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Practical analysis showing the types of stress

2020-04-01 258
Practical analysis showing the types of stress 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Here, we shall analyze the English stress according to different degrees.

1. ['___]. This accentual type marks both simple and compound words. The accentual structure of this type may include two and more syllables, e.g.


'absence 'acid
'article 'berry
'brawny 'bucket
'buckle 'candid
'chemistry 'climate
'collegue 'during
'Easter 'elepant
'eloquence 'enemy
'errand 'enter
'falcon 'ferment
'ferret 'final
'hamburger 'handle
'heating 'hustle
'index 'jetty
'jungle 'kitchen
'kitten 'knick-knack
'language 'landing
'leather 'lecture
'manger 'mental
'mercury 'mountain
'neutral 'noodle
'olive 'origin
'ornament 'orphan
'order 'party
‘passage ‘passion
‘perfume ‘private
‘principal ‘promise
‘pumpkin ‘question
‘quota ‘ready
‘record ‘region
‘regular ‘restive
‘fable’ ‘mollify
‘moment ‘monarch
‘monitor ‘monkey
‘potter ‘prelate
‘predator ‘presage
‘prior ‘privacy
‘separable ‘sequel
‘sergeant ‘serial
‘serpent ‘shuttle
‘shooting ‘trundle
‘type ‘turgid
‘turret ‘sojourn
‘soluble ‘somersault
‘sooty ‘spector
‘senior ‘insolent
‘inmost ‘inkling
‘inland ‘inlay
‘inlet ‘inmate
‘iterate ‘island
‘jockey ‘jolly
‘jostle ‘journal
‘joyful ‘juggle
‘keeper ‘kennel
‘kernel ‘kettle
‘kidnap ‘kidney
‘kindle ‘kinship
‘leavings ‘lordly
‘miracle ‘navy
‘navel ‘nephew
‘nonsense ‘pallid
‘palpable ‘treason
‘treasure ‘trivial
‘ultimate ‘unit
‘valley ‘version
‘veto ‘vivid
‘volatile ‘wallet
‘water ‘waver
‘wavy ‘village
‘vowel ‘abrogate
‘alimony ‘alcove
‘algebra ‘almost
‘amnesty ‘ample
‘amputate ‘ankle
‘apple ‘curcus


2. ['__'__]. Theaccentual type is commonly realized in compound words, most of them are with separable prefixes, e.g.


‘radio-‘active ‘re’write
‘diso’bey ‘re’mind
‘re’play ‘re’prove
‘re’quest ‘re’solve
‘re’straim ‘re’tail
‘re’tire ‘re’trace
‘re’turn ‘re’veal
‘re’ward ‘re’vise
‘be’long ‘be’loved
‘re’view ‘re’voke
‘re’pel ‘re’place
‘re’ply ‘re’port
‘re’pose ‘re’known
‘re’peat ‘re’peal
‘re’past ‘pre’cede


3.['__'__'__] and 4. ['__'__'__'__]. The accentual types are met in initial compound abbreviations like.


‘U’S’A ‘U’S’S’R
‘B’B’C ‘I’S’O
‘O’N’D ‘R’A’F
‘N’A’T’O ‘S’O’S
‘U’N’O ‘I’B’F
‘N’B’A ‘W’B’C
‘C’N’N ‘H’D’T’V
‘I’L’O ‘M’M’R
‘M’M’S ‘U’E’F’A
‘U’D’R ‘U’F’O
‘U’C’A’S ‘A’P’C
‘C’I’A ‘C’N’D
‘I’D’P ‘I’P’A
‘L’A’N ‘M’B’E
‘M’B’A ‘N’A’S’A
‘N’H’S ‘A’B’C


5. [,__'__]. The type is realized both in simple and compound words, very common among compound words, e.g.


‘hair-,dresser ‘sub,structure
‘haber,dasher ‘heli,port
‘helle,bore ‘hiber,nate
‘holly,hock ‘holo,cene
‘holo,caust ‘holo,gram
‘homi,cide ‘horo,scope
‘lique,fy ‘compli,cated
‘convo,luted ‘cosmo,naut


6. [,__'__]. The accentual type marks a great number of simple words and some compound words as well.


