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The United Kingdom, symbols of the UK countries,

2017-11-21 424
The United Kingdom, symbols of the UK countries, 5.00 из 5.00 1 оценка
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Часть 2

Учебно-методическое пособие





УДК 4И(англ.) (07)




Составители: Грищенко Н.А., Ершова Е.О., Каширина В.М., Кожевникова М.А., Корниенко В.В.


Иностранный язык. Английский. Часть 1.: учебно-методическое пособие [Текст] / сост. Грищенко Н.А., Ершова Е.О., Каширина В.М., Кожевникова М.А.,Корниенко В.В. – Красноярск: Сиб. федер. ун-т, 2014. – 64 с.



Предлагаемые учебно-методические указания к практическим занятиям являются одной из частей учебно-методического комплекса, разработанного для студентов 1-го, 2-го курсов, состоящего из пяти частей (учебно-методические указания 1 семестр; 2 семестр; 3 семестр; учебно-методические указания для самостоятельной работы студентов; книга для учителя). Данные учебно-методические указания предназначены для студентов 2-го курса (3 семестр) экономического факультета, продолжающих изучать английский язык после школы, и разработаны в соответствии с типовой программой по иностранным языкам для экономических специальностей. «Специальности экономики и управления»: «Экономика и управление в машиностроении» (080502.65.01), «Экономика и управление в энергетике» (080502.65.04), «Экономика и управление на предприятии автомобильного транспорта» (080501.65.13), «Экономика и управление на предприятии воздушного транспорта» (080502.65.23), «Менеджмент организации» (080500.65.01), «Маркетинг» (080111.65), «Прикладная информатика в экономике» (080801.65.01), «Прикладная информатика в управлении» (080801.65.02), «Прикладная информатика в рекламе» (080801.65.29), «Прикладная информатика в международном бизнесе» (080801.65.28), «Экономика и управление в нефтегазовой промышленности» (080502.65.09).



УДК 4И(англ.) (07)




© Сибирский


университет, 2014


В основе издания лежит идея взаимосвязанного изучения лексики и одновременного развития всех коммуникативных навыков: чтения, говорения, аудирования и письма. Это определило структуру и содержание методических указаний.

Методические указания состоят из четырёх основных тем по страноведению и экономике:

· Великобритания: географическое положение, достопримечательности, британский характер;

· Лондон: история, достопримечательности города, Лондон и финансы;

· Типы собственности: частная собственность, партнёрство, корпорация;

· Моя будущая специальность.

Материал первых двух тем позволяет сформировать обширный словарный запас для извлечения и обмена информацией страноведческого характера. Тематическое единство текстов обеспечивает большую повторяемость лексики, что способствует её непроизвольному запоминанию.

Остальные темы представляют тематику – экономического характера и знакомят студентов с лексикой и стилем официального общения. В заданиях на развитие навыков устной речи входит подготовка устных сообщений и ведение дискуссий по актуальным проблемам экономики. Эти темы подготавливают к профессиональному общению.

Разделы методических указаний построены по единой схеме. Вначале каждой темы идут предтекстовые задания, далее следует текст для изучающего чтения и перевода, завершают тему послетекстовые задания.

Предтекстовые упражнения направлены на введение новой темы.

Текст – определяет тему и содержит лексический и информационный материал, подлежащий активному усвоению и использованию в ситуациях учебно–речевого общения.

Послетекстовые упражнения организованы в две рубрики: упражнения по отработке лексики, и задания по развитию навыков устной речи и письма.

Работа с лексикой направлена на активизацию и расширение словарного запаса по теме. В каждом разделе имеются упражнения на подстановку, формирование синонимических и антонимических пар, перевод с русского на английский язык.

Задания на развитие навыков устной речи, аудирования и письма включают упражнения на контроль понимания текста, учебно–речевые ситуации, диалоги, упражнения нацеленные на передачу содержания текста на английском языке.

Для создания прочной лексической базы и развития коммуникативных навыков рекомендуется выполнять все упражнения в той последовательности, в которой они представлены в издании.

Предлагаемые методические указания к практическим занятиям предназначены для студентов 2-го курсов экономического факультета, продолжающих изучать английский язык после школы, и разработаны в соответствии с типовой программой по иностранным языкам для экономических специальностей.





