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для студентов специальности
Часть 1
ББК 81.2 Англ.
К 85
Кира Р.В. –кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Академии Военно-Морских Сил Украины им. П.С.Нахимова
Печатается по решению Методической комиссии Ученого Совета Черноморского филиала МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова № 4 от 21.02.2011
Учебно-методическое пособие является сборником дополнительных заданий к монографии Магидовой И.М. «Введение в английскую филологию». Основной целью данного пособия является закрепление и активизация лексики LSP для филологов с целью формирования вокабуляра общенаучной и специальной лексики, а также навыков, необходимых филологам для успешной профес-сиональной коммуникации на английском языке.
Пособие предназначено для студентов – филологов 1 курса, изучающих раздел “Phonetics and Phonology” «Введения в английскую филологию» Магидовой И.М.
pp. | |
Forward | |
Chapter 1. Section 1. Preliminary Remarks | |
Chapter 1. Section 2. Preliminary Remarks | |
Chapter 1. Section 3. Preliminary Remarks | |
Chapter 2. Section 1. Phonetics and Voice Production | |
Chapter 2. Section 2. Phonetics and Voice Production | |
Chapter 3. The Basis of articulation in English and Russian: A Contrastive Study | |
Chapter 4. The Two Main Functional Styles of English Speech and The Object of Pragmalinguistics | |
Chapter 5. Pragmatic Phonetics | |
Введение в английскую филологию
Forward (pp. 4 – 5)
A. Checking Comprehension
Answer the questions:
1. What is the necessary condition of approaching English?
2. Where does the main division in terms of registers lie?
3. What are the two main functions of language?
4. What must this neat division be supplemented by?
5. What is teaching a natural human language comparable to? Why?
6. What is the only way to master a foreign language?
7. When can the undergraduate venture on an unguided journey through the maze of styles and registers?
B. The Study of the Expression Plane.
1. Find the English equivalents in the text:
1. общеизвестно
2. основа всего обучения
3. с точки зрения
4. интеллективная функция
5. объяснить в деталях
6. достичь профессионализма
7. общепризнано
8. на более высоком теоретическом уровне
9. овладеть иностранным языком
10. получать удовлетворение
11. единственный способ
12. реализация двух функций
13. здесь и сейчас
14. что касается
15. спорный вопрос
16. бесспорно
17. дело в то, что
18. например
19. представить этот вопрос
2. Match the words with their synonyms:
substitution | persistent | multifarious | venture | expound |
emulate | dissection | unconstrained | implementation | fraught |
1. explain, elucidate, interpret
2. manifold, various, having many parts of great variety
3. replacement, deputizing
4. analysis
5. imitate, copy
6. dare
7. realization, accomplishment
8. firm, steadfast, ceaseless, continual
9. loaded
10. natural, easy
2a. Fill in the gaps using the above words:
1. The problems connected with the traditional orthography of English words will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in detail below.
2. Contamination is the process by which one word or phrase is altered because of mistaken associations with another word or phrase; for example the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of “irregardless” for “regardless” by association with such word as “irrespective”.
3. Learners of English can not master communicative skills without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and painstaking effort.
4. The word “fate” has always been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with negative connotations.
5. Academic scholarly writing presents the general scientific vocabulary which should be thoroughly studied and then _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by future philologists.
6. The extract to be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and analyzed is a monologue of the main character of the novel.