,inter’national ,capa’bility
,cate’gorical ,cali’tion
,compe’tition ,combi’nation
,compre’hensible ,con;solation
,con’servation ,dedi’cation
,de’gradation ,de’rail
,des’tination ,dis’connect
,ex’pedition ,hallo’ween
,hebri’dean ,lemo’nade
,brand’new ,fortifi’cation
,ille’gitimate ,imma’ture
,impu’tation ,incan’descent
,innad’vertent ,inco’rrect
,incrus’tation ,incon’siderable
,inde’pendence ,indes’cribable
,ine’ffective ,ine’fficient
,ine’quality ,inex’pedient
,inex’pensive ,info’rmation
,inter’mission ,lia’bility
,loco’motive ,minu’et
,obli’gation ,unac’ceptable
,appa’ratus ,una’ccustomed
,unap’proachable ,una’ware
,un’bossom ,un’checked


7. [‘__,__’__]. The type includes rather a small number of simple words with the separable prefixes, e.g.


‘mis,repre’sent ‘dis,advan’tageous
‘dis,colo’ration ‘dis,qualifi’cation
‘mis,remem’ber ‘mis,under’stand


8. [,__,__’__]. The type is found in a very small number of words, usually simple words with the stresses on the prefix, thr root and the suffix, e.g.


,indi,viduali’zation ,indi,solu’bility
,insu,bordi’nation ,inter,conti’nental
,inter,govern’mental ,inter,natio’nale
,anti,globali’zation ,anti,vivi’sectionist


9. [‘__’__,__]. The type is meet in rare instances of compound words with separable prefixes, e.g.


‘un’sea,worthy ‘un’speci,fide
‘un’statesman,like ‘un’rekog,nizable


10. [‘__,__,__]. The type is represented by rare instances of simple and compound words, e.g.




11. [,__’__,__]. The type is found in rare instances of compound words consisting of the three components, e.g.


,ginger’beer,bottle ,anti’hista,mine




In this course paper we have treated some problems of accentual structure, such as the quantitative and qualitative components of word stress, vowels and consonants.

 From chapter I we have known that vowel of the stressed syllable is perceived as never reduced or obscure and longer than the same vowel in the unstressed syllables.

In the point 1.1. we have said about European languages such as English, German, French, Russian, and that they are believed to possess predominantly dynamic word stress. In Scandinavian languages the word stress is considered to be both dynamic and musical.

In the point 1.2. we have paid attention to the instability of English accentual structure of words and that the English presents much difficulty for Russian learners, because of his multisyllabic words the accentual structure of which is regulated by the rhythmical tendency.

In chapter II We have pointed out that in a speech chain the phonetic structure of a word obtains additional characteristics connected with rhythm, melody, and tempo. Though the sentence stress falls on the syllable marked by the word stress it is not realized in the stressed syllable of an isolated word but in a word within speech continuum.

In the point 2.1. we singled out that the opinions of phoneticians differ as how many degrees of stress are linguistically relevant in a word.

So, we think that we have achieved the aim of the course paper and fulfilled all the tasks which were put in this work.


List of literature:


1. Crystal D. – The English of voice – Ldn, 1975

2. Jones D. The phoneme. Its nature and use – Cambridge, 1967

3. O’Connor J.D. Phonetics – penguin, 1977

4. Vassilyev V.A. English Phonetics: A theoretical course – M., 1970

5. Palmer H.E. English intonations with systematic exercises – Cambridge, 1924

6. Vassilyev V.A., Burenkova O.V., - М., 1992

7. Katanskaya A.R., Lukina N.D., Maslova L.P., Torsueva E.I. – English phonetics (a normative course) – Leningrad, 1962

8. Abercrombie D. The department of phonetics – Edinburgh University, May, 1958

9. Jones D. an outline of English phonetics, 9th ed, Cambridge, 1960

10. Oxford Russian dictionary – Oxford Russian press, 2000

11. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь с грамматическим приложением – М., издательство «Лукоморье», 2001.


Course paper review


325 group student Pocheikina J.A.

Foundations of the theory of the studied language. This theme is one of the complicated questions in the sphere of phonetics. The author treats different views of linguists concerning accentuation.

Chapter I is devoted to the study of English stress as a phonetic phenomenon. More detailed questions as the nature of word stress and prominence and also the placement of word stress were treated too.

In chapter II the student analyses degrees of stress and rhythmical tendency and also studies the functional aspect of word stress.

In the end of the course paper the student gives practical analysis.

This course paper corresponds to the requirements of writing and may be recommended for defence.

Scientific supervisor:

Senior teacher

Buzhumova P.Z.

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