Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

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Infinitive. Gerund. Participle

2019-12-21 207
Infinitive. Gerund. Participle 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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5. 1. leave 2. repaired 3. to type 4. call 5. painted 6. write 7. lie 8. sent 9. cut 10. to sign 11. leave 12. to wash 13. fixed 14. published 15. find

8. 1. do 2. sing 3. to swim 4. to live 5. to go, rain 6. say. understand 7. to see 8. repeat 9. use 10. ask, use 11. to get, start 12. remember 13. to do 14. to go, wait 15. leave 16. open 17. (to) argue 18. to smoke 19. (to) move 20. play 21. to accept

22. to arrive 23. know 24. wait 25. tell 26. send 27. go, to meet 28. to have 29. leave, want, to take 30. to go, make, go 31. go, to visit 32. to know, to live 33. not to inform, (to) disobey 34. come, stay 35. take, make, drink 36. to disappoint, let, have

9. 1. to be 2. wish to make 3. want, to know 4. remember, look 5. to learn, to know 6. to be 7. not to feed 8. see, to speak 9. to travel, to arrive 10. know, to use, show 11. to sign

12. open/opening, move/moving 13. to make, believe 14. to have missed, go 15. shake/shaking 16. to try, to come 17. go, promise, not to tell 18. like to come, walk 19. to ask, to tell, to get 20. to put, (to) keep 21. to read, answer 22. show, to open 23. say, to say 24. to be 25. want, to tell, to call, to discuss 26. to give, see/be seeing, not to forget 27. open/opening, throw/throwing 28. to carry, help 29. to pick, to handle 30. crash/crashing, burst/bursting 31. to do, wait, to let 32. crow/crowing 33. tell, be, to check 34. come, go, be/have been 35. to learn 36. be, look                                                   

11. 1. too young to have 2. too cold to bathe 3. so kind as to answer/kind enough to answer 4. too old to wear 5. long enough to reach 6. enough money to live on 7. too furious to speak 8. hot enough to boil 9. foolish enough to tell/so foolish as to tell 10. thin enough to slip 11. too ill to eat 12. too wide to get through 13. strong enough to dance on 14. too terrified to move 15. big enough to harm 16. strong enough to keep 17. too deep to wade 18. too lazy to get up 19. early enough to catch 20. so good as to forward/good enough to forward 21. thick enough to walk on 22. too drunk to answer 23. too cold to have 24. rash enough to set off/so rash as to set off 25. high enough to see 26. old enough to understand 27. too snobbish to talk 28. too thick to push through 29. too mean to give 30. too impatient to listen 31. too tired to walk 32. not dark enough to see 33. hot enough to fry 34. too bitter to eat 35. so kind as to turn down/kind enough to turn down 36. too selfish to put

12. 1. to leave 2. only to find 3. You are to go 4. so kind as to lend/kind enough to lend 5. to mend/to be mended 6. to hear 7. for him to hear 8. It was stupid of me to be rude 9. to play with 10. for everyone to know 11. to sit 12. only to find 13. It was very brave of him to rush 14. to wear 15. He is expected to broadcast 16. to cook in 17. only to learn 18. to open it with 19. seems to have been committed 20. Is he likely to arrive 21. just about to leave 22. You are to be met 23. for them to have 24. He is said to have been 25. to continue the strike 26. kind enough to translate/so kind as to translate 27. for us to leave 28. It was stupid of you to sign 29. She is said to have 30. to swim 31. He is believed to be 32. He appears to have been killed 33. to realize 34. The earth is said to have been 35. only to discover 36. The murderer is said to be hiding

13. (should is replaced by ought to.} 1. must have been 2. can't/couldn't have seen, must have dreamt 3. may/might have broken 4. needn't have carried 5. should have gone 6. were to have been 7. can't/couldn't have been, must have been 8. shouldn't have eaten 9. may/might not have understood 10. needn't have given 11. must have escaped 12. shouldn't have lied 13. may/might have been, can't/couldn't have been 14. must have cooked 15. needn't have brought 16. must have told 17. was to have unveiled 18. may/might have been 19. must have met 20. should have done 21. can't/couldn't have caught 22. needn't have opened 23. must have betrayed 24. shouldn't have driven 25. could have climbed 26. would have asked 27. should have been abolished 28. shouldn't/needn't have boiled 29. was to have played 30. may/might have been 31. should have taken 32. must have had 33. may/might/could have fallen 34. must have been 35. needn't have translated 36. shouldn't have looked

14. (I'd is replaced by I should. Should (obligation) is replaceable by ought to in nos 5, 9, 13, 17. May/might in the affirmative is normally replaceable by could.} 1. was to have married 2. needn't have repeated 3. seems to have been 4. were to have set out 5. shouldn't have eaten, may/might have been (may indicates that the danger is still present; might that it is over) 6. must have worked 7. needn't have brought 8. I'd like to have bathed/I'd have liked to bathe/I'd have liked to have bathed 9. should have written 10. wouldn't have come 11. might/should have told, would have gone, wouldn't have liked 12. may/might have been, can't/couldn't have been 13. needn't/shouldn't have bought 14. can't/couldn't have been 15. seems to have enjoyed 16. must have been 17. should have stood 18. was to have gone 19. I'd like to have photographed /I'd have liked to photograph/I'd have liked to have photographed 20. must have been 21. may/might have been 22. can't/couldn't have been driving 23. must have taken 24. may/might not have 2S I'd like to have gone/I'd have liked to go/I'd have liked to nave gone 26. can't/couldn't have seen 27. may have been 28 may/might have been started 29. must have had 30. may/might have read, can't/couldn't have read, must have told 31. may/might have been waiting 32. must have misheard 33! might have borrowed 34. I'd like to have asked/I'd have liked to ask/I'd have liked to have asked 35. must have been 36. is said to have been

23. 1. losing 2. redecorating 3. telling 4. making 5. laughing 6. waiting 7. speaking 8. listening 9. reading 10. being sent

11. worrying 12. crying 13. travelling 14. arriving 15. taking

24. 1. meeting 2. eating 3. having seen 4. getting married

5. speaking 6. staying 7. smoking 8. increasing 9. travelling 10. following

25. 1. The customer accused the cashier of trying... 2. Many people succeed in passing... 3. Concert-goers are asked to refrain from smoking... 4. The solicitor dissuaded his client from taking... 5. If..., you can't blame him for making... 6. The hijackers prevented the passengers from leaving... 7. The student apolo­gized for missing (or having missed)... 8. Visitors to the Zoo are prohibited from feeding... 9. Despite..., the party bore insisted on telling me... 10. The police suspect the owner of the store of starting...