3. Give Russian equivalents:
1. natural, easy multifarious language
2. tackle a register
3. in the end
4. make the basis of all the instruction at the Department
5. the main division
6. the aesthetic-expressive-evaluative function
7. neat division
8. it may roughly be described as
9. reach the audience
10. both complex and unconstrained
11. persistent and painstaking efforts
12. as far as something is concerned
13. presuppose hours of drudgery
14. an undergraduate
15. dissection and analysis of the text
16. complete the basic stage
17. the complete language
18. with always a view to absolute and correct emulation
19. recite poetry
20. a good speaker
21. find oneself compelled to explain again and again
22. make something quite clear from the start
23. be undeniably fraught with overtones
4. Match the prepositions with the words below. Use the expressions in sentences of your own:
to (*2) | in (*4) | at (*3) | from | by | on | through |
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the department
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the end
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ terms of
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ detail
5. be comparable _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ piano
7. satisfaction _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ minute detail
9. with a view _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ once
11. be accompanied _ _ _ _ _ _ _ glimpses
12. venture a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ an unguided journey
13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the maze of styles and registers
5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word and make up sentences with the word combinations:
1. It is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ knowledge
2. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ language
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a register
4. It is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ recognized
5. make the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of all the instruction at the Department
6. the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ division
7. on a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ level
8. implementation of two main_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the language
9. the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ function
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ division
11. it may _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be described as
12. be expounded _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ below
13. to introduce the subject _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and now
14. reach the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
15. both complex _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unconstrained
16. persistent and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ effort
17. play a _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ scale
18. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the proficiencies
19. as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as something is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
20. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ point
21. presuppose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of drudgery
22. derive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from dissection and analysis of the text
23. just as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
24. to master a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ language
25. the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ way
26. complete the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stage
27. presuppose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of drudgery
28. Derive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
29. with always a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to absolute and correct emulation
6. Fill in the tables:
A. Language functions:
1. |
2. |
B. Division of registers:
7. Translate into English:
1. Общеизвестно, что к такому сложному языку, как английский нельзя подходить, не уяснив с самого начала, с каким из различных регистров этого языка вы собираетесь иметь дело.
2. Основой всего обучения является тот факт, что основное деление с точки зрения регистров лежит между английским, на котором мы говорим, и английским, о котором мы говорим.
3. На более высоком теоретическом уровне мы говорим здесь о воплощении двух функций языка – интеллективной и эстетико-экспрессивно-оценочной.
4. Это четкое деление может быть дополнено чем-то, что мы можем приблизительно описать как английский, при помощи которого мы обучаем.
5. Очень важно ввести этот понятие здесь и сейчас, ибо без этого некоторые вопросы в последующих главах не будут поняты аудиторией.
6. Дело в том, что обучение естественному человеческому языку во многих отношениях сравнимо с обучением музыке - игре на фортепиано, например.
7. Никто и никогда не достигал профессионализма без постоянных и настойчивых усилий.
8. Что касается языка, мы оказываемся вынужденными снова и снова объяснять не только нашим студентам, но и некоторым нашим коллегам, что нельзя научиться бегать прежде, чем вы научитесь ходить.
9. Возможность сыграть рапсодию Листа предполагает часы долгой утомительной работы за фортепиано.
10. Если наши студенты не готовы тратить любое количество времени и усилий, если они не получают удовлетворения от разбора и тщательного анализа текста, им лучше тут же оставить это занятие, потому что оно и есть единственный способ овладеть иностранным языком.
C. Focus on Grammar.
A. Comment upon the sentences and translate:
1..…unless the undergraduates are prepared to spend any amount of time and effort…they might just as well give it up at once
2. Only when this basic has been completed can the undergraduate venture on an unguided journey
3. … the longer we teach students, the clearer it becomes…
B. Complete the following sentences with suitable words:
1. The greater the power, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _dangerous the abuse.(E.Burke)
2. The more we study, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ we know.
3. The hotter the weather is, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. The younger the child, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sleep не needs.
5. The more exercise you take, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you will become
6. The more sweets he ate, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he became.
7. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you speak, the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __it is for me to understand you.
8. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ words you know the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chances to pass exams you have.
9. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the city, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it is to live in it.
10. The ____ I get to know him, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I like him, I am sorry to say.
11. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the teacher, the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it is to deal with him.
12. The more phonetics develops, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ various branches of science _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ involved in the field of phonetic investigation.
D. Write the Summary
Chapter 1
Preliminary Remarks
Section 1 (pp. 6 – 7)
C. Focus on Grammar
1. Define the tense form in the following sentences and translate them into Russian:
1) At the same time there are …wonderful laboratories with their modern machines whose potentialities have never yet been properly exploited in actual linguistic work.
2) The analytical principles of B u c h s t a b e n p h o n o l o g i e are most consistently applied in the Broad Phonetic Transcription…
3) Let us take the first sentence of lesson I to exemplify what has just been said about the ‘Phonology of Letters’ …
2. Comment upon the structure of the sentence:
As a result, one symbol is attached once and for all to every phoneme, the complete inventory of phonemes being rationally and conveniently represented as a set of written symbols.