Module 1………………………………………………………………... Part 1 The United Kingdom ……………………………………………... Part 2 The symbols of the UK…………………………………………… Part 3 The British character …………………………………………….. Part 4 The sights of the UK ……………………………………………..   Module 2………………………………………………………………... Part 1 London ……………………………………………………............ Part 2 The sights of London …………………………………………….. Part 3 London and finance ……………………………………………….   Module 3……………………………………………………………….. Part 1 Sole proprietorship ……………………………………………..... Part 2 Getting started in business and being a real entrepreneur ………... Part 3 Partnership ………………………………………………………... Part 4 Corporation ……………………………………………………….. Module 4……………………………………………………………….. Part 1 Profession of an economist ……………………………………..... Linking words………………………………………………………….        




The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244,000 square kilometres.

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and the Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, and Belfast. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and does not include the Northern Ireland. But in everyday speech 'Great Britain' is used to mean the United Kingdom. The capital of the UK is London. The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous. Mountains are not very high. There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year round. It is never too hot or too cold here. In winter they have all sorts of weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows.

The UK is one of the world's smaller countries. Its population is over 57 million.

The UK is a highly developed industrial country. There are many big industrial cities there, such as Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and many others. The UK is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.

Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities.

They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of the State is the Queen. In practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties.



to be situated to consist of (to be made up of) to include part the Northern Ireland total area to wash to be washed by to separate to be separated from by coast surface mountainous deep mild industry producer chief (main) aircraft equipment navigation equipment agriculture textile to be considered constitutional monarchy in law the head of the state to reign to govern Prime minister to form elected government at the head chamber party the House of Commons the House of Lords a highly developed industrial country располагаться, находиться г-либо состоять из включать в себя часть Северная Ирландия общая площадь территории омывать омываться ч-либо отделять отделять ч-либо от ч-либо морское побережье земная поверхность (ландшафт) гористый глубокий мягкий (климат) промышленность, отрасль производитель главный, основной авиационное оборудование навигационное оборудование сельское хозяйство, земледелие текстиль считается, воспринимается конституционный монархия по закону глава государства царствовать управлять, править премьер-министр формировать, образовывать избранное правительство во главе палата партия палата общин палата лордов высокоразвитая индустриальная страна  




5. Match the two halves of the sentence:


1) The British Isles are separated from …

2) The western coast of Great Britain is …

3) The North of Scotland is mountainous and is …

4) There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but …

5) The UK is known as …

6) The UK is …

7) The country is ruled by …

8) The British Parliament consists of …

9) The warm waters of Gulf Stream influence …


a. … the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel.

b. … two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

c. … the climate of the British Isles.

d. … the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.

e. … one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment.

f. … a constitutional monarchy.

g. … washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

h. … called the Highlands.

i. … they are not very long.


6. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb:



social rules «unwritten rules» character inhabitant traits of character features to behave behaviour to characterize to seem failure to be supposed to to queue up to wait someone’s turn habit to make friends to get into conversation to rely on to break rules to follow the rules правила поведения в обществе неписанные правила характер житель черты характера особенность вести себя поведение характеризовать казаться неудача предполагается выстраиваться в очередь ждать своей очереди привычка подружиться вступить в разговор полагаться нарушать правила следовать (соблюдать) правилам




3. Match the synonyms:


famous rich contain belong priceless official several luxurious numerous very valuable formal some outstanding a lot include be owned wealthy very expensive

4. Solve the crossword:





2 Something that is impressive and beautiful to look at

8 The founder of St. Paul's Cathedral

10 A lot

11 Admiral

14 The square which is the geographical centre of London

15 Old Bailey

16 The largest museum of London

17 The main city of a country

18 The governmental part of London



1 Big Ben

3 Building used as the official home of a royal family or a president

4 The building reconstructed by William the Conqueror

5 The head of the UK

6 All the people who live in the area

7 An area of a town

9 Building used for protecting a place

12 A symbol of wealth and luxury

13 Rich

15 A financial part of London

5. Complete the sentences:

1. The population of London is 8 mln., so...

2. The City is both historical and financial centre because...

3. The Tower of London attracts many tourists as...

4. The Trafalgar square was named in honour of...

5. The place where the Parliament sits is...

6. The Trafalgar square is known as...

7. The British museum is the biggest one in the country as...

8. Numerous banks and firms are situated in the City, so...

9. It is know that the Westminster Abbey is...

10. Big Ben is famous for its...

11. London is characterized as...

12. West End is known as the richest part of London because...

13. Tourists come to Westminster to visit...

The Camber of Horror

The Spirit of London

a) First you visit an Elizabethan theatre, then an old tavern where the great Shakespeare is working at Hamlet. You'll go through the Plague and the Great Fire; you'll see St Paul's Cathedral being built.