26. 1. eating starchy foods 2. going abroad 3. making school furniture 4. giving the jury clear directions 5. growing their own vegetables 6. putting everything back in its place 7. introducing the new topic immediately 8. entering my house... 9. deciding whether to take legal action 10. swimming in that particular part of the sea/being carried away by dangerous currents 11. putting the assistant to a great deal of trouble/buying anything

12. taking fewer subjects/getting a good result in the exami­nation

27. 1. following such a course of action 2. doing the same thing day after day 3. bullying younger boys 4. walking unaccom­panied in the park at night 5. bringing up his children 6. pointing out other people's faults 7. disobeying the orders of a superior officer 8. locking building at night? 9. saving money: instead of hoping to win it on football pools 10. satisfying the demands of the local residents 11. going to the Arctic for a holiday 12. doing as they had originally planned

29. 1. seeing 2. having 3. to meet 4. to work 5. to see

6. waiting 7. not to touch 8. to lock, going 9. not to speak 10. behaving 11. to explain, to listen 12. smoking 13. to know 14. to disguise, dressing 15. to wait 16. showing, to work 17. walking, catch up 18. to understand 19. exceeding 20. playing, doing 21. to inform 22. overhearing 23. smoking, to

smoke 24. going, saying 25. writing, waiting 26. to avoid being 27. giving, to speak 28. to persuade, to agree 29. cleaning, to be cleaned, to do 30. shutting, sitting 31. sneezing, sitting 32. talking, to finish 33. to give up jogging 34. stopping, forget­ting to wind 35. realizing, helping 36. to make, rubbing

30. 1. answering, ring 2. letting, chase, being 3. driving, be­ing driven 4. to start looking 5. lending, to cash 6. Lying, sitting 7. to go 8. neglecting to take 9. to show, to use 10. going, to see/seeing 11. telephoning, asking, to look 12. hearing, not to enter 13. to have, writing 14. to answer, replying 15. to explain, to listen, grumbling 16. offering, to leave, (to) work 17. making, to do 18. having to get up 19. to forget, worrying 20. remaining, to help, to stay 21. to run, to have recovered 22. listening, hear­ing 23. to learn, reading, listening 24. to start, to wait 25. setting, having been 26. to go 27. to go, (to) try to save, cutting 28. earn, scrubbing, make, blackmailing. 29. discussing, having reached 30. having, to ride 31. (to) leave, meeting, rec­ognize 32. paying 33. to give 34. interrupting, repeating 35. cutting, to go 36. buying, selling 37. giving, to explain 38. asking, telling, to buy 39. to tell, looking 40. to be, to erupt/erupting

31. 1. to ride, to do, coming, to come 2. spending, earning 3. being, to apologize 4. to eat 5. working, spending 6. looking, being 7. posting 8. to lock, go, do 9. to learn, saying 10. trying to interrupt, to wait, talking 11. doing, to move/moving 12. leaving, to go 13. to drink 14. being, to wait 15. trying to make, adding 16. going, stay 17. to look, (to) take, looking, to do 18. getting up, walking 19. listening, listening 20. to make/making, to see 21. doing 22. to put, to prevent, climbing 23. taking, to-eat 24. ringing, asking, to do 25. waiting, to clear, to set 26. repeat, to make, to do 27. leaving, sending, to tow 28. borrowing, asking, to do 29. to offend, annoying 30. to be able to.tell, gazing 31. getting, to walk 32. to ask, to leave

32. 1. trying/answer 2. building 3. passing 4. trying/make

5. having 6. dislike/living 7. winning 8. try/discuss/speaking 9. teaching 10. increasing

34. 1. to accept 2. having 3. going 4. to reach 5. opening

6. leaving 7. to return 8. buying 9. to accept 10. being 11. to be 12. to finish 13. to leave 14. to tell 15. to stop 16. driving 17. to know 18. returning 19. leaving 20. leaving

44. 1. Knowing that he was poor, I offered 2. Having barri­caded the windows, we assembled 3. Becoming tired of my com-

I plaints, she turned it off 4. Finding/having found no one at home, he left 5. Hoping to find the will, she searched 6. Having removed all traces of his crime, he left 7. Realizing that he has missed the train, he began 8. Exhausted by his work, he threw 9. Having spent all his money, he decided 10. Having escaped from prison, he looked 11. Having heard the story before, she didn't want 12. Having found the money, they began 13. Entering the room suddenly, she found 14. Turning on the light, I was 15. Having visited the museum, we decided 16. Thinking we were lost, he offered 17. Having found his revolver and loaded it, he sat 18. Realizing that she couldn't move it alone, she asked 19. Having fed the dog, he sat 20. Addressing the congregation, he said

21. Thinking he had made a mistake somewhere, he went

22. Looking/having looked through the fashion magazines, I realize

23. The tree, uprooted by the gale, had fallen 24. People sleeping in the next room were 25. Knowing that the murderer was still at large, I was 26. Having stolen the silver, he looked 27. Soaked to the skin, we reached 28. Sitting/Seated in the front row, and us­ing... I saw 29.... sitting by the fire, you will take 30. Knowing that..., I didn't like 31. Believing that she could trust him, she gave 32. Slates, ripped off by the gale, fell 33. The lion, finding his cage door open and seeing no sign on his keeper, left 34. The gov­ernment, trying to tax people according to the size of their houses, once put a tax 35. Having heard that the caves were dangerous, I didn't like 36. Wearing extremely fashionable clothes and sur­rounded by photographers and press men, she swept

45. 1. When leaving a car... you must leave the brakes 2. As/When I was wading etc or Wading across... I was swept off my feet by 3. When a tank is being filled/When you are filling a tank 4. Running into the room, she caught her foot on a rug and fell 5. When I read the letter 6. When carrying... you should never point it 7. When planting... you must take care 8. In his first race, the horse he was riding fell 9. When paying by cheque, you must show 10. Knowing me to be..., he was astonished to hear that 11. As he believed that 12. As I passed/ or As/When I was passing 13. When I am reading/When I read 14. As he left 15. I led the dog, barking furiously, out 16. After I had paid my taxes, the amount 17. As I was writing 18. The boat, tied to a post, was being tossed up and down by the sea 19. As the question had been misunderstood, the wrong answer 20. We saw the first star, shining in the sky 21. It is easy to have an accident when one is/you are driving 22. The man saw a notice pinned to the door 23. They read the words "No Entry" written in 24. While he was cleaning his gun it went off 25. When/As I was wondering where to go, an advertisement 26. As I rushed out of the house, a lorry 27. As I sat by the fire, it all came back

28. We thought he would never survive after falling from

29. When a fuse is being changed, the electricity... or When you are changing a fuse you should switch 30. I saw a trailer with a boat on it being towed behind 31 As he was sitting at the foot... a stone fell 32. When he drove to work the traffic jams infuri­ated him 33. As I sat in the dentist's chair an idea 34. I felt sure that... would kill him, weakened as he was by his last illness 35. A scorpion bit him as he got out of bed

