По грамматике английского языка — КиберПедия 

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По грамматике английского языка

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По грамматике английского языка



I. Существительное (The Noun).................................................................................... 3-7

Артикль (The Article)...................................................................................................... 4-7

II. Прилагательное (The Adjective)............................................................................... 7-12

III. Местоимение (Pronoun)............................................................................................ 12-17

IV. Времена (Tenses)........................................................................................................ 17-58

Глагол to be....................................................................................................................... 17

Глагол to have................................................................................................................... 17-18

Конструкция there is, there are...................................................................................... 18

Present Indefinite............................................................................................................... 18-21

Present Continuous........................................................................................................... 21

Present Indefinite (Simple) vs Present Continuous......................................................... 21-27

Past Indefinite (Simple)..................................................................................................... 27-29

Past Continuous................................................................................................................. 29-30

Past Indefinite vs Past Continuous (Progressive)............................................................ 30-35

Future Indefinite (Simple)................................................................................................. 35-37

Future Continuous............................................................................................................ 37-38

Способы выражения будущего времени.................................................................... 38- 40

Present Perfect................................................................................................................... 40-41

Present Perfect vs Present Indefinite............................................................................... 41-42

Present Perfect vs Past Indefinite..................................................................................... 42-46

Past Perfect........................................................................................................................ 46-47

Future Perfect.................................................................................................................... 47

Present Perfect Continuous.............................................................................................. 47-49

Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous............................................................... 49-54

Past Perfect Continuous.................................................................................................... 54-55

Упражнения на разные времена.................................................................................. 55-58

V. Пассивный залог (The Passive Voice)....................................................................... 58-66

VI. Согласование времен (The Sequence of Tenses)................................................... 67-68

VII. Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs)..................................................................... 69-79

VIII. Условные предложения (The Conditionals)....................................................... 79-86

IX. Предложения с Wish................................................................................................. 86-87

X. Неличные формы глагола (The Verbals)................................................................ 87-121

The Infinitive...................................................................................................................... 87-94

The Complex Object.......................................................................................................... 91-94

The Complex Subject........................................................................................................ 97-100

For construction................................................................................................................. 100-101

The Gerund........................................................................................................................ 102-110

Герундиальные обороты (Gerundial constructions)................................................... 110-111

Упражнения на разные случаи употребления герундия......................................... 112-114

Participle............................................................................................................................. 11 5-1 20

Независимый причастный оборот............................................................................... 1 20-1 21

Приложения. Неправильные глаголы (Irregular Verbs)......................................... 122-124

Словосочетания с неправильными глаголами......................................................... 124-125

Сводная таблица времен плана настоящего............................................................. 126

Сводная таблица прошедших времен......................................................................... 127

Сводная таблица будущих времен............................................................................... 128

Фразовые глаголы.......................................................................................................... 129

I. Существительное (The Noun)

Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в одну колонку, а неисчисляемые существительные в другую колонку. При исчисляемых существительных поставьте артикль а или an.:

Wool, air, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper (бумага), paper (газета), hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass (стекло), glass (стакан), hero, sand, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, obligation, equipment, instrument, speed, umbrella, advice, news.


Предложите соответствующие существительные женского рода.

A lion, an actor, a man, an uncle, a husband, a brother, a grandfather, a son, a count, a host, a duke.


Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число.

A pen, a class, a story, a road, a day, a cat, a bush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, a lion, a park, a play.


Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число.

A. A pin, a hat, a fox, a baby, a day, potato, a volcano, a piano, a photo, a knife, a roof, a half, a leaf, a cliff, a chief, a life, a family, a queue, a bath, a berry, a valley, a century, a salmon, a taxi, a person, a penny, a watch, a lily, a woodworm.

В. A man, a woman, a German, a foot, a tooth, a ship, an ox, a fox, a child, a fireman, a mouse, a swine, a house, a louse, a goose, a means, a series, a species, an offspring.


Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a spider. 2. That is a snail. 3. This is a space film. 4. That is a cartoon. 5. This is a star. 6. This is a boy. 7. This is a baby. 8. That is a plate. 9. That is a flower. 10. That is a bookshelf. 11. Is this a sofa? 12. Is this a bookcase? 13. Is this a man? 14. Is that a ball? 15. Is that a train? 16. Is that a plane? 17. Is the window open? 18. Is the door closed? 19. Is the boy near the window? 20. That is not a king. 21. That is not a queen. 22. That is not a bus. 23. This isn't a mountain. 24. That isn't a goose. 25. This isn't a mouse. 26. It is a sheep. 27. It is a cigarette. 28. It is a cat. 29. It is not a tree. 30. It isn't a bag. 31. It isn't a tree. 32. It is not an orange. 33. Is that a flower?


Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

1. The ball of the dog. 2. The skateboard of that man. 3. The songs of the children. 4. The umbrella of my grandmother. 5. The room of my friend. 6. The questions of my son. 7. The wife of my brother. 8. The table of our teacher. 9. The poems of a writer. 10. The voice of this girl. 11. The new club of the workers. 12. The letter of Pete. 13. The car of my parents. 14. The life of this woman. 15. The handbags of these women. 16. The flat of my sister is large. 17. The children of my brother are at home. 18. The room of the boys is large. 19. The name of this girl is Jane. 20. The work of these students is interesting. 21. The computer of my son is modern. 22. He was a friend of my cousins.



Far, farther, further

1. She is one of those who will go.... 2. How... is your native place from here? 3. Billy lived at... end of the village. 4. She never went... than school. 5. A... calculation shows that these figures are incorrect. 6. I live … from the city centre than you do. 7. They are waiting for... news from home.


22. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Вы — моя последняя надежда. 2. Этого я от вас меньше всего ожидала. 3. Она выглядит старше своих лет. 4. В следующий вторник мы обсудим следующий пункт программы. 5. Последующие детали будут обсуждены на последнем заседании клуба. 6. На этой выставке представлено последнее (новейшее) оборудование со всего мира. 7. Нет, дальше мы не пойдем, темнеет. 8. Если ей помочь, то она далеко пойдет. 9. Сядь, пожалуйста, подальше от телевизора. 10. Они принялись за работу (get down to work) без дальнейших комментариев. 11. Я живу дальше всех от школы.


23. Выберите один из двух вариантов в скобках и объясните ваш выбор:

1. Is the station much (further/farther)?

2. You'll find the explanation (further/farther) on.

3. Your record is (worse/worst) than mine.

4. It's the (less/lesser) of two evils.

5. She always wears the (last/latest) fashion.

6. We have no (further/farther) information.

7. Nick skates (good/well).

8. His (latest/last) words were: "The end."

9. She is the (oldest/eldest) member of our family.

10. My flat is (littler/smaller) than yours.

11. I've got (less/lesser) patience than you.

12. He is much (older/elder) than his wife.

13. This is the (more/most) beautiful picture I've ever seen.

14. His English is (best/better) than mine.

15. She is (better/best) now.

16. It's the (furthest/farthest) point west.

17. It's the (oldest/eldest) building in the city.

18. He's my (older/elder) brother.

19. I'm not hurt in the (least/less)!

20. It is the (more/most) I can do for you.


24. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Моя сестра полнее меня, поэтому она кажется старше.

2. Разве он такой же высокий, как и я?

3. Марина — самая красивая девушка в нашем классе. Но она такая угрюмая (sullen)!

4. У него одно ухо длиннее другого, и волосы жидкие (thin). Он, действительно, самый страшный из всех нас, но мы его любим, потому что он очень добрый.

5. По правде сказать, волосы моей любимой длиннее и более гладкие (lank), чем у моей жены.

6. Когда она хмурит брови (frown), она становится еще более красивая.

7.... я человек искренний и честный, можно сказать, добрый, но иногда... Дело в том, что моя жена... она женщина серьезная, привлекательная, но капризная (naughty)... кроме того, она зануда... У меня друг есть один. Он такой умный, можно сказать, мудрый (wise). Я спрашиваю жену: "Послушай, что ты думаешь о Павле?", а она мне отвечает: "Разве ты все еще продолжаешь дружить с этим типом? Он подлый (mean), он такой бабник (lady-killer)! Только и делает, что пьет с друзьями, а после того, как выпьет, принимается петь такие глупости... такие люди обманщики (crooks)!" Я, конечно, сразу краснею иговорю: "Ты говоришь это в шутку, надеюсь?", а она: "Конечно же нет! Он смеется над тобой, он заставляет тебя делать такие неразумные вещи, А ты такой же дурак, как и все!" Я ей возражаю (object): "Это смешно, дорогая. Ты же его не знаешь так же хорошо, как я! Ты только теряешь время (waste time)!". А она мне снова говорит: "Кроме того, твой друг влюблен в меня." Я не ревнивый (jealous), a (but) справедливый, и голову никогда не теряю, но после таких слов я не способен оставаться спокойным. А она еще и добавляет (add): "А я только что ходила с ним в кафе". Я начинаю что-то понимать... Я бледнею и принимаюсь кричать: "Шутки в сторону (jokes apart), вы любовники! Какой же я идиот!.. Но он ниже меня, он лысее... он гораздо старше меня, у него больше морщин". А она: "Если хочешь знать, он самый лучший человек на свете! А выглядит он гораздо лучше тебя!"

Сейчас я разведен, а мой экс-друг уже 5 лет, как живет с моей экс-женой. Это любопытно, но они все еще счастливы. Но он не хозяйственный (unthrifty), ленивый....Ну, ничего не поделаешь!


