Task 1. Study the information on Energy Resources and Types of energy and fill in the table given below. — КиберПедия 

Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

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Task 1. Study the information on Energy Resources and Types of energy and fill in the table given below.

2021-06-02 75
Task 1. Study the information on Energy Resources and Types of energy and fill in the table given below. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Task 1. Study the information on Energy Resources and Types of energy and fill in the table given below.

" Energy Resources " is NOT the same thing as " Types of energy ".

"Types of energy" means "kinetic energy", "chemical energy" and so forth.

"Energy Resources" is about ways of getting energy so we can generate electrical power.

Renewable Energy Resources are those that won't run out.

Non-renewable resources will eventually run out.

Fossil fuels: have been formed from the organic remains of prehistoric plants and animals.

Geothermal power is a way of generating heat and electricity from hot underground rocks.

Names of Energy Resources:

animal wastes, tide, coal, hot underground rocks, crude oil (or “petroleum”), wood, natural gas, waste products, oil shale, uranium, sun, water, ocean waves, plants, wind

Advantages of different types of energy:

  1. A good method of supplying energy to remote areas.
  2. Can produce a great deal of energy.
  3. Electricity can be generated constantly.
  4. Less demand on the fossil fuels.
  5. Not expensive to operate and maintain.
  6. Once the dam is built, the energy is virtually free.
  7. Power stations are very efficient.
  8. Produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel.
  9. This resource is free - energy production needs no fuel
  10. Produces no waste or pollution (greenhouse gases).
  11. The land beneath can usually still be used for farming.
  12. The fuel tends to be cheap.
  13. Transporting resources to power stations is easy.

Disadvantages of different types of energy:

a. Affects a very wide area - the environment is changed for many miles upstream and downstream.

b. Although not much waste is produced, it is very, very dangerous.

c. Can be unreliable unless you're in a very sunny climate.

d. Wind farms can be noisy as generators make a constant, low noise day and night.

e. Collecting or growing the fuel in sufficient quantities can be difficult.

f. Currents of air are not always predictable - some days may be still.

g. Depends on the surfs - sometimes you'll get loads of energy, sometimes almost nothing.

h. Doesn'tworkatnight.

i. Large dams flood a very large area upstream, causing problems for animals that used to live there.

j. Needs a suitable site, where surfs are consistently strong.

k. Only provides power for around 10 hours each day, when the current is actually moving in or out.

l. Power stations contribute to pollution and the "greenhouse effect", warming the Earth.

m. Sometimes the site may "run out of steam", perhaps for decades.

n. Suitable areas for wind farms are often near the coast, where land is expensive.

o. There are not many places to build a power station (hot rocks should be of a suitable type to be drilled down).

p. This power is reliable, but a lot of money has to be spent on safety.

q. Very expensive to build power stations.

r. Water quality and quantity downstream can be affected, which can have an impact on plant life. 

s. We burn the biofuel, so it makes greenhouse gases just like fossil fuels do.

Names of Energy Resources

Types of energy



Non-Renewable Renewable     Generated by Fossil fuels           Nuclear Power         Solar Power         Wind Power         Tidal Power         Hydro-electric Power         Wave Power         Geothermal Power         Biomass    


Task 3. Choose one of the questions below to discuss it with your group-mates. Give your reasons.

1. Which type of energy is the safest for the environment?

2. Which type of energy is the most dangerous for the environment?

3. Which type of energy is the most efficient?

4. Do you think alternative energy can effectively replace fossil fuels?


Task 1. Read the text carefully paying special attention to the words and word combinations in bold.