46. 1. beginning to slip/begin to slip/begin slipping, to save, falling 2. falling, trying to keep 3. to lend, taking 4. to open 5. reading, to read 6. to book, to keep, to lose 7. to avoid being, being/to be, waiting 8. to get, to ask 9. making, speak/speaking 10. to win, cheating 11. firing/to fire, graze 12. strike/striking, to get 13. ringing/ring, to be coming to open 14. to go, to give 15. to put, (to) watch, change/changing 16. to see, to avoid hit­ting 17. to be, crackling 18. climbing, to explain, to say, to let, go 19. convincing, to get, leap 20. driving, doing, to do 21. to sit. (to) hear, howling 22. getting, climbing, to do 23. roar/roaring, to move/moving, waving 24. writing, to do, to go, see 25. walking, to cross, thinking, to chase 26. to be having, thud­ding 27. getting, to pay 28. to come, standing 29. to like making and flying... doing 39. to arrive, rising 31. sawing, fall/falling 32. to see/seeing, crying/cry 33. jump/jumping, fall/falling 34. to wake, (to) hear, beating 35. beginning to roll/begin to roll/begin rolling, to do, to stop 36. laughing, slipping/slip

47. 1. living, to like 2. to travel; to take, to go 3. to buy, selling 4. to catch; getting, getting 5. to complain; losing 6. going, being, putting; telling, to take 7. to lock; go, do 8. to touch, being 9. househunting, to ask; looking 10. go; swimming, going 11. to be paid; taking, measuring; to expect, to do, to be, to die 12. spending, arguing, not to go 13. giving, going to live 14. to leave; to call 15. keep you waiting; apologizing 16. telling.

to talk 17. earning, to show 18. to start; filling 19. to carry; to move, carry 20. to take; take; cutting; to get, taking; to saw, escape 21. to ask, to leave; asking Tom to do; asking, to travel 22. to cut; sharpening 23. to buy, to ask 24. cheating, buying, dealing/to deal 25. dining, have; to go; having 26. cutting/to be cut; have, to have 27. to convince, managing, helping

28. travelling, standing; queuing, waiting; to go 29. following, criticizing, to hit 30. to stay; wait; to go 31. to rebel, not to adopt 32. arriving; to wait, waiting; to be 33. to come, going; to climb, making 34. to work, getting 35. start; to risk getting 36. calling, letting, decide

48. 1. sleeping, to camp 2. to come; listening, listening, talking 3. to leave, to put 4. to park 5. smoking, to risk setting, smoke 6. writing, to receive, go 7. buying; shopping 8. to see, to find, buy; trying to travel 9. to turn; working 10. taking, drop­ping, pretending 11. to grow, buying; to prevent, playing 12. keeping; to fill; asking, to keep; making 13. going; to come; to go, go; travelling 14. go fishing; coming; to cut, wasting, sit­ting, watching, fishing 15. being, to wait; to see 16. to prevent, rushing, dashing 17. tossing, crashing 18. to eat, trying 19. walking, take; go; to get 20. to start; raining, walking

21. counting, thinking; moving, being robbed; to get, to make

22. letting, keeping, to sell 23. to lean, watching, going, coming; shouting, talking 24. to know, to learn; to greet/greeting, to talk 25. untying, climbing, crawling 26. finding; getting; to know 27. to see/seeing, sitting; relaxing, reading, produce, to be; per­forming, keeping 28. spending, living, to think, selling, returning

29. arguing; argue;    seeing 30. to hear; seeing; to bring 31. receiving, selling; receiving, selling, to sell 32. hovering, be­ing, climbing; run/running; coming/come, leading 33. to be passing, to give, to pick, to drop 34. having; to have; sitting, swirling, taking 35. writing, showing 36. swim; swimming; going

49. 1. You are really guilty of having provoked this fight 2. I was always afraid of losing his benevolence 3. Don't miss an op­portunity to see this exhibition 4. Are you quite sure of those words referring to my mother? 5. I could feel her hands shaking when she was putting her coat on 6. He stepped aside for me to pass 7. The expedition is reported to have reached its destination 8. Walter Scott is considered to be the father of historical novel 9. She doesn't seem to want to do anything I suggest 10. His office turned out to be in one of the remote streets of the town 11. She watched him go up the street and enter a house 12. He wanted me to go to India with him 13. I saw a taxi stop by our house 14. It is no use asking him about it 15. They decided against sending him a telegram

50. 1. I have so often known a change of medicine work wonders 2. What makes you think so? 3. Let us be the best friends in the world 4. For about ten days we seemed to have been living on nothing but cold meat and bread 5. I hated the sound of the rain pattering on the roof 6. Having put the car in the garage he remembered that he had had no breakfast 7. I like making people happy 8. Excuse my taking your seat 9. He does not like to be disturbed when writing letters 10. There was a rumour that they were likely to be married at last 11. I don't like you to talk like that 12. He looked at the carpet while wait­ing for her answer 13. I think everybody looked forward to his coming back 14. Don't forget shutting the windows when you leave home 15. When did you have your hair cut?

51. I.I felt my heart jump 2. The door and window of the room being open, we looked in 3. There is no hope of seeing him soon 4. He heard the town clock strike twelve 5. The lake was rough but I kept on rowing 6. I insist on being treated with re­spect 7. When left to herself she sat down at the desk to write the article 8. There's nobody here for him to play with 9. She denied having been at the station that night 10. He avoided look­ing at Sabine 11. You can get your clothes made in Europe

12. He spoke loud enough for you to hear 13. He proved to be an ideal teacher 14. Edith is said to resemble me 15. We count on their coming back after several days 16, I won't have you speak like that! 17. He is said to be good at translating verse 18. I hap­pen to know his phone number 19. He is sure to take part in the expedition in January 20. She couldn't help smiling

52. 1. The first night of the performance was reported to take place on the 9th of August 2. We shan't let you pay no attention to him 3. He appeared to have left the keys at home 4. He didn't want David to live at home 5. Ancient burial places are said to have been found 6. I got him to take off his coat and have cup of tea 7. He is said to have travelled a lot 8. You should have your photo taken by Wednesday 9. He is said to have been working at a new book for a year 10. I'll have Ann help me pack all the

things 11. Mr Osborn wanted his son to marry Emily whose fa­ther was very rich 12. This picture is considered to have been painted by Repin 13. Nobody noticed him come in and stop at the door 14. The principal is expected to make a speech at the fare­well party 15. Gloomy thoughts didn't let Robert fall asleep that night 16. The Romans are said to have built good roads in Eng­land 17. He is likely to have finished working at this book 18. He seems to like the performance 19. He was considered to be one of the most experienced football players in the team 20. They had the guest play the piano 21. He was seen to be running toward the forest 22. When will you have your piano tuned? It is impos­sible to play it 23. Where have you had your bicycle repaired? 24. This opera company is said to have given some performances in London 25. He heard the clock strike 12 26. The plane is re­ported to have landed in time 27. They watched him go upstairs and enter the house