Относительные местоимения

9. Вместо точек вставьте одно из относительных местоимений who, whom, whose, what, which:

1.... will help me? 2.... of you will help me? 3.... of these girls is the youngest? 4.... is your hat? 5.... is your telephone number? 6.... pencil is this, Peter's or Helen's? 7.... are you drinking? 8. … are you waiting for? 9.... understands this rule? 10....of you understands this rule? 11.... teaches you French? 12.... is he? He is an engineer. 13.... trees grow in your garden? 14.... of you am I to thank for this? 15.... English books have you read this term? 16.... do you know about him? 17.... gloves are these? They are mine. 18.... piece of cake will you have? 19.... pencil is yours? 20.... is the way to the theatre? 21.... knows his address? 22.... would you like to drink? 23.... would you like to drink: mineral water or lemonade? 24.... of these cakes may I take? 25. … is the coldest season of the year? 26.... shoes do you want to buy? 27.... way did he go? 28. Here are the books.... is yours?


10. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Кто оставил ручку на столе? 2. Кто из вас оставил книгу на столе? 3. Кого из них вы спрашивали об этом? 4. Кого вы ждете здесь? 5. Кому вы дали свой билет на самолет? 6. Какие книги вы купили? 7. На каком этаже вы живете? 8. На какой стороне улицы ваш дом? 9. Что мы будем делать сегодня: купаться или загорать? 10. Что вы купили? 11. Что вам купить: масла или сыру? 12. Какой месяц самый холодный в Москве? 13. Кто знает адрес Тома Круза.? 14 Кто из членов нашей группы осматривал достопримечательности (go sightseeing)? 15. Кому из них вы хотите дать этот словарь? 16. Какой язык вы знаете лучше: английский или французский? 17. Что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе? 18. О чем вы разговаривали, когда я вас встретил? 19. Кто эти молодые люди? 20. Какова цена на нефть? 21. Каково население этого города?


11. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на относительные местоимения:

1. The man you spoke to in the street is my French teacher. 2. Can you remember the person you took the book from? 3. The man I pointed out to you in the street is my brother. 4. The pen I lost was not a good one. 5. You will find this cartoon in any newspaper you read. 6. The shop we buy our vegetables from is shut on Mondays. 7. These are the books I want 8. This is the dictionary you asked for. 9. The student you sent for has just come. 10. This is the letter he has referred to.


12. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на относительные местоимения:

1. Is that the man for whom you have been waiting? 2. The house that I live in was built ten years ago. 3. I have found the book for which I was looking. 4. Do you like the house that they have built? 5. I would like to see the tree from which you picked these apples. 6. My sister, to whom the letter was addressed, opened it and read it attentively. 7. The library is in the building that stands at the corner. 8. The book which is lying on the table is mine. 9. He showed me a beautiful painting which he has bought recently. 10. This was an answer that no one expected. 11. I have brought the book about which I spoke to you on the phone yesterday. 12. There are many people who do not smoke. 13. The subject that I like best is mathematics. 14. I have just found a letter which was delivered yesterday. 15. Yesterday I met an old friend, whom I did not recognize at once. 16. That is a matter about which I must speak to you. 17. Smith, whom you saw at my house last week, has been appointed managing director of our company 18. This is the hotel at which we stayed last year.


13. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Книга, которую вы мнедали вчера, очень интересная. 2. Девушка, о которой он говорил вам, — сестра моего приятеля. 3. Он отказался помочь своему приятелю, что меня очень удивило. 4. Человек, которого мы встретили в коридоре, директор нашей компании. 5. Это сотрудник, изобретение которого я вам показывал. 6. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал по этому вопросу (issue). 7. Мы прошли мимо комнаты, дверь которой была открыта. 8. Он помог мне нести мой чемодан, что было очень любезно с его стороны. 9. В лесу было уже много деревьев, листья которых была совсем желтые. 10. Поезд из Рима, который должен прибыть в 5.30, опаздывает. 11. Это та книга, которую вы ищете? 12. Это дом, в котором я жил в детстве. 13. Дерево, из которого сделана эта мебель, очень твердое.


IV. Времена (The Tenses)


Глагол to be

Глагол to have

Present Indefinite

Past Continuous

60. Ответьте на вопросы, используя Past Continuous.

1. What were you doing when I rang you up?                   4. What were they laughing at

when I came in?

2. What was she writing when mother entered the room?  5. Whom was she speaking to when I saw her?

3. What were you looking for when I opened the door?   6. What were they doing when it began raining?


Future Continuous

87. Употребите глагол в скобках в Future Simple or Future Continuous:

1. When you come home. I____(to do) my lessons.

2. We____(to arrive) in Rome in the morning.

3. They____(to live) in a new flat when you come back.

4. When you return, I____(to pack) my suitcase.

5. We____(to wait) for you right here when you return at 7 o'clock.

6. We____(to send) a fax to you as soon as we arrive in London.

7. We____(not, to start) dinner until everyone comes.

8. We____(to wait) for you here at the corner until you come with the taxi.

9. He____(to give) her your message when he sees her.

10. I____(to speak) to him as soon as he is free.


88. Придумайте продолжение ситуации, используя глаголы в скобках в Future Continuous:

Example: Don't call for me at six. (have a bath)

Don't call for me at six, I shall be having a bath.

