Task 3. Study these phrases and choose the most appropriate heading for each group from the list below. — КиберПедия 

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Task 3. Study these phrases and choose the most appropriate heading for each group from the list below.

2021-06-02 30
Task 3. Study these phrases and choose the most appropriate heading for each group from the list below. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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asking for clarification    making a suggestion

rejecting                             stating your position

interrupting                        agreeing

bargaining                         asking for a reaction

1. _______________________ We just can’t agree to …   …is out of the question No, I don’t really think so.   I’d rather not…  5._______________________ I’ve got to stop you…  
2. ________________________ How’s that then?       It depends what you mean when you say  What do you have in mind?  Could you run through that again? 6. _______________________ What we’re looking for… We think…. We’d like to…. There’s no way … We wouldn’t want to… I guarantee… I was hoping for…
3. __________________________ Well, ….if you… We might be able to make an exception, if you… We’re prepared to… providing… If you…I could… I was going to … but what if I were to say…? 7.__________________________ How does that sound…? How do you feel about…? What do you say…?
4. ____________________________ Why not? Yes, of course. I agree to… That’s a deal. 8. ________________________ Let’s agree…, shall we? How about…? We could … Do you want me to… …, say,… I’d like to suggest…

Task 4. Role play “Conference organization”

Student A should look at File card A and Student B should look at File card B and get ready to negotiate the rent of conference space for future meeting of Russian and British delegations.

Read you cards attentively and think what problems can arise (the price is rather high, the rooms are already booked, etc.) and fill in the following table:

Problem Possible solution Possible consequence Useful vocabulary

Task 5. Role-play “The negotiation between EU, Russia and Ukraine in September 2014”.


After a break of more than three months, and intensive efforts by the EU, trilateral gas talks between Ukraine, Russia and the EU were resumed on 26 September. At a meeting in Berlin, the EU’s energy commissioner Günther Oettinger proposed a temporary solution to the Russian-Ukrainian gas dispute, the adoption of which would enable a stable supply of natural gas during the winter to both Ukraine and the EU. The fundamental differences between the parties led to the failure of the gas negotiations in June, which resulted in the suspension on 16 June of Gazprom’s gas supplies to Ukraine. The new EC proposal is unspecific on many points (such as the method of calculating the Ukrainian debt to Gazprom; the bases of the new supply, including the price formula; and the ‘take or pay’ clause) and will require further difficult negotiations.

Kyiv, whose energy situation is becoming increasingly difficult, is willing to   enter into a temporary compromise, but under the condition that the final size of its debt is not prejudged, and that during this period a constant gas price no higher than US$385 per 1000 m³ is guaranteed. Russia’s position shows that its efforts are continuing to force Ukraine into accepting temporary solution whichfavours Russian interests; that would mean a de facto continuation of the existing mechanisms for gas cooperation.


Watch the video Energy Security in Europe (track 7-3)and answer the following questions:

1) When did Europe realize its dependency on gas imports?

2) Why is energy dependency viewed as a major risk?

3) What should Europe do to eliminate this risk?

4) How can internal EU energy market be created?

5) What will it help to achieve?

6) What else does energy diversification depend on?

7) What projects help to achieve energy diversification in Europe?

8) What helps to achieve less reliance on external supplies?

9) What side effect does modernization of networks have?

10) Do you think that these measures are effective?

11) “South Stream” was said to enhance the European energy security. It was considered to be a key project within the strategy on diversifying the routes of gas supplies to the EU. Why did Russia cancel the project?



Choose one of the following international energy alliances and institutions and write a 1500 word research report on the topic “Russia’s interaction with international energy organisations”.

IEF - IEA - OPEC - ECC/ECT - IAEA  - GECF - EEC   - APEC Energy Working Group - IRENA

Make use of the proposed plan to outline the profile of an organisation:

- mission;

- member states;

- main activities;

- joint energy projects with Russia (if any);

- prospects of mutual cooperation with Russia.


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