I. Find the words close in their meaning. — КиберПедия 

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I. Find the words close in their meaning.

2018-01-03 351
I. Find the words close in their meaning. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The USA is a presidential republic. The legislative branch of the US Government, or the Congress, represents all of the American states. It consists of two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state has two senators, who are elected every 6 years. A senator must be at least 30 years old, a citizen of the United States for 9 years, and live in the state he or she will represent. A representative must be at least 25 years old, a citizen for 7 years, and live in the state.

The job of the Congress is to make laws. The President can veto a bill. The Congress can pass the law anyway if it gets a two-thirds majority vote. The Congress can also declare war. The House of Representatives can also impeach the President. This means that the House can charge the President with a crime. In this case, the Senate will put the President on trial. The Senate votes to approve the justices that the President appoints to the Supreme Court.

The executive branch of the government puts the country's laws into effect. The President of the United States is a member of the executive branch. The President must be at least 35 years old and be a natural citizen of the USA. In addition, he must have lived in the US for at least 14 years, and be a civilian. The President is elected every four years and cannot serve more than two terms. The Vice-President of the USA is president of the Senate. When the President receives a bill from the Congress, he must sign it, and then the bill becomes a law. However, if he disagrees with the law, he can veto it. ThePresident can also ask the Congress to declare war. He also appoints the justices to the Supreme Court. He must do his job according to the Constitution, or he may be impeached.

The judicial branch of the government is the system of courts in the United States. Its job is to enforce laws. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. It consists of 9 justices: one Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices. The President appoints the justices, but the Senate must approve them. The justices are appointed for life. The Supreme Court makes sure that people obey the laws. The Supreme Court can also decide if a law is constitutional, that it is in agreement with the Constitution. The judicial branch works together with the legislative and executive branches to protect the Constitution and the rights of people.

Vocabulary Notes

the legislative branch of the government – законодательная власть

to represent — представлять

the House of Representatives — Палата представителей

the Senate – Сенат

to elect, election— избирать, выборы

to make laws — создавать законы

to enforce a law – проводить закон в жизнь

to obey a law — исполнять закон

to pass the law — провести закон

to veto a bill – наложить вето на законопроект

majority/minority – большинство/меньшинство

to declare war — объявить войну

to impeach the President — подвергнуть президента импичменту

to charge- обвинить в каком-либо преступлении

to vote — голосовать

executive branch – исполнительная власть

a term – срок полномочий

the Supreme Court – Верховный Суд

justice – судья

Chief Justice – Главный судья

Associate Justice – Член Верховного Суда

to appoint – назначать

the judicial branch – судебная власть

State and Local Governments

The fifty states are quite different in size, population, climate, economy, history, and interests. The fifty state governments often differ from one another too. Because they often approach political, social, or economic questions differently, the states have been called "laboratories of democracy". However, they share certain basic structures. The individual states all have republican forms of government with a senate and a house. All have executive branches headed by state governors and independent court systems. Each state also has its own constitution. But all must respect the federal laws and not make laws that contradict those of the other states. Likewise, cities and local authorities must make their laws and regulations so that they fit their own state's constitution.

The Constitution limits the federal government to specific powers, but modern judicial interpretations of the Constitution have expanded federal responsibilities. There has always been a battle between federal and slate's rights. The traditional American district of a too powerful central government has kept the battle going over the years. The states and local communities in the US have rights that in other countries generally belong to the central government.

Local governments are different from state and federal governments because they do not have constitutions. Local governments receive a charter (a plan of government) from the state government. There are different types of local governments: city, county, town and village. The local charter tells us about the organization of the government.

One of the most important functions or duties of local government is the provision of public schools. People often want to take part in making decisions about the schools because they want their children to get a good education. There are special school boards where parents are the members. The school board makes decisions about teacher's salaries, the curriculum and other administrative aspects. They give their opinions about what needs to be done at school.

Local governments have a court system which considers local problems, such as traffic laws and small disputes. Sometimes cases maybe appealed to the state courts. Judges in local courts are sometimes called justices of peace or judge and magistrate. Local courts usually specialize in one area of law, for example, family law, to be sure that a judge is very competent on the subject. Local courts provide efficient legal service.


