Match the words to make 16 phrases. — КиберПедия 

Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

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Match the words to make 16 phrases.

2017-08-26 165
Match the words to make 16 phrases. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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        1 particular 2 purchase on 3 form a 4 cyber 5 lose 6 pay a 7 reveal the 8 key 9 growing 10 violate a 11 abuse one’s 12 be 13 tough 14 financial 15 free 16 pop-up a position b prosecuted c defender d transaction e criminal community f trial g number h logger i dignity j action k fine l window m application n information o punishment p policy


Write the missing words instead of the numbers in brackets.


a Before the internet, criminals dug (1) people’s trash or intercept their mail to steal their personal information.

b Nowadays criminals also use the internet to steal people’s identities, hack (2) their accounts, trick them into revealing the information, or infect their devices (3) malware.

c Large organized crime groups also take advantage (4) the internet.

d It’s very difficult to crack (5) on cyber criminals because the internet makes it easier for people to do things anonymously and (6) any location (7) the globe.

e Fast Flux is moving data quickly among the computers in a botnet to make it difficult to trace the source (8) malware or phishing websites.

f Skimmers are devices that steal credit card information when the card is swiped (9) them. This can happen in stores or restaurants when the card is (10) (11) the owner’s view, and frequently the credit card information is then sold online through a criminal community.

g Most cyber criminals will target home computers rather than trying to break (12) a big institution’s network because it’s much easier.

h Punishments range from paying a large fine to going to jail for up to 20 years, depending (13) the seriousness of the crime and how much damage the hacker has done.

i It’s important that you report cyber crimes, like spam, so that the criminals behind them can be prosecuted and fined (14) the law.

j A computer virus attaches itself (15) a programme or file.

k A Trojan horse is full of as much trickery as the mythological Trojan Horse it was named (16).






Read and translate the following topics.

Discuss them in small groups.


1 Criminals use the internet to commit a cyber crime.

2 Cyber crimes and the punishment go hand in hand.

3 The words Trojan horse, worm and virus are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same thing.

4 There are different types of software.





Write an essay (10-15 sentences) about one of the threats a security specialist deals with.



9 The following sentences are in the active voice. Change them into the passive voice.

1 My mother will punish me.

2 The children are studying grammar.

3 I had finished my homework.

4 They called off the match.

5 Mrs Smith teaches us English.

6 You must switch off the lights.

7 I must finish this assignment.

8 The children ate the ice cream.

9 The painter created a beautiful painting.

10 Mr Johnson has filed the papers properly.


10 Change the following sentences into the active or the passive voice as appropriate.

1 The poet wrote a nice poem.

2 My camera has been stolen.

3 My dress is ruined!

4 Trespassers will be prosecuted.

5 No smoking.

6 Keep your city clean.

7 The milk has soured.

8 Please switch on the lights.


11 The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correct word.

First the chicken was take and chopped a) ___________________

It was wash and dried. Salt, chili b) ___________________

powder and curd was add. The chicken c) ___________________

was marinate for one hour. The pieces d) ___________________

were fry in oil. Then it was e) ___________________

cook with milk, chilies and sauces. f) ___________________


12 Put the verb in bracket in the correct active/passive voice & tense.

1 The watch ______ I’ll take it to the watchmaker (break).

2 Someone ______ at you. Do you know him? (look)

3 The stain on my coat ______ (remove).

4 The criminal ______ (catch) yesterday.

5 REM ______ a compilation album (release)

6 This castle ______ in 1639 (build).

7 Mary ______ a nice birthday present (give).

8 These laptops ______ in China (make).

9 The plane ______ (just/ land).

13 Underline the best option:

1 The book was published/published in 2010.

2 My parents will lend/will be lent me some money to buy a new car.

3 It is said/says that some sports involve serious risks.

4 Lots of workers have been made/have made redundant as a result of the crisis.

5 My father was bought/ bought me a CD.

6 Fewer letters are written/write nowadays.

7 The TV presenter has been made/has made lots of mistakes today.

8 Where are you being lived/are you living?

9 My children are liked/like pasta.

10 Emails are sent/send more and more.


14 Rewrite the sentences in the active. When you don’t have a subject use they.

1 A lot of souvenirs are bought by tourists.

2 He has been hit by a car.

3 He has been taken away by the police.

4 I have been woken up by a strange noise.

5 «Romeo and Juliet» was written by Shakespeare.

6 Their house won’t be sold.

7 We weren’t told that there was a strike.


15 All the sentences are in the passive. Read them and correct any verb forms that are incorrect. Tick the correct answers.

1 Our passports were taking by a woman in uniform.

2 Three men were arrested last night when they tried to break into the Museum.

3 Stamps can be buying at the post office.

4 Simon´s car has be stolen from the car park.

5 We have been invited to Helen´s party.

6 The new library won´t be building in the town centre.


16 Rephrase the sentences in two ways. Omit unimportant agents.


Example: The teacher asked them a question.

a) The question was asked by the teacher.

b) They were asked a question.


1 Their mother read them another story.

2 Someone handed the judge a document.

3 He has served us a wonderful meal.

4 They haven’t sent me the message.

5 I will give him a birthday present.

6 They are showing her the photos.



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