Chapter 1
Preliminary Remarks
Section 2 (pp. 8 – 9)
C. Focus on Grammar.
Define the type of the conditional sentences:
1. … if one of the reforms projects were accepted, we would have one and the same spelling ‘rane’ to cover all the three words mentioned above: “reign’, ‘rain’ and ‘rein’.
2. Far from being an advantage it would deprive the user of the literary English from the set of important semiological distinctions.
3. Every time the reader came across the word in print he would always have to begin by looking very closely at the context…
4. Thus, if it had not been for the orthography, the discrimination of homophones would be complicated still further.
D. Write the Summary.
Chapter 1
Preliminary remarks
Section 3 (pp.10 – 12)
to act upon or have an influence, esp. in an adverse way
As words follow one another, they affect one another phonetically…
Effect – fml. bring about, accomplish, cause, produce
We have tried our best to effect the reconciliation between two parties.
Also remember: Affect is the usual verb and effect is the usual noun
Government policy will not affect (v ) us/will not have any effect (n) on us.
Choose the right word:
1. He was able to effect / affect certain changes in government policy.
2. The climate affected / effected his health.
3. Some plants are quickly affected / effected by cold.
4. Will the changes in taxation affect / effect you personally?
5. The rise in the price of bread will effect / affect us all.
6. This hay fever is having a serious affect / effect on my work.
7. This hay fever is affecting/ effecting my work.
8. The new law comes into effect/ affect next week.
9. He affected/ effected numerous changes while running this company.
10. That decision affected/ effected the life of the whole family.
11. His affect/ effect on the life of the family was profound.
12. The conference participants discussed the harmful affect/ effect of carbon dioxide.
13. Does television affect/ effect children’s behavior?
14. The nature of youthful experience is greatly affected/ effected by cultural and economic norms.
15. The invention of the computer considerably affected/ effected our life.
5. Translate into Russian:
1. More than that
More than that. A broad phonetic transcription accompanying a dictionary entry can be misleading rather than helpful.
The danger of being misled
There is often the danger of being misled not only by the orthography of the word but also by the Broad Phonetic Transcription.
There can be no question
There can be no question of acquiring the proficiency in any field of study without persistent and painstaking effort.
Find no expression
When the words meet in the real flow of speech they often undergo modifications which find no expression in the Broad Phonetic Transcription.
C. Focus on Grammar.
Analyze the sentences and supply the appropriate Russian translation:
1. The overall analyses of the English vocabulary convincingly shows that the bulk of the English word-stock readily lends itself to description according to these rules, the number of exceptions being, in fact, exceedingly small.
2. To attempt a trulyphonetic transcription of what one actually says and hears one has to turn to very complex analyses.
3. The Broad Phonetic Transcription is, then, a kind of improved orthography with each graphic symbol being in one-to-one correspondence with a particular phoneme. (p.9)
The fact is that
The fact is that speech and singing are different manifestation of something which is basically the same.
To be taken for granted
It not infrequently happens that the pronunciation of the so-called “easier” sounds is taken for granted.
To be kept apart
The interesting thing about these two kinds of vocal activities is that they are usually kept apart.
Set so much store
Why should we set so much store by the basic similarity of speech and singing?
It not infrequently happens
It not infrequently happens that the non-professional speaker or singer regards speaking and singing as two different activities and never associates them.
It is generally assumed
It is generally assumed that people can be taught much more effectively if the more difficult points in the pronunciation of English are not only spoken but also sung.
5. Write the translation of the sentences:
1. Интересным в отношении этих двух видов голосовой деятельности является то, что они обычно отграничиваются.
2. Систематический курс по фонетике является неотъемлемым основанием всех лингвистических исследований.
3. Прежде всего, мы бы хотели немного остановиться на некоторых новых тенденциях в обучении английской фонетике.
4. Английскому можно обучать намного более эффективно, если наиболее сложные моменты в английском произношении не только проговаривать, но и пропевать.
5. Само собой разумеется, что нельзя выучить иностранный язык, если не обращать особого внимания на такие особенности произношения, свойственные данному языку, которые зачастую упускаются из виду.
C. Focus on Grammar.
Analyze the sentences and supply the appropriate Russian translation:
1. It is by doing this that we distinguish between the different vowel sounds.
2. But this brief summary of the state of the art would not be complete if we did not explain some of the newer trends in the study of phonetics.
3. We have all heard people both speak and sing.
D. Write the Summary.
Chapter 2
Do not fully realize
So many learners of English do not fully realize that ‘whispered sounds’ are an integral element of ordinary English speech.