53. 1. The woman sitting in the armchair is the editor's wife

2. The man standing at the blackboard is our English teacher

3. The fence surrounding the garden is newly painted 4. I couldn't fall asleep last night because there was a crying baby in the next door room 5. John has bought a used car 6. The police are look­ing for the stolen car 7. The advertised merchandise was not available at the store 8. The articles written by this political ob­server are read with great interest all over the world 9. We are discussing the article written by Jack Nelson 10. Don't wake up the sleeping child 11. The child sleeping on the sofa is sick 12. Feeling unwell, Joe decided not to go to work 13. Seeing Nancy, Ann cried with joy 14. Asking me about my summer plans, Mr Smith smiled all of a sudden 15. Being busy, Jack re­fused the invitation 16. Having read the newspaper, he wrote some business letters

54. 1. John likes studying foreign languages 2. I don't re­member having seen such a movie 3. He is fond of playing chess

4. Jack is proud of being among the winners of the contest 5. The children insisted on watching television after dinner 6. I am not interested in listening to her gossips 7. You have no reason for refusing to see Jack 8. My wife does not approve of my fast driving 9. I object to Bob's driving the car 10. I was afraid of missing the train 11. Jack intends to buy a new car 12. I prefer meeting you at Carnegie Hall 13. I would appreciate your calling me back 14. Please excuse me disturbing you 15. I have finished typing a business letter 16. She couldn't help smiling 17. She denies having called Albert 18. Martin avoids meeting us 19. She refrained from mentioning the name of her acquaintances 20. Ann is not capable of doing any harm

55. 1. To take sleeping tablets is harmful 2. Here is the letter to be mailed as soon as possible 3. He is too nervous to drive a car 4. The flight may have been cancelled 5. You must spend more time on your English 6. I would like to have a cup of coffee 7. Let me say a few words 8. Let us be friends 9. Let's stop talk­ing now 10. I heard my neighbours quarrel 11. Have you heard Jane play the piano? 12. I saw him fall 13. I heard him mention your name 14. He made us wait three hours 15. What makes you laugh? 16. You'd better call the doctor 17. You'd better tell your parents the truth 18. I would rather listen to music 19. My wife helped me look for my glasses 20. Help me move that sofa


10. 11-1; 5-2; 14-3; 7-4; 10-5; 12-6; 13-7; 15-8; 2-9; 6-10; 3-11; 8-12; 1-13; 4-14; 16-15; 9-16.

31. (In many of these examples other pronouns would be equally correct^} 1. told her I had... to show her 2. said nothing grew in her garden... it never got 3. told his mother he was go­ing away the next day 4. said he had been... he hadn't had 5. remarked that it wasn't so foggy that day as it had been the day as before 6. said that the underpass was being opened two days later 7. said they had moved into their flat but they didn't like it... their last one 8. said they had... it didn't work 9. said that... windows of his flat he could see 10. said she'd no idea what the time was but she'd dial 11. his wife had just been made 12. said she'd come with me... she was 13. said he had... that afternoon... he hadn't done his homework 14. warned her if she let... she would scorch her clothes 15. pointed out I hadn't given him... bill was... I'd paid him 16. Englishmen made... they were 17. she liked men... she didn't like them... She preferred... men looked silly 18. The report stated that the new Rolls Royce ran... all you could hear was... The Managing Director replied that they'd have 19. said she didn't know... her plums. She supposed (said she supposed) she'd have to... trouble was no one in her

family ate 20. explained they liked working... they got 21. that he was... and he did all his own 22. told Joan she could keep that one if she liked as he had 23. said he was going fishing with his mother that afternoon and they were just going 24. told her she had got my umbrella and that hers was in her bedroom 25. explained to his client that he knew what they had said be­cause he had bugged 26. said he'd sit up till she came in but he hoped she wouldn't 27. told me that if I gave him... he'd... for me 28. said she had... it didn't seem... to her weight 29. said it was... and that he used one of them himself 30. said her new house was supposed to be... but that so far she hadn't seen

31. said that if we answered all the questions... we might win

32. said that if he pressed his ear... he could hear... were saying 32. 1. he hadn't been able to get... he had lost his key, so he

had had to break 2. the mirror was there... he could see himself when he was dancing 3. told him she had written to him two days before and wondered why he hadn't 4. if the ground was dry... his horse might win 5. advised me to slow down as there was 6. said that if Tom wanted... he'd better apply 7. they had walked... the previous night... protest about their rent. The Minister had been... had promised... what he could for them 8. said they should put traffic lights there, otherwise there'd be 9. told them it was time they began training for their... 10. said to me that if I left... I should be there 11. if it rained that afternoon it would be... the following day 12. told her guest she had meant... she had plugged... She was always doing 13. he had been intending... the next day... didn't think he'd be 14. told Mrs Smith that Bill should do... he had done very well at the school 15. told her hus­band she didn't think his father liked her 16. told her the steak was... and said/added that he was not complaining but was just pointing... she said she wished he'd stop 17. reported that the burglars hadn't been able... had carried it 18. told me that if I saw her father I'd recognize him... He was 19. he had found... the day before'... was going... that afternoon 20. he had got out... while he was standing... the gears (had) engaged... and the boat had gone/went 21. says he has done 22. asked if he would like me to go with him. He said he'd rather go... or, I offered to go with him, but he said 23. told me I might take his car if I liked and said he wouldn't be needing it the next day or the day after that 24. that the previous day Tom and she had gone/been to

look... he was thinking... It was rather... and had a lovely gar­den but Tom had decided... was opposite 25. his wife wanted to take... he'd rather she concentrated on their home 26. she didn't know what my father would say when he saw... my puppies had made of the £5 note 27. it was high time I passed my test; she was tired 28. said I wished she had seen it

33. 1. asked what had happened 2. asked which.. (had) in­herited 3. asked who was going 4. asked what would happen 5. asked which team had won 6. asked which team (had) won 7. asked who was playing the following week 8. asked who would be umpiring 9. asked who wanted 10. asked who had just dropped 11. asked where the... office was 12. asked what she should do with her... 13. asked what platform the train left 14. asked when it arrived 15. asked when the timetable had been changed 16 asked why the 2.30 had been... 17. asked how much a day return cost 18. asked why the price went up 19. asked how he could get 20. asked when they were coming 21. asked if a return... was 22. asked if puppies travelled 23. asked if she could bring her dog... with her 24. asked if the train stopped 25. asked if you could telephone 26. asked if the 2.40 had 27. asked if you could get 28. asked if they brought 29. asked if there were 30. asked if

he had

34. 1. asked what-country I came from 2. asked how long I'd been here 3. asked if I was working 4. asked if I had 5. asked what I was going to study 6. asked if I had enrolled 7. asked if I wanted to buy 8. asked if I had seen 9. asked if I played 10. asked if I would have 11. asked if I had played for my... 12. asked if I was interested 13. asked if I would like 14. asked what I thought

