
to increase considerably
to be the subject of special/ particular interest
to be studied comprehensively/ thoroughly/ extensively
to be only outlined
to be concerned with/ to be engaged in the problem of
to deal with/ to consider the problem of
to be interested in
to be of great/ little/ no interest/ importance/ significance/ value/ use
to take up the problem
to work on the problem
to follow/ to stick to the theory/ hypothesis/ concept
to postulate
to differ/ to be different from
a lot of/ little/ no literature is available on the problem
the reason for the interest in the problem is …
A. Answer the questions:
1. What is your research problem?
2. What is of special interest in the problem of your research?
3. What is the subject of your research?
4. Why has the interest in this problem increased considerably in recent years?
5. Do you follow/ stick to any theory/ hypothesis/ concept? What is it?
6. What concept is your research based on?
7. How does your research differ from other studies of the same problem?
8. Is there much literature available on your research problem?
9. Is your research problem described comprehensively/ thoroughly/ extensively in literature?
10. What are the main aspects of the problem that have been considered?
B. Complete the sentences which contain the words from the Active Vocabulary. Speak about your research problem.
1. At present/ now/ currently I am studying the problem of …
2. The problem I am studying is concerned with …
3. There is a lot of/ little/ no literature on the problem of …
4. The literature available on the problem only outlines/ thoroughly/ extensively describes such aspects as …
5. In solving our problem we follow the hypothesis that …
C. Act out the situation. Two students are taking part in an international conference. There they get acquainted and talk about their research fields and research problems.
Active Vocabulary
purpose/ aim/ objective/ goal/ target
a method/ a technique/ a procedure
detection/ identification/ observation
measurement/ calculation/ computation/ approximation
consideration/ generalization/ deduction/ assumption
modelling/ simulation
advantages/ merits
disadvantages/ shortcomings/ limitations
accurate/ precise
accuracy/ precision
reliable/ valid/ conventional/ effective/ useful/ valuable
data/ results/ method
to make an experiment/ analysis
to reveal/ to find/ to confirm/ to prove evidence
to study/ to examine
to collect data
to refine the results
to create
to improve
to work out/ to develop/ to design
to verify/ to check
to approve/ tp disapprove an assumption
to use/ to employ/ to apply
to allow/ to permit/ to provide
to have much promise/ to be promising
to come into use
A. Answer the questions:
1. What is the subject of your current research?
2. What is the purpose of your research?
3. What method do you employ? Why?
4. What are the advantages of the method you use over other methods and techniques?
5. Is this method only now coming into use? Is it new?
6. What does the method consist in? What operations does it include?
7. Do you find the method reliable? Why?
8. How long has your current research been under way?
9. How much time will it take you to your research successfully?
B. Complete the sentences with the words from the Active Vocabulary. Speak about the purpose of your current research and the method you use.
1. Currently I ……
2. I make this set of experiments/ analyses in order to …
3. The purpose of my experiment/ analysis is to …
4. We undertake a set/ series of experiments hoping to …
5. In our current research we … the method of …
6. The method/ technique allows/ permits … to …
7. The method/ technique makes it possible to …
8. This is, without doubt, the most … and … method.
9. The method proves to be …
C. Act out the situation. Two students/ colleagues meet at a conference. They talk about their current research, expressing interest in its purpose, and describe the methods used.
Active Vocabulary
results/ findings/ data/ observations/ evidence
comprehensive/ extensive
remarkable/ encouraging/ convincing
sufficient/ insufficient
to collect/ to get/ to receive/ to obtain data
to treat the problem
to succeed in/ to make progress in/ to be a success
to fail in
to be similar to/ to be the same as
to be consistent with/ to coincide
to agree with/ to fit the assumption
to support/ to provide support/ in support of
to reach an understanding/ to come to an understanding
to conclude/ to come to/ to bring to a conclusion/ to make conclusions
A. Answer the questions:
1. Have you already obtained any research results?
2. What are the main results of your current research?
3. Has your research been successful?
4. Have you succeeded in receiving extensive data?
5. Do your research data agree with the theory you follow?
6. Do your results coincide with those obtained by other researches?
7. Are the results of purely theoretical or practical interest?
8. Do your research results appear to be of both theoretical and practical importance?
9. Are the data/ observations you have obtained sufficient to formulate your final conclusions?
10. What part of your research is/ remains still unfinished?
11. Do the data/ results/ observations/ findings allow you to come to any definite conclusion?
12. What conclusions have you come to?
13. How long will it take you to finish your research?
B. Complete the sentences with the words from the Active Vocabulary. Speak about your research results and conclusions.
1. The research has been underway for a year and I’ve got …
2. At present a lot of work if being done to …
3. The results we have … so far cannot be used to …
4. Unfortunately, we have failed to … but succeeded in …
5. The findings prove to …
6. The evidence appears to …
7. As a result of numerous experiments performed we have obtained sufficient data to …
8. Most of our research findings are consistent with …
9. We have come to the conclusion that …
C. Act out the situations:
1. You have a poster report/ a presentation at the conference. Another participant is interested in your topic. Tell him about the main points of your research, present the results obtained and give a short explanation of the main findings.