1. Translate the sentences. Mark them True or False. Find the information in the text to prove your answer.

1. State governments have nothing in common (общее).

2. All states have a Senate and a House of Commons.

3. State laws mustn’t contradict federal laws.

4. Local laws and regulations don’t have to fit a state’s constitution.

5. Federal and state rights are the same thing.

6. State and local governments are alike.

7. The state government gives a charter to the local government.

8. The local charter is a document about public schools.

9. School boards discuss duties of local governments.

10. State courts consider small disputes and traffic law problems.

11. State courts usually deal with one area of law.


2. Answer the questions in writing.

1. Why have the states been called “laboratories of democracy”?

2. What basic structures do state governments share?

3. All must respect the federal laws. What does it mean?

4. What is the role of modern judicial interpretations?

5. Do the rights of local communities differ in the USA and other countries?

6. What are the types of local governments?

7. Which is one of the most important functions of local governments?

8. Why do people want to take part in making decisions about schools?

9. What does a court system of local government do?

10. Who works in local courts?

11. Why do local courts specialize in one area?


The Democratic Party is the oldest party in the United States. In 1829, Andrew Jackson became the first Democratic President. Since that time, the issues of the nation and the ideas of the party have changed. Both the major parties have liberal and conservative members but in general people consider the Democrats today more liberal than the Republicans. Democrats often want the government to establish social programs for people in need, such as the poor, the unemployed, and the elderly. They usually say they believe in equal rights (or women and minorities and they oppose nuclear weapon and too much military spending. The symbol of the Democratic Party is the donkey.

The Republican Party, sometimes called the G.O.P, (the Grand Old Party), began in 1854 over the issue of slavery. Republicans oppose slavery. The first Republican candidate to become President was Abraham Lincoln. After the Civil War, Republicans gotinterested in farm, land, and business issues. In general, Republicans vote more conservatively than Democrats. They want government to support big business but not to control the lives of citizens. They often oppose government spending for social programs but support military spending. The party symbol is the elephant.

Vocabulary Notes

nuclear weapon — ядерное оружие

slavery — рабство





Anyone who is an American citizen, at least 18 years оf age, and is registered to vote may vote. Each state has the right to determine registration procedures. A number of civic groups, such as the League of Women Voters, are actively trying to register as many people as possible. Voter registration and voting among minorities has dramatically increased during the last twenty years, especially as a result of the Civil Rights Movement.

There is some concern, however, about the number of citizens who could vote in national elections but do not. In the national election of 1984, for instance, only 57.4 percent of all those who could have voted actually did. In 1992 it was 61.3. But then, Americans who want to vote must register, that is put down their names in register before the actual elections take place. There are 50 different registration laws in the US – one set for each state. In the South, voters often have to register not only locally but also at the county seat. In European countries, on the other hand, "permanent registration" of voters is most common. Of those voters in the United States who did register in the 1988 Presidential elections, 86 per cent cast their ballots, in 1992 – 89.8 per cent.

The National Presidential elections consist of two separate campaigns. One is for the nomination of candidates at national party convention, the other is to win the actual election. The first stage is called "primaries". The party convention votes to select the party's official candidate for the presidency. Then starts Presidential campaigns by the candidates. At last in November, the voters go to the polls.

Vocabulary Notes

to register to vote – зарегистрироваться дня голосования

procedure — процедура

minority – меньшинство (зд. национальное)

dramatically – значительно

that is— т.е.

lo set я law – создать закон

county – избирательный округ

to cast a ballot – проголосовать

nomination — выдвижение кандидата


In November voters in each state give their votes for candidates. By practice the electors must vote for the candidate who gets majority of votes in their state even if his majority is very small. Before voting in November every citizen must register in accordance with the laws of his state. This gives him the right of participating in «primaries»2. The US constitution guarantees every cit­izen the right to vote but the states with the help of numerous qualifications deprive a lot of people of this right. And those who do vote can only make their choice practically between two sets of candidates — Democrats and Republicans whose political platforms are practically alike.


Legal System in the USA

The USA court system has varied a great deal throughout the history of the country. At the present time it can be performed as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid there is the Supreme Court, the highest court of the state. It consists of nine justices appointed for life by the President with the approval of the Senate. One justice is elected to be the Chief Justice. The Court meets on the first Monday of October each year. Its session lasts until June.

On the intermediate level there are the US courts of appeal in eleven circuits. Each circuit includes three or more states. Each court consists of between 3 and 15 judges depending on the amount of work in the circuit. The judge with the largest service, who has reached his 70th birthday, is called the chief judge.

On the lowest level there are district courts, 94 in all, where cases are initially tried and decided. Each state has at least one court and from 1 to 27 judges depending on the volume of cases.

