V . Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на местоимения: — КиберПедия 

История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

V . Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на местоимения:

2021-06-01 28
V . Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на местоимения: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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По английскому языку

для студентов I курса медицинских специальностей

I семестр




2017 г.

  Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с рабочей программой по иностранному языку для студентов I курса медицинских специальностей

Учебное пособие составила:


Фамилия И.О. Должность Ученая степень, ученое звание Кафедра
1 2 3 4
1. Черединова О.В.   ст. преподаватель   - лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации




Фамилия И.О. Должность Ученая степень, ученое звание Кафедра
1 2 3 4
1. Коротких Е.Г. зав. кафедрой к.филол.наук, доцент Иностранных языков НГАУ
3. Мелёхина Е.А.   зав. кафедрой к.пед.наук, доцент Иностранных языков гуманитарного факультета НГТУ


Учебное пособие предназначено для работы на практических занятиях и для самостоятельной работы студентов I курса медицинских специальностей в I семестре и содержит лексико-грамматический материал, упражнения и тексты для формирования навыков различных видов чтения в соответствии с тематикой, заявленной в рабочей программе.


Учебное пособие рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании кафедры лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации

Протокол №_8_ от «29» апреля 2017 г.

Зав. кафедрой: к. филол. н., доц. Извекова Т.Ф.           ________________ (подпись)



Учебное пособие рассмотрено, согласовано и утверждено на заседании цикловой методической комиссии по гуманитарным и лингвистическим дисциплинам

Протокол №_3_ от «21» мая 2017 г.

Председатель ЦМК

зав. кафедрой: к. филол. н., доц. Извекова Т.Ф.           ________________ (подпись)



Lesson 1. Правила чтения                                                                            4

            Имя существительное

            Личные местоимения


             Формы глагола to be

            Формы глагола  to have

            Порядок слов в утвердительном предложении

           About Myself

           My Working Day

Lesson 2. Present Simple                                                                               11

           Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

           Модальные глаголы

           English and its Role for Medical Students

Lesson 3. 3 формы глагола                                                                           17

           Past Simple

           Причасти I и II в роли определения

           Medicine: History (part I)

Lesson 4. Вопросительные предложения                                                    23

           Medicine: History (part II)

Lesson 5. Согласование времен (одновременное действие)                      29

           Парные союзы

           to have to


Lesson 6. Passive Simple                                                                                 34

           Причастие II (повторение)

          Abu Ali Ibn-Sina (Avicenna)

Lesson 7. Оборот there is/are                                                                           40

           Continuous Active

           Higher Education in Great Britain and in the USA

Lesson 8. Пассивный залог (повторение)                                                      47

            The Novosibirsk Medical University

Lesson 9. Повторение лексико-грамматического материала                       52

           My future Profession


Грамматика: имя существительное, личные местоимения,

числительные, формы глаголов to be, to have, порядок

слов в утвердительном предложении


I. Прочтите следующие слова по правилам:

children, mean, hospital, student, person, pure, leave, while, member, third, treatment, type, skull, chest, shoulder, fiber, agent, strong, bone, line

II. Прочтите следующие слова по транскрипции:

anatomy[q’nxtqmi], chemistry [‘kemistri], microbiology[,mQikrObQi’OlqGi], patient [‘peiSqnt], medicin [‘medsin], pathology[pq’TOlqGi], blood [blAd], atrium [‘eitrium], mind [mQind], general [‘Genqrql], responsible [ris’pOnsqbl], library [‘lQibrqri], health [helT]


III. Образуйте единственное число существительных:

parents, children, libraries, types, lives, women, houses, mice, relatives, teeth, babies


IV. Объясните употребление предлогов, прочтите предложения и переведите их:

1. The lectures delivered by the professors of our Institute are interesting. 2. I write my exercises with a pen. 3. Our assistant’s experiments were successful. 4. He pays great attention to his studies. 5. This book was written by a famous writer. 6. The article was about doctors. 7. He gave the textbook to his friend. 8. The patients of this doctor were children. 9. Children’s parents asked many questions.

V. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на местоимения:

1. We live with our parents. 2. Her son works with my uncle. 3. I live not far from you and your sister. 4. Their flat is on the second floor. 5. She finished our school. 6. Our doctor is young. 7. We have a dog. We like it and it likes us.

VI. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующую форму личных местоимений:   

1. (I) friend sends (I) many letters. 2. (He) brother knows (you). 3. (I) often see (they) in the park. 4. Don’t ask (he) about (he) wife. 5. (He) met (she) at the party. 6. (We) teacher greets (we) every morning. (We) greet (she) too. 7. (You) son studies together with (I).