1. Don't ring them up at seven in the morning. (sleep)

2. Don't send us any letters in June. (travel)

3. Don't call on us tonight. (pack)

4. Don't come to see her after lunch. (type)

5. Don't leave the child alone. (cry)

6. Don't tell Granny about it. (grumble)

7. Don't expect him to come next Saturday. (work)

8. Don't wait for Maggie tomorrow. (keep to her room)


Present Perfect

Past Perfect

122. Переведите предложения с Past Perfect и объясните его использование:

1. He asked me if I had had breakfast.

2. He now opened the low gate that he had so often swung on as a small boy.

3. She was sure that he had never lied to her before.

4. He knew that as a girl she had lived in Rome.

5. Jack chose the hotel. He had never been there before.

6. He was pleased to meet Dave again. He had known him for ten or eleven years, and they had played tennis together in Paris.

7. He remembered how the ball had hit squarely on the nose and the bleeding hadn't stopped for three hours.

8. They had been married only a few months when they gave up living in London.

9. He glanced up and down the beach to see if he had left anything.

10. He quite forgot that Julian had been divorced for some time.

11. He was not aware how long he had sat there.

12. I called at nine and the man said she had gone out about an hour ago.


Future Perfect

124. Употребите глагол в скобках в нужном времени:

1. The train____(to leave) by the time we arrive at the station.

2. We____(to translate) this article by the end of the lesson.

3. All the pupils____(to return) home by the 1st of September.

4. The English teacher____(to look) through your exercise books by the time you come from your History lesson.

5.____you____(to read) the magazine by tomorrow?

6. He____(not, to read) this article by 3 p.m.

7. They____(to discuss) the problem by the end of the conference.

8. The builders____(to finish) building the new school by the beginning of the school year.

9. We will be in London only 5 hours. We are leaving at 5 o'clock. I think we____(to see) the most important sights by then.


125. Задайте как можно больше вопросов к данным предложениям:

1. His brother will have read the novel by 9 o'clock tonight.

2. Her mother will have returned from the country by the end of the week.

3. My friends and I will have played computer games by 7 o'clock.

4. Their sons will have taken their entrance exams by the end of July.


126. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Когда я проснусь, мама уже приготовит завтрак.

2. Когда я приду домой, моя семья уже поужинает.

3. Завтра к твоему приходу я уже прочитаю эту книгу.

4. Твои родители уже вернутся к 6 часам?

5. Кто из вас переведет эту статью к 10 часам утра?

6. Мы закончим делать это упражнение к двум часам дня и потом пойдем на прогулку.

7. Он вернется из командировки (business trip) ко дню рождения своего сына?



Present Perfect Continuous

127. Употребите глагол в скобках в Present Simple или Present Perfect Continuous:

1. I (work) on this problem for two months. 2. She (sleep) all this time? 3. You (talk) this nonsense all day long. 4. "Any news about your latest project?" - "I just (tell) about it." 5. He says he (not/feel) well for the past week. 6. You are red all over. How long you (lie) in the sun today? 7. I (try) to get you all day, George! 8. I (not/sleep) well for months. 9. We (see) each other regularly since the party at Helen's. 10. "Jack isn't working now." -"He (not/work) for years."


128. Употребите глагол в скобках в Present Perfect Continuous и переведите предложения:

1. Tom's fingers are covered with paint, (to paint) a picture for 2 hours.

2. The ground is wet. (to rain) since 10 o'clock.

3. Your sister began doing her homework 3 hours ago. (to do) for 3 hours.

4. Jim's hands and face are dirty, (to repair) his bicycle for 2 hours.

5. My mother is tired, (to vacuum) for two hours.

6. They boy's eyes are wet. (to cry).

7. Mike is nervous, (to watch) a TV programme about crime.

8. My friend is sleepy, (to learn) the Present Perfect Continuous for an hour and a half.


129. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How long has she been practicing the violin? (for 2 hours)

2. How long have you been collecting stamps? (since I went to school)

3. How long has she been painting the picture? (for 4 months)

4. How long has your father been working? (for 9 hours)

5. How long has your brother been repairing the chair? (since morning)


130. Переведите предложения, используя Present Perfect Continuous:

1. Он изучает английский язык 5 лет. 2. Я жду тебя уже целый час. 3. Мы здесь работаем с 8 часов. 4. Она живет здесь с детства. 5. Дождь идет уже целую неделю. 6. Она живет в этом доме с 1995 года. 7. Как долго плачет этот ребенок? 8. Сколько времени вы обсуждаете этот вопрос? 9. Сколько времени ваш сын уже смотрит телевизор? 10. Как долго он поет? 11. Как долго она собирает марки? 12. Как давно вы пишете свои книги? 13. Сколько времени они танцуют?


131. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Ты давно меня ждешь? 2. Вы опять дрались? 3. Как давно у вас болит нога? 4. Он занимается уже три часа. 5. Я учу испанский с сентября. 6. Анна ищет работу шесть месяцев. 7. Мой брат курит десять лет. 8. Они работают в Манчестере с 1 марта. 9. Какие глубокие сугробы (snowbanks)! Сколько времени шел снег? 10. У тебя глаза красные. Ты плакала? 11. Сколько лет ты играешь в шахматы? 12. Как давно вы живете в этом городе?


132. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я не видела вас с тех пор, как мы были в театре. 2. Я жду вас уже целый час. 3. Мы ждем тебя с 10 часов. 4. Ребенок спит с 8 часов. 5. Мы слушали тебя все время, теперь мы сами хотим тебе кое-что сказать. 6. Я читаю эту книгу уже два дня. 7. Книга такая интересная, что я читаю ее все утро. 8. Идет дождь, он идет с 5 часов. 9. Она работает над этой статьей давно, два или три месяца. 10. Наконец-то вы пришли, я уже двадцать минут вас жду.


133. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Где Катя? - Она в читальном зале, сидит (там) и читает журналы; она занимается там два часа.

2. Я уже полчаса стараюсь вспомнить её имя, но до сих пор ещё не вспомнил.

3. Мои друзья живут в этом доме уже пять лет.

4. Сколько лет вы работаете в этом музее? - 15 лет.

5. Неужели они играют в шахматы с самого утра?

6. Я знаю, что она работает над этой статьей месяца два или три.

7. Сколько времени вы читаете этот роман?


134. Употребите глагол в скобках в соответствующем времени:

1. Many people believe that our climate (change) very markedly. 2. I (collect) the pictures with bridges since I graduated from the University. Now I (collect) enough to organize an interesting exhibition. 3. She (read) a fairy tale to the children since breakfast. They (not/ finish) yet. 4. Those people (wait) for a tram for the last fifteen minutes. I'm afraid, they don't know that the electricity (go) out. 5. What (happen) to Mary? John (ring) her up the whole evening and nobody (answer). 6. "You (come) out at last," he said. "Well, I (stand) here long, and (listen) to the nightingale." 7. So, you (arrive). We just (speak) of you. 8. "How long you (know) about it?" - "I (know) it all the time." 9. "Why you (turn) off the music?" - "I (play) the records for hours; I'm tired now." 10.I definitely (decide) to give Pendle up.


135. Употребите глагол в скобках в соответствующем времени:

1. We (meet) before? 2.I often (see) his name in the papers this year. 3.I (try) to catch the waiter's attention for about 15 minutes now. 4. She (study) English for a year and (learn) many words and expressions. 5. I (not/hear) about him since yesterday. 6. I (look) for him since I finished my lesson but I (not/find) him. I (be) to his office and to the laboratory but he isn't there. 7. "Hello, Sven. You (see) Alex yet?" - "No, I (not/be) to the shop floor today. I (talk) on the phone to our clients all morning." 8.I (be) up here since about six. I (wander) around for hours. 9.I (come) to you to invite you for a ride in the car. 10. I expect these young men (inform) you who I am. 11. I really don't know what you (do) there all this time. 12. I (love) you ever since I first saw you. 13. And that's where they (stay) ever since.


136. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Почему у тебя синие губы? - Я ела чернику. 2. Ты съел весь кекс? 3. Что вы делаете? - Мы собираем яблоки. - Сколько вы уже собрали? - Мы собрали 5 корзин. 4. Я сегодня делала покупки и наконец нашла тебе летние туфли. 5. Какой чудный запах! Бабушка варит варенье. 6. Я полирую этот стол с самого завтрака. Я очень устала. 7. Что ты делаешь в гараже так долго? - Я накачиваю шины (pump the tires). Я уже накачал три. 8. Ты знакома с Томом? - Я знаю его целую вечность (for ages). 9. Почему вы так шумите (make a horrible noise)? - Я потерял ключ и пытаюсь разбудить жену, поэтому я бросаю камни в окно спальни.- Вы бросаете камни не в то окно. Вы живете в следующем доме. 10. Он только что продал две свои картины. - Ему повезло. Мой муж рисует уже пять лет и еще не продал ни одной картины. 11. Я все утро занимаюсь домашней работой и еще ничего не сделал. 12. Почему вы не принесли мне письма? Вы их еще не напечатали? 13. Куда ты дела мои ботинки? Я нигде не могу их найти. - Майк только что ушел в них. 14. Тот человек стоит на автобусной остановке последние полчаса. Сказать ему, что последний автобус уже ушел? 15. Мой муж собирает картины современных художников с тех пор, как мы поженились. Он уже собрал так много, что не знает, куда их повесить.


Past Perfect Continuous

To look at, into, up, down, after; to think of, over; to pay attention to; to rely on; to call at, on, for; to send for; to hear of; to speak about, to, of; to find fault with; to deal with; to refer to; to listen to; to laugh at; to count on, to throw away etc.


Вставьте предлоги.

