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MS program at a foreign university

2020-11-03 148
MS program at a foreign university 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Second Listening

Task 2.1 a) Answer the question: Do you like studying at master’s program? Why/Why not?

b) Listen to the text about students. What is good about being a full-time student according to the text?

Before you Read

Task 2.2 Answer the following questions.

1. What are key skills in today’ s marketplace?

2. What is at the core of any business organization?

3. Should IT students be provided with both solid technical foundation and sound practice?

4. What positions in IT fields do you know? Can you enumerate them?

5. Do you think that Master of Science in Information and Technology (MSIT) graduates can easily find a job?


1.forward-thinking дальновидный
2. IT-enabled с использованием / поддержкой ИТ
3.holistic всесторонний, комплексный
4. pervasive распространенный
4. to target нацелиться, ориентироваться на что-либо
5. forecast прогноз, предсказание
6. curriculum программа курса, учебный план
7. to appeal приходиться по душе, импонировать, привлекать
8. position должность
9. track направление, область специализации
10. credit зачетная единица


Task 2.3 Read the text Master of Science in Information and Technology and check your answers.

Master of Science in Information and Technology (MSIT)

California Lutheran University


Data, analytics, and management of Information Technology are key skills in today’s marketplace. Our Master of Science in Information and Technology (MSIT) program provides students with a solid and forward-thinking technical foundation used to effectively plan, design, implement and manage IT systems.

Quick Facts

MSIT prepares students to be strong technical leaders, ready to lead IT-enabled organizational change. The program is designed to be constantly relevant and practical for working professionals.

Careers in Demand

A Master’s degree in Information Systems is considered by Forbes Magazine to be “The Best Master’s Degree,” with a projected employment growth of 30 percent through 2020. “Earning this degree was holistic – it’s helped me to have a broader perspective of IT management, business, and the global industry. With the knowledge obtained, I believe I can offer valuable contributions to any company I work with.” Barbara Guarnieri said.

Program Highlights

Information Technology (IT) is pervasive today and is at the core of almost any business organization. The MSIT program targets both technical professionals wishing to advance their career in the field as well as business professionals wishing to gain valuable IT skills needed to transform enterprise operations. The curriculum is carefully designed to combine the study of fundamental theory with sound practice, applying latest technologies and tools to real-world problems in the comfort of the classroom.

Get Experience with Big Data

Providing timely and relevant information requires working with real-world data. Lots of data. Big data. That’s why California Lutheran students have access to invaluable research resources, including a fully functional data processing cluster and actual, real-world data sets.

A Growing Job Market

The job market for IT professionals is forecast for continued growth. The Occupational Outlook Handbook places various IT careers in five of the top 20 growth positions nationwide, and in seven of the top 10 positions in terms of job growth in Los Angeles County.

As an MSIT graduate, you will be prepared for a number of positions in the IT field including:

· Business/Systems Analyst

· IT Project Manager

· Data Analyst

· Business Intelligence Analyst

· System Developer

· Information Systems Manager

· Chief Information Officer

· IT Consultant

· Security Consultant

· Network Analyst/Administrator


The curriculum includes a total of 12 graduate courses (36 credits) total. Students will take eight core courses and four elective courses in their specialized track. Students can obtain a general MSIT degree by selecting elective courses across tracks. Students with backgrounds that are not in Information Technology (IT) or business may need foundation courses which do not count towards the 36 credits required for the degree.

Course Terms & Calendar

On-campus courses are offered year-round in four, 11-week terms. The on-campus option appeals to those students living in the area who prefer face-to-face, evening classes or find value in taking a combination of on-campus and online classes.

On-Campus Terms

Fall Term September-November
Winter Term December-February
Spring Term March-May
Summer Term June-August

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