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2020-01-13 | 192 |
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experience (the heat) – испытать, почувствовать (горячее, жар)
get experience – получить опыт
protect – защищать
keep away from the baby’s reach – хранить, держать вне досягаемости
allow – позволять, разрешать
avoid – избегать
prepare hygienically – готовить гигиенично
approach, when approached – приближаться, подходить; когда подходит
scream – кричать, визжать
stand still – стоять смирно, неподвижно и тихо
back away – пятиться прочь
experience – опыт
protection – защита
bars close enough – прутья решетки (расположены) достаточно близко
overclothing - перекутывание
I. Choose the correct statements and write out their numbers.
1. It's hard to keep a baby under one year of age safe.
2. Ordinary things become dangerous when the child reaches the age of two.
3. Never let a child touch a hot teapot.
4. Rabies is transmitted through animal bites or licks.
5. If the dog appears healthy for 4 days after the bite the anti-rabic treatment can be stopped.
6. You can break the child's contact with the electric current with your hands.
7. If the child has stopped breathing you should begin cardiac massage.
8. In case of fracture there may not be a deformity.
9. The injured part should be prevented from moving.
10. When a child develops sun stroke he sweats profusely.
11. In sun stroke the child's skin is hot and dry.
12. You can put out the fire by rolling the casualty in a blanket.
13. All food must be as fresh as possible, especially in summer.
14. If vomiting is severe it is enough to give the child some weak tea in sips.
15. To avoid poisoning you must free your food from all the bacteria.
16. Food poisoning can make you feel a bit unwell or seriously ill, it can also cause death.
17. Never leave a child near a heater.
18. Drugs should be locked up out of the child's reach.
II. Among the words in the line find two with the same meaning:
l.a)rapidly b)frequently c)quickly d)weakly e)completely 2. a)heat b)loss c)number d)amount e)sweat
III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:
1. Some food becomes...
2. Accidents must be...
3. Minor hurts... a child's life.
4. Electric shock... touching an exposed wire.
a)harmless b)poisonous c)prevented d)protected e)results in f)results from g)accompany h)break
I. Choose the correct statements and write out their numbers:
1. More children die from accidents than from other causes.
2. Infectious diseases kill more children than poisons.
3. As a result of electric shock the child may stop breathing.
4. The child's contact with the exposed electric wire should be broken.
5. You may give the child water to drink before the anesthesia.
6. An X-ray is necessary to confirm the fracture.
7. It is not necessary to add salt to the child's drink in case of sun stroke
8. To prevent sun stroke the child should never play in the sun.
9. In an accident first of all you should see that there is no obstruction to breathing.
10. It is recommended to put the casualty on his back in any accident.
11. Germs multiply rapidly in a refrigerator.
12. Food poisoning may be caused by germs or poisonous mushrooms.
13. To minimize the risk of getting ill you must prevent bacteria from growing.
14. A rabid dog is never quiet.
15. Accidents are a part of growing up
16. It is always good to remind your child to be always careful.
17. If the child's heart stopped beating you must start artificial respiration.
18. Immobilization prevents pain and further damage of the soft tissues.
II. Among the words in the line find two with the same meaning:
l.a)dizziness b)vomiting c)respiration d)perspiration e)breathing 2. a)wire b)cord c)heater d)object e)switch
III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:
1. Rabies is... by a virus.
2. You should... all the medicine locked up in a cupboard.
3. Small objects like coins, buttons are... for small children.
4. You can remove the wire with...
a)protected b)caused c)bare hands d)a wooden stick e)keep f)hold g)poisonous h)dangerous
TEST 3..
