XIII . Translate into English . — КиберПедия 

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XIII . Translate into English .

2022-07-07 31
XIII . Translate into English . 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

Что бы Вы хотели?; полфунта; банка клубничного варенья в один фунт; небольшой пакет с грибами; Этот подойдет?; слишком жирный; мне хотелось бы попостнее; Сколько стоит это?; вот банкнота в пять фунтов; вот сдача; у нас будет новое поступление; мы все продали в настоящий момент; я куплю вместо этого свинину; какую часть вам бы хотелось взять?; для варки или для жарки?; Кое-какие товары еще не прибыли; они будут доставлены; я оставлю их для вас; обратите внимание на фрукты, которые мы сегодня получили; персики действительно прекрасно выглядят; … совсем дешевые в это время года; это действительно дешево; закончились картошка и помидоры; заскочи в овощной; загляните в кондитерскую; мы отправляемся.


XIV. Make up small dialogue on analogy using the words in brackets.

a) - What can I do for you, please?

-I'd like half a kilo of cheese and half a litre packet of cream.

(200 g of butter and one drum of margarine; 300 g of ham and a kilo of frankfurters; a one-litre bottle of mineral water and a family size pack of yoghurt; a loaf of brown bread and two buns)

b) - What do you want in the line of meat?

- Can you give me a ten-pound ham?

-Yes, here's a nice one.

(wine – a bottle of dry wine; bread – a loaf of white bread; fruit – a kilo of bananas; fish – one cod; sausage – 300 g of salami)

c) - Do you need any milk?

- Yes, three quarts, please, and a pint of cream.

(ham – half a kilo; sugar –1 kilo; fruit – 2 cans of grapes; jam – a pound jar of peach jam; fish - one medium-size salted herring; vegetables – three tomatoes and a cucumber)

d) - How much do I owe you?

-That's £ 17. 20.

(20.34; 15.60; 4.80; 12.95)


XV. Translate into English

1. Пакет картошки, хлебный магазин, полфунта изюма, касса, буханка черного хлеба, десяток яиц, банка мясных консервов, рыбные консервы, тележка для покупок, бакалея.

2. Банка абрикосового варенья, кондитерская, булочка, банка зеленого горошка, продавец, прилавок, молочный магазин, пучок редиски, рынок, плитка шоколада.

3. Пачка масла, полуфабрикат, замороженные продуты, мясной магазин, баночка меда, кусок мыла, рыбное филе, пакет муки, бутылка уксуса, разливное молоко.

4. Бакалея, сушеные сливы, коробка спичек, платить наличными, семейная упаковка, на витрине, расфасованный, по пути, корзинка для продуктов, загружать.

5. Этикетка, овощной магазин, полка в магазине, заскочить в магазин, выписывать чек, сдача, постоянный покупатель, рынок, гастроном, свежеиспеченный пирог.

6. Привлекать внимание, поставки, кусок постной говядины, супермаркет, торговый центр, превосходный выбор, дешево купленная вещь, банкнота, касса на выходе, прозрачный лоток.

7. Загляните после обеда, у нас будет новое поступление. Боюсь, у нас кончилось масло и сахар. Загляни по пути в молочный и купи пачку творога и литровый пакет молока. Давай пройдем вдоль прилавков и посмотрим цены. Я не могу себе это позволить, слишком дорого. Посчитайте все покупки, кроме этих двух бутылок вина, вместе. У нас едва ли есть вермишель и рис. Где я могу купить хрустящие финские хлебцы (Finn crisps)? Сколько я должен? Сколько стоит эта треска? Мне кажется, что хлеб черствый. Я не буду брать это масло, оно несвежее. Покажите, пожалуйста, вон тот кусок бекона. Что у вас есть из мяса? Зайди в овощной и купи 2 кг картошки. Я лучше буду покупать овощи и фрукты на рынке – дороже, но лучшего качества. Пожалуйста, дайте мне бутылку минералки, две литровые бутылки пепси и полуторалитровый пакет мангового сока. Мне еще что-нибудь купить в булочной? – Да, пожалуйста, купи 300г вафель или ванильных булочек к чаю, если они свежие. У вас есть разливное молоко? – Нет, только в пакетах. Анюта, сбегай в бакалею и купи 1 кг соли и бутылку столового уксуса. Положите эту рыбу на весы, нет, эта слишком большая. Пожалуйста, дайте мне две среднего размера камбалы. Взвесьте вон тот кусочек сыра, пожалуйста. Вот ваша сдача с пятидесяти рублей. Обратите внимание на бананы, которые мы получили утром. Яблоки будут доставлены завтра утром.