I am Ann Smirnova. Ann is my first name and Smirnova is my surname or family name. I am seventeen. I want to tell you some words about my family. It is not very large. We are five in the family: my mum, dad, grandmother, brother and me.

  My mother is a teacher of biology. She works in a college. She is a good-looking woman with grey eyes and fair hair. She is forty four but looks much younger. She is medium height and slim.

   My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with dark hair. He is forty five. My parents have much in common. But they have different views on books, films and sports. For example, my father is fond of football and tennis. My mother doesn’t go in for sports but she is fond of reading books and different magazines. My parents are hard working people. My mother keeps the house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking and she is very practical. I try to help her with the housework. I wash dishes, go shopping and tidy our flat.

  My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house.

   My brother Nick is twenty three. He is married and has a family of his own. He is a lawyer. His wife is a housewife. They have twins – a son and a daughter. I often visit them and play with my nephew and niece.

  We have many relatives and we get on well.

   I am fond of animals. We have two pets. They are a big dog and an Angora cat.


XIX. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

имя и фамилия, иметь много родственников, сын и дочь, племянник и племянница, в нашей семье три человека, симпатичный человек, светловолосая женщина, широкоплечий мужчина, стройная девушка среднего роста, высокий парень, у нас много общего, у них разные взгляды на жизнь, увлекаться музыкой, заниматься спортом, хорошо готовить, быть способным к языкам, заботиться о детях, вести хозяйство, убирать квартиру, мыть посуду, ходить по магазинам, быть замужем, хорошо ладить с кем-либо, иметь питомца



I. Answer the questions:

 1. What is your first name?

 2. What is your family name?

 3. How old are you?

 4. Is your family large?

 5. How large is your family?

 6. What is your mother?

 7. What does she look like?

 8. What is your father?

 9. What does he look like?

10. Do you get on well with your parents?

11, Do you have much in common with them?

12. What do you have different views with your parents on?

13. Do you have a brother or a sister?

14. Do you have a niece or a nephew?

15. Do you have many relatives?

16. W    ho runs your house?

17. Do you help your parents with the housework?

18. Do you have grandparents?

19. Are they pensioners?

20. Do you have a pet?


II. Translate the sentences:

1. Наша семья не очень большая. Нас четверо: мама, папа, старшая сестра и я.

2. Моя мама симпатичная, стройная женщина среднего роста. У нее светлые

Волосы. Она домохозяйка.

3. Мой папа высокий и широкоплечий. Он опытный юрист.

4. У меня хорошие отношения с родителями, потому что у нас много общего.

Но у нас разные взгляды на одежду и музыку.

5. Моя мама ведет хозяйство. Но я помогаю ей убирать квартиру и мыть посуду. 

Иногда я хожу в магазин.

6. Моя старшая сестра замужем. У нее своя семья. Ее муж программист. У них   

сын. Он мой племянник. Племянницы у меня нет.

7. Я занимаюсь спортом, и говорят, что у меня есть способности к химии.

8. У нас есть любимец. Это большая и умная собака. Ее зовут Зус.

9. Мои бабушка и дедушка пенсионеры. Они живут в другом городе. Мы часто

навещаем их.   



I. Выучите следующие слова и выражения:

to enter the university [entq]- поступить в университет

alarm clock [q’lRm] - будильник

to wake up - просыпаться

to take a shower [SQuq] - принимать душ

to get dressed - одеваться

cheese - сыр

sausage [‘sLsiG]- колбаса

to leave (left, left) - уходить, покидать

underground station - станция метро

It takes me … to … - мне нужно …, чтобы

favourite subject [‘feivqrit ‘sAbGqkt] - любимый предмет

to move [mHv]- переезжать

to be hungry [‘hANri] - быть голодным, хотеть есть

to do home assignment [q’sQinmqnt] - делать домашнее задание

hour [Quq] - час

favourite activities [q’ktivitiz]- любимое занатие

to look forward [‘fLwqd] - с нетерпением ждать

II. Прочтите и переведите текст:


  This year I entered the Medical University. Now I am a first-year student. On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30. In ten minutes I get up and my working day begins. I go to the bathroom, take a shower and clean my teeth. After that I go to my room and get dressed.

  My mother makes breakfast for me. Usually I have a cheese or sausage sandwich and a cup of coffee with cream.

  I leave the house at 7.30 and go to the nearest underground station. Sometimes I go by bus. It takes me 40 minutes to get to the university. Our classes begin at 8.20. Usually we have two or three lectures and practical classes. We study many subjects but human anatomy is my favourite one. It is very interesting but difficult. During the day we have to move from one block` to another. Usually I have lunch in a café but sometimes I have no time to have it.