I. Choose the correct statements and write out their numbers:
1. All wounds made by a rabid dog must be treated with anti-rabic vaccine.
2. Fridges(refrigerators) can kill bacteria.
3. Fridges can slow the growth of most common bacteria.
4. Avoid eating inside the home as much as possible.
5. A tourniquet may be left for more than an hour.
6. Bleeding can be stopped by pressing with a clean cloth.
7. Overclothing should be avoided.
8. To bring the temperature down the child should be wrapped in a wet sheet.
9. A sudden rise of the body temperature may result in a heat stroke.
10. The injured part should be immobilized.
11. You may use only a ready-made splint to immobilize it.
12. A compound fracture is less serious than a simple fracture.
13. In a compound fracture the broken bone has pierced the skin.
14. Sterile gauze should be placed on the wound to prevent infection.
15. Children can be allowed to play with plastic bags on their heads.
16. Minor hurts in children can be avoided.
17. Minor hurts are a part of children's education.
18. If you have a scratch on the skin even a lick of a rabid dog will transmit rabies.
II. Among the words in the line choose two with the same meaning:
1. a)hard b)safe c)common d)difficult e)thorough
2. a)poison b)medicine c)drug d)death e)injury
III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:
1. You must bind the splint... the fracture.
2. It is necessary to... with pressure.
3. When the child plays in the sun for a long time he may...
4. Eating the food which is not fresh may cause...
a)below and above b)inside and outside c)protect the wound d)control bleeding e)develop a convulsion f)sweat profusely g)cramp-like pains in the abdomen h)severe swelling
QUESTIONS FOR REVISION Revise the information on Choking, Fever, Headache, Poisoning. The questions below will help you:
1. What is choking?
2. What can cause choking?
3. How can I know the person is choking?
4. What is the danger of choking?
5. What should I do if somebody is choking?
1. What is called fever?
2. What can cause fever?
3. How can a feverish person look? How can I know the person has fever?
4. When and why can fever be dangerous?
5. What must I do if my child or somebody else in the family has fever?
6. Should I bring the temperature down and how can I do it?
1. What can cause headache? Is headache always associated with high fever?
2. When shall I consult the doctor?
3. What should I do to relieve the pain?
4. Shall I take any medicine?
5. How can I know the person has a migraine attack?
6. How can I help in a migraine attack?
1. What can cause poisoning?
2. How do poisons enter the body?
3. How do poisons harm the body?
4. What should be done to avoid poisoning at home?
5. What are the dangers of alcohol poisoning?
6. How can we help in alcohol poisoning?
I. Тексты для обсуждения и пересказа..................................................................3
1. Accidents........................................................................................................................3
2. Prevention of Accidents.................................................................................................5
3. Electric Shock................................................................................................................6
4. Fracture........................................................................................................................9
5. Sun Stroke and Heat Stroke.........................................................................................10
6. Rabies...........................................................................................................................11
7. Food Poisoning............................................................................................................13
II. Тексты для самостоятельного чтения, перевода и реферирования.........................14
1. First Aid in Accidents..................................................................................................14
2. Prevention of Food Poisoning......................................................................................15
3. Aggressive Dogs Get Ever More Dangerous...............................................................17
In Case of Emergency.............................................................................................................19
1. Bleeding.......................................................................................................................19
2. Choking........................................................................................................................19
3. Drowning.....................................................................................................................20
4. Allergic Respiratory Swelling.....................................................................................20
5. Shock...........................................................................................................................21
6. Fainting........................................................................................................................21
7. Poisoning.....................................................................................................................21
8. Fever............................................................................................................................22
9. Sunstroke.....................................................................................................................23
10. Heat Prostration.........................................................................................................24
11. Sprains.......................................................................................................................24
12. Wounds......................................................................................................................24
13. Scratches and Abrasions............................................................................................25
14. Insect Stings...............................................................................................................27
From Dictionary of Medical Folklore...................................................................................26
1. Dog Bites.....................................................................................................................26
2. Snakebite......................................................................................................................27
3. Food Poisoning............................................................................................................27
4. Poisoning, Antidotes For.............................................................................................28
5. Poison Ivy....................................................................................................................28
6. Headache......................................................................................................................29
7. Fever............................................................................................................................29
8. Choking...............................................................................................29
9. Drowning.........................................................................................29
Реферирование научной статьи: An Unusually Early Adder Bite...............................30
Brazilian Institute Has the Antidote...................................................................32
Adult TOXOCARA CATI Infections In U.S. Children: Report Of Two Cases...............32
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