1. The little boy always felt uncomfortable when he was looked ____.

2. When will the old newspapers and magazines be thrown ____?

3. They see all the films that are much talked ____.

4. When will the old records be listened ____?

5. The tickets must be paid ____ immediately.

6. What's that thing meant ____?


Таблица модальных глаголов

Function Present / Future Past
Obligation   I must do I have to do   I had to do
Advisability Целесообразность Moral obligation Моральное обязательство She should do She ought to do Children ought to take care of parents. She should have done it. (unfulfilled action) (reproach, criticism)  
Plan Necessity Order You are to arrive at seven.     You were to arrive – plan You were to have arrived (unfulfilled action)
Prohibition You mustn’t do it. You are not to do it.  
Threat You shall remember  
Something expected Ожидаемое действие     Should be Ought to be To be to To be bound to To be supposed to She should do well in her exam.    
Probability in the affirmative actions Большая доля вероятности действия (I’m sure that) Must do Must be doing Must have been doing They must be working on the ad campaign at the moment. Must have done They must have overslept.  
Doubt in the negative Сомнение Can’t do She can’t be that stubborn. Can’t have done The cat can’t have run away.
Astonishment in the interrogative Can it be true? Can he have done it?
Uncertainty May do / might do May / might have done
Reproach (упрек) Might do / should do Might have done
Possibility May / might / could It may/might/could rain tomorrow. But in questions: Will it rain tomorrow? Might do / could do
Willingness A characteristic habit   Persistence I will do it. He will do.   He will sing. I would do it. He would do. (colloquial equivalent is used to) The lid wouldn't open.
Polite offers Shall I turn the lights on?  


I Type

II Type

Закончите предложения.

1. If 1 found a gold watch in the street,____

2. If my best friend moved to another town,____

3. If I had a toothache,____

4. If 1 saw an accident,____

5. If someone offered me a job in a shop,____

6. If all the lights suddenly went out,____

7. If 1 lost my pocket money,____

8. If I spilled a glass of juice on my composition,____

9. If I lived on a tropical island,____

10. If I found a big spider in my bed,____

11. If I found a dog with a broken leg,____

12. If I forgot my best friend's birthday,____

13. If I lost my homework,____

14. If I found someone's wallet in the street,____

15. If I lost my flat key,____

16. If I saw someone robbing a bank,____

17. If I met my favourite film star,____

18. If the television broke down in the middle of a detective film,____


7. Раскройте скобки, образуя от глаголов, стоящих в инфинитиве, требуемую форму:

1.1 would come and see you off if I not (live) so far away. 2. If I had the money, I (buy) that overcoat 3. They not (go) tomorrow if it rains. 4. If you (stay) here a little longer, you will see him. 5. I would be disappointed if they not (come). 6. If we had no luggage, we (walk) home. 7. If it (rain) on Sunday, I shall stay at home. 8. If he (be) here, he would answer you. 9. We shall be very sorry if he not (call) on us tonight. 10. We shan't go out unless it (to stop) raining. 11. You will not have better health unless you (take) better care of yourself. 12. He would leave London tonight if he (get) the necessary documents. 13. I would drive to the country if the weather (be) fine.


8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What would you do if your pen broke?

2. Supposing an overturned lorry blocked a road in a city, what would happen?

3. What would you do if the postman dropped someone else's letter into your letter-box?

4. What would you do if it began to rain hard when you were a long way from home?

5. What wouldn't people be able to do if they had no electricity?

6. What could we do if we had atomic cars?

7. What would happen if the ice of the Antarctic melted?

8. How would the climate of Europe be affected if the Gulf-stream changed its direction?

9. What would our planet look like if man had the power to control the weather?


9. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?

2. Who would you meet if you could meet a famous person from the past?

3. What would you change about the world if you had the power to change something?

4. What would you change about you personality if you could change something?

5. What would you change about your appearance if you could change something?

6. What would you buy if you had a lot of money?


III Type

Закончите предложения.

1. If you pay your money right now,.... 2. If I had known this was so difficult,.... 3. If you did what your parents advise you,.... 4. If it is fine weather tomorrow,.... 5. If there were no oxygen in the air,.... 6. If the campers had put up the tents accurately,.... 7. If Mary had not been idle all this time, now.... 8. If the child eats too much,.... 9. If you know what to do.... 10. If I were King,.... 11. If he was late this morning again, .... 12. Napoleon would have taken England... 13. A student soon forgets what he has learned, unless... 14. Had I known how dangerous this journey was, 15. If this matter were not so costly,...


Закончите предложения.

1. The popular music industry would disappear … 2. We would learn a lot about this planet.... 3. The people would be happy.... 4. The city wouldn't be so polluted... 5. There would be fewer accidents... 6. Children would have better health.... 7. The roads would be less crowded.... 8. People wouldn't eat a lot of "fast food"..... 9. People would read more... 10. Pam would have got the job... 11. Money wouldn't be so important... 12. Life would have changed radically....


IX. Предложения с Wish

Переведите на русский язык.