ü fossilfuel – природное/ ископаемое/ органические топливо

ü fossilfuelreserves - запасы ископаемого топлива

ü energy – энергия, энергоносители, энергоресурсы, энергетические запасы

ü energy sources/ sources of energy — источникиэнергии

ü noncarbonenergysources - неуглеродные источники энергии

ü alternativeenergysources – альтернативные источники энергии

ü renewableenergy - возобновляемый источник энергии

ü renewableenergytechnology - технология использования возобновляемых источников энергии

ü solar energy — солнечнаяэнергия

ü hydrocarbonresources - ресурсыуглеводородов

ü energy market - рынокэнергоресурсов

ü energypoverty – энергетическая бедность/нищета

ü supply - запасы; сырье и материалы; ресурсы

ü energysupplies – энергоресурсы, энергоносители

ü supply security – надежностьэнергоснабжения

ü primaryenergyconsumption - потребление энергии от первичных источников;

ü energy supply - поставкаэнергоресурсов

ü energy demand - энергетические потребности

ü crudeoil - сырая нефть

ü oil/petroleum product – нефтепродукт

ü naturalgas - природный газ

ü electric power -  электроэнергия

ü globalenergygovernancemechanisms - механизмы регулирования мирового энергетического рынка




Task 1. Find in the text all possible word combinations with the following words.Translate them into Russian:

security, energy, diversification, supply, demand, transit

Task 8. Make up five sentences of your own in Russian and five sentences in English using word combinations from the text. Work in pairs: in turns read your sentences for your partner to interpretinto English/Russian.

Targets for 2030

a 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels

at least a 27% share of renewable energy consumption

at least 27% energy savings compared with the business-as-usual scenario

Policies for 2030

To meet the targets, the European Commission has proposed:

· A reformed EU emissions trading scheme (ETS)

· New indicators for the competitiveness and security of the energy system, such as price differences with major trading partners, diversification of supply, and interconnection capacity between EU countries

· First ideas on a new governance system based on national plans for competitive, secure, and sustainable energy. These plans will follow a common EU approach. They will ensure stronger investor certainty, greater transparency, enhanced policy coherence and improved coordination across the EU.


Gas marketing in Europe

The main goals of Gazprom in the European market are retaining its leadership position, ensuring reliable gas supplies, and improving the efficiency of its marketing activities.

European countries have been among the key consumers of Russian gas for over 40 years. Gazprom is the largest exporter of natural gas to the European market.

Unified export channel

The unified export channel is the backbone of Gazprom’s export strategy. Pursuant to the Russian law on gas export, Gazprom has an exclusive right to export gas via gas pipelines. The law allows the Company to pursue a coordinated production and marketing policy and serves as an additional legal guarantee of reliable gas exports from Russia.

Long-term contract system

Gazprom exports gas to Central and Western Europe mostly under long-term contracts of up to 25 years, usually based on intergovernmental agreements.

Long-term contracts with oil-pegged prices and take-or-pay clauses are fundamental to stable and sustainable gas supplies. No other contract can guarantee that producers and exporters will get returns on multibillion investments in major gas export projects and that importers will enjoy secure and uninterrupted gas supplies in the long term.

In essence, the long-term contracts are service contracts that allow buyers to exercise flexibility with regard to daily volumes and annual supplies, while the seller has an obligation to deliver the pre-paid take-or-pay volumes. Moreover, long-term contracts provide a guarantee of gas deliveries over a substantial period of time.

Oil-indexed contracts, however, continue to be relevant. Oil indexation is an essential means of long-term business planning for the benefit of both gas purchasers and sellers. It provides for investment continuity and stability in the gas sector in the vertical dimension from wells to end consumers. Oil indexation, which has proved to be useful in the course of more than 40 years of global gas market development, is also employed by other major exporters. In current conditions, oil products act as a universal deflator in the gas price formula, placing the gas price in the context of other feedstock prices.

European gas market

The dynamics of Russian gas supplies to Europe depend on a number of factors, including rates of economic growth and indigenous gas production, prices for other energy sources – particularly in the power industry – and gas prices in other international markets.

Enhancing reliability of gas supplies to Europe

Gazprom implements a set of measures to enhance the reliability of its gas supplies to European consumers, including systematic efforts for contracting gas transmission capacities, optimizing and redistributing the contracted capacities, executing swap deals, and mitigating flow interruptions and other emergencies.