b) The museum is situated not far from the house of the great detective in fiction, Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. There is usually a long queue in front of the museum. There are several halls at Madame Tussaud's: the Grand Hall, the Chamber of Horrors and «The Spirit of London». The wax figures are sitting, standing and sometimes even moving and talking. They look realistic and when they look at you, you feel uncomfortable in their company. Computer-controlled figures are very popular with the visitors.

c) The Chamber of Horror is the most terrible place of the whole museum. Visitors are always quiet here. Count Dracula greets you at the entrance to the dark cellar – full of villains and their victims.

d) «The spirit of London» exhibition covers a period of more than 400 years and presents London's history from Elizabethan times to the present day. Sights, sounds and even smells combine to tell you the colourful story of Britain's capital. Visitors sit into a «Time Taxi» and begin their historical journey.

e) The earliest figure from the history is William the Conqueror. Here you can see many politicians: Winston Churchill, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Margaret Thatcher, and Michael Gorbachev. There is also a special place for the Royal family here too.

f) There are more than 70 figures in this hall and many of them are animated: they can talk and move.

g) In the Grand Hall you will find all kinds of celebrities, from Bill Clinton to Michael Jackson. You will meet people who made the influence on our lives and whose memories still live on.

h) Here you can see the reconstruction of one of the streets of London, where Jack the Ripper killed his victims. Here you can also observe Madame Tussaud's original exhibition of the death masks of French nobility of the French Revolution, and the guillotine.



wax models




to look realistic

computer-controlled figures



to greet






to combine


to move

to observe


Jack the Ripper


4. Agree or disagree with the statements:

a) This museum is famous for its wax models.

b) Celebrities is the synonym for outstanding.

c) The museum is made up of several halls.

d) Wax models can talk in this museum.

e) You can meet models of people with bad reputation.

f) The model of any person can be presented in the exhibition.

g) The most terrible hall of the museum is «the Spirit of London».

h) Jack the Ripper greets you in the Chamber of Horror.

i) You can see Buckingham Palace being built.

a) You can see the exhibition travelling by a «Time Train».


5. Match each word with a hall in Madam Tussaud’s museum on the basis of any logical connection:

celebrities history combination of sights and sounds guillotine terrible reconstruction of London streets the biggest British royal family people influenced our life Great Fire William the Conqueror Jack the Ripper death masks victims Time Taxi paparazzo Count Dracula Madam Tussaud’s figure Shakespeare computer-controlled figures


6. Video. Watch the video and answer the questions about the history of museum. Make notes while watching the film:

a) Who was Madame Tussaud?

b) Why did she begin to make wax models?

c) Where was the museum situated in the beginning?

d) Were the wax models popular at that time?

e) Where is the museum now?

f) Is it difficult to make a wax model?



numerous various stock share securities trade to trade several Stock Exchange to invest … in … investor investment to quote to recognize overseas volume to rank prominent to deal in smth bond to handle private loan to provide smth. to smb. to nationalize to carry out to act to own to carry on clearing to issue to offer finance financial commercial insurance head office headquarter government monetary policies Commonwealth domestic operations currency monetary unit circulation многочисленный различный акция акция, доля ценные бумаги торговля торговать несколько фондовая биржа помещать капитал в … вкладчик капиталовложения давать расценку, котироваться признавать заграница объем занимать какое-либо место выдающийся торговать облигация управлять частный заем обеспечивать, предоставлять национализировать проводить, осуществлять действовать владеть вести (дела) клиринг выпускать (печатать) предлагать финансы финансовый коммерческий страховка главный офис штаб-квартира государственная монетарная политика содружество внутренние (внутри страны) операции валюта денежная единица обращение (циркулирование, например денег)


3. Match synonyms:

numerous to print
various stock
to trade a lot of
share abroad
overseas different
to handle to realize
to carry out to rule, to control
to issue to deal in
prominent non-public
to offer to have
to own to do
private famous
to act to suggest