  I come home at about 7 sometimes later. I am always very hungry. So first I have dinner and have a little rest. Then I do my home assignments. It takes me two or three hours. In the evening I watch TV or listen to music. And I go to bed at aboutn12. When I have free time my favourite activities are going to the movies or different parties or clubs with my friends or playing volleyball. But on my weekdays I am very busy. So I always look forward to Sundays to do the things like that.


I. Answer the questions:

 1. What are you?

 2. When do you usually get up on weekdays?

 3. What do you do in the morning?

 4. Do you have breakfast?

 5. What do you have for breakfast/

 6. When do you leave the house?

 7. How do you get to the university?

 8. How long does it take you to get to the university?

 9. When do your classes begin?

10. What is your favourite subject?

11. Where do you usually have lunch?

12. When do you come home?

13. What do you do in the evening?

14. How long does it take you to do your homework?

15. Do you have much free time?

16. What are your favourite activities when you have free time?


I. Draw your “family tree” according to the model. Write the names of your relatives. Next to each name write down their relationship to you. Give your partner your “family tree” and let him/her test your on the names of your relatives.


MODEL:              Catherine   =            David

           mother (Nurse, London)      father (doctor, London)


                                  Jack                        Bill

             son (26, pilot, Glasgo)       son (19, student, USA)


                      Mary      Jim       Sue        Peter   Diana

                   daughter   son       daughter son   daughter


VI. Test 1.




Грамматика: Present Simple, степени сравнения прилагательных и

наречий, модальные глаголы





  Cуффикс – ly образует наречия от основы прилагательных и существительных: bad-badly.

- ic, - al  образуют прилагательные от основы существительных: base-basic.

- er образует существительные от основы глаголов: to teach-teacher.

-tion (-ssion, -sion), -ment, -ture  - суффиксы   существительных


I. Прочтите и переведите:

1. actively, mostly, absolutely, universally

 2. official, political, scientific, medical, special, professional,         еssential, natural

3. speaker, provider, leader, manager

 4. organization, nation, information, introduction, profession,     obligation, decision

5. treatment, achievement, development

6. literature, nature, future


II. Прочтите следующие названия:

Great Brirain [‘breit ‘britn]

The United States of America [jH’nQitid]

Australia [Os’treiljq]

New Zealand [njH’zJlqnd]

Irish Republic [‘QiriS ri’pAblik]

Canada [‘kqenqdq]

South Africa [‘sQuT ‘qefrikq]

United Nations


III. Выучите произношение следующих слов и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

official [q’fiSql], literature [‘litqritSq], specialist [‘speSqlist], universally [,jHni’vWsqli], essential [I’senSl], natural [‘nxtSqrql], process[‘prousqs], qualified [‘kwOlifQid], original [q’riGqnl], profession [prq’feSn], practice [‘prqektis]


IY. Выучите новые слова и словосочетания:

important [im’pLtqnt] - важный, значительный

in the world [wWld] -  в мире

native - родной

to achieve [q’tSJv]- достигать

exchange [Iks’tSeinG]- обмен

to promote [prq’mout]- способствовать, обеспечивать

to develop [di’velqp]- развивать, разрабатывать, появляться

updating -модернизация

knowledge [‘nLliG]- знание

foreign [‘fOrin] - иностранный

language [‘lqeNgwiG] - язык

main - главный, основной

obligation [,Obli’geiSn] - обязанность

necessary [‘nesisqri] - нужный, необходимый

education [‘edjH’keiSn] - образование


according to [q’kLdiN] - согласно. в соответствии

skills - умения

community [kq’mjHniti] - сообщество

in order to - (для того) чтобы

outlook - кругозор

to escape [is’keip] - избегать

to discover [dis’kAvq] - открывать, обнаруживать


particular [pq’tikjulq] - особый

scientist [‘sQintist] - ученый

scientific [,sQin’tifik] - научный

ability [q’biliti] - способность

by means of - с помощью, посредством

field [fJld] - поле, область

V. Прочтите и переведите:

important [ im’pLtqnt] - important work, important subjects, important 

                  information, important  skills, important discovery

necessary  [‘nesisqri] - necessary knowledge, necessary instruments, necessary

                  outlook,  necessary analyses, absolutely necessary

native [‘neitiv ] - native country, native language, native people, native city,

                  native speakers

to achieve [q’tSJv] - to achieve results, to achieve success, to achieve

                 understanding,  great achievement

to develop [ di’velqp] - to develop skills, to develop abilities, to develop new

                   methods, development of the body, developed countries

main  [mein] - main obligation, main subjects, main problems, main tasks, mainly

particular [pq’tikjulq] - particular words, particular abilities, particular

                   achievements,  particularly, in particular

in order to [‘Ldq] - in order to develop skills, in order to achieve success, in order

