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Сжатая аннотация (одно предложение)

2017-09-30 436
Сжатая аннотация (одно предложение) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Devlin believes the benefits of computers in education claimed by the technological optimists are wildly overrated in that equal access on the Internet is not a reality; that finding relevant and reliable information is tedious and time-consuming; that distance learning assumes an unrealistic learner; and that pornography, commercialism, "surfing," and social isolation are not consistent with the goals of education.


Детальная аннотация


Dudley Erskine Devlin writes his own commentary of computer technology on the rise in "Computers and Education in America." While all the optimists out there push the movement of Websites and constantly flash e-mail addresses on all advertising promising simplicity for our hectic lives and education for our children, Devlin retorts by saying, "In short, the much balleyhooed promise of computers for education has yet to be realized." He believes that finding

information and retrieving it from the Internet is long and tedious. The Internet is cluttered by commercialism, claims Devlin. He also points out how the information might be false when found. He believes claims that the Internet is democratic are false. The personal computer eats money and that plus the cost of Internet bills is too much for families. Although the Internet has nearly 20 million sites, there are not enough mentoring programs to lead students through the Internet. Besides, according to Devlin, kids will always prefer the TV and their friends over cyberspace. Even if kids were on the Internet they would be surrounded by commercialism and pornography. Finally, in the words of Dudley Erskine Devlin, "The cult of computers is still an empty promise for most students."


Описывая детальную аннотацию, мы затронули вопрос структуре: из каких частей состоит аннотация и какую информацию она включает. В самом общем виде структуру аннотации можно представить следующим образом:


· библиографическое описание (автор статьи / книги, номер тома или издания, место издания, количество страниц, иллюстраций);


· общие сведения (сжатая характеристика) материала;

· дополнительные сведения (о работе и его авторе).


Более прагматически ориентированные западные коллеги отказываются от


абстракций и предлагают шаблон, который не только повторяет приведенную выше структуру аннотации, но и предлагает всем, осваивающим жанр аннотации, схему, по которой можно составлять собственные аннотации, следуя строгой структуре и используя вполне


конкретное языковое наполнение [ http://homepage.smc.edu/reading_lab/writing_a_summary.htm ]:


In "Title of the Piece" (source and date of piece), author shows that: central idea of the piece. The author supports the main idea by using _____________________


and showing that





Приведем в качестве примера аннотации к разным типам текстов, чтобы убедиться, что указанный шаблон работает:





In the short story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," author James Thurber humorously presents a character who fantasizes about himself as a hero enduring incredibly challenging circumstances. In his real life, Walter Mitty lives an ordinary, plain life; he is a husband under the control of an overbearing, critical wife. Thurber uses lively dialogue to give readers an understanding of Mitty's character. The story takes place over a period of about twenty minutes; during this brief time, Mitty drives his wife to the hairdresser and runs errands that his wife has given him while he waits for her. In between his worrying that he is not doing

what she wants him to do, he daydreams about himself as a great surgeon, brilliant repair technician, expert marksman, and brave military captain. This story shows that fantasy is often a good alternative to reality.




In Someone Is Stealing Your Life (The LA Weekly, 26 Jan. 1990), Michael Ventura argues that American workers are being treated as slaves, and calls on employers to value the contribution of workers to the success of companies. For the majority of Americans, the ideal that the individual is free to find his or her own happiness is an illusion. Employees have no control over any aspect of their work and the living standards that they are able to achieve by working have declined. Those who wish to control their working lives do so by becoming employers, but in order to become profitable, they have to exploit their workers to the full. The author accepts that successful entrepreneurs deserve high rewards for their hard work and the risks they have taken. He also recognizes the role played by investors. However, he argues that the success of a company derives from the hard work of the employees as well. They deserve to share in the rewards and they should also be involved in major company decisions since these affect their lives. The author asserts that his view is worth of consideration because it is based on his experience in a variety of lower paid jobs, not on academic study.