A person involved in a suit in a US court may proceed through three levels of decision. His case will be heard and decided by one of the courts on the lower level. Being dissatisfied with the decision, he may usually have review in one of the courts of appeals. If he is still dissatisfied, but usually only if his case involves a matter of great national importance, he may obtain review in the Supreme Court of the USA.


Vocabulary notes:

Supreme Court – 1) Верховный суд, 2) суд первой инстанции (в штате Нью-Йорк)

to consist – состоять

to appoint – назначать

for life – пожизненный, на всю жизнь; бессрочный

approval – одобрение

justice – судья

chief justice – главный судья

to elect – избирать

session – заседание, собрание, совещание

Court of Appeal – Апелляционный суд

circuit – округ

service – служба, занятие, работа

chief judge – старший судья (Председатель федерального апелляционного суда)

district court – окружной суд

to try – проводить расследование; выяснять обстоятельства дела

suit – процесс, тяжба

dissatisfied – неудовлетворённый, недовольный


III. Fill in the chart.

verb noun
  appeal   decide review appointment approval election   judge     satisfaction

VI. Answer the questions.

1. How is the Supreme Court formed?

2. When is it in session?

3. How many judges are there in the US court of appeals?

4. Who is the chef judge?

5. What is the duty of district courts?

6. What can a person do if he is dissatisfied with the decision of a district court?

7. What appeals does the Supreme Court deal with?



The USA is a presidential republic. Supreme legislative power lies with Congress which consists of the Senate or the upper House and the House of Representatives. The Senate is composed of 100 members, 2 from each state who are elected for a term of 6 years. One-third of the Senate is elected every 2 years. The House of Representatives has representatives from each state depending on population, but every state no matter how small it is, has at least one representative in the chamber.

Both Senators and Representatives must be residents of the State from which they were chosen. In addition, a Senator must be at least 30 years old and a citizen of the USA for at least 9 years, a Representative accordingly – 25 years and 7 years.

The presiding officer of the Senate isthe Vice-President of the USA. The presiding officer of the House of Representatives, the Speaker, is elected by the house. The work of preparing and considering laws is done by the committees of both Houses. There are 15 standing committees in the Senate and 19 in the House of Representatives,

The Congress assembles at least once a year.

The executive branch of the government consists of the President, the Vice-President and the Cabinet. The President's term of office is four years, together with the Vice-President, chosen for the same term. The President is the head of the executive branch of the government; he appoints the members of the Cabinet. The Cabinet advises the President on many matters and is composed of the heads of ten executive departments: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defence and others.

The judicial branch of the government is headed by the Supreme Court which settles disputes between the states. The Supreme Court may veto any law passed by the Congress if it contradicts the Constitution of the USA.

The United States is a federal Union, and the President is the head of the Federal government which deals with international problems and national matters. But every state has its own constitution and the state government headed by the Governor managing its local affairs. Their laws and decisions must not contradict the Constitution of the USA.

Vocabulary Notes

to be composed – состоять

no matter how… – как бы... не

the presiding officer – председатель (чего-л.)

a standing committee – постоянно действующий комитет

to advise – давать рекомендации

Secretary of State — государственный секретарь

Secretary of the Treasury – министр финансов

Secretary of Defence – министр обороны

to settle disputes – решать спорные вопросы

to contradict – противоречить

to manage local affairs – заниматься, решать вопросы местного значения



The USA is a presidential republic. The legislative branch of the US Government, or the Congress, represents all of the American states. It consists of two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state has two senators, who are elected every 6 years. A senator must be at least 30 years old, a citizen of the United States for 9 years, and live in the state he or she will represent. A representative must be at least 25 years old, a citizen for 7 years, and live in the state.

The job of the Congress is to make laws. The President can veto a bill. The Congress can pass the law anyway if it gets a two-thirds majority vote. The Congress can also declare war. The House of Representatives can also impeach the President. This means that the House can charge the President with a crime. In this case, the Senate will put the President on trial. The Senate votes to approve the justices that the President appoints to the Supreme Court.

The executive branch of the government puts the country's laws into effect. The President of the United States is a member of the executive branch. The President must be at least 35 years old and be a natural citizen of the USA. In addition, he must have lived in the US for at least 14 years, and be a civilian. The President is elected every four years and cannot serve more than two terms. The Vice-President of the USA is president of the Senate. When the President receives a bill from the Congress, he must sign it, and then the bill becomes a law. However, if he disagrees with the law, he can veto it. ThePresident can also ask the Congress to declare war. He also appoints the justices to the Supreme Court. He must do his job according to the Constitution, or he may be impeached.

