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2017-11-28 | 240 |
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Основные правила чтения
Ударный слог в открытом слоге | [eI] | 1. state, 2. stage, 3. trade профессия, 4. basic ['beIsIk], 5. same, major ['meIdZq] | |
-ate в глаголах | [eI] | 6. to graduate ['grxdZVeIt], 7. to investigate, 8. to accumulate [q'kju:mjVleIt], 9. to separate ['sepqreIt], 10.to illustrate ['IlqstreIt] | |
-ate в сущ. и прилаг. | [I] | 11.a college-graduate['grxdZVIt], 12.a postgraduate ["pqVst'grxdjVIt], 13.separate ['sep(q)rIt], 14.fortunate ['fO:tS(q)nqt] | |
es | после [s – z, tS – dZ, S – Z] | [Iz] | 15.places, cases, bosses, prices, taxes, losses, sources ['sO:sIz], courses, forces, chances, services ['sE:vIsIz], 16.sciences ['saIqnsIz], devices [dI'vaIsIz], differences, conferences ['kPnf(q)rqnsIz], produces [prP'dju:sIz], purposes ['pE:pqsIz], stresses,raises ['reIzIz], phrases, exercises ['eksqsaIzIz], branches ['brQ:ntSIz], touches ['tAtSIz], changes ['tSeIndZIz], wages ['weIdZIz], ages [eIdZIz], stages, colleges, advantages [qd'vQ:ntIdZIz], 17.encourages [In'kArIdZIz], finishes |
es | после глухих [p, t, k, f, T] | [s] | 18.notes ['nouts], makes, classmates, institutes, stimulates ['stImjuleIts], illustrates ['IlqstreIts], operates, graduates ['grxdjueIts] |
es | после звонких [b, d, g, v, D, 1, m, n, N] и гласных | [z] | 19.rules ['ru:lz], examples [Ig'zQ:mplz], articles ['Q:tIklz], sales, principles ['prInsqplz], cycles ['saIklz], resembles [rI'zemblz] 20.games [geImz], lines [laInz], programs, comes [kAmz], sometimes ['sAmtaImz], schemes ['ski:mz], 21.gives [gIvz], receives [rI'si:vz], themselves [Dem'selvz], involves [In'vOlvz], objectives [qb'dZektIvz], 22.provides [prq'vaIdz], includes [In'klu:dz], concludes, grades, 23.lectures ['lektSqz], structures ['strAktSqz], 24.universities, studies, activities, societies [sq'saIqtIz], difficulties ['dIfIk(q)ltIz], faculties ['fxk(q)ltIz], peculiarities [pI"kjulI'xrItIz] 25.goes [gouz], shows, degrees [dI'gri:z], employees, ["emplOI'i:z, Im"plOI'i:z], employers, [Im'plOIqz], virtues ['vq:tju:z] |
после глухих | [t] | 26.worked [wE:kt], asked [Q:skt], stopped ['stOpt], stressed [strest], published ['pAblISt], developed [dI'velqpt], faced ['feIst] | |
ed | после звонких и гласных | [d] | 27.played, answered ['Q:nsqd], entered ['entqd], offered ['Ofqd], prepared [prI'pFqd], studied ['stAdId], 28.lived [lIvd], used [ju:zd], obliged [q'blaIdZd], concerned [kqn'sE:nd] |
после [t] и [d] | [Id] | 29.interested ['IntrIstId], collected [kq'lektId], connected, disconnected, presented [prI'zentId], graduated ['grxdjueItId], devoted [dI'voutId], edited ['edItId], decided, invited, stated, indicated ['IndIkeItId] |
Структура экзамена. Кандидатский экзамен по иностранному языку проводится в два этапа.
Напервомэтапе аспирант (соискатель) выполняет письменный перевод научного текста по специальности с английского на русский язык и отчитывается о на английском языке о прочитанной англоязычной научной литературе. Успешное выполнение письменного перевода является условием допуска к устному допуску. Качество перевода оценивается по зачетной системе. Объем текста для письменного перевода – 15 000 печатных знаков, объем научной литературы – 250-300 страниц печатного текста.
Второйэтап экзамена проводится устно и включает в себя три задания:
1. Изучающее чтение оригинального текста по специальности. Объем 2000 - 3000 печатных знаков. Время выполнения работы — 45-60 минут. Форма проверки - передача основного содержания текста в форме резюме на иностранном языке (гуманитарные специальности) или на языке обучения (естественнонаучные специальности).
2. Беглое чтение оригинального текста по специальности. Объем — 1 000 - 1 500 печатных знаков. Время выполнения — 1-2 минуты. Форма проверки — передача извлеченной информации на иностранном языке (гуманитарные специальности) и на языке обучения (естественнонаучные специальности).
3. Беседа с экзаменаторами на иностранном языке по вопросам, связанным со специальностью и научной работой аспиранта (соискателя).
Результаты экзамена оцениваются по пятибалльной системе.
