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2017-06-19 | 242 |
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the lack of
Examination task № __8__
1. Read, translate the text:
In attempting to develop theories about human society, sociologists face a wide range of choices. What issues
should they choose to study? What facts should they link together to form theories? Question such as this is not
answered in a haphazard fashion; rather, theory building is guided by a general framework that sociologists call a
theoretical paradigm. Following the ideas of George Ritzer (1983) a theoretical paradigm is a fundamental image of
society that suggests what Questions should be asked and how answers produced by research should be interpreted
Although all sociologists make use of one general perspective, they do not all base their work on the same
image of society. Some sociologists emphasize the fact that societies often remain remarkably stable over time; others
focus on social change. Similarly, while some direct attention to ways in which people are united through their
common membership in a single society, others emphasize how society divides people according to sex, race, or social
class. Moreover, while some sociologists define their goal as explaining the operation of society as it exists, others
attempt to encourage what they consider to be desirable social change. Finally, while some sociologists attempt to
address the operation of society as a whole, others find the most interesting questions in the patterns of individual
interaction within specific situations.In short all sociologists do not agree about what the
most interesting or useful questions are. Even when they do agree on the questions, they often disagree on the 374
answers. This does not mean, however, that sociological theory is utter chaos, because sociologists tend to organize
their work by using one or more of three major theoretical paradigms.
2.Translate and make up sentences with….
the lack of
Examination task № __9__
1.Read, translate the text:
In attempting to develop theories about human society, sociologists face a wide range of choices. What issues
should they choose to study? What facts should they link together to form theories? Question such as this is not
answered in a haphazard fashion; rather, theory building is guided by a general framework that sociologists call a
theoretical paradigm. Following the ideas of George Ritzer (1983) a theoretical paradigm is a fundamental image of
society that suggests what Questions should be asked and how answers produced by research should be interpreted
Although all sociologists make use of one general perspective, they do not all base their work on the same
image of society. Some sociologists emphasize the fact that societies often remain remarkably stable over time; others
focus on social change. Similarly, while some direct attention to ways in which people are united through their
common membership in a single society, others emphasize how society divides people according to sex, race, or social
class. Moreover, while some sociologists define their goal as explaining the operation of society as it exists, others
attempt to encourage what they consider to be desirable social change. Finally, while some sociologists attempt to
address the operation of society as a whole, others find the most interesting questions in the patterns of individual
interaction within specific situations.In short all sociologists do not agree about what the
most interesting or useful questions are. Even when they do agree on the questions, they often disagree on the 374
answers. This does not mean, however, that sociological theory is utter chaos, because sociologists tend to organize
their work by using one or more of three major theoretical paradigms.
2.Translate and make up sentences with….
the lack of
Examination task № __10__
1. Read, translate the text:
In attempting to develop theories about human society, sociologists face a wide range of choices. What issues
should they choose to study? What facts should they link together to form theories? Question such as this is not
answered in a haphazard fashion; rather, theory building is guided by a general framework that sociologists call a
theoretical paradigm. Following the ideas of George Ritzer (1983) a theoretical paradigm is a fundamental image of
society that suggests what Questions should be asked and how answers produced by research should be interpreted
Although all sociologists make use of one general perspective, they do not all base their work on the same
image of society. Some sociologists emphasize the fact that societies often remain remarkably stable over time; others
focus on social change. Similarly, while some direct attention to ways in which people are united through their
common membership in a single society, others emphasize how society divides people according to sex, race, or social
class. Moreover, while some sociologists define their goal as explaining the operation of society as it exists, others
attempt to encourage what they consider to be desirable social change. Finally, while some sociologists attempt to
address the operation of society as a whole, others find the most interesting questions in the patterns of individual
interaction within specific situations.In short all sociologists do not agree about what the
most interesting or useful questions are. Even when they do agree on the questions, they often disagree on the 374
answers. This does not mean, however, that sociological theory is utter chaos, because sociologists tend to organize
their work by using one or more of three major theoretical paradigms.
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Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...
Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...
Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...
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