Each of the following will begin: she asked/ wanted to

know/ enquired 15. how long it had been 16. if I liked 17. if he

was 18. how many... there were 19. how big the classes were

20. if the classes were 21. what the academic standard was like

22. if parents could visit 23. if there was 24. if they taught

25. what... could the children learn 26. if there was 27. if they\

i acted 28. what... plays they had done 29. what games they

played 30. if the fields were 31. if they were taught 32. if the

children could get 33. if the food was  good 34. if there was

35. how often it met 36. if our boys had been/were happy

35. (/'/ is interchangeable with whether except in condi­tional sentences.} 1. asked why he was looking 2. asked who had

put... in his coffee 3. asked which of them knew 4. asked why he had travelled 5. inquired how she could run in high-heeled shoes 6. asked them what their new house was like 7. asked where he was supposed to go 8. asked him whose car he had borrowed the previous night 9. asked me what she was/had been wearing when I saw her last 10. asked who owned the revolver 11. asked Mr J. where he had been the previous night 12. asked the boy what else he had seen 13. asked whether he had done that sort

14. asked her if she could read 15. inquired whether they had understood what I had said to them 16. asked the customer if he was being attended to 17. asked him if he would go... the others did 18. asked Mary if she saw what he saw 19. inquired who had left 20. asked him if he had gone... and if he wanted 21. asked why his house was... and whether his father had been 22. asked if he was leaving that day or the following morning 23. asked how far it was and how long it would take 24. asked if he could speak to Mrs Pitt. The au pair girl answered that she was afraid she was out and asked if she could take 25. asked the little boy if he was sorry for what he had done 26. asked her if she was going to 27. asked the woman if she would mind if he looked inside her bag 28. asked the student if he would know what to do if some­one fell at his feet 29. asked her why she thought it might be 30. asked him if he knew... shoes he was wearing weren't

36. (The following are possible answers. Other introduc­tory verbs are often possible.) 1. He told her to switch off the TV 2. She told Tom to shut 3. I asked Mary to lend me her pen 4. I warned them not to watch 5. He warned me not to believe everything I heard 6. asked me to fill up the 7. I told them not to hurry 8. warned Mary not to touch the switch 9. ordered the bank clerk to open 10. begged me to do as he said 11. told Peter to help his mother 12. told the children not to make 13. told us to do whatever we liked 14. warned them not to miss their train

15. advised his client to read it before he signed it 16. begged her to sing it again 17. warned us not to put our hands 18. advised him to buy 19. begged him not to drive 20. told the boys not to lean their bicycles against his windows 21. asked her to come with him 22. advised her to cook it 23. warned the lady not to touch 24. told the boys not to argue with him 25. told him to pull as hard as he could 26. ordered the porter to send 27. advised us not to lend 28. told us to make a list of what we wanted 29. told

her to look 30. warned the people on the platform to stand clear 31. asked the children to see if they could 32. warned her not to go 33. asked the customer to pay 34. the notice told us to leave the space clear 35. I reminded them to write to their 36. warned her to think well before she answered

37. (See note above key to Exercise 36.) 1. told me to get out of his 2. ordered me to climb 3. asked the customer to pay 4. asked her to open her 5. told Mrs P. not to worry but (to) leave it all to him 6. warned him not to use 7. told the taxi-driver to follow the car 8. recommended me to wash 9. urged me to have confidence in him 10. told the liftman to take him 11. advised the passengers to read 12. told her always to cook.. and never to use 13. told him not to argue with his 14. reminded me to prune 15. told her to wait for him 16. advised her not to eat... and to avoid 17. advised me not to say 18. the notice told/asked people not to ask 19. told her not to forget 20. advised /told me to cross 21. asked him to write to her as-often as he could 22. told him to put his 23. asked the porter to find him 24. told me not to forget my 25. told the children not to go 26. told his men to search 27. told her not to make 28. told/warned him to put the gun down as it was loaded

38. (See note above key to Exercise 36.) 1. advised us to make... our time as we wouldn't get 2. urged the public not to wait till the following day but to post... that day 3. warned them to be... and reminded me to drive 4. said he couldn't open it and told/asked Peter to have 5. told me to go and get him... and to come 6. said someone was coming and told/urged me to get 7. warned us to give way to... the /our right 8. begged us to send whatever we could spare 9. advised him to wear a wig if he didn't want to be recognized 10. warned/told them not to bathe when the red flag was flying 11. told him not to forget/reminded him to thank... when he was saying 12. told me to watch... and not to let it 13. told/advised/warned me not to shelter... as the tree might 14. told me to put the message... and throw 15. told me to read it for myself if I didn't believe what he said 16. reminded me to use my 17. told her husband not to drive. or the baby would 18. begged her to make... stronger and said that it had been... the previous night 19. warned us to beware

20. told me to smell it and asked if I thought it had gone bad

21. told him not to take his coat off as they were going 22. told

her to stand by the window and tell him if anyone went 23. told his pupil not to move till... waved him on 24. told me not to touch it as I would only make 25. warned him to be careful as the steps were 26. told/asked the girl to ask her boss... and said that my number was... She asked me to repeat it 27.... told him to tell them not to work... as if they finished... they wouldn't get 28. The placard warned us to prepare to meet our doom as the end of the world was at hand 29. The instructor reminded me to put 30. Keiko asked him to take off his

39. 1. he invited me to have lunch with him 2. offered me/her/him a 3. asked if they'd mind not smoking/asked them not to smoke 4. told her to take the... and to shut the door as she went 5. asked me to help her as she couldn't 6. said it was a... and advised me to ask 7. advised me to try to/and get 8. offered to wait for me/said she'd wait if I liked 9. reminded me to switch off when I'd finished 10. asked/told me to check the figures for him 11. advised me to apologize 12. asked him to check 13. told me to sit/said he wished I'd sit... asked how I expected him to paint me when I kept jerking my head 14. advised him to go by train as it was 15. The notice asked guests not to play 16. asked me to wait 17. strongly advised me to see 18. advised them to plant 18. asked me to sign 20. asked me to forward... while he was 21. The police asked anyone who has seen the... to get in touch with their nearest 22. warned me not to leave my... as our host's dogs might mistake me 23. told me to answer the letter and reminded me to keep 24. asked me to move my car as it was blocking his 25. Mrs Jones asked them to let her know when their... came in 26. The coach told the first team to report 27. Tom asked Ann to sew on the button for him. Mary advised him to sew it on himself as buttons... usually came off 28. The girl asked me to sit down and said.../said that if I sat down the fortune-teller would be with me

40. 1. asked if he could get 2. said she couldn't open... Tom offered to do it for her 3. asked the official to translate it 4. wondered if they would ever meet 5. asked if I would be there the next day. I said that I would 6. asked if she could lose... the doctor said (that) she couldn't 7. offered me a drink 8. urged us to install 9. asked me to read it 10. asked (me) if she should tell him what had happened 11. asked if I wouldn't like to look 12. said she was going... Tom said he was too and offered her

a lift/asked if she'd like a lift 13. asked for a sweet/asked if he could have a sweet 14. asked if they could stay 15. asked for the weekend/asked if he could have 16. asked if he could leave 17. asked (him) why he didn't like 18. advised him to take up