Варианты вопросов по биографии, профессиональной деятельности и научным интересам аспиранта (соискателя)
1. What is your name? | Let me introduce myself. My full name is | |
2. Where do you live? | I was born in Kirov and I have been living here all my life | |
3. What family do you come from? Are you married or single? What is your hobby? What school did you finish? | ||
4. Where did you study after school? | I studied at the Chemistry department | |
5. When did you enter the University/Institute? | I entered Vyatka State Agricultural Academy [q'kxdqmI], the Faculty of Economics | |
6. When did you graduate from the University? | I graduated from | |
7. What was your major? | ||
8. What were your favourite subjects and why? | I was a good pupil and my favourite subjects were Mathematics, Economics and English | |
9. Were you an active student? | I took an active part in the work of students’ scientific society | |
10. | I prepared a number of reports | |
11. | I presented my reports at our meetings and conferences | |
12. | I was interested in the problems of | |
13. | To be exact I studied this problem in my graduation project | |
14. What problems was your graduation project devoted to? | I faced the problem of individual approach | |
15. Where do you work? What is your position now? What are your responsibilities? | After graduating I was offered to work at the Chair of I deliver lectures and conduct seminars | |
16. | I am a beginner in teaching, that’s why I spend a lot of time to prepare for the lessons | |
17. | At the same time I plan to continue my scientific activity | |
18. | I want to become a post-graduate student of the speciality | |
19. Do you like your job? | I enjoy my job very much | |
20. What is your area of research? | I work on the problem of choosing a trade | |
21. | I faced the problem of individual approach | |
22. What problems are you interested in? | Since [sIns] the institute I’ve been interested in the developing of | |
23. | I am interested in the process of | |
24. | I was interested in the problems of | |
25. | to be exact | |
26. | I studied this problem in my graduation project | |
27. What is the topic of your dissertation? Why is it actual? | The topic of my dissertation is | |
28. | The topic of my dissertation will be closely ['klqVslI] connected with my graduation project | |
29. | I will investigate links | |
30. | This problem is actual and rather new | |
31. | The reason of that lies in the lack of | |
32. | The aim of my investigation is to study connections between | |
33. | To achieve this aim we will solve the following tasks | |
34. | we will study types of links between | |
35. | we will find the most effective [I'fektIv] types of such links | |
36. | we will point out factors influencing ['InflVqnsIN] the effectiveness | |
37. | we will compare | |
38. What are the main objectives of your investigation? | The main aim of my study is to determine [dI'tE:mIn] the basic conditions for the development of | |
39. | The second aim is to find out the dependence of | |
40. | Some fragments of this problem can be met in the works of | |
41. What is the practical value of your study? | The results of my investigation can be used in practice | |
42. What are the preliminary results of your study? | It is not the time to speak about the results | |
43. | The analysis [q'nxlIsIs] and preliminary [prI'lImIn(q)rI] results will be got in a year | |
44. | The work is in the stage of accumulating statistic data | |
45. | The experiment [Ik'sperImqnt] is in its initial [I'nIS(q)l] stage | |
46. | there is no integral picture of | |
47. Do you have any articles on the results of your study published? | I haven’t got any publications on the topic yet | |
48. | Now I’m preparing an article for the collection of scientific publications of Agricultural Academy | |
49. Do you regularly go to the library to read scientific books, journals and articles? | I regularly read scientific books and articles | |
50. | The last book I read is “Psychology Applied to Teaching” edited ['edItId] by California University | |
51. | The book consists of 16 parts | |
52. | Some chapters are devoted to | |
53. Who is your scientific adviser (supervisor)? | My scientific advisor (supervisor, counselor ['kaVns(q)lq]) is Doctor of pedagogical science, academician [q"kxdq'mIS(q)n] Ivanov V. S. | |
54. | I hope, that my scientific advisor will be Doctor of Economics Bespyatykh V.I. | |
55. | His area of research is | |
56. | During last 5 years he published several books and articles on the problems of | |
57. | He is a well-known scientist | |
58. | His sphere [sfIq] of interests is | |
59. | He is the author ['O:Tq] of many monographs, articles, text-books, recommendations | |
60. | He is often invited abroad to give lectures about peculiarities | |
61. | My advisor [qd'vaIzq] helped me to choose the topic of my investigation | |
62. | He also helped me to work out the scheme [ski:m] of the research analysis | |
63. | My advisor [qd'vaIzq] helped me to carry out experiments | |
64. | I am much obliged [q'blaIdZd] to my advisor | |
1. The article under review [rI'vju:] is taken from the bookклише
2. The article under review is headlinedклише
3. The author ['O:Tq] of this book isклише
4. The main [meIn] idea [aI'dIq] of the article is to show клише
5. The article is devoted to the description ofклише
6. The article is concerned withклише
7. The author ['O:Tq] touches upon the fact thatклише
8. The author ['O:Tq] points out thatклише
9. The author mentions thatклише
10. The author shows thatклише
11. The author stresses thatклише
12. The author illustrates thatклише
13. It is shown [SqVn] thatклише
14. It is indicated thatклише
15. It is stated thatклише
16. It is stressed thatклише
17. It is emphasized ['emfqsaIzd] thatклише
18. According to the authorклише
19. In factклише
20. The fact is thatклише
21. There is no doubt [daVt] thatклише
22. In conclusion the author says [sez] that клише
23. At the end the author concludes thatклише
24. I find the article useful, helpful, necessary, actual, important, and modern. It gives a material for further discussion.клише
1. mother tongueText01 | родная речь |
2. well adaptedText01 | хорошо адаптированный |
3. insufficientlyText01 | недостаточно |
4. to join in conversationsText01 | присоединяться к разговорам |
5. a mathematical contentText01 | математическое содержание |
6. build up children's concepts and vocabularyText01 | формировать детские понятия и словарный запас |
7. containedText01 | вмещал, содержал |
8. spoken phrasesText01 | разговорные фразы |
9. speech patternsText01 | речевые образцы |
10. tackle problemsText01 | решать проблемы |
11. as aboveText01 | как сказано, как указано выше |
12. essentialText01 | существенный |
13. to