"Their War": The Perspective of the South Vietnamese Military in Their Own Words


Author: Julie Pham (UCB participant in UC Day 2001)


Despite the vast research by Americans on the Vietnam War, little is known about the perspective of South Vietnamese military, officially called the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF). The overall image that emerges from the literature is negative: lazy, corrupt, unpatriotic, apathetic soldiers with poor fighting spirits. This study recovers some of the South Vietnamese military perspective for an American audience through qualititative interviews with 40 RVNAF veterans now living in San José, Sacramento, and Seattle, home to three of the top five largest Vietnamese American communities in the nation. An analysis of these interviews yields the veterans' own explanations that complicate and sometimes even challenge three widely held assumptions about the South Vietnamese military: 1) the RVNAF was rife with corruption at the top ranks, hurting the morale of the lower ranks; 2) racial relations between the South Vietnamese military and the Americans were tense and hostile; and 3) the RVNAF was apathetic in defending South Vietnam from communism. The stories add nuance to our understanding of who the South Vietnamese were in the Vietnam

War. This study is part of a growing body of research on non-American perspectives of the war. In using a largely untapped source of Vietnamese history &endash; oral histories with Vietnamese immigrants &endash; this project will contribute to future research on similar topics.


Качественная аннотация должна давать объективное представление об аннотируемом источнике, т.е. должна отвечать на следующие вопросы: Кто что где и когда сделал? Какова главная идея текста? Какие доводы и доказательства приводит автор в защиту своей точки зрения?. При составлении аннотации необходимо руководствоваться следующими правилами:


· излагать сжатое содержание первоисточника своими словами;


· избегать оценочных суждений и критики аннотируемого текста, выражения собственного мнения о прочитанном;


· избегатьненужных и неуместных деталей, примеров из первоисточника;


· включать цитаты из оригинального текста только в том случае, если на это есть веская причина.


Подготовка к написанию аннотации и сам процесс включают несколько этапов. Опишем их в качестве руководства к действию:

· Прочитайте текст, на который собираетесь писать аннотацию.

· Перечитайте текст и разделите его на части согласно рассматриваемым


в нем идеям, положениям; дайте каждой части название; подчеркните ключевые слова и словосочетания.


· Напишите по одному предложению в качестве краткого содержания каждой части.


· Сформулируйте центральную идею, которая объединяет вместе все предложения, представляющие краткое изложение отдельных частей.


· Напишите черновую версию аннотации в соответствии с принятой структурой.


· Отредактируйте черновой вариант; уберите все ненужные детали; исключите повторы.

· Перепишите или напечатайте окончательный вариант аннотации.


При написании аннотации рекомендуется использовать широкий спектр слов, позволяющих передать мнение, утверждения и мысли автора первоисточника. Приведем примеры некоторых из них:


provides an explanation / solid evidence / description carries out an exploration / research / experiment


puts a lot of emphasis / gives emphasis to / underlines / highlights / stresses gives a description


puts forward a theory / advance / propose

goes into the causes

sets out to prove that


casts doubt on the previous research

According to X,

In X’s opinion,

In X’s view,














points out




states [Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners 2002; McCarthy,O’Dell 2008].


Еще раз напомним, что обязательным требованием к аннотации является объективность передачи содержания первоисточника, поэтому следует с осторожностью относиться к использованию прилагательных, выражающих оценку. Рекомендуется по возможности избегать употребления следующих прилагательных: positive, good, strong, conservative, hard, easy, interesting /


negative, bad, weak, liberal, difficult, funny, well-supported [ http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/documents/standsum/pop2a.cfm ].


Использованные источники


Валеева Н.Г. Введение в переводоведение: Курс лекций. – М: Изд-во РУДН, 2006.


MacCarthy M., O’Dell F. Academic Vocabulary in Use: 50 Units of Academic

Vocabulary Reference and Practice. – Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (MEDAL). International

Students Edition: over 100,000 references. – Oxford: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc,








http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/documents/standsum/pop2a.cfm http://darwin.bio.uci.edu/~sustain/Abstract.html


http://www.sccur.uci.edu/sampleabstracts.html http://writingcenter.unc.edu/resources/handouts-demos/specific-writing-assignments/abstracts


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