With a view to further improve supply reliability, Gazprom initiated the Nord Stream, Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream gas transmission projects.

Nord Stream, the first gas pipeline in history to establish a direct connection between the Russian and European gas transmission systems, reached its design capacity in 2012. Nord Stream 2 will be put in operation before the end of 2019.

TurkStream is a new export gas pipeline stretching from Russia to Turkey across the Black Sea. The first string of the gas pipeline is intended for Turkish consumers, while the second string will deliver gas to southern and southeastern Europe. Construction of TurkStream started in 2017.


Task 24*.  Summarise the main points of the text in English using the word combinations in italics.



Negotiation is act or process of conferring or discussing to reachagreement in matters of business or state.

Task 2.

In the course of negotiation misunderstandings may occur due to the interpreter’s mistakes resulting from the confusion of false friends (words of different languages which look or sound alike but are not semantic equivalents). Look up the following false friends in an English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary and write their equivalents in the table.

English Russian Russian English
Affect Agitate Barracks Basin Baton Cabinet Civil Concurrent Cravat Decade Delicate Data Herb Hymn Obligation Original Principal Protection Race Rent Resident Retire Revision Speculate Transparent Wagon   Аффект Агитировать Бараки Бассейн Батон Кабинет Цивилизованный Конкурент Кровать Декада Деликатный Дата Герб Гимн Облигация Оригинал Принципиальный Протекция Раса Рента Резидент Ретироваться Ревизия Спекулировать Транспарант Вагон  


After a break of more than three months, and intensive efforts by the EU, trilateral gas talks between Ukraine, Russia and the EU were resumed on 26 September. At a meeting in Berlin, the EU’s energy commissioner Günther Oettinger proposed a temporary solution to the Russian-Ukrainian gas dispute, the adoption of which would enable a stable supply of natural gas during the winter to both Ukraine and the EU. The fundamental differences between the parties led to the failure of the gas negotiations in June, which resulted in the suspension on 16 June of Gazprom’s gas supplies to Ukraine. The new EC proposal is unspecific on many points (such as the method of calculating the Ukrainian debt to Gazprom; the bases of the new supply, including the price formula; and the ‘take or pay’ clause) and will require further difficult negotiations.

Kyiv, whose energy situation is becoming increasingly difficult, is willing to   enter into a temporary compromise, but under the condition that the final size of its debt is not prejudged, and that during this period a constant gas price no higher than US$385 per 1000 m³ is guaranteed. Russia’s position shows that its efforts are continuing to force Ukraine into accepting temporary solution whichfavours Russian interests; that would mean a de facto continuation of the existing mechanisms for gas cooperation.


Watch the video Energy Security in Europe (track 7-3)and answer the following questions:

1) When did Europe realize its dependency on gas imports?

2) Why is energy dependency viewed as a major risk?

3) What should Europe do to eliminate this risk?

4) How can internal EU energy market be created?

5) What will it help to achieve?

6) What else does energy diversification depend on?

7) What projects help to achieve energy diversification in Europe?

8) What helps to achieve less reliance on external supplies?

9) What side effect does modernization of networks have?

10) Do you think that these measures are effective?

11) “South Stream” was said to enhance the European energy security. It was considered to be a key project within the strategy on diversifying the routes of gas supplies to the EU. Why did Russia cancel the project?






Task 1. Study the information on Energy Resources and Types of energy and fill in the table given below.

" Energy Resources " is NOT the same thing as " Types of energy ".

"Types of energy" means "kinetic energy", "chemical energy" and so forth.

"Energy Resources" is about ways of getting energy so we can generate electrical power.

Renewable Energy Resources are those that won't run out.

Non-renewable resources will eventually run out.

Fossil fuels: have been formed from the organic remains of prehistoric plants and animals.

Geothermal power is a way of generating heat and electricity from hot underground rocks.

Names of Energy Resources:

animal wastes, tide, coal, hot underground rocks, crude oil (or “petroleum”), wood, natural gas, waste products, oil shale, uranium, sun, water, ocean waves, plants, wind

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