The judicial branch of the government is the system of courts in the United States. Its job is to enforce laws. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. It consists of 9 justices: one Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices. The President appoints the justices, but the Senate must approve them. The justices are appointed for life. The Supreme Court makes sure that people obey the laws. The Supreme Court can also decide if a law is constitutional, that it is in agreement with the Constitution. The judicial branch works together with the legislative and executive branches to protect the Constitution and the rights of people.

Vocabulary Notes

the legislative branch of the government – законодательная власть

to represent — представлять

the House of Representatives — Палата представителей

the Senate – Сенат

to elect, election— избирать, выборы

to make laws — создавать законы

to enforce a law – проводить закон в жизнь

to obey a law — исполнять закон

to pass the law — провести закон

to veto a bill – наложить вето на законопроект

majority/minority – большинство/меньшинство

to declare war — объявить войну

to impeach the President — подвергнуть президента импичменту

to charge- обвинить в каком-либо преступлении

to vote — голосовать

executive branch – исполнительная власть

a term – срок полномочий

the Supreme Court – Верховный Суд

justice – судья

Chief Justice – Главный судья

Associate Justice – Член Верховного Суда

to appoint – назначать

the judicial branch – судебная власть

State and Local Governments

The fifty states are quite different in size, population, climate, economy, history, and interests. The fifty state governments often differ from one another too. Because they often approach political, social, or economic questions differently, the states have been called "laboratories of democracy". However, they share certain basic structures. The individual states all have republican forms of government with a senate and a house. All have executive branches headed by state governors and independent court systems. Each state also has its own constitution. But all must respect the federal laws and not make laws that contradict those of the other states. Likewise, cities and local authorities must make their laws and regulations so that they fit their own state's constitution.

The Constitution limits the federal government to specific powers, but modern judicial interpretations of the Constitution have expanded federal responsibilities. There has always been a battle between federal and slate's rights. The traditional American district of a too powerful central government has kept the battle going over the years. The states and local communities in the US have rights that in other countries generally belong to the central government.

Local governments are different from state and federal governments because they do not have constitutions. Local governments receive a charter (a plan of government) from the state government. There are different types of local governments: city, county, town and village. The local charter tells us about the organization of the government.

One of the most important functions or duties of local government is the provision of public schools. People often want to take part in making decisions about the schools because they want their children to get a good education. There are special school boards where parents are the members. The school board makes decisions about teacher's salaries, the curriculum and other administrative aspects. They give their opinions about what needs to be done at school.

Local governments have a court system which considers local problems, such as traffic laws and small disputes. Sometimes cases maybe appealed to the state courts. Judges in local courts are sometimes called justices of peace or judge and magistrate. Local courts usually specialize in one area of law, for example, family law, to be sure that a judge is very competent on the subject. Local courts provide efficient legal service.


1. Translate the sentences. Mark them True or False. Find the information in the text to prove your answer.

1. State governments have nothing in common (общее).

2. All states have a Senate and a House of Commons.

3. State laws mustn’t contradict federal laws.

4. Local laws and regulations don’t have to fit a state’s constitution.

5. Federal and state rights are the same thing.

6. State and local governments are alike.

7. The state government gives a charter to the local government.

8. The local charter is a document about public schools.

9. School boards discuss duties of local governments.

10. State courts consider small disputes and traffic law problems.

11. State courts usually deal with one area of law.


2. Answer the questions in writing.

1. Why have the states been called “laboratories of democracy”?

2. What basic structures do state governments share?

3. All must respect the federal laws. What does it mean?

4. What is the role of modern judicial interpretations?

5. Do the rights of local communities differ in the USA and other countries?

6. What are the types of local governments?

7. Which is one of the most important functions of local governments?

8. Why do people want to take part in making decisions about schools?

9. What does a court system of local government do?

10. Who works in local courts?

11. Why do local courts specialize in one area?


The Democratic Party is the oldest party in the United States. In 1829, Andrew Jackson became the first Democratic President. Since that time, the issues of the nation and the ideas of the party have changed. Both the major parties have liberal and conservative members but in general people consider the Democrats today more liberal than the Republicans. Democrats often want the government to establish social programs for people in need, such as the poor, the unemployed, and the elderly. They usually say they believe in equal rights (or women and minorities and they oppose nuclear weapon and too much military spending. The symbol of the Democratic Party is the donkey.

