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Persian is one of the 10 oldest languages, which includes Tamil, Lithuanian, Icelandic, Hebrew, Macedonian, Basque, Finnish, Georgian and native Irish. These languages, which the magazine "Culture" indicating in its report, noting their current positions in different countries of the world, presented as the 10 oldest languages in the world.
For many centuries, the Iranians kept in their warm embrace the sweet Farsi language as a precious pearl, developed, processed and made it more beautiful day after day. The term "sweet" in the Persian language has been used for a long time and refers to the ease and softness of this language. The Manichaean texts, the Avesta and the Pahlavi materials indicate the sweetness of the language. This term has long been used for speech, and then Iranians and foreign Iranians used it only in relation to language. “Sweet Persian language”, “Farsi sugar” and the term “Persian sugar” are used only in connection with the Persian language (Farsi), and not other languages. The sweet Persian language went through a rather long period, and turned into its present form. The history of the Persian language as well as the history of the ancient territory of Iran is ancient and rose from millennia.In the history of the Persian language, three main periods are distinguished: the first period, which is called the ancient. This period begins from when the first signs of Iranian languages appeared. This period continued until the end of the rule of the Achaemenid dynasty. The two main languages in which there is valuable literature, i.e. the ancient Persian language, representing the language of the Achaemenid inscriptions and the language of the Avesta, which is the language of Zoroastrian religious books, belong to this period.During this period, languages, like many ancient languages of the world, have complex grammar. In them, nouns are inclined in 7-8 cases. Verbs have difficult times. In addition, masculine, feminine, and middle birth play a role in grammar. In addition to the singular and plural, there is a dual.The second period or middle period of the Persian language began at the end of the Achaemenid period and continued until the beginning of the Islamic period. During this period, on a large territory, according to linguistic and geographical foundations, languages are divided into two groups: western and eastern. The eastern group of languages includes Sogdian, Khorezmian, Scythian and Bactrian languages.The Iranian language underwent major changes during this period. The phonetic system is very simplified. The declension of nouns, adjectives and pronouns has disappeared from these languages. Verb moods are very simplified. The gender and the dual number have disappeared, the ground has been prepared for the appearance of the pearl of Dari. Then the third or new period of the Iranian languages began, a developed and strengthened language, i.e. the sweet Persian language appeared in a new period to become the language of poetry, literature, culture, science, religion, love and mysticism. The structure and syllabic system of the Persian language has unique features that shock linguists. Simple pronunciation of letters, beautiful rhythm of words, simple grammar and word formation ability are features of the Persian language. However, the secret of the long life of the sweet Persian language is not only in its phonetic, linguistic and grammatical systems. What the Persian language has preserved to this day, this thinking, which was expressed in this language. In principle, this Iranian thinking, expressed in Persian, has led to the survival and dynamism of this language.Persian is sweet. He is eternal. Its basis is not violated. This is a palace that is not harmed by the wind or rain. Since this seed of communication was planted everywhere in Iran, it was strengthened by native speakers of this language beyond the borders of Iran. New flowers will bloom from it and there will be fresh fruits.Ссылка на источник: https://parstoday.com/ru/radio/iran-i57181
Крымский федеральный университет им. В. И. Вернадского
Институт иностранной филологии
Кафедра иностранных языков № 2
2. Список разговорных тем по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для обучающихся 45.03.01 Филология (Персидский язык и литература)
1. Our University
2. Famous Universities of the World
3. Famous Persian Author
4. Philology vs Linguistics
5. English as an International Means of Communication
6. My future profession is a Philologist
7. Persian Language
8. Persian Literature
Крымский федеральный университет им. В. И. Вернадского
Институт иностранной филологии
Кафедра иностранных языков № 2
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