                    to escape  problems, in order to make a discovery, in order to promote


by means of [ mJnz] - by means of updating, by means of developing skills, by            

                     means of important discovery


VI. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

для тогo, чтобы достичь важных результатов; в соответствии с основной обязанностью; особенно в области медицины; образованные люди; получить необходимые знания; сделать важное открытие; развивать необходимые умения; говорить на иностранном языке; расширять кругозор; в мире; достижения в области образования; для того. чтобы избежать ошибок; обмен научной информацией 



   important, active, wide, many, small, necessary, bad, educated, late, good, much,                        

  difficult, little, well

X. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

the most important in the world, more developed countries, wider development, mostly in practice, less educated people, more necessary knowledge, to make outlook wider, more than 300 million people, to know worst of all, the most qualified doctors, a little later, most of information, at least


I. Analyze and find which word does not suit here:

1. a. Great Britain         b. Canada            c. the WHO  d. the USA

2. a. study                      b. be                    c. speak        d. among

3. a. in                            b. of                    c. range         d. about

4. a. updating                 b. medical           c. scientific   d. natural

5. a. leader                     b. full                   c. manager   d. provider

II. Complete the following sentences:

1. English is the most important …

2. The native speakers of English  live in …

3. Over 300 million people …

4. Scientific and medical achievements …

5. According to the WHO doctors of tomorrow must …

6. Qualified doctors must read a lot of …

7. To know English today is absolutely …

III. Answer the following questions:

1.What  language is the most important language in the world?

2. Where do the native speakers of English live?

3. How many people speak English as their mother  language?

4. Why is a good knowledge of foreign languages the main obligation of tomorrow’s


5. Should medical students study and work hard in order to achieve  a good knowledge   

of English?

6. Can it increase their professional and intercultural outlook?

7. Do you like to study English?

IV. Learn  the following forms of agreement and disagreement:

I agree (with you)- я согласен (с вами)

I disagree –  я не согласен

You are (absolutely) right - вы (абсолютно) правы

You are wrong  - вы неправы

You are mistaken – вы ошибаетесь

I think so – думаю, что так

I don’t think so –  я так не думаю

I’m afraid – боюсь …

to  my mind –   по-моему

of course   

certainly              конечно, обязательно


as far as I know - насколько мне известно

V. Express your agreement or disagreement using the forms from the exercise IV:

1. Nowadays English is the most important language in the world.

2. The native speakers of English live only in England.

3. All world’s scientific literature is in English.

4. To know English today is necessary for every educated person.

5. In order to be a good specialist it is not necessary to read special literature.

6. According to WHO doctors of tomorrow must speak only their native language.

7. Learning and mastering English help people to play an active role in community.

VI. Read and translate the text В:

Tex t B

  There are some rules of memory. It is necessary to repeat the material every three days. If you don’t repeat the material within three days most of the information vanishes as if you never learnt it. It is better to memorize material before you go to bed. You will memorize it more quickly. It is very useful to listen to the material you are learning to memorize the pronunciation. One should also know that we get 90% of information by teaching others only 20% by listening and 30% by seeing.

VII. Case analyses.

Answer the questions.

a. What countries have English as the official language?

b. How many people speak English?

c. When do schoolchildren begin to study English in Russia?


Грамматика: Past Simple, причастия в роли определения



- ant (- ent) – суффиксы прилагательных.

При помощи суффикса – ize образуются глаголы. Вариантами этого    суффикса  являются - yse, - yze, - ise.

I. Прочтите и переведите:

1. important, ancient, different, present

2. specialize, hospitalize, organize, analyze, summarize

II. Прочтите слова, определите части речи (существительные, прилагательные. глаголы, наречия) и переведите их:

surgical, treatment,trepanation,important, specialize, internal, ancient, acupuncture, prevention, successfully, plastic, natural, achievement, largely, contribution, scientific, founder, greatly, education, accurately



In prehistoric times people believed that angry gods or evil spirits caused diseases. The first known surgical treatment was an operation called trepanation. It involved use of a stone instrument to cut a hole in a patient’s skull, perhaps to release evil spirits.