4. Fill in the gaps:

1. There are … banks, exchanges and firms in the City because it is a … centre of London.

2. Banks … … to … companies and the government.

3. They found a … company but later it was ….

4. Every country … its currency and has its own … unit.

5. Our company … third among prominent ….

6. Millions of … are traded daily on the … ….

7. The … of a well-known company Microsoft … … in the USA and ….

8. He decided to … money into ….

9. The City … … … financial and … centre.

10. The Bank of England … … government … policies.


5. Match the words to make collocations:


carry out issue currency clearing monetary company commercial handle provide invest exchange private investments loans policy money stocks, securities bank research centre, bank paper currency unit


6. Guess and search the words:

1. one of the equal parts of a company that you can buy as a way of investing money;

2. the activities of buying and selling goods or services;

3. a number of people or things that is more than two or three, but not many;

4. money used in a way that may earn you more money, for example money used for buying shares in a company;

5. an amount of something;

6. important and well known;

7. a document given to someone who invests money in a government or company, promising to pay back the money with interest;

8. controlled or owned by individual people or companies, rather than by the government;

9. the process when a government takes control of a company and owns it;

10. a document that gives you the right to get money if something you own is damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you die or are ill or injured;

11. the place where a company or organization has its main offices;

12. the people who control a country, region, or town and make decisions about its laws and taxes;

13. money that is used in a particular country;

14. a group of countries that have the same political or economic interests.

7. Match the financial organization and its function:


Stock Exchange Bank of England


· trades shares and securities

· issues currency

· deals with foreign investors

· handles English investments in other countries

· co-operates with dealers

· provides loans to people

· issues shares and securities

· the main institution for private banks

· invests money into country’s development

· carries out government monetary policies


8. Retell the text according to the plan:

a) The City is the financial centre

b) activities of London Stock Exchange

c) the Bank of England is the banker’s bank

d) «the Big Four»








to own to be privately owned owner ownership property proprietorship sole proprietorship partnership corporation to account for receipts service industry repair shop





to give a piece of advice responsibility

to make a decision to be good at

to control the profit Board of Directors

to start one’s own business to decide on

to go into business alone vacations

to consult a lawyer hours

to form a business hiring

to put policies into effect quickly to hire

unlimited liability firing

to be responsible for to fire

to declare personal bankruptcy to involve

to get tax benefits debts

to do books accountant

to think over bookkeeper

to discuss skilled

to go bankrupt salary

to employ






6. Find the synonyms among the words below:

to run a business surplus administration to fire to involve to rule a business to go in to business bookkeeper   accountant to employ to include profit to think over to be successful to sack to make a decision to go bankrupt to start a business to put policies in to effect to fail to hire board of directors


tip to provide service market supply and demand increase to increase training to be afraid of smth. (doing smth.) general economic conditions be suitable for can afford interest interest rate to calculate costs fixed costs variable costs to work out to charge to set the price



4. Match the words from the text with the definitions:

supply interest can afford loan demand costs profit capital · an amount of money you need to start a business · the money you receive from selling a product or service · an amount of money that someone lends you · money you pay for things and services to run you business · an amount you pay for borrowing money, e.g. from the bank · the necessity of a product or a service in the market · a product or a service you can offer in the market · a possibility to pay for something




8. Find the verbs (1-8) in the article. Guess their meaning and match them with the word or phrase (a-h), which has a similar meaning:

1. fix a. repair

2. set up b. depend on

3. build c. make

4. create d. construct

5. afford e. start

6. rely on f. pay for

7. maintain g. give work to

8. employ h. look after


9. In the text you can see some typical business abbreviations. Use the dictionary to find what the following abbreviations mean:


MD VP Inc. Ltd. CEO plc IT R&D PC

10. Work in pairs. Role-play an interview with Jayson Meyer:


You are a journalist from a web magazine. Your job is to interview Jayson Meyer. Think about questions that you could ask (e.g. Do you think you are a typical seventeen year old? Why? Why not?).


You are Jayson Meyer. Answer the journalist’s questions. Use the information from the text. Besides, it is possible to add any new details.





2. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words:

1. A partnership is an association of two or more persons … … … for profit.

2. When the owners of the partnership have … … they are called general partners.

3. A silent partner is a person, who is known to the public as the member of the firm, but he has no … in management.

4. A secret partner is a person who … … management, but who is not known to the …

5. Limited partnerships are a common form of … in real estate.

6. Partnerships are … to form and they can get … from the government.

7. Unlimited liability means that all partners are … … all debts and are … responsible for the whole business.

8. The partners can also … with each other.


3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Мы с другом партнеры, поэтому мы ведем дела вместе.

2. Партнеры, так же как и частные собственники, наделены неограниченной юридической ответственностью.

3. Наша фирма имела много недвижимости. Но мы обанкротились и потеряли все имущество.

4. В отличие от частного бизнеса, партнерство получает льготы по налогообложению.

5. Неограниченная юридическая ответственность значит, что каждый партнер будет отвечать за долги в случае банкротства.

6. Они вложили свои деньги в партнерство.

7. Перед тем как организовать партнерство, хорошо все обдумайте, т.к. очень часто между партнерами возникают разногласия.

8. Управлять бизнесом оказалось трудной задачей, и они потерпели неудачу.

9. Секретный партнер не известен в компании, но имеет власть в управлении.

10. Мои друзья занялись бизнесом, организовав партнерство, и быстро достигли хорошего результата.


4. Agree or disagree. Correct the false statement:

1. A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit.

2. General partners are the owners who have limited liability.

3. A silent partner has authority in management.

4. A secret partner takes part in management.

5. Partnerships usually never get benefits from the government.

6. The unlimited liability is an advantage of a partnership.




stock certificate

to attract financial resources

to attract a large amount of capital


educational, religious, charitable institutions

to establish

stockholder (shareholder)

to offer high salaries

to issue stock

to reinvest

to need some legal advice

to expand

to apply for a corporate charter

to hold a meeting

to choose the companies officers

to have a final authority

to supervise daily management

to incorporate

to follow the legal procedure

in exchange for investment capital

to elect a board of director










1. Think about your associations with the profession of an economist. Complete the mind map:

2. Read the text and try to find the meaning of the words which are in bold:



A modern world can offer a great varietyof professions. But while choosing any of them a person should take many factors into consideration, such as: wages and salary, job-satisfaction, opportunities to travel and to develop himself. For me, the most important criterion is job-satisfaction and that’s why I have chosen the profession of an economist.

I believe this profession is interesting and I could have good career prospects in the future. But on the other hand, it is necessary to have both perfect theoretical and practical special knowledge in different fields of economy. Though it is a hard work I hope to do well with the studies and after passing the state examinations to get the qualification of an economist.

At the university students make acquaintance with the principles of economic activity. A great deal of time they spend on studying commerce and its functions, customer’s demand, commerce and trade turnover, material base and finance. They study methods of management and plan the commerce development on the basis of analysis of economic activity in commercial firms and establishments. Besides, future economists get to know how to calculate the introduction efficiency and technical expenses, to plan money costs and count productivity.

This theoretical knowledge is enriched by the practice that will help the students to solve different commerce-technological problems and make the correct managerial decisions in the future.

My speciality is considered to be very important and urgent nowadays. Modern commerce has a tendency of transition to the market relations. And as a result different forms of property appear: commercial banks, join-stock companies and sole proprietorships. The work here will demand deep knowledge not only in economics but also in computer science.

There are two aspects I’d like to deal with in the future. They are marketing and advertising. I’m interested in international marketing that’s why I need have proper knowledge in a foreign language. These skills can help me to get information about companies and customers’ needs, demand for products and services and a situation in the international markets from a foreign literature and periodicals.

If a company wants to be successful in a market it in necessary to promote its product. That’s why special events, such as: product shows, exhibitions and presentations are held. These events comprise communication mix where people from various countries can take part. And here language knowledge can also be helpful.

Advertising is a part of marketing. And I presume that it will be my primary occupation in future. I want to devote my life to it, as the role of advertising is very important. It is a powerful tool that formulates demand, promotes sales, informs buyers about company’s products and services and creates the company’s image.