Be usually apprehended as
The popular definition of whisper is usually apprehended as ‘speech without voice’.
Otherwise stated
Otherwise stated, in final position (as in ‘leaves’, ‘words’, ‘’obliged’) English weak fricatives and affricates are partially whispered.
Bear in mind
To speak English properly the Russian learner of English must bear in mind the ‘whispered’ quality of English final weak fricatives and affricates.
C. Focus on Grammar.
Analyze the sentences and supply the appropriate Russian translation:
1. Now, why do we have to speak of whisper?
2. This peculiarity of English consonants proves to be one of the most difficult and pragmatically important aspects of English phonetics for the Russian learner to master.
3. Thus, English initial strong plosives are not infrequently replaced by Russian voiceless stops [П], [T], [K], the articulation of which is considerably weaker than that of their English counterparts.
4. This becomes especially dangerous in initial position, where English weak plosives begin as silent stops, the organs of speech being brought into contact and forming a complete closure of the voice passage.
D. Write the Summary.
Chapter 3
Particularly striking
Particularly striking is the sonority of the English resonants in emotionally coloured speech where their production sometimes verges on singing.
Be drastically different
It is the general character of English speech which is so drastically different from what the Russian learner is used to in his mother – tongue.
Следует помнить, что
Следует помнить, что конечной целью изучения фонетики является приобретение произношения без акцента.
Непременное условие
Знание артикуляционной базы изучаемого языка является непременным условием приобретения правильного произношения.
Это приводит к
Особенностью английской артикуляционной базы является то, что язык оттянут от зубов, которых он едва ли когда-либо касается, и это приводит к образованию непалатализованных согласных.
Быть самым важным
Эти особенности английской артикуляционной базы являются самыми важными для русских, изучающих английский язык.
C. Focus on Grammar.
Translate and comment upon the following:
a) the sentence structure
If we compare the pronunciation of resonants in English and Russian we shall see that it is the stressed vowel which is prolonged, the final resonant remaining practically unchanged as compared with its spoken form.
b) ‘shall’ in the following sentence
We shall therefore proceed with a systematic analysis of the more frequently occurring sequences of our English for Special Purposes.
D. Write the Summary.
Chapter 4
This does not mean to say
This does not mean to say that these two styles exist separately or by themselves.
Objectively existing facts
Any scientific research starts with observation of objectively existing facts.
Constant interchange
Although we must be able to distinguish between the ‘intellective’ and ‘expressive’ in human communication we can always observe the constant interchange between the two.
С. Focus on Grammar.
1. Analyze the functions of modals and supply the appropriate Russian translation:
1. This style is chosen when the speaker is mainly concerned with passing on what may be described as ‘intellectual’ information.
2. … although we must be able to distinguish, in principle, between the ‘intellective’ and ‘expressive‘ in human communication, there is constant interchange between the two.
3. What has just been said can be further explained by means of an example?
4. Although it may appear from what has just been said that the question requires no further discussion, in actual fact there is one more aspect of the problem which so far has not received all the attention it required.
5. … the above described classification of the functional styles should be extended by including one more functional style which we have called ‘pragmatic’.
D. Write the Summary.
Chapter 5
Pragmatic Phonetics
Take into account
Not to distort the sound pattern of the word we should take into account the main peculiarity of English organic basis.
It could be even suggested
For pragmatic purposes it could be even suggested that whenever such words are to be pronounced properly it would be useful for the Russian learner of English to exaggerate the length of the vowels not to fall back on the regularities of his native vowel system.
Crucial point
When aiming at the proper pronunciation of this word we are again confronted with one of the crucial points of English phonetics.
Take no part whatsoever
In articulation of English [h] the tongue takes no part whatsoever.
4. Dictation. Write the translation of the Russian sentences:
1. Мы уже описывали те трудности, с которыми сталкиваются студенты, когда становятся перед необходимостью овладения стандартной формой произношения.
2. Важно подготовить наши органы речи еще до того, как мы начали говорить - привести их в положение, которое диктуется английской артикуляционной базой.
3. Язык должен быть отведен назад от зубов, в то время, как губы удерживаются в настолько нейтральной позиции, насколько это возможно.