2. You are interested in your colleague’s research and his latest findings. Ask him about the difficulties he has had in carrying out his research and about the progress he has made.
Active Vocabulary
a meeting/ a session
a plenary meeting/ the opening ceremony
a chairman/ a chairwoman/ a chairperson
to call upon someone/ to give the floor to someone
to set up/ to fix the time limit
to break the time limit
to call attention to the time limit
to stimulate discussion
to ask smb a question
to call for questions
a speaker
to submit abstracts/ to present papers/ to present poster reports
to take part in/ to participate in/ to attend a conference
to take the floor
to stick/ to keep to the point
to digress from the subject
to have a good/ poor knowledge of English
to find the knowledge of English adequate/ inadequate
to find English hard to follow
to fail to understand reports/ questions in English
A. Answer the questions:
1. Have you ever participated in international conferences/ symposia/ congresses?
2. When did you last take part in a conference?
3. Where was the conference held?
4. What problems were considered and discussed?
5. How many participants attended the conference/ session/ workshop?
6. Which reports attracted general attention?
7. Whose report was of particular interest?
8. What problem did it deal with?
9. Did you present a paper at the conference?
10. Were you given the floor?
11. Was the time limit fixed?
12. Did you find your English sufficient/ adequate to participate in the international conference?
13. Do you think you have a good/ poor knowledge of English?
14. Did you find the speakers’ English hard to follow?
15. Why is it necessary/ important for a scientist to know foreign languages?
B. Complete the sentences with the words from the Active Vocabulary.
1. Every year conferences … in our university.
2. This year I … in the conference which was held …
3. I had to … the abstracts covering the problem of …
4. The time limit was … and I had ten minutes to …
5. My report … the problem which … much attention.
6. Of … interest were reports presented by X and Y.
7. I … in understanding English, because I find my English …
C. Act out the situation. Your fellow-student has never participated in a conference. He is eager to know about your experience. Tell him what the most difficult thing for you was and what you enjoyed the most.
Presenting a Paper
Active Vocabulary
to present a paper
to do research
to discuss in detail
to note the difference
to remind of
to begin/ to finish with
to emphasize
to point out
to give an explanation of
to draw a conclusion
in contrast with
Speech Patterns
The Body of the Paper
According to this theory …
After this, I need/ it remains only to say that …
Again, I want to emphasize that …
It should be emphasized that …
It should be pointed out that …
Let me give you my explanation of …
Let me now turn to ….
Let us have a closer look at …
Let us imagine that …
Let us suppose that …
On the contrary …
On the one hand …, on the other hand …
Primarily …
This in turn implies …
This is particularly true for …
A. Before doing your oral presentation read the following recommendations:
Giving the Presentation
1. Have everything ready. Don’t spend tine collecting possessions and getting them in order when it’s time for you to speak.
2. Walk to the front of the room confidently, put your notes on the lectern and start.
3. Don’t apologize for anything.
4. Make eye contact with the audience. Don’t just look at your notes or at the wall.
5. Do not read! It’s really boring.
6. Be enthusiastic about your topic.
7. When you finish, collect your possessions quickly and sit down.
B. Answer the questions:
1. What is the topic of the paper you are going to present?
2. Why are you interested in this particular topic?
3. Do you always prepare the presentations?
4. What recommendations for making oral presentation do you find the most helpful?
5. Which ones do you always follow?
Act out the situation. Your paper has been accepted by the Organizing Committee. Today you are given the floor to present your research data. The time limit is six minutes. Make your presentation.
1. James O. Lester Writing Research Papers. A Complete Guide. 7th edition. Harper Collins Publishers, 1995.
2. Антонов О. И. Деловое письмо на английском языке. Практическое пособие. Тверь, 1992.
3. Васильева Л. Деловая переписка на английском языке. М., 2015.
4. Мёрдок-Стерн С. Общение на английском языке: факс, e-mail, деловая переписка. М., 2005.
5. Письменная О. А. Английский для офиса. М., 2006.
6. Пичкова Л. Деловой английский. М., 2005.
7. Сафроненко О. И., Макарова Ж. И., Малащенко М. В. Английский язык для магистров и аспирантов естественных факультетов университетов. М., 2005.
8. Сдобников В.В., Селяев А.В. Деловая документация на английском языке. Составление и перевод. Н. Новгород, 1993.
Английский язык
Методические рекомендации по развитию письменной и устной речи для магистрантов
Издательство «Ивановский государственный университет»
Составитель: кандидат филологических наук, доцент Лаврентьева Н.Г.
Данные методические рекомендации предназначены для магистрантов и имеют своей целью обучение устной и письменной научной речи.