1. Kate wished her boyfriend were more attentive to her. 2. Now she wishes she had agreed to marry him. 3. We wish it would rain. It's too hot. 4. I wish you wouldn't talk about that, Dad. 5. She wishes she were in love again. 6. I wish you would stop contradicting me! 7. We wished the police were more efficient and hadn't just turned everything upside down in the house. 8. Oh, I'm so miserable! I wish I were dead! 9. I wish I could make him change his mind! I wish he would give up that silly idea. 10. Sometimes I wish I were thousands of miles away from civilization. 11. How I wish it were so for ages and nothing would ever change! 12. Many people wish life were not so hectic. 13. They wish you were less bossy and were not ordering people about. 14. How I wish I could fly in the blue sky, over the roofs, over this town! 15. What is love? — I wish I knew the answer. 16. I just wish I had your kind of spirit, Maggie.


The Infinitive


Продолжите предложения.

1. The idea was.... 2. What I want is.... 3. The main point is.... 4. To travel means.... 5. The only thing to do was___6. To tell a white lie is.... 7. To live is — 8. To be up to date means.... 9. My telephone number is.... 10. The secret of life is.....


Закончите эти предложения.

1. They realize that they have not the power to ___.

2. She hasn't the guts to ___.

3. I never thought you'd have the courage to ___.

4. She did not have the heart to ___  .

5. Do you know what he had the cheek to ___.

6. He was very tired and not sure that he could find the energy even to ___.

7. I never had the skill to ___.

8. He lacked the courage to ___

9. His father was too much of a businessman to ___.

10. I doubt whether he had enough money to ___.

11. I have the power to ___.

12. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she did not have the wit (зд. ум, соображение)
to ___.


Исправьте ошибки.

1 You would better stay in bed today.

2 Mum has stopped to drink fizzy drinks. She is on a diet.

3 This bag is too expensive for me to buy it.

4 Smoking it is dangerous for your health.

5 Would you mind to open the window?

6 I'd love eating a pizza tonight.

7 I stopped at the bakery for to buy some bread.

8 They made me to pay for the broken window.

9 I heard the Taylors to argue.

10 I'd better to ask someone for help.

11 I forgot calling you last night. I'm sorry.

12 He left the shop without to pay for the shirt.

13 You shouldn't to be rude to your parents.

14 He is enough old to drive a car.


Дельфин (The Dolphin)

В древние времена (in ancient times) дельфина считали королем морей. Говорили, что дельфин - друг человека. В предании (legend) говорится, что дельфины спасли греческого поэта Ариона (Arion). Рассказывают еще, что в древности дельфины помогали людям ловить акул (shark). Есть рассказ о мальчике, который умел приручить (to tame) дельфинов. Он приручил одного дельфина. Дельфин приплывал (to come swimming) к берегу и ожидал, когда придет мальчик. Он приплывал, чтобы перевозить (to take) мальчика на своей спине через залив (across the bay). Многие полагают, что дельфин — самое быстрое, сильное и хитрое (cunning) морское животное. Дельфину нетрудно перегнать (to overtake) корабль.


Переведите на русский язык.

1. The old woman seemed to read my mind. 2. They proved to be old friends. 3. David happened to witness the incident. 4. But his advice didn't prove to be sound. 5. It turned out to be their last meeting. 6. They chanced to find a treasure under the house. 7. I always seem to be waiting for things. 8. Mr. Smith appeared to be thinking aloud. 9. Vesta happened to be playing in the corner of the room. 10. He might turn out to be another Newton. 11. The child seemed on a sudden to have entered a magic world. 12. Dinny seemed to have lost already all her doubts. 13. Herbert would appear to be involved in it. 14. We seemed to be surrounded by shouting policemen. 15. The patient seemed to have been improving lately. 16. It proved to be true in the end.


Переведите на русский язык.

1. For him to act so is rather unusual. 2. It was difficult for Bill to keep such a big family. 3. All she wanted was for her mother to come to terms with her past, gain peace of mind, as well as a bit of happiness for once. 4. The best thing is for you to leave at once. 5. Teddy put the kettle on, stood near the stove waiting for the water to boil. 6. He stopped the car for the kids to get in. 7. That is for the boss to decide, isn't it? 8. Steve was a suitable candidate for them to hire. 9. I am still waiting for the mail to come. 10. Emma was a suitable child for them to adopt. 11. I've bought a tin of pastries for you to enjoy them. 12. After all, we have known the man long enough for Steve to trust him.


55. Перефразируйте предложения по образцу, используя следующие прилагательные: necessary, important, possible, impossible, difficult, traditional, hard, easy, customary.

Model: You should think twice before you agree.

It is important for you to think twice before you agree.

1. Students should enjoy their student life. 2. Teachers should be competent. 3. We don't have to hurry. There's plenty of time. 4. A fish can't live out of water. 5. A child usually can't sit still for a long time. 6. Students have to budget their time carefully. 7. My family always eats turkey on Christmas. 8. I usually can't understand fluent English. 9. The guests usually wait until the hostess begins to eat. 10. The bride usually feeds the groom the first piece of wedding cake. 11. Mary should start thinking about her future. 12. Animals can't talk or think or plan something. 13. I can understand my teacher most of the time, 14. A writer should be imaginative. 15. My parents are anxious I should enter the University.


56. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Is it difficult or easy for you to swim against the current (течение)?

2. Is it difficult or easy for you to work if you are tired?

3. Is it difficult or easy for you to sing if your voice is hoarse (хриплый)?

4. Is it difficult or easy for you to skate if the ice is thawing?

5. Is it difficult or easy for you to pass an examination if you are well-prepared?

6. Which is better for you - to learn a foreign language independently or with a teacher?

7. Which is better for you - to spend holidays in town or in the country?

8. Which is better for you - to travel alone or in company with your friends?

9. Which is better for you - to get up late or to get up early?


57. Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкцию for- to- infinitive.

1. The most important thing is that we should stay cool. 2. Let us wait till the fax arrives. 3. This is the day which they shall remember for a long time. 4. He is the expert whom you should have consulted. 5. I shall leave some money so that they may spend it. 6. Martin sent his family to his parents' so that they could be safe there. 7. The days have become too short, so we can't walk as much as in the summertime. 8. The new manager must be very competent as the director has entrusted him with a most difficult task. 9. It is quite natural that she should have refused his proposal. 10. What I want is that you should understand me. 11. There is no need that we should stay here any longer. 12. It's unbelievable that he should have really meant it. 13. Phone the office and someone will meet us. 14. When I became a vegetarian, I had to wait for some period of time until my organism got used to it. 15. It is impossible that he didn't believe you even after you showed him the file. 16. He waited in the reception. The secretary hadn't turned up yet. 17. Mr. Marshall's suggestion was that the contract should be signed without any delay.


The Gerund (Герундий)



Выучите эти слова.

accuse of (обвинять в чем-либо)                       object to (возражать, иметь против)

apologize for (извиняться за)                              approve of (одобрять)

blame smb for (винить кого-либо за что-либо) result in (приводить к чему-либо)

forgive for (прощать за что-либо)                      stop from (мешать, препятствовать)

congratulate on (поздравлять)                   succeed in (удаваться, добиться успеха)

count on (рассчитывать на)                                depend on (рассчитывать на)

hear of (слышать о)                                      think of (думать, подумывать о)

inform of (информировать о)                             insist on (наставить на)

prevent from (мешать, препятствовать)            thank for (благодарить за)

be used to (привыкнуть к)


art of (искусство)                                  opportunity of (благоприятная


chance of (возможность)                           plan for (план чего-либо)

difficulty of (трудность)                            point in (смысл в чем-либо)

experience in (опыт)                                   preparation for (подготовка к)

habit of (привычка)                                   process of (процесс)

harm of (вред, ущерб, урон)                     purpose of (цель)

idea of (мысль, идея)                                reason for (причина)

importance of (важность)                         right of (право)

interest in (интерес)                                   sense of (смысл)

means of (способ, средство)                           skill in (умение, навык)

mistake of (ошибка)                              way of (способ)


give up (отказываться)                                   go on (продолжать)

put off (откладывать)


avoid (избегать)                                              involve (включать в себя)

consider (рассматривать)                               justify (оправдывать)

delay (откладывать)                                       mind (возражать, иметь против)

deny (отрицать)                                              miss (скучать)

fancy (нравится, хотеть)                                recall (вспоминать)

finish (заканчивать)                                       forgive (прощать)

include       (включать в себя)                         risk (рисковать)

enjoy (наслаждаться)                                          postpone (откладывать)

suggest (предлагать)                                           resume (возобновлять)


be afraid of (бояться)                                          be guilty of (быть виноватым в)

be interested in (быть заинтересованным в)     be angry with for (быть сердитым на кого-либо за что-либо)

be aware of (осознавать что-либо)                    be keen on (быть увлеченным чем-либо)

be bored with (испытывать скуку от)               be pleased at (быть довольным чем-либо)

be busy (быть занятым)                                      be proud of (гордиться чем-либо)

be capable of (быть способным на)                   be slow at (быть медлительным в)

be clever at (быть умным, толковым в)            be sorry for (сожалеть о)

be disappointed at (быть разочарованным в)    be sure of (быть уверенным в)

be engaged in (быть вовлеченным в)                be surprised at (быть удивленным)

be fond of (любить что-либо)                                   be worried about (быть обеспокоенным чем-либо)

be good at (хорошо что-либо делать)                be worth (стоить что-либо делать)

be grateful for (быть благодарным за)               be responsible for (быть ответственным за)

can't stand/bear (не терпеть, не выносить)       be no good (быть бесполезным)


after (после)                                                    in spite of (несмотря на)

before (прежде чем)                                       on (сразу после чего-то)

besides (помимо, кроме)                                without (без)

instead of (вместо чего-то)                            by (посредством чего-то)




Переведите на русский язык.

1. The boy playing in the garden is my sister's son. 2. You can get the

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