4. Для того чтобы избежать произношения этих звуков в русской манере, следует всегда помнить, что английские взрывные в конечной позиции чрезвычайно слабы – до такой степени, что становятся невзрывными, скорее чем взрывными.
5. Этот вопрос еще более осложняется тем, что все английские гласные варьируются по долготе в соответствии с их фонетическим окружением.
C. Focus on Grammar.
Analyze the sentences and supply the appropriate Russian translation:
1. In this way the learner is expected to achieve the required communicative ability.
2. Here, it would be useful to remember that we (professionals) do not speak English for pleasure or simply because we want to chatter with our colleagues on some events of the day
3. We are not supposed to speak English anyhow…
4. Then comes the diphthong [au] – the exact pronunciation of which is neither too front nor too back, the first element of the diphthong standing, as it were, midway between the two.
D. Write the Summary.
для студентов специальности
Часть 1
ББК 81.2 Англ.
К 85
Кира Р.В. –кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Академии Военно-Морских Сил Украины им. П.С.Нахимова
Печатается по решению Методической комиссии Ученого Совета Черноморского филиала МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова № 4 от 21.02.2011
Учебно-методическое пособие является сборником дополнительных заданий к монографии Магидовой И.М. «Введение в английскую филологию». Основной целью данного пособия является закрепление и активизация лексики LSP для филологов с целью формирования вокабуляра общенаучной и специальной лексики, а также навыков, необходимых филологам для успешной профес-сиональной коммуникации на английском языке.
Пособие предназначено для студентов – филологов 1 курса, изучающих раздел “Phonetics and Phonology” «Введения в английскую филологию» Магидовой И.М.
pp. | |
Forward | |
Chapter 1. Section 1. Preliminary Remarks | |
Chapter 1. Section 2. Preliminary Remarks | |
Chapter 1. Section 3. Preliminary Remarks | |
Chapter 2. Section 1. Phonetics and Voice Production | |
Chapter 2. Section 2. Phonetics and Voice Production | |
Chapter 3. The Basis of articulation in English and Russian: A Contrastive Study | |
Chapter 4. The Two Main Functional Styles of English Speech and The Object of Pragmalinguistics | |
Chapter 5. Pragmatic Phonetics | |
Введение в английскую филологию
Forward (pp. 4 – 5)
A. Checking Comprehension
Answer the questions:
1. What is the necessary condition of approaching English?
2. Where does the main division in terms of registers lie?
3. What are the two main functions of language?
4. What must this neat division be supplemented by?
5. What is teaching a natural human language comparable to? Why?
6. What is the only way to master a foreign language?
7. When can the undergraduate venture on an unguided journey through the maze of styles and registers?
B. The Study of the Expression Plane.
1. Find the English equivalents in the text:
1. общеизвестно
2. основа всего обучения
3. с точки зрения
4. интеллективная функция
5. объяснить в деталях
6. достичь профессионализма
7. общепризнано
8. на более высоком теоретическом уровне
9. овладеть иностранным языком
10. получать удовлетворение
11. единственный способ
12. реализация двух функций
13. здесь и сейчас
14. что касается
15. спорный вопрос
16. бесспорно
17. дело в то, что
18. например
19. представить этот вопрос
2. Match the words with their synonyms:
substitution | persistent | multifarious | venture | expound |
emulate | dissection | unconstrained | implementation | fraught |
1. explain, elucidate, interpret
2. manifold, various, having many parts of great variety
3. replacement, deputizing
4. analysis
5. imitate, copy
6. dare
7. realization, accomplishment
8. firm, steadfast, ceaseless, continual
9. loaded
10. natural, easy
2a. Fill in the gaps using the above words:
1. The problems connected with the traditional orthography of English words will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in detail below.
2. Contamination is the process by which one word or phrase is altered because of mistaken associations with another word or phrase; for example the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of “irregardless” for “regardless” by association with such word as “irrespective”.
3. Learners of English can not master communicative skills without _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and painstaking effort.
4. The word “fate” has always been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with negative connotations.
5. Academic scholarly writing presents the general scientific vocabulary which should be thoroughly studied and then _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by future philologists.
6. The extract to be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and analyzed is a monologue of the main character of the novel.