Such are my plans for the future. As you can see they are rather complicate and far-reaching. And I hope, in spite of the fact that my future speciality is quite difficult and requires discipline and high quality of work, there will be a great possibility to reveal my knowledge and personal qualities.



totake into consideration to calculate job-satisfaction join-stock company opportunity to do well advertising to get a qualification of to make acquaintance with economic activity customer’s demand commerce turnover primary occupation trade turnover methods of management personal qualities computer science to be enriched by the practice a tendency of transition to the market relations to require discipline and high quality of work to count urgent wages salary deep prospects proper demand to be successful to presume to devote to promote buyer far-reaching possibility to reveal establishment expenses costs  


3. Match the words to make the phrase:


to take into discipline and high quality of work

to make demand

principles of productivity

commerce companies

customer’s practice

methods of management

to be enriched by acquaintance with

to count the qualification

far-reaching economic activity

to require plans

to reveal consideration

join- stock turnover

to get knowledge and personal qualities


4. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list:

job-satisfaction market relations productivity money costs get the qualification be enriched proper knowledge primary occupation to promote make acquaintance advertising


a) The students who have done well with all their studies and passed the state examinations, _____ of an economist.

b) Theoretical knowledge must _____ by the practice.

c) For many people, the most important criterion of the future profession is _____.

d) At the university students _____ with the principles of economic activities.

e) I’d like to devote my life to _____ as it plays a very important role nowadays.

f) It is necessary to know how to plan _____ and to count _____.

g) Today modern commerce has a tendency of transition to the _____.

h) Future economists study how _____ products in the market.

i) I believe my _____ in future will be connected with computer science.

j) _____ in a foreign language could help me to find a well-paid job.


5. Find the synonyms among the following words:

opportunity solution rational occupation trend expenses wages to calculate to provide qualification to show to deal with to give to count to suppose to take into consideration buyer requirement to reveal proper property salary deep to pay attention ownership demand decision establishment speciality costs to cope job important possibility tendency company urgent customer to presume optimum

6. Translate the sentences from Russian:

1. Моя будущая профессия требует дисциплины и высокого качества работы.

2. Я хочу посвятить свою жизнь экономике, поэтому я должен иметь хорошие специальные знания и получить квалификацию экономиста.

3. Студенты нашего факультета постоянно обогащают свои теоретические знания практикой.

4. Если ты хочешь стать высококвалифицированным экономистом, тебе следует успешно учиться и получить глубокие знания в планировании экономики, денежных затрат и методов управления.

5. Знания иностранного языка и информатики смогут дать мне возможность найти высоко оплачиваемую работу.

6. В будущем я собираюсь иметь дело с рекламой.

7. Реклама – это часть маркетинга. Ее основной функцией является продвижение товаров на рынке.

8. Моим основным занятием будет маркетинг.

9. Студенты экономического факультета знакомятся с деятельностью коммерческих фирм.

10. Заработная плата играет немаловажную роль в получении удовлетворения от работы.

11. Он хорошо справляется с работой, поэтому у него есть все шансы получить повышение по службе.

12. Коммерция имеет дело с финансами, торговым оборотом и затратами.

13. Новая должность позволили ему раскрыть его деловые качества и показать великолепные специальные знания.

14. Многие специальности требуют дисциплины и высокого качества работы.

15. Он должен был обеспечить компанию информацией о потребительском спросе на рынке.

16. Очень важно правильно выбрать методы управления, чтобы добиться успеха.


7. Agree or disagree with the statements and prove your opinion:

· The profession of an economist is very important today.

· The profession of an economist is considered to be a prestigious one.

· Theoretical knowledge should be enriched by the practice.

· The profession of an economist is quite difficult (boring).

· The profession of an economist requires special knowledge in different fields.

· Deep knowledge of a foreign language can help you to find a well-paid job.

· Advertising plays a big role in our life today.

· If I had a chance to choose a profession again I wouldn’t prefer to be an economist.


8. Working in two groups think about advantages and disadvantagesof being an economis t. Make up the list and preset it to the class.

9. Prepare the topic «My future speciality» according to the plan:

a) Importance of the speciality nowadays;

b) Your criteria for choosing a speciality;

c) Advantages of the speciality;

d) Disadvantages of the speciality;

e) Plans for the future (your primary occupation).