By about 3000 B.C. the Egyptians who had developed one of the world’s first great civilization began making important medical progress. Egyptian physicians began to specialize. Some physicians treated only diseases of the eyes or teeth. Others specialized in internal diseases. Other ancient Middle Eastern civilizations also contributed to medical progress. The ancient Chinese for example developed medical practices. They developed the practice of acupuncture. In ancient India the practice of medicine stressed the prevention as well as the treatment of illness. Indian surgeons successfully performed many kinds of operations, including amputations and plastic surgery. The civilization of ancient Greece was at its peak during the 400’s. The great physician Hippocrates began showing that disease has only natural causes. He thus became the first physician known to consider medicine a science and art separate from the practice of religion. The Romans got most of their medical knowledge from Egypt and Greece. Their own medical achievements were largely in public health. The Greek physician Galen who practiced medicine in Rome during the A.D. 100’s made the most important contributions to medicine in Roman times. He performed experiments on animals and used his findings to develop the first medical theories based on scientific experiments. For this reason he is considered the founder of experimental medicine. During the Middle Ages the Islamic Empire of Southwest and Central Asia contributed greatly to medicine. Avicenna, an Arab physician produced a great medical encyclopedia called Cannon of Medicine. It summed up the medical knowledge of the time and accurately described meningitis, tetanus, and many other diseases. The work became popular in Europe where it influenced medical education for more than 600 years.


1.Define the odd word. Translate all the words into Russian:

1. to treat, to cure, to heal, to develop

2. operation, religion, trepanation, amputation

3. priest, god, spirit, physician, religion

4. achievement, skull, eye, teeth

II. Find in the text English equivalents to the following:

доисторическиевремена, злые духи, вызывать болезни, каменные инструменты, великие цивилизации, прогресс в медицине, египетские врачи. болезни глаз и зубов, древние китайцы, профилактика и лечение заболеваний, многие виды операций, естественные причины, наука и искусство, древние греки, важный вклад в медицину, научные эксперименты, по этой причине, точно описать менингит, влиять на медицинское образование


III. Make the sentences complete:

 1. The first known surgical treatment was …

 2. Egyptian physicians began …

 3. Some physicians treated only …

 4. Others specialized in …

 5. The ancient Chinese developed …

 6. Indian surgeons successfully performed …

 7. The great physician Hippocrates began …

 8. The Greek physician Galen performed …

 9. He is considered the founder …

10. The Arab physician Avicenna produced …

IV. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

 1. The first known surgical treatment was an operation called appendectomy.

 2. It involved use of a stone instrument to cut a hole in a patient’s skull.

 3. Some physicians treated diseases of eyes and teeth.

 4. Other physicians treated only heart diseases.

 5. The ancient Chinese developed the practice of acupuncture.

 6. In ancient India the practice of medicine stressed the prevention only.

 7. Egyptians became the first physicians considering medicine a science and art

separate from religion.

 8. The Hippocratic oath reflects Hippocrates’ high ideals.

 9. The Romans got most of their medical knowledge from Egypt and Greece.

10. Galen performed experiments on healthy people.


V. Change the sentences using the predicate into the Past Simple and the markers: yesterday, years ago, much time ago, in prehistoric times, etc. Translate the sentences:

 1. People believe that angry gods or evil spirits cause diseases.

 2. The first known surgical treatment is an operation called trepanation.

 3. Egyptian physicians begin to specialize.

 4. They treat only diseases of eyes and teeth.

 5. The ancient Chinese develop medical practices.

 6. Indian surgeons successfully perform many kinds of operations.

 7. The civilization of ancient Greece is at its peak.

 8. He becomes the first physician known to consider medicine a science and art.

 9. His work is popular in Europe.

VI. Answer the following questions:

 1. What did people believe in prehistoric times?

 2. What was the first known surgical instrument?

 3. How did they perform operations?

 4. What did the Egyptians begin doing by about 3000 B.C.?

 5. How did other ancient Middle Eastern civilizations also contribute to medical


 6. Who developed the practice of acupuncture?

 7. When was the civilization of ancient Greece at its peak?

 8. What is Hippocratates famous for?

 9. Where and when did the Greek physician Galen practice medicine?

10. What did Avicenna produce?

VII. Make up the plan to the text:

VIII. Retell the text using your plan:


Грамматика: вопросительные и отрицательные предложения, -ing

                               форма в роли  существительного


V. Прочтите и переведите:

advances [ qd’vRnsiz] - medical advances, scientific advances, technical

                   advances, advances in thefield of surgery

numerous [‘njHmqrqs]- numerous subjects, numerous experiments, numerous

                   drugs, numerous advances

blood [blAd] - blood group, blood circulation, blood disease, blood gases, to pump


to administer [qd’ministq] - to administer drugs, to administer treatment, to

                   administer diet,   doctor’s administrations

to determine [di’tWmin] - to determine blood group, to determine causes of the

                    disease, to   determine heartbeat, to determine a method of treatment

pain  [pein] - to feel pain, to dull pain, bad pain, to reduce pain, to make pain less,



