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2021-06-24 | 68 |
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Тема урока: «Соседи Нью-Йорка».
Форма работы: индивидуальная, дистанционное обучение.
Тип урока: Урок - путешествие
Цель урока: познакомиться с Нью Йорком и его окрестностями
Основные понятия:
statue of Liberty; city of contrasts; skyscrapers; art and latest fashion district; street life; jazz clubs.
Используемая литература:
Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
Ход урока
1. Организационный этап
Мотивационный модуль. Формулируется тема урока.
What is so special about New York? Is it the Empire State Building? The Statue of Liberty? Madison Avenue? Broadway? Greenwich Village?
2. Основная часть. Объясняющий модуль.
1. Теоретическийматериалдлясамостоятельногоизучения
1.Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-6) with the phrases (A-G). There is one phrase that you do not need to use. Письменно в тетради
New York City Neighbourhoods – Upper West Side
One of the most famous and most frequently visited neighbourhoods in New York is the Upper West Side. It stretches from 59th Street and Central Park West to Riverside Park, and is considered by many to be the most typical Manhattan neighbourhood.
The Upper West Side has had many famous residents in the past, including a member of the Beatles, John Lennon, (1) ___________, a big castle-like structure which borders the west side of Central Park.
With generations of high-profile tenants putting down roots in the Upper West Side, it’s no wonder rents and real estate prices continue to rise! However, bear in mind the benefits of living in this charming neighbourhood. Elegant buildings, (2) ___________, line the quiet streets and house the city’s rich, intellectual and creative community. Many people are attracted by the suburban feel of the area, and it is especially popular with families, young professionals and actors.
Much of the area is protected by landmark status, (3) _________. It includes a jumble of chic spots, glamorous concert halls and the famous Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts where can you see fabulous theatre, ballet and opera productions. The famous Juilliard School of Music is also located in the Upper West Side, (4) _____________.
This area of New York is busy by day, with performers rushing to auditions and families taking strolls along the pavements. It is also an exciting place at night (5) __________.
Don’t worry about the kids because there are lots of things for them to do in this neighbourhood, too! The American Museum of Natural History is a fantastic place, (6) ________. They can also enjoy a trip to the Children’s Museum of Manhattan. So, whatever you are looking for, you are looking for, you will certainly find it in the Upper West Side!
A who lived in the Dakota building
B because everyone loves living there
C where our young visitors can see dinosaur fossils
D with its many restaurants and ethnic bars
E which means that the buildings cannot be changed
F so there is plenty to satisfy the music lover
G which are known as brownstones
3.Обобщение материала
Тренировочный модуль. Выполнение упражнений. Письменно в тетради
New York City
New York is all this and a little bit more. Some people love it, some hate it. It is the city of contrasts. It can be beautiful and it can be ugly. It can be friendly and it can be rude. It can be good and it can be bad. But it is never boring. It is the most exciting city in the world! There is a saying: “If you can’t do it in New York, you can’t do it anywhere.”
Manhattan is the central part of New York. When you say Manhattan, many tourists think of big stores, skyscrapers and hotels. They forget about Greenwich Village which is the heart of the city. This is the area of art, latest fashions, old films, books.
Harlem is sometimes called Black Manhattan. It is known for its street life. It is especially famous for its music and jazz clubs. Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington, who were two of the greatest jazz musicians, first started to play in Harlem.
Answer the questions.
1. What is New York called?
2. What are the main attractions of New York?
3. What is the symbol of New York?
4. Where is it situated?
5. What do you know about Greenwich Village?
6. What is so interesting about Manhattan?
7. What is Harlem called?
8. What is Harlem famous for?
9. What famous musicians come from Harlem?
10. WhatsayingaboutNewYorkdoyouknow?
4.Домашнее задание.
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5.Контрольное задание
Перевеститекст New York City Neighbourhoods – Upper West Side
!!! Ребята, задания выполняете и отправляете мне на электронную почту suhoverscha. olesya @ yandex. ru или в ВК.
Выделенное желтым цветом должно быть написано в тетради!!!
Конспект урока № 14
Суховерша О.Н. suhoverscha. olesya @ yandex. ru
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