Consequences and reasons:


as a result it leads to due to thanks to so so that’s why because (as) that is because of


Sequencing and concluding:

firstly (secondly, thirdly) then after that also besides moreover in addition to additionally what’s more finally at last   in conclusion to conclude to sum up summing up generally speaking in general all in all  


on the one hand on the other hand nevertheless however though (although) furthermore   in spite of this fact in comparison with in contrast to but both … and neither …nor

Giving examples:

for example

such as


Linking paragraphs:

I’d like (want) to tell you about

I’d like to start (begin) with

To begin with, I’d like to say that

Introducing the topic (the next point), I’d like to talk about

Speaking about …, it is necessary to say (point out, mention, stress)

Speaking about …, we should say some words about

Speaking about …, we shouldn’t forget to say

Firstly (first of all) I want to say that

It is not a secret It is (widely) known that As it is known As far as I know In fact   I’d like also (now) to Frankly speaking If I’m not mistaken There’s one more thing to be noted As for

Giving opinion:

in my opinion my opinion is that from my point of view of I think (suppose, guess, believe) personally I believe It depends (on) as I see it the way I see it if you ask me I wouldn’t say that All things considered, I must say that

Asking for opinion:

What’s your opinion? What do you think about it? Do you agree? Don’t you agree? Don’t you think so? Does anyone object?



I agree with you. I’m of the same opinion. I partially agree that (with you) I totally agree that...   No doubt, it’s a good idea. That’s a good point. I think you are right.


I doubt it. I doubt if it is possible. I’m not at all sure that...   I’m not quite certain that... I don’t think it is realistic. Maybe....


If you don’t know a person well: That’s a good idea, but... Yes, it’s quite true, but... I’m afraid I can’t agree with you on that. I’m not sure I quite agree... Perhaps, but don’t you think that... I see what you mean, but... If you know a person well: I can’t agree with you here. I’m afraid I disagree with you. I don’t agree at all. You can’t be serious!  


Sorry to interrupt you, but... Sorry for interrupting you, but... Excuse my interrupting you... By the way... I’d just like to say that...




Анфиногенова, А.И. Практикум по разговорному английскому языку и переводу для абитуриентов и студентов университетов: Учебное пособие/А. И. Анфиногенова.– СПб.: Союз,2003.-397 с.

Балк, Е.А. Английский в диалогах и ситуациях: Учебное пособие/Сост.: Е. А. Балк, М. М. Леменёв.– М.: ИНФРА – М, 2001. – 134 с.



Часть 2

Учебно-методическое пособие





УДК 4И(англ.) (07)




Составители: Грищенко Н.А., Ершова Е.О., Каширина В.М., Кожевникова М.А., Корниенко В.В.


Иностранный язык. Английский. Часть 1.: учебно-методическое пособие [Текст] / сост. Грищенко Н.А., Ершова Е.О., Каширина В.М., Кожевникова М.А.,Корниенко В.В. – Красноярск: Сиб. федер. ун-т, 2014. – 64 с.



Предлагаемые учебно-методические указания к практическим занятиям являются одной из частей учебно-методического комплекса, разработанного для студентов 1-го, 2-го курсов, состоящего из пяти частей (учебно-методические указания 1 семестр; 2 семестр; 3 семестр; учебно-методические указания для самостоятельной работы студентов; книга для учителя). Данные учебно-методические указания предназначены для студентов 2-го курса (3 семестр) экономического факультета, продолжающих изучать английский язык после школы, и разработаны в соответствии с типовой программой по иностранным языкам для экономических специальностей. «Специальности экономики и управления»: «Экономика и управление в машиностроении» (080502.65.01), «Экономика и управление в энергетике» (080502.65.04), «Экономика и управление на предприятии автомобильного транспорта» (080501.65.13), «Экономика и управление на предприятии воздушного транспорта» (080502.65.23), «Менеджмент организации» (080500.65.01), «Маркетинг» (080111.65), «Прикладная информатика в экономике» (080801.65.01), «Прикладная информатика в управлении» (080801.65.02), «Прикладная информатика в рекламе» (080801.65.29), «Прикладная информатика в международном бизнесе» (080801.65.28), «Экономика и управление в нефтегазовой промышленности» (080502.65.09).



УДК 4И(англ.) (07)




© Сибирский


университет, 2014


В основе издания лежит идея взаимосвязанного изучения лексики и одновременного развития всех коммуникативных навыков: чтения, говорения, аудирования и письма. Это определило структуру и содержание методических указаний.

Методические указания состоят из четырёх основных тем по страноведению и экономике:

· Великобритания: ге

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