VI. От следующих существительных образуйте глаголы и переведите их:

dissection, findings, improvement, conclusion, invention, administration, determine, resistance, prevention, operation, movement

VII. Прочтите и переведите словосочетания:

during the Middle Ages, during the Renaissance, the great cultural movement, across Western Europe, numerous dissections, on human anatomy, to improve surgical techniques, human beings and animals, blood circulates through the body, pulsebeat and heartbeat, to discover a safe method of treatment, the heart pumps blood, immunity to smallpox, the prevention of the disease, to dull pain during surgery, the causes of infectious diseases, certain kinds of microbes, to invent a new method


VIII.Прочтите и переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на - ing форму в роли существительного:

the founding of many hospitals, to record the findings, 750 drawings, dissections on human beings, to prevent diseases by building up resistance to it, effective drug in reducing the pain, progress in learning the causes of infectious diseases, a method for determining the causes of diseases




I. Translate the following word combinations:

достижения в области медицины, в средние века, эпоха Возрождения, культурное движение, по анатомии человека, многочисленные вскрытия, строение тела, как циркулирует кровь по телу, люди и животные, пульс и сердцебиение, сердце прокачивает кровь по артериям, открыть безопасный способ, профилактика заболеваний, пытаться притупить боль, уменьшение боли, причины инфекционных заболеваний, живые организмы, некоторые виды микробов, вызывать определенные болезни


II.Match both parts of the sentences to make them complete. Translate the sentences into Russian:

 1. The chief medical advances in Europe             a. to write the first scientific book

 during the Middle Ages were …                      on human anatomy, a work

                                                                               called “On the Structure of

 2. During the late 1400’s and early 1500’s               the Human Body”.

the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci               b. many experiments to learn

performed …                                                      how blood circulates through

                                                                                 the body.

                                                                             c. a method for determining

3. Andreas Vesalius used his findings …                which bacteria cause

                                                                                  particular diseases.

4. A French army doctor named Ambroise          d. the founding of many

Pare improved …                                                  hospitals and the first

                                                                                   university medical schools.

5. The English physician William Harvey             e. many dissections to learn

performed…                                                          more about human anatomy.

                                                                               f. that ether gas could safely

6. In 1796 an English physician named                    be used to put patients to

Edward Jenner discovered …                                sleep during surgery.

                                                                          g. a safe method of making

                                                                     people immune to

7. In the 1840’s Crawford Long and William           smallpox.

T.G.Morton discovered …                                 h. surgical techniques to such

                                                                                   an extent that he is

8. Paster, a brilliant French chemist, proved…          considered the father of

                                                                                    modern surgery

9. Koch, a German physician, invented…              i. that microbes are

                                                                                    living organisms and that

                                                                                    certain kinds of microbes

                                                                                    cause disease.


III. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

  1. The founding of many hospitals and the first university medical schools were

the chief advances in Europe in the 20-th century.

  2. Renaissance is the great cultural movement which took place in the USA.

  3. Leonardo da Vinci was a famous Italian artist.

  4. He did much to learn more about microbiology.

  5. Andreas Vesalius wrote the first scientific book on human anatomy.

  6. Ambroise Pare, a French army doctor, is considered the father of antibiotics.

7. William Harvey learnt how blood circulated through the body.

  8. Edward Jenner, an English physician, discovered a safe method of making

people immune to tuberculosis.

9. Pasteur was a brilliant French dentist.

10. Robert Koch, a German physician, invented a method for determining causes

of particular diseases.

IV. Case analyses.

Test 2.


Грамматика: согласование времен, парные союзы, to have to


I. Прочтите слова, определите части речи (существительные, глаголы, прилагательные, наречия) и переведите их:

superstition, punishment, natural, occupation, especially, development, temperature, scientific, experience, attention, nature, respiration, appearance, affection, protective, surgical, famous, particular

II. Прочтите слова и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

practitioner [prqek’tiSnq], idea [Qi’diq], effect [I’fekt], climate [‘klQimit], physiology [,fizi’OlqGi], thermometer [Tq’mOmitq], stethoscope [‘steTqskoup], temperature [‘tempriCq, prognosis [prOg’nousis], symptom [‘simptqm], nature [‘neiCq], respiration [.respi’reiSqn], reaction [rJ’qekSqn], function [‘fANkSqn], collection [kq’lekSqn]

III. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

to free -   освобождать

free - свободный

to punish  - наказывать

to prove  [prHv] - доказывать

occupation [,Okju’peiSqn] - род занятий, профессия

to estimate [‘estimeit] - считать, оценивать, устанавливать

chest - грудная клетка

in spite of - несмотря на

to create [krJ’eit] - создавать

accurate [‘qekjurit]- точный

sign [sQin]- признак, симптом

face - лицо

skin - кожа

to appear [q’piq] - появляться

sputum [‘spjHtqm]- мокрота

bowel [‘bQuql] - кишечник, кишка

to connect [kq’nekt] - соединять

to affect [q’fekt] - поражать. повреждать

experience [iks’piqriqns] - опыт

fever [‘fJvq]- лихорадка, жар

force [fLs] - сила

to consist of [kqn’sist] - состоять из

oath  [ouT] - клятва


Hippocrates was born in Greece. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and was the greatest practitioner of his time.

Hippocrates freed medicine from superstition. He hated the idea that a disease was the punishment of gods. In his works he proved that every disease had a natural cause. He noted the effect of food, occupation and especially climate on the development of the disease.

Hippocrates knew little of anatomy and physiology and he had few instruments. In fact he had neither thermometer nor stethoscope. He had to estimate the temperature by his hand; he had to listen to the heart placing his ear to the chest. But in spite of all that his method was scientific.

Hippocrates created medicine on the basis of experience. He taught that every physician had to study the history of a disease, he had to learn how to make an accurate prognosis based on the signs and symptoms. He taught that the physician had to direct his attention to the color of the face, skin, the nature of respiration, the appearance of sputum, bowel habits. Hippocrates was the first who connected the disease of one organ with affection of the whole organism. According to his teaching the symptoms of the disease, and especially fever, are the expressions of the protective reaction of the organism and the chief function of a physician is to aid the natural forces of the body. Hippocrates was a good surgeon as well. He performed operations even on the skull.

 We have his writings which are called Hippocrates Collection. The Collection consists of more than one hundred books. His works give us information about surgical knowledge and technique of that period. Some of Hippocratic thoughts are quite modern. The Collection begins with the famous Oath which teaches medical students to be a good doctor. A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine, he must love people and have a kind heart. We call Hippocrates the father of medicine.


VI. Answer the questions:

 1. Where was Hippocrates born?

 2. What was his father?

 3. What did Hippocrates free medicine from?

 4. What did he prove in his works?

 5. Did he have many instruments?

 6. How did he estimate the temperature and listen to the heart?

 7. What did he create?

 8. What did he teach?

 9. What operations did he perform?

10. How are his writings called?

11. What do his works give us?

12. What does the Collection begin with?


Грамматика: причастие II  (повторение), пассивный залог




- ity -   суффикс существительных

  un - (in -, im -, il -, ir -) - префикс, обозначающий отрицание

I. Прочтите и переведите слова:

1. ability, activity, reality, particularity, humanity, nationality

2. uncommon, unfortunately, uncertain, unable, uncomfortable, impossible, 

  irrregular, illegal

II. Прочтите слова, определите части речи и переведите их:

nation, scientist, truly, contribution, different, famous, early, remarkable, mostly, section, nature, assessable, comprehensive, prevention, particular, composition, presence, treatment, gastric, development, scientific, progressive

III. Запомните произношение следующих имен собственных и названий:

Avicenna [Avi’sJnq], Tajic [tR’Gik], Bukhara [bou’kRrq], Koran [kO’rRn], Arabic [‘qerqbik], Europe [‘juerqp]


  Ibn-Sina (Avicenna), great son of the Tajik people, lives in the memory of the nations as scientist and philosopher, author and physician. A truly encyclopaedic mind, Ibn-Sina summed up and enriched the learning of his age and made great contributions to many different branches of knowledge.

  Abu Ali Ibn-Sina is one of the most famous men of the late 10-th and early 11-th century. Ibn-Sina was born in the village of Afshana near Bukhara. He attended school in Bukhara and displayed a remarkable memory and uncommon ability. Since the schools of the time had too little to offer he arranged for one of the merchants to teach him numbers and geometry. From his teacher of philosophy Ibn-Sina got certain notions of logic.

  After memorizing the Koran in Arabic the youth devoted himself to the study of medicine. He worked very hard. Ibn-Sina wrote mostly in Arabic since this was the language of learning in the East, much as Latin was in Europe. In his own language from which modern Tajik is derived he wrote the “Book of Knowledge “ with sections on logic, nature, astronomy, and music, and also certain other works.