3. Give Russian equivalents:
1. natural, easy multifarious language
2. tackle a register
3. in the end
4. make the basis of all the instruction at the Department
5. the main division
6. the aesthetic-expressive-evaluative function
7. neat division
8. it may roughly be described as
9. reach the audience
10. both complex and unconstrained
11. persistent and painstaking efforts
12. as far as something is concerned
13. presuppose hours of drudgery
14. an undergraduate
15. dissection and analysis of the text
16. complete the basic stage
17. the complete language
18. with always a view to absolute and correct emulation
19. recite poetry
20. a good speaker
21. find oneself compelled to explain again and again
22. make something quite clear from the start
23. be undeniably fraught with overtones
4. Match the prepositions with the words below. Use the expressions in sentences of your own:
to (*2) | in (*4) | at (*3) | from | by | on | through |
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the department
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the end
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ terms of
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ detail
5. be comparable _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ piano
7. satisfaction _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ minute detail
9. with a view _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ once
11. be accompanied _ _ _ _ _ _ _ glimpses
12. venture a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ an unguided journey
13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the maze of styles and registers
5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word and make up sentences with the word combinations:
1. It is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ knowledge
2. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ language
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a register
4. It is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ recognized
5. make the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of all the instruction at the Department
6. the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ division
7. on a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ level
8. implementation of two main_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the language
9. the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ function
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ division
11. it may _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be described as
12. be expounded _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ below
13. to introduce the subject _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and now
14. reach the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
15. both complex _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ unconstrained
16. persistent and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ effort
17. play a _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ scale
18. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the proficiencies
19. as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as something is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
20. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ point
21. presuppose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of drudgery
22. derive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from dissection and analysis of the text
23. just as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
24. to master a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ language
25. the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ way
26. complete the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stage
27. presuppose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of drudgery
28. Derive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
29. with always a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to absolute and correct emulation
6. Fill in the tables:
A. Language functions:
1. |
2. |
B. Division of registers:
7. Translate into English:
1. Общеизвестно, что к такому сложному языку, как английский нельзя подходить, не уяснив с самого начала, с каким из различных регистров этого языка вы собираетесь иметь дело.
2. Основой всего обучения является тот факт, что основное деление с точки зрения регистров лежит между английским, на котором мы говорим, и английским, о котором мы говорим.
3. На более высоком теоретическом уровне мы говорим здесь о воплощении двух функций языка – интеллективной и эстетико-экспрессивно-оценочной.
4. Это четкое деление может быть дополнено чем-то, что мы можем приблизительно описать как английский, при помощи которого мы обучаем.
5. Очень важно ввести этот понятие здесь и сейчас, ибо без этого некоторые вопросы в последующих главах не будут поняты аудиторией.
6. Дело в том, что обучение естественному человеческому языку во многих отношениях сравнимо с обучением музыке - игре на фортепиано, например.
7. Никто и никогда не достигал профессионализма без постоянных и настойчивых усилий.
8. Что касается языка, мы оказываемся вынужденными снова и снова объяснять не только нашим студентам, но и некоторым нашим коллегам, что нельзя научиться бегать прежде, чем вы научитесь ходить.
9. Возможность сыграть рапсодию Листа предполагает часы долгой утомительной работы за фортепиано.
10. Если наши студенты не готовы тратить любое количество времени и усилий, если они не получают удовлетворения от разбора и тщательного анализа текста, им лучше тут же оставить это занятие, потому что оно и есть единственный способ овладеть иностранным языком.
C. Focus on Grammar.
A. Comment upon the sentences and translate:
1..…unless the undergraduates are prepared to spend any amount of time and effort…they might just as well give it up at once
2. Only when this basic has been completed can the undergraduate venture on an unguided journey
3. … the longer we teach students, the clearer it becomes…
B. Complete the following sentences with suitable words:
1. The greater the power, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _dangerous the abuse.(E.Burke)
2. The more we study, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ we know.
3. The hotter the weather is, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. The younger the child, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sleep не needs.
5. The more exercise you take, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you will become
6. The more sweets he ate, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he became.
7. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you speak, the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __it is for me to understand you.
8. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ words you know the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chances to pass exams you have.
9. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the city, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it is to live in it.
10. The ____ I get to know him, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I like him, I am sorry to say.
11. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the teacher, the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it is to deal with him.
12. The more phonetics develops, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ various branches of science _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ involved in the field of phonetic investigation.
D. Write the Summary
Chapter 1
Preliminary Remarks
Section 1 (pp. 6 – 7)
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