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The Agency of economic security and Risk management

2017-12-12 332
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The Agency of Economic Security and Risk Management is the only non-state organization in Russia whose powers in the field of evaluation of business reputation and reliability of economic agents are defined by law («On Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation», Articles 12 and 15).

The Agency carries out the following purposes:

Ø carrying out independent examination of finance position, business reputation and reliability of enterprises and organizations with various forms of incorporation for providing assistance to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation;

Ø keeping the Russian Register of enterprises and entrepreneurs, whose finance and economic position proves their reliability as entrepreneurship activity partners in Russia and abroad (Register of reliable partners);

Ø assistance in attracting home and foreign investments to the economy of the regions, for organization of informational, analytical, as well as expert support of management solutions of investment, technology and other risks;

Ø creating favourable conditions for adequate business decision making;

Ø assistance in development of civilized relationships in the entrepreneurship community;

Ø cooperation with law enforcement bodies and authorized non-state law enforcement organizations, to ensure entrepreneurship security and investors rights protection on the territory of the regions.





Выпишите в свой словарик с транскрипцией и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания. Найдите и подчеркните их в тексте. Отработайте чтение этих слов.

Brain-drain, threats to economic security, national policy, stability of economy, living conditions, middle class, shadow economy, analytical computation, triad, in connection with, for the realization of.

Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на числительные.

1. In October 2009, the national unemployment rate peaked at 10 percent, its highest point since 1982.

2. The following year, poverty rose to 15.1 percent, and median household income continued to fall, reaching its lowest level since 1996.

3. As Figure 2 shows, every state had higher average insecurity between 1997 and 2007 than between 1986 and 1996.

4. Figure 5 shows the relationship between the fall in each state’s employment-to-population ratio—the number of employed workers relative to the size of overall population—from 2007 to its lowest level between 2008 and 2010 and its peak economic security index (ESI) from 2008-2010.

5. Of the 10 states with the lowest insecurity in 2008-2010 (New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Connecticut, Washington, Minnesota, Nebraska, Michigan, Maryland, Massachusetts, and North Dakota), 7 were in the lowest 10 in the initial 1986-1996 period, and all but one were in the lowest 15.

6. Of the 10 states with the highest insecurity in 2008-2010 (Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, California, South Carolina, West Virginia, Idaho, and Nevada), 5 were in the highest 10 in the initial 1986-1996 period, and 7 were in the highest 15.


Определите, чем в следующих словах является флексия –(e)s: показателем притяжательного падежа существительного, окончанием существительного во множественном числе или окончанием глагола в 3 л. ед.ч. в Present Simple tense.

Countries, priorities, theses, depends, directions, population’s, forecasts, interests, threats, today’s, ways.

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