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II Открытая межрегиональная олимпиада школьников

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СДАТЬ 20 ноября 2017 г

II Открытая межрегиональная олимпиада школьников

По иностранным языкам (английский язык)


Первый тур

Время выполнения тестовых заданий 1час 20 минут. Тест состоит из 3 частей: аудирование (задание 1.1-1.8), чтение (задание 2.1-2.8), грамматика и лексика (задание 3.1-6.10).

Фамилия Каюмова Имя Лиана

Бланк ответов

Часть 1. Аудирование Часть 2. Чтение Часть 3. Грамматика и лексика
Номер задания Ответ Номер задания Ответ Номер задания Ответ
1.1   2.1 a 3.1 b
1.2   2.2 c 3.2 c
1.3   2.3 a 3.3 b
1.4   2.4 a 3.4 d
1.5   2.5 a 3.5 d
1.6   2.6 a 3.6 c
1.7   2.7 d 3.7 a
1.8   2.8 a 3.8 b
  3.9 d
3.10 a
3.11 b
3.12 b
Номер задания Ответ Номер задания Ответ Номер задания Ответ
4.1   5.1 including 6.1 been
4.2 as 5.2 imaginable 6.2 to
4.3 to 5.3 endless 6.3 really
4.4 so 5.4 competition 6.4 had
4.5 age 5.5 glamourous 6.5 us
4.6   5.6 analyse 6.6 out
4.7 pull 5.7 energetic 6.7 did
4.8   5.8 unusual 6.8 were
4.9   5.9 coiiection 6.9 had
4.10 has 5.10 alternative 6.10 to
4.11 less  
4.12 right

Часть I. Аудирование

Задание 1. Перед выполнением задания прочтите пункты 1-8. Вы услышите интервью с писателем-фантастом Джедом Стивенсом. Вы услышите запись дважды. Не забудьте по окончании выполнения заданий части «Аудирование» перенести свои ответы (выбранную цифру 1,2 или 3) в бланк ответов (поле 1.1-1.8). Максимальное количество баллов – 8.

According to Jed, the best period of your life to start writing science fiction is

1. in your teenage years.

2. when retired from work.

3. as a young adult.

How did Jed become interested in science fiction?

1. by reading comics

2. by watching television

3. by listening to radio broadcasts

What has proved especially useful to Jed’s writing career?

1. his background in computer programming

2. his experience of living in different places

3. his contacts in the scientific community

Jed’s first short story was

1. published.

2. rejected.

3. became a basis for a novel.

Jed’s first published work was

1. a novel.

2. an article.

3. a set of short stories.

What is the main attraction of writing science fiction for Jed now?

1. the ability to make a good living

2. the opportunity to work on film versions

3. the chance to explore new ideas about society

According to Jed, how has science fiction writing changed in the last 30 years?

1. It has increased significantly in quality.

2. Novels have been reduced in length.

3. It is now based more on technology.

Jed predicts that in 50 years’ time,

1. manned spacecraft will have travelled beyond the solar system.

2. governments will have stopped investing in exploration.

3. people will have been forced to find water elsewhere.

Часть II. Чтение

Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 2.1-2.8. В каждом задании запишите в бланк ответов букву a, b, c или d, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Максимальное количество баллов – 8.

Social networks

Business applications

Social networks connect people at low cost; this can be beneficial for entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to expand their contact base. These networks often act as a customer relationship management tool for companies selling products and services. Companies can also use social networks for advertising in the form of banners and text ads. Since businesses operate globally, social networks can make it easier to keep in touch with contacts around the world.

Medical applications

Social networks are beginning to be adopted by healthcare professionals as a means to manage institutional knowledge, disseminate peer to peer knowledge and to highlight individual physicians and institutions. The advantage of using a dedicated medical social networking site is that all the members are screened against the state licensing board list of practitioners. The role of social networks is especially of interest to pharmaceutical companies who spend approximately "32 percent of their marketing dollars" attempting to influence the opinion leaders of social networks.