19. asked where he should hang his.. and if it would look

20. asked what I should/was to do if the car wouldn't start

21. asked if I had enough... and offered to lend me some

22. asked if he would be able to guide me or if I should bring

23. reminded him to shut 24. asked (her) if she would like to see 25. asked me to peel 26. said that he'd got two tickets and in­vited me to come/go with him 27. asked if I could use... I said (that) I couldn't 28. asked if I'd mind living by myself 29. asked me to pay /asked if I'd mind paying 30. asked why she didn't trust him. She said (that) she never trusted

41. (See note above key to Exercise 36) 1. told me to re member to get... when I was or reminded me to get, etc. or said that when I was at... I was to get 2. told/advised me to sit down and put my head between my knees if I felt or said that if I felt faint I was to put/should put 3. asked what he was to do/should do with my purse if he found it. I told/asked him to keep it till! he saw me 4. told me/asked me to give him a drink if he arrived before she got back or said that if he arrived before she got back I was to give 5. told me if anyone rang up to say or said that if anyone rang up I was to say she'd be 6. told me when I was driving always to look in my mirror or said that when I was driving I should always look 7. told me to leave the key under the mat if I went out or said that if 1 went out I was to leave 8. told me to shut the window if I thought the room was cold or said that if I thought the room was cold I was to shut/should shut • 9. told me to ring him up if I felt lonely any time or said that if I felt lonely I was to ring 10. said that if she didn't eat meat I was to offer her an omelette (the tell construction would be very clumsy here) 11. told me to get the car off the road if I had a puncture and not to leave or said that if I had a puncture I was to get/should get... and not leave 12. told me to take the letter to the police if he wasn't back by that time the next day or said that if he wasn't back by... I was to take 13. told her husband not to forget/reminded him to thank Mrs Pitt when he saw her 14. told me to take the meat out of the oven when the bell rang or said that when the bell rang I was to take/should take 15. told them

to give their... if they were taken... but to refuse to answer or said that if they were taken... they were to give... but (to) ref­use 16. told them to shut... and go... when they heard or said that when they heard... they were to shut and go 17. told me to press... if the lift should stop/stopped or said that if the lift should stop/stopped... I was to press/should press 18. told me to ask a client if he had a weak heart before I allowed him or said that before I allowed anyone... I was to ask/should ask 19. asked what she should/was to say if the police stopped her 20. asked what she should do if he refused to let her in. I told her to write

21. asked/wondered what would happen if the strike continued

22.... how they would get food if it went' on 23.... asked if they could go... the rain stopped 24. said that when they'd... they were to 25. advised her to switch... if she didn't like 26. asked whether/if the bank would repay... if I lost 27. told me I had/'d better complain... if the noise got 28. said I was to ring him and give him... as soon as I found

42. Part 1. (Alternative constructions are often possible.) 1-14. Ann suggested having a party on the following Saturday. Mary agreed and asked who they should invite. Ann was against making a list and suggested they should just invite everybody. Mary said they didn't want to do much cooking and proposed making it a wine and cheese party. Ann then suggested that they should ask everyone to bring a bottle. Mary reminded her that they hadn't many glasses left and suggested hiring glasses from their local wine shop. Ann suggested having the party in the gar­den if it was warm and then Mary put forward the idea of a bar­becue. Ann thought this way a good idea and said they could ask Paul to do the cooking. Mary remembered that last time they had had a barbecue the neighbours had complained about the noise, and she wondered if they should ask everyone to speak in whis­pers. Ann suggested going round to the neighbours instead and apologizing in advance. Mary, however, proposed inviting the neighbours, adding that then the noise wouldn't matter. Ann thought that was a clever idea and suggested ringing everyone up that night, but Mary prudently suggested working out how much it would cost first

Part 2. 15. Mrs Smith suggested... but her husband sug­gested renting..., adding that it was all they could afford 16. I suggested that Ann should complain, saying that the boss was

more likely to listen to her 17. She reminded him that he used to be... and suggested that he should 18. He proposed walking... as it was not far and I agreed 19. Ann suggested (our) joining a weaving class, adding that there was one 20. The children sug­gested organizing... the teacher proposed 21. I asked Bill where we should meet and he suggested the hotel 22. I suggested to Ann that she should ring him and ask him what he thought 23. I pointed out I was doing... and suggested that he should give me/him giving me 24. He proposed leaving/that they should leave adding that he hated 25. Their father suggested that the children should go 26. I suggested his/him asking them what they would like to do 27. He suggested that we should begin training... I said I had... and suggested that he should ask Paul 28. They suggested me/my putting an advertisement in the local paper

43. (The following are possible answers only.} 1. warned us not to walk on the ice as it wasn't 2. introduced Miss White to Miss Brown 3. gave/handed her the keys, advising/and advised her to wait 4. begged me not to tell... I promised not to/promised (that) I wouldn't 5. offered him my torch but he refused as/explaining that he had one of his own 6. Tom offered to pay. Ann protested but he insisted 7. invited us to come in and look round, assuring us that there was no 8. threatened to kill the boy if they didn't pay 9. refused to answer any questions 10. complained that he expected... agreed (with her) 11. wished it would 12. pointed out that I had pressed... He warned me not to do... I might have 13. exclaimed that her weight had gone up... she admitted /agreed that it had 14. hoped I'd have a good journey/wished me a good journey and reminded me to send a card when I arrived 15. exclaimed with delight that he had passed... I congratulated him and wished him luck 16. She agreed to wait 17. wished him many happy returns of his... and he thanked us 18. pointed out/remarked that my door was... I agreed (with her)/I admitted it 19. He offered me a cigarette and I accepted 20. Their mother threatened to sell... if they kept... The children begged her not to do that, promising not to quar­rel/assuring her that they wouldn't quarrel 21. offered me £500 to keep my 22. He promised to wait for me 23. I apologized for being late and explained that the bus had broken 24. accused him of leaking... He denied it. Tom called him a liar 25. threatened to drop us from

the team if we did not train 26. complained that if the boys did... he called them his sons, but that if they did... he called them hers 27. Tom suggested having arest and Ann agreed 28. He exclaimed with disgust that there was a slug in his... and called 44. (Other alternatives are possible here.)