Shopping for Consumer goods.

XVI. Read this text and translate it.

At Our Department Store

A visit to any department store or any boutique is a great pleasure practically for any woman and a torture (пытка) for most men. My friend and me visited our shopping centre several days ago. This large department store occupies a four-storied building in the centre of our city. I think, a lot of shop-assistants work there to serve customers. There are a lot of departments there. When we stepped into it near the entrance door there was a florist stall. There we could see a lot of flowers and houseplants, pots and vases, books about flowers and ikebana, chemicals and soil. Just a little further there was a souvenir department with the works of folk-craft, Gzhel faience, laces, woodcarving and so on. We were dazzled. The next department was ' Haberdashery '. People could buy there combs, pins, zigzags, buttons, ribbons and other goods. The department of ' Crystal and China " we usually explore with great attention. I like fine china, especially bone china from Germany or England. And that time we looked at all goods attentively. The last big department on the ground floor is ' Cosmetics and Perfumes '. For men it's impossible to drag out their wives and girl-friends from this department. A lot of bright labelled boxes, jars, bottles, cartons with creams, shampoos, lotions, eau-de-cologne, perfumes, mascara, lipsticks, powders and eye shades. The women's hearts are on Cloud Nine if they can buy if only one item. But that time we wanted to buy a summer dress for my friend and trousers suit for me. We simply looked around the other departments. The first floor was occupied with ' Hi-Fi', ' Musical goods and records ', ' Leisurewear ', ' Knitted goods ', ' Sports Goods ' and ' Hosiery 'departments. In the 'Leisurewear' we saw very pretty swimsuits and tracksuits but the prices were ski-high. But in the 'Knitted goods' I found a jacket of my dream made of flax. And the store gave a discount of ten per cent. Not much but still. The jacket fitted me perfectly. Of course, I bought it. We don't play any musical instrument but records, cassettes and CDs always attract our attention. We spent the next half an hour there listening to music and songs. On the second floor it was the world of textile and accessories of all kinds. In the department ' Leather Goods ' we saw nice and rather expensive leather belts and wallets. But we didn't like leather bags. Summer textile bags were better. The next department ' Millinery' was given to all kinds of hats, caps, scarves and shawls. I remembered I needed a new pair of gloves, so I went into the corner, where they were sold. There was sale that day and we both could buy fine gloves matching our coats at a bargain. Just opposite the counter with gloves we saw ' Lingerie ' department. Of course, we couldn't miss it and examined it thoroughly. Then we went to the far end of the hall where there was ' Footwear ' department. At last we reached the last third floor where 'Ready-made Clothes' department was. We began to look for a summer dress and a trousers suit. We tried on a lot of dresses and suits. Some of them didn't suit us in colour, the others we didn't like because of fashions. It took us almost an hour to choose the things to our taste. Fully satisfied with our purchases we left our department store and thought that the day had worked well, for sure.


XVII. Answer the questions.

1. Is the department store large or small? 2. What do shop-assistants do in the shop? 3. How many departments are there in the department store? 4. What can one see at a florist stall? 5. Why were the girls dazzled in a souvenir department? 6. Where can one buy ribbons or zigzags? 7. “Crystal and China” department has crockery and cutlery on sale, hasn’t it? 8. Whom is it impossible to drag out of “Cosmetics and Perfumes” department? 9. Why are women’s hearts usually on Cloud Nine there? 10. What departments were there on the first floor? 11. At what department did one of the girls find a thing of her dream? What was it? 12. What goods were sold at high-sky prices? 13. What was the second floor occupied with? 13. Which bags did the girls like better? 14. What did the girls buy at the millinery department? 15. What department did they examine thoroughly? 16. Where was “Ready-Made Clothes” department situated? 17. What did they look for there? 18. With what thought did the girls leave the department store? 19. Why did they think so?     


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