Languages, nationalities and academia

Various social networking sites have sprung up catering to different languages and countries. The popular site Facebook has been cloned for various countries and languages and some specializing in connecting students and faculty.

Social networks for social good

Several websites are beginning to tap into the power of the social networking model for social good. Such models may be highly successful for connecting otherwise fragmented industries and small organizations without the resources to reach a broader audience with interested and passionate users. Users benefit by interacting with a like-minded community and finding a channel for their energy and giving.

Business model

Few social networks currently charge money for membership. In part, this may be because social networking is a relatively new service, and the value of using them has not been firmly established in customers' minds. Companies such as MySpace and Facebook sell online advertising on their site. Hence, they are seeking large memberships, and charging for membership would be counter productive. Some believe that the deeper information that the sites have on each user will allow much better targeted advertising than any other site can currently provide. Sites are also seeking other ways to make money, such as by creating an online marketplace or by selling professional information and social connections to businesses.

Privacy issues

On large social networking services, there have been growing concerns about users giving out too much personal information and the threat of sexual predators. Users of these services need to be aware of data theft or viruses. However, large services, such as MySpace, often work with law enforcement to try to prevent such incidents. In addition, there is a perceived privacy threat in relation to placing too much personal information in the hands of large corporations or governmental bodies, allowing a profile to be produced on an individual's behavior on which decisions, detrimental to an individual, may be taken.


Social network services are increasingly being used in legal and criminal investigations. Information posted on sites such as MySpace and Facebook, has been used by police, probation, and university officials to prosecute users of said sites. In some situations, content posted on MySpace has been used in court.

Strange Pursuits

Go through the Directory of British Associations and you’ll find about 7,000 groups that re considered large enough to be of national importance. However, with the (5.1)________ (include) of every gardening club, film society and special interest group, the number swells to around 150,000! Most of these clubs provide a meeting place foe like-minded people. Societies and associations cater for every (5.2)__________ (imagine) interest, from cheese appreciation to the history of wallpaper.

With such an (5.3)__________ (end) choice available, there must quite literally be something for everyone. Let’s kick off with the Haggis Hurling Association, which supervises what has become a Guinness Book of Records event (current record for a 680 gram haggis: 55 metres) and organises (5.4)___________ (compete) to raise money for good causes. Then there’s tiddlywinks. This game, it must be said, has never been the most popular or the most (5.5)__________ (glamour), but it has nevertheless, had an official association since 1958. Most people start playing tiddlywinks ‘for a joke’, but then they get hooked, perhaps because the most of the post-match (5.6)___________ (analyse) is done in the pub.

If tiddlywinks strikes you as too (5.7)____________ (energy), the leisurely study of pub signs might be more your cup of tea. The Inn Sign Society has 400 members who spend their time travelling the country in search of (5.8)____________ (usual) pub signs. Their founder used to have a (5.9)____________ (collect) of 300 actual signs, as well as 20,000 photos of pub signals, going back to the 1930s.

To get the addresses of these clubs and others, why not visit your local? (5.10)______________ (alternate), try searching the internet. You’re bound to find something appealing to that you’ve never even taught of.

Задание 6. В каждой строчке найдите одно лишнее слово и запишите его в соответствующее поле бланка ответов (6.1-6.10). Максимальное количество баллов – 10.

Our media project

6.1 I had a great weak at school! We were been having a media
6.2 studies lesson when our teacher told to us that we were going
6.3 to make a radio advert for the school! I was really keen on
6.4 to be involved because I’ve always had been interested in a
6.5 career in the television. She asked us to plan our advert in
6.6 detail and to write a script. Most people found it out difficult
6.7 to come up with ideas, but I didn’t. I did decided that I would have
6.8 interviews with people who were used to go to the school,
6.9 commenting on how they had benefitted them from going to that
  school. My teacher thought it was a great idea and said I should
6.10 to see if I could find some ex-students. I am now going to visit them with a tape recorder and record what they say. Media studies is definitely turning out to be my favourite subject.



СДАТЬ 20 ноября 2017 г

II Открытая межрегиональная олимпиада школьников

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