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Контрольная работа №2 по теме: История и культура Санкт-Петербурга

2017-06-12 962
Контрольная работа №2 по теме: История и культура Санкт-Петербурга 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст «The St. Petersburg of Peter the Great» по ссылке: http://www.saint-petersburg.com/history/first-years.asp


During the first few years of St. Petersburg's history, the banks of the Neva saw an amazing transition from a swampy, scarcely populated area to a fine European capital. The first structure to be built in the new city was the Peter and Paul fortress. Although it was originally designed to protect the area from possible attacks by the Swedish army and navy, the fort did not actually take part in any fighting. Just across the River Neva from the fortress Peter built the fortified Admiralty complex, where the most powerful ships of Russia's Baltic Fleet were built. Many of these vessels were to lead Russia to a great series of naval victories during the course of the Northern War. Many of St. Petersburg's street and district names still remind us today of Peter the Great's preparations for war and the great shipbuilding industry he instituted (Liteiny - meaning "the Foundry yard" and Smolny - "the Tar yard", which produced tar for the purposes of shipbuilding, for example).

Tsar Peter the Great's first residence in the city was a small hut, known now as the Cabin of Peter the Great. As the city developed the Tsar commissioned a Summer Palace to be built for him in 1714 and later a Winter Palace, just a little further down the river. Originally there were no bridges crossing the mighty Neva River and people had to be ferried between banks by boat, one of the reasons why St. Petersburg was given the epithet "the Venice of the North".

The heart of the city was originally intended to be the area between the Peter and Paul Fortress and the Cabin of Peter the Great, which later became known as Trinity Square ('Troitskaia Ploschad'). The focal point of this area was the city's first church - the Trinity Church, and around it houses for the local nobility, a Gostiny Dvor (a market for local and visiting merchants) and several inns and bars were built. Most of the city's prestigious social events (receptions, balls, etc.) took place either in the Summer Gardens or in the residence of the Governor General of St. Petersburg - the luxurious Menshikov Palace.

Unfortunately, very few of the city's buildings from the early 18th century have survived, many having been torn down or remodeled. The Kikin House, next to Smolny Cathedral, and the University building of the "Twelve Colleges" on Vasilievsky Island give visitors an approximate impression of what the original city looked like.

When Peter the Great died in 1725, his wife Catherine assumed power and the city experienced a short decline while various rulers fought over the throne. For a short period, in the late 1720s, the royal court was moved back to Moscow. Many of the nobility and merchants, forced by Peter the Great to move to St. Petersburg, now chose to leave the city. St. Petersburg was only fully revived when Peter's daughter Elizabeth became Empress in 1741. Elizabethan St. Petersburg became a lively European capital and its population reached 150,000 people.


Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. Перескажите текст.


1.What was the first construction in St. Petersburg?

2.Why was Peter and Paul’s fortress built?

3.What was Peter the Great's first residence in the city?

4.Where did social events take part?

5.Whose governing the city made it decline for a short period after Peter the Great’s death?

6.When was Saint Petersburg fully revived?


Задание 3. Выпишите значения слов и выражений из словаря.


1.swampy area


3.to protect





8.to commission



11.to survive





16.to revive


Задание 4. В предложениях заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из Задания 3, поставив их в правильную грамматическую форму.


1.The first structure to be built in the new city was the Peter and Paul _________.

2.Many of the _________ of Russia's Baltic Fleet were to lead Russia to a great series of naval _________ during the course of the Northern War.

3.Many of St. Petersburg's street and district names still remind us today of Peter the Great's preparations for war and the great _____________ industry he instituted.

4.As the city developed the Tsar ____________ a Summer Palace to be built for him in 1714 and later a Winter Palace, just a little further down the river.

5.Unfortunately, very few of the city's buildings from the early 18th century have _____________, many having been torn down or remodeled.

6.When Peter the Great died in 1725, his wife Catherine assumed power and the city experienced a short __________ while various __________ fought over the throne.

7.Many of the nobility and __________, forced by Peter the Great to move to St. Petersburg, now chose to leave the city.

8.St. Petersburg was only fully ____________ when Peter's daughter Elizabeth became Empress in 1741.

9.Elizabethan St. Petersburg became a lively European __________ and its population reached 150,000 people.


За дание 5. Подберите антонимы к следующим словам.


1.to protect a. austere

2.victory b. to rise

3.luxurious c. to destroy

4.to survive d. defeat

5.to decline e. peace

6.to build f. to attack

7.war g. to die




Задание 6. Посмотрите видео о Санкт-Петербурге по ссылке http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXHsrLH4UUk

Задание 7. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски словами, подходящими по смыслу.












St.Petersburg’s oldest building is Peter and Paul’s ___________ which dates back to 1703 and was built by Peter the Great to defend the city against the Swedes. The highlight here is the magnificent __________ Peter and Paul _______________ which holds the ____________ of most of Russia’s pre-Revolutionary rulers including Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. Nevsky Prospekt was one of Europe’s grandest _____________ with palaces, squares, bridges and _____________ streets that now house shops, restaurants, banks and museums.

Peterhof was built by Peter the Great in the 18th century. It is the complex of palaces and ___________ gardens built on a grand scale with fountain ___________ and ___________ statues. The central point is the Great Cascade which has over 140 fountains and the statue of Samson opening the lion’s jaw. This statue _________________ Russian’s victory over Sweden in a great Northern war.


Критерии оценивания контрольной работы:


1) Максимальное количество баллов за выполненный перевод 10 баллов выставляется в случае, если:

– перевод текста выполнен точно, перевод эквивалентен по содержанию;

– выбраны оптимальные переводческие решения, перевод текста изложен в соответствии со стилистическими нормами русского языка;

– показаны знания лексики и грамматических структур для адекватного перевода текста.

7 баллов выставляется в том случае, если:

– перевод текста выполнен достаточно точно, но имеются незначительные ошибки - буквальный перевод, неточный подбор эквивалента;

– перевод выполнен в целом в соответствии со стилистическими нормами русского языка, но имеются незначительные погрешности;

– показано достаточное знание лексики и грамматических явлений, необходимых для осуществления перевода текста.

4 балла выставляется в том случае, если:

– при переводе содержание текста в основном передано правильно, но допускались отдельные ошибки, искажающие смысл предложений;

- нарушаются стилистические нормы русского языка;

– показаны недостаточно уверенные навыки использования лексики и грамматических явлений, необходимых для перевода, проявлен недостаточный опыт в различении словарного и контекстуального значения слова.

2) За каждое выполненное задание контрольной работы начисляется 1 балл.

3) Выполненная контрольная работа оценивается следующим образом:

40-44 баллов – отлично (5)

32-39 баллов – хорошо (4)

25-31 баллов – удовлетворительно (3)

ниже 25 – неудовлетворительно (2)

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