  Ibn-Sina won world renown as the author of the “Canon of Medicine”, a comprehensive work in five books with sections of the fundamentals of medical science (anatomy, physiology, symptomatology, prevention of disease, and general dietetics, and therapy), on ailments confined to particular organs and ailments not so confined (e.g. fever, infectious diseases, poisonings, skin diseases, and surgical ailments), on remedies administered without admixtures, and on the composition and prevention of compound remedies. The “Canon” was translated into Latin, which made it accessible to European physicians and was widely used in European universities. The Latin translation alone has some 30 editions.

  Many centuries before the inception of bacteriology Ibn-Sina declared that diseases can be spread by water owing to the presence in it of invisibly minute living organisms. Some of his clinical accounts are remarkably accurate and many of his suggestions for diet and treatment are quite valid for modern medicine too.

  Besides the “Canon” Ibn-Sina wrote works on particular aspects and problems of medicine such as on gastric diseases, on cardiac remedies, on the pulse, and on “the physician’s contest with the forces of Nature” in which he considered a correct regimen and health building through exercise.

  With the development of scientific European medicine ‘the Canon” for so many centuries the standard work, has become a classic of the past. It was used in European medical schools right up to the 17-th century, and in the East it is frequently consulted even today.

  Apart from medicine Ibn-Sina wrote on the structure on earth and sky, on chemistry, on geography, logic, the Arabic language, astrology and much else.

  Both his writings and his practical activities were extremely progressive for his day. The works of Ibn-Sina – Avicenna – were a contribution made to world culture.




I. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian word combinations:

живет в памяти людей; поистине энциклопедический ум; суммировал и обогатил познания; внес вклад в различные области знания; удивительная память и неординарные способности; некоторые понятия логики; всесторонняя работа; заболевания, ограниченные отдельными органами; лекарства, назначаемые без примесей; благодаря наличию невидимых активных организмов; правильный режим; строение земли и неба; вклад в мировую культуру

II. Answer the questions:

1. When and where did Avicenna live?

2. What can be said about his mind and abilities?

3. What branches of knowledge did he make contribution to?

4. What language did he write his works in? Why?

5. What do you know about his work “The Canon of Medicine”?

6. What other problems of medicine did he write works on?

7. What did he declare before the inception of bacteriology?

8. What did he study apart from medicine?

III. Complete the sentences:

1. Avicenna lives in the memory of the nations as …

2. He summed up and enriched …

3. After memorizing the Koran Avicenna devoted himself to …

4. He wrote in … since it was the language of learning in the East.

5. “The Canon of Medicine” is a comprehensive work in five books with sections

of …

6. Avicenna wrote works on particular aspects and problems of medicine such as …

7. Apart from medicine Ibn-Sina wrote on …

8. Works of Avicenna were a contribution to …



Грамматика: оборот There is/are, Continuous Active

 Higher Education in Great Britain and in the USA

I. Прочтите слова и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

proportion [prq’pLSqn], combination [,kOmbi’neiSqn], faculty [‘fqekqlti], theology [Ti’OlqGi], professor [prq’fesq], lecturer [‘lekCqrq], group [grHp], discuss [dis’kAs], college [‘kOliG], specially [‘speSqli], technological [,teknq’lOGikql], financial [fQi’nqenSql], selection [si’lekSqn], interview [‘intqvjH], centre [‘sentq]


I. Find in the text English equivalents to the following word combinations:

курсы, обеспечивающие сочетание очного обучения с опытом работы; давать гуманитарное образование и техническую подготовку; частные учреждения; независимый и ответственный только перед советом руководства; поступление в университеты; получают степень Бакалавра; степень Магистра, присуждаемая за диссертацию; многие аспиранты привлекаются к исследовательской работе; факультет возглавляет; штат преподавателей; студенты имеют возможность спорить и дискутировать; обеспечивать общежитием; давать специализированное обучение


II. Put the words in the right order to make sentences:

1. Great, there, universities, 79, in, are, Britain

2. British, are, private, universities, all, institutions

3. a, both, departments, and university, usually, has, and, faculties

4. faculty, one, headed, or, professors, each, is, more, by

5. helped, staff, of, are, by, a, teachers, lecturers, called

6. women, all, men, admit, universities, and

7. specially, one, within, colleges, universities, some, there, sex, are, but, for

8. at, wider, is, curriculum, longer, university, of, course, the, a, is, and, studies, the


III. Match the two parts of the sentences:

 1. The proportion of young people entering        1. as redbrick universities

Universities …                                               2. in research

 2. A university usually has …                               3. is constantly rising

 3. All English universities are …                             4. both faculties and  


 4. The universities founded between 1850-          5. the new universities

-1930 are known …                                          6. private institutions

 5. The universities founded after World              

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