The Republican Party, sometimes called the G.O.P, (the Grand Old Party), began in 1854 over the issue of slavery. Republicans oppose slavery. The first Republican candidate to become President was Abraham Lincoln. After the Civil War, Republicans gotinterested in farm, land, and business issues. In general, Republicans vote more conservatively than Democrats. They want government to support big business but not to control the lives of citizens. They often oppose government spending for social programs but support military spending. The party symbol is the elephant.

Vocabulary Notes

nuclear weapon — ядерное оружие

slavery — рабство





Anyone who is an American citizen, at least 18 years оf age, and is registered to vote may vote. Each state has the right to determine registration procedures. A number of civic groups, such as the League of Women Voters, are actively trying to register as many people as possible. Voter registration and voting among minorities has dramatically increased during the last twenty years, especially as a result of the Civil Rights Movement.

There is some concern, however, about the number of citizens who could vote in national elections but do not. In the national election of 1984, for instance, only 57.4 percent of all those who could have voted actually did. In 1992 it was 61.3. But then, Americans who want to vote must register, that is put down their names in register before the actual elections take place. There are 50 different registration laws in the US – one set for each state. In the South, voters often have to register not only locally but also at the county seat. In European countries, on the other hand, "permanent registration" of voters is most common. Of those voters in the United States who did register in the 1988 Presidential elections, 86 per cent cast their ballots, in 1992 – 89.8 per cent.

The National Presidential elections consist of two separate campaigns. One is for the nomination of candidates at national party convention, the other is to win the actual election. The first stage is called "primaries". The party convention votes to select the party's official candidate for the presidency. Then starts Presidential campaigns by the candidates. At last in November, the voters go to the polls.

Vocabulary Notes

to register to vote – зарегистрироваться дня голосования

procedure — процедура

minority – меньшинство (зд. национальное)

dramatically – значительно

that is— т.е.

lo set я law – создать закон

county – избирательный округ

to cast a ballot – проголосовать

nomination — выдвижение кандидата


In November voters in each state give their votes for candidates. By practice the electors must vote for the candidate who gets majority of votes in their state even if his majority is very small. Before voting in November every citizen must register in accordance with the laws of his state. This gives him the right of participating in «primaries»2. The US constitution guarantees every cit­izen the right to vote but the states with the help of numerous qualifications deprive a lot of people of this right. And those who do vote can only make their choice practically between two sets of candidates — Democrats and Republicans whose political platforms are practically alike.


Legal System in the USA

The USA court system has varied a great deal throughout the history of the country. At the present time it can be performed as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid there is the Supreme Court, the highest court of the state. It consists of nine justices appointed for life by the President with the approval of the Senate. One justice is elected to be the Chief Justice. The Court meets on the first Monday of October each year. Its session lasts until June.

On the intermediate level there are the US courts of appeal in eleven circuits. Each circuit includes three or more states. Each court consists of between 3 and 15 judges depending on the amount of work in the circuit. The judge with the largest service, who has reached his 70th birthday, is called the chief judge.

On the lowest level there are district courts, 94 in all, where cases are initially tried and decided. Each state has at least one court and from 1 to 27 judges depending on the volume of cases.

A person involved in a suit in a US court may proceed through three levels of decision. His case will be heard and decided by one of the courts on the lower level. Being dissatisfied with the decision, he may usually have review in one of the courts of appeals. If he is still dissatisfied, but usually only if his case involves a matter of great national importance, he may obtain review in the Supreme Court of the USA.


Vocabulary notes:

Supreme Court – 1) Верховный суд, 2) суд первой инстанции (в штате Нью-Йорк)

to consist – состоять

to appoint – назначать

for life – пожизненный, на всю жизнь; бессрочный

approval – одобрение

justice – судья

chief justice – главный судья

to elect – избирать

session – заседание, собрание, совещание

Court of Appeal – Апелляционный суд

circuit – округ

service – служба, занятие, работа

chief judge – старший судья (Председатель федерального апелляционного суда)

district court – окружной суд

to try – проводить расследование; выяснять обстоятельства дела

suit – процесс, тяжба

dissatisfied – неудовлетворённый, недовольный


I. Find the words close in their meaning.

1. judge 2. suit 3. review 4. approval 5. consist 6. appoint 7. elect 8. session 9. chief 10. district 11. try 12. obtain a) choose b) support c) investigate d) justice e) area f) nominate g) re-examination h) get i) case j) sitting k) major l) involve


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