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The research objective was to reveal the character and factors
impacting the behaviour of students in relation to learning after completion
of learning process transformation in the Russian secondary school. The
research tasks were as follows: first, to determine the character of students’
behaviour in relation to learning; second, to reveal the character of their
interests towards learning and their impact on behaviour in relation to
learning; third, to build the probabilistic model of students’ academic
Parents of the students were the source of primary data for the
empiric research. The parents can give more conscious and objective
assessment to the condition of parameters reinforcing the learning process at
school, motives behind the students’ behaviour, the state of students’ interest
and their behaviour in relation to learning.
The research was initiated by the Sociological Department of the
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The researcher
responsible for undertaking a study is Yu.P. Averin. He developed a
questionnaire for the survey and a research sample frame. The questionnaire
consists of closed-type and open-type questions. A method of personal
questionnaire interview was used to examine 1500 parents of students of
secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums in 22 constituent entities of the
Russian Federation representing all social and economic regions. The
questionnaire survey was held in central and district towns of the constituent
entities of Russia in 2013. The sample was formed using a method of multistage
random sampling. At the first stage the constituent entities of the
Russian Federation were selected, at the second stage in addition to central
towns the district towns were selected and at the third stage schools were
selected in the district towns. At the fourth stage the classes were selected in
these schools. The survey covered parents of students of all grades - from the
first grade to the eleventh grade inclusive. The sampling error is within ±4%.
Findings and discussion
1. Behaviour of Students in Relation to Learning. A good
illustration of behaviour of students in relation to learning are the marks
received by the students. Approximately a half of the students (51.5%) get
fives and fours. Approximately every fifth student mainly gets threes and
twos (20.3%). These marks don’t depend on the level of income per one
family member and on the locality where the student’s family lives - a central
or district town. The students’ marks depend on their grade (the Spearmen
coefficient is equal to 0.146). The more senior is the grade, the lower is the
performance. The highest level of performance is typical for the first grade
(88.4% of students get fives and fours). It sharply drops down with
transition from the first grade to the senior grades. The lowest performance
is observed in the 5th grade (45.8%), in the 9th and in the 10th grades (circa
40%). The performance considerably improves in the 11th grade (49%). The
higher is the level of education of parents, the higher are the marks (the
Spearmen coefficient is equal to 0.221). An assumption can be made that
parents with the higher education pay more attention to the learning of their
children and link it to their future. A trend of declining performance of
students in transition from the 1st to the senior grades has a stable nature
"Behaviour of Students in Relation to Learning and Factors Shaping it
in the Modern Russia Conditions, which is evidenced by results of tests and sociological survey undertaken byFederal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) in 2015.
The actions reflecting the attitude of students towards learning are
expressed in the efforts they take to do the homework. The assessment of
parents shows that about one half of students do their homework at a good
level (54%), slightly less students (42.7%) do their homework at a medium
level. The results of parents’ assessment depend little on the place of
employment of parents, the family income and the locality of residence - the
central or district town. The quality of homework depends on the grade of
students. The more senior is the grade the lower is the quality of homework.
The biggest share of children who cope well their homework is in the 1st and
2nd grades (circa 63%). The smallest share of such students is in the 4th and 9th
grades (46.5% and 44% respectively). The reason is that in these grades the
tests get more complicated. These grades are transitional from elementary to
secondary school and from secondary to high school which is a cause why
tests get more complicated. In the 11th grade there are many more students
who cope well with the homework (59.6%). In this grade the students get
prepared for the Unified State Examination the results of which are crucial
for admission to the university and this makes them work harder. The higher
is the level of the parents’ education, the more children cope well with the
homework (the Spearmen coefficient is equal to 0.168).
The behaviour of students in relation to learning was also
investigated in the research by assessing their desire to make necessary efforts
to obtain the school knowledge. As an indicator for measuring this desire in
students a presence or absence of laziness as a reason for low marks at
school was used. Here we mean no desire to make efforts in order to obtain
school knowledge and get high marks. The absolute majority of parents
(60%) believe that one of the reasons of low marks at school is the laziness.
It is spread among all students and in all grades of the secondary school.
Consequently, such assessment has a general nature and relates to the
Russian school in general irrelevant of social group to which the family
Thus in the Russian secondary school in general the students show
high performance - about one half of students get fives and fours and cope
well with the homework. Meanwhile there is a noticeable portion of students
who have low performance. For them learning does not represent to a
necessary extent an object for satisfaction of a need for knowledge. The
performance of students dramatically deteriorates with transition from the 1st
grade to more senior grades dropping down to the lowest level in the 9th and
10th grades. One of the major causes of low performance of students is their
laziness, no desire to make efforts for obtaining the school knowledge. The
performance is higher among children whose parents have the higher
education, as compared to those children whose parents have secondary
vocational and general secondary education.
Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...
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