1. Tom: Would you like to come for a drive, tomorrow, Ann?

2. Ann: I'd love to. Where are you thinking of going, Tom?

3. Tom: Well, I'll leave it to you

4. Ann: What about Stratford?

5. I haven't been there for ages

6. Tom: Good idea!/All right. We might go on the river if it's a fine day

7. Ann: I wonder what's on at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre

8. Tom: We'll find out when we get there

9. It's usually possible to get seats on the day of the play 10. Can you be ready by ten?

11.Ann: I'm afraid not, Tom/I'm very sorry, Tom, but I can't. I have to type a report first

12. Tom: Working on Saturday! What a horrible idea!

13. I'd change my job if I were you

14. Ann: Don't be ridiculous, Tom!

15. I volunteered to type the report in return for a free after­noon next week

16. I didn't know you were going to ask me out, after all

17. Tom: Oh well, I suppose it's all right

18. But don't make a habit of volunteering for weekend work, will you?

19. Ann: No, I promise I won't

20. Tom: (gloomily) I suppose you'll be busy all morning

21. Ann: No, no! I'll finished by 11.00

22. Shall I meet you at the bus stop at Hyde Park Corner?

23. Tom: That isn't a very good meeting place. I'll call for you

24. Ann: That's very good of you, Tom. I'll be waiting in the hall

25. Tom: Let's climb to the top. The view from there is mar­vellous

26. Ann: But we've been climbing for three hours already. I'm too tired to go any further

27. Why don't you go on up? I'll go down and wait there

28. Tom: All right. Here are the car keys. You'd better wait in the car./You could wait in the car, couldn't you?

29. I'll be as quick as I can

30. Ann: There'll be no lunch left if you're too long. I'll have eaten it all!

45. (In the exercises on reported speech we often use nouns as subjects: e. g. the policeman, the children, Paul etc. In the answers, to save space, we have often used pronouns.} 1. he said he was going out but he'd be in 2. she said she was working... and didn't much care 3. Peter said he couldn't live on his basic salary and he'd have to 4. Mary said her young brother wanted to be... she couldn't think why because none of her family had ever been 5. they said they were waiting... and it was late 6. he said he had made... I said he was always making... and should be used to it 7. he said they made... and sent... to their wives 8. he said it was lonely being away from their... but they earned... in that/the factory as they would in their own 9. he said they had been there... and were going to stay 10. he said he'd got... I said that would be... he replied he knew it would be hard but he didn't mind... and it would be 11. he said the ice would soon be... she said she would look for her skates when she got 12. she said she was living with her parents at the moment but she hoped to have a flat of her own soon 13. she said she was leaving the following day... we said we'd come and see her off 14. he said he'd just bought... but it wasn't insured yet so he couldn't take me 15. she said she would like to speak... but she was bathing... and they would drown if she left... she went 16. Ann says she is coming... next week. She hopes we will meet her 17. She said nothing ever happened... it was like... people had drifted 18. he said he had missed his train; he'd be late... and his boss would be 19. they said they would wait for me if I was late/for us if we were late 20. I said they were supposed... but if the fog got... the plane might be 21. she said if I lent her... she'd bring... in two days' time 22. he grumbled he hated getting up on dark mornings; his wife agreed it was horrible but said the mornings would be lighter soon and then it wouldn't be 23. she said the sales were starting the following day and as soon as they finished work the whole... pool was going... I (said I) hoped they would all get what they wanted 24. he (said he) wished he had some­thing... said he had only ‘just had lunch and she didn't know how

he could be 25. my aunt said if I was short... she could lend me... and I could take my time 26. he said he usually took his dog... when he came 27. I said I had... for her brother. Ann said he wasn't at home; he had left two days before 28. I said I had bought the bag... he said I shouldn't have bought... it didn't go with my coat 29. she said she must hurry as her father was al­ways... if any of them were 30. he said if I wanted to smoke I would have to 31. he said he was building himself... he wouldn't show it to me just yet but when the roof was on I could come 32. he said the lake would probably freeze that night; it was much colder than the previous night. Mary said she would go... and if it was frozen she would make... ducks could 33. He said... the strikers went back the following day it would be... things re­turned 34. She said someone was trying to murder her. She kept getting 35. she said she was taking her children... the following day 36. she said all she could hear was... she wondered if it was

46. (See the notes to Exercise 45) 1. he said there had been... road was blocked... it wouldn't be clear... he advised us to go/he said we'd better go 2. they suggested lighting... cooking their sausages 3. he said he was thinking... aunt advised him not to go...as it was a bad 4. he warned us to take... as we might have to 5. he said he had left some books on my table. He thought I'd find them useful and said I could keep them as long as I needed them but that he'd like... when I had finished with them. I thanked him and said I'd take/promised to take 6. he said that if the children could... were... should be able... he was teaching 7. he said the puppy could sleep on their bed... she said she'd rather he slept... would soon be... there wouldn't be... all three of them 8. she said she'd try by herself... and if she found that she couldn't... she'd ask Tom to help her 9. Mary suggested camping by the stream as, or pointing out that if they went on, it might be dark before they found 10. they wished they'd brought their... as then they could have offered... and perhaps they (the restaurant) would have given them 11. Jones said he'd booked... The receptionist said she (was afraid that they) hadn't got his letter... all rooms had been taken... but they could give him... Jones said that wouldn't do him 12. he said he'd had gypsies on his land and they'd given... Council had asked him... He didn't see why... and was writing to his MP 13. he grumbled that the letter was... She admitted she had done it... and said she supposed she'd better 14. he said if they'd like to go on any of the tours the hotel would arrange it. They said they'd like 15. he said they'd try to find my passport but it would be... slept... might have robbed me 16. she suggested going... and said they might make their... She'd been given... He said he had had... from her... they had been 17. he said he didn't know why she wasted... the neighbours all polished... she didn't want their Mini.... If he were any good... he'd help her 18. he apologized for not having a tie on. He said he didn't know it was going 19. he said he would have enjoyed... if the man next to him hadn't snored 20. I said I was thinking... he advised me to take someone with me. It was safer as one could... slept 21. Paul says that the plans have been changed; we're going tomorrow now not the next day. He wants us to meet him at Victoria tonight 22. He said that if he wanted... he had to... it wasn't hot. I said that was ridiculous and that it was high time he left 23. he said he knew the umbrella belonged to me but he thought it would be all right if he borrowed it because I wasn't going out the following day and he was 24. he suggested putting my... and making It would be...what they were planning. I said/objected that my re­corder made... and they'd be sure... and then they'd find... and ask 25. she said whenever her father was unhappy he would go out and buy... their rooms were full... they couldn't use. Tom said that he was sorry for her father; he must have been 26. he said I could leave my... in his garage if I liked... he would keep... while I was away 27. he told Ann that if she wanted a job she should read... it was no use... outside her door 28. he said it used to be... but that now it was impossible. When summer came I'd have to 29. he said I must leave a note for my... otherwise she'd be... when I wasn't in at my 30. she said... had just arrived... and he was... She won­dered if she should ring... wait till he came

47. (See the notes to Exercise 45) 1. she asked who had been using her 2. he asked if I wanted 3. he asked if I minded 4. they asked if I would like to come with them/they invited me to come with them 5. she asked who I had given 6. he asked how long it took 7. he asked how much I thought it would cost 8. she asked him what he had missed most when he was/had been 9. he asked if the seat was taken 10. He asked how I got on with my 11. they asked him how he had got 12. he asked what I was/had been doing with the skeleton... and if I was/had been

trying 13. she asked me if I had slept 14. they asked him if he had been there 15. she asked if I could tell her why Paul (had) left 16. he asked how many... knew 17. she asked if there were... for her 18. he asked how long I had been 19. he asked why I wasn't 20. the customer asked if they were 21. I asked where they were going for their 22. she asked if it would be... if she came... that night 23. he asked if I had ever seen 24. she asked him where she could park her 25. she asked if I would like... I asked which way she was going 26. she asked who I wanted 27. he asked if anyone wanted 28. I asked what he was going to do with his 29. I asked if she grew her own 30. he asked what train I was going 31. she asked him if he could change... and said she was afraid she hadn't got/and apologized for not having