Раздел «Writing» включает справочный материал, рекомендации, образцы написания и ведения научной корреспонденции, а также различные упражнения и задания коммуникативного характера. Раздел «Speaking» имеет целью развитие и активное закрепление навыков устной речи по темам, связанным с научно-исследовательской работой магистрантов.
В заключении учащимся предлагаются итоговые задания, которые представляют собой ситуации для моделирования в письменной или устной форме.
Печатается по решению методической комиссии
факультета романо-германской филологии
Ивановского государственного университета
Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английского
языка Маякина М. А.
© Лаврентьева Н.Г., составление, 2017
Изучение иностранных языков в вузе является неотъемлемой составной частью подготовки специалистов различного профиля, которые в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта должны достичь уровня владения иностранным языком, позволяющим им продолжить обучение и вести профессиональную деятельность в иноязычной среде.
Настоящие материалы предназначены для магистрантов, обучающихся на второй ступени высшего профессионального образования и имеют своей целью обучение магистрантов устной и письменной научной речи, то есть развитие и совершенствование таких видов речевой деятельности, как письмо и говорение. В основу методических материалов положены принципы коммуникативной направленности и взаимосвязанного обучения видам речевой деятельности на иностранном языке.
Пособие состоит из двух частей «Writing» и «Speaking». Раздел «Writing» включает справочный материал, рекомендации, образцы написания и ведения научной корреспонденции (писем-запросов, писем- ответов, писем-приглашений, писем-просьб, писем- благодарностей, резюме, электронных писем), а также различные упражнения и задания, которые помогут магистрам овладеть навыками ведения научной и деловой корреспонденции. Раздел «Speaking», состоящий из шести частей, имеет целью развитие и активное закрепление навыков устной речи по темам, связанным с научно-исследовательской работой магистрантов: Field of Science and Research, Research Problem, Problems, Methods, Results and Conclusions of Current Research, Conference Participation. Каждая часть включает активную лексику по обсуждаемой тематике, отобранную с учётом частотности её употребления. Лексика раздела закрепляется в упражнениях, способствующих развитию и совершенствованию навыков как диалогической, так и монологической речи. В заключении каждой из двух частей методических рекомендаций учащимся предлагаются итоговые задания, которые представляют собой ситуации для моделирования в письменной или устной форме.
Данные методические рекомендации призваны помочь магистрантам налаживать научные и профессиональные связи с целью обмена опытом и продолжения обучение в условиях академической мобильности.
1. Formal Letter Structure:
1. Sender’s address.
2. Date.
3. Receiver’s name, title and address.
4. Salutation.
5. Body text.
6. Complimentary close.
7. Name and title of the sender
95 New Edition Road Cambridge CB 2 RU United Kingdom (1) 7 October 2011 (2) Secretary Hall School of Design 39 Beaumont Street London W 44 LJ United Kingdom (3) Dear Sir, (4) I should be grateful if you would send me information about the regulations for admission to the Hall School of Design. Could you also tell me whether the School arranges accommodation for students? (5) Yours faithfully, (6) (signature) Keith Parker (7) |
In English letters different types of salutations are used:
Dear Sirs, - письмо адресовано компании в целом
Dear Sir, - письмо адресовано мужчине.
Dear Mr. Brown, - письмо адресуется хорошо знакомому должностному лицу-мужчине.
Dear Madame, - письмо адресуется женщине или девушке.
Dear Mrs. Brown, - письмо адресуется хорошо знакомому должностному лицу-женщине.
Dear Ms. Freizer, - письмо адресуется хорошо знакомому должностному лицу женского пола.
Dear Sir/ Madame, - письмо адресуется должностному лицу и автору письма не известно, мужчине или женщине.
In American business letters we can find a specific type of salutation:
Gentlemen, - письмо адресовано
Dear Sirs, компании
Dear Gentlemen, в целом
Dear Mr. Brown, - письмо адресовано
Dear Mrs. Brown, определенным
Dear Miss Brown, должностным лицам
The body text contains the message of the business letter.
The body of a business letter may include the following elements:
Acknowledgement of the receipt of a letter
1. We have received your letter of May 15th.
2. We thank you for the letter dated…
3. In reply to your letter of …
4. We acknowledge your letter of …
5. This is to acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of …
Reference to Dates
1. We refer to your letter of June 6th - Мы ссылаемся на Ваше письмо от 6 июня.
2. Your letter of 20 ult. … - Ваше письмо от 29 числа прошлого месяца…
1. Your telegram dated 25th inst. - Ваша телеграмма, датированная 25 числом текущего месяца
2. The plane will arrive on the 2nd prox. - Самолет прибудет 2 числа следующего месяца
3. of today’s date - от сегодняшнего числа
4. of yesterday’s date - от вчерашнего числа
5. of the same date - от того же числа
Requesting the Answer
1. We should appreciate a prompt reply.
2. A prompt reply would be appreciated.
3. Will you kindly reply to this letter.
3. We should appreciate to receive your prompt reply at your early convenience.
4. In anticipation of your early reply, I remain…
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