32. she asked how many... he had taken. He said he had no idea

33. they asked if they could see the manager/they asked to see the manager. The secretary asked if they had 34. he asked if I thought I could live... on my own... or if I would get 35. he asked if any of us had actually seen 36. she asked if she could see/she asked to see/she asked for Commander Smith. I said I was afraid he was in orbit and asked if she would like

48. 1. he suggested having... Ann agreed and suggested going... Jack was always 2. she said Jack's parents had asked her... the following night and asked what she should wear. Her mother advised her to wear... as it was 3. he said he was broke. Peter offered to lend him 4. the clerk said it would take... to look up her file. Ann asked if it was worth waiting or if she should 5. he asked if he would have to do... if he failed... The teacher said that he would 6. I asked where he would be the next day in case I had to ring him. He said that he would be in his... at his flat. He wouldn't be going 7. Mary asked what she should do with the cracked cup and her mother advised her to throw 8. she wondered if she would ever see 9. he asked me to get out... and he had to change... I offered to help 10. he said he'd run... and asked me to give him/asked for a lift 11. he suggested going... She said she liked... but that her only... shoes were being... She suggested going 12. he said I had a lot... and offered to carry some of them for me 13. he wondered if they would be 14. he asked what he should do with all the money. Mary advised him to take... and get/Mary suggested taking... and getting 15. Peter offered Jack a cigarette. Jack thanked him and said he didn't

smoke.16. They asked if she'd like to go/invited her to go with them, saying that there was... Ann said she'd love to/Ann ac­cepted 17. she asked Mr Jones if he could do without her that day as she had... and thought it might... if she stayed. Mr Jones advised her to stay... and to take the next day off too if she wasn't better 18. Mary told Paul that she'd just come back to her flat... in her chair. He was still there... and she asked/wanted to know what she should do. Paul advised her to wake him and ask him who he was, adding that there was 19. he said he wasn't quite... and asked Jack to wait/if he could wait... Jack said he couldn't wait long because the train went 20. I asked her to take off her hat/if she would mind taking... She pointed out that the theatre was... and suggested my/me moving 21. he said he of­ten saw... and asked if I thought he should 22. I asked what changes he would make if the house was his. He said he'd pull... The site was all right 23. he asked for my name 24. he offered to send it round to his hotel/asked if he should send... The tourist said he wasn't staying... and he'd take it with him 25. I asked (him) how long they would go on looking... He said they'd stop when it got... and start... the following day 26. I said we couldn't discuss it over the phone... and suggested meeting in my flat the following day. He said he'd rather I came to his... and asked if I could get there 27. he asked for 40p to buy an ice cream /as he wanted to buy an ice-cream 28. he asked (us) if we would like... of his flat, or if we would rather 29. she asked me to help her with her luggage, and said that if I took... she'd take... I said it was ridiculous... and asked if she couldn't manage... but she said she couldn't 30. Ann said she couldn't come... (so) Peter suggested Tuesday... Ann agreed (to this)

49. (The verb of command given below is not necessarily the only possible one. See also note to Exercise 45) 1. she told him not to put... in his 2. she begged him not to do 3. he urged me to apply... as it would just suit me 4. he advised me to say nothing 5. she asked them to wait in the lounge till their flight number was called 6. I advised her not to lend... as he never paid 7. she asked him to ring 8. he asked me to move my case/asked if I'd mind moving my case as it was blocking 9. she reminded him to book 10. he told/warned me to get 11. he warned me to avoid Marble Arch as there was going 12. he told me to hold the ladder as it was... I suggested tying/advised him to tie it... as it

was much safer 13. he told them to read... and not to write 14. he warned me not to leave my money 15. he advised me to open 16. he invited her to lunch that day. She said she was afraid she couldn't as she couldn't leave/She refused, explaining that she couldn't leave 17. he warned me not to take more than two of them 18. I asked to speak to Albert/asked if I could speak... She said he was... I asked her to wake him as I had 19. he ad­vised me to buy 20. they said I was being exploited and that I ought to leave my job/and advised me to leave 21. she told them to fasten their... as there might be 22. he warned me not to drive... or oncoming drivers might take me 23. he asked to see my licence 24. I advised him to sweep up 25. she said the bathroom was empty and asked me to put... when I had 26. he reminded me to insure my 27. she begged him not to... and reminded him that they had to 28. I urged Tom to go... before his toothache got 29. he advised me to cut my hair, saying that I would find... if I looked 30. he asked for some more

50. (See the note to Exercise 45) 1. the clerk asked me to fill up the form 2. he asked me to read 3. she asked for a new cheque book. He asked her to show him her 4. Tom says that we are to be ready/should be ready 5. he begged me not to tell his mother 6. he ordered/warned us not to fire 7. he advised me to take 8. she asked me to help her 9. he warned me not to drive 10. he warned/told/advised me not to smoke 11. she said that when I'd chosen a book I was to bring it to her and she would 12. he told me to show 13. a notice warned/ordered us to reduce speed at once 14. he asked to see my ticket 15. he warned me to keep an eye on my luggage as the place was 16. he said that when I'd read it I was to pass it on or he told me to pass it on... when I'd read it 17. he suggested lighting... and cooking 18. he told me to press the button whenever I saw...she said that whenever I saw... I was to press 19. he told her to sit down and tell him what was worrying her 20. he told me to walk... and just to nod if I recognized my attacker but not to say/and said that if I recognized my attacker I was just to nod but not to say 21. he said that even if I felt hungry I wasn't to eat/shouldn't eat.../he advised me not to eat... even if I felt 22. he asked Ann to ring and order a taxi for him. She suggested (his) going/advised him to go by tube as it was 23. she suggested buying some yeast and making their own bread as the bread they were getting was

24. he advised them to boil the water (first) if they had to use it, and warned them not to drink it unboiled 25. he suggested not telling anyone/that they shouldn't tell anyone till they were... report was 26. Tom says he's got the tickets and (that) we're to meet him 27. he urged the strikers to show that they were... 28. A notice advised customer to count their... as mistakes could not 29. he warned me not to clap yet, as she hadn't finished. He added (that) singers loathed people who clapped 30. he reminded me to put my name

51. 1. Paul wants me to get him 2. Mr White would like you to meet him 3. Ann offered to get... Mr Jones said he'd rather she got... Ann said there weren't any and (that) the shops were 4. he told me not to worry... as he made... I asked if he learnt from his... or if he kept 5. I said I was looking for... who drank in that bar. The barman advised me to keep away from Albert as he didn't like strangers 6. He asked to have a look at my pa­per/asked if he could have... I said I hadn't... and asked him to wait... He said he couldn't wait long as he was getting 7. she said we had woken or woke... the previous night and that we must try... that night. I promised we would 8. he complained that the soup was cold... and asked why he never had... She explained it was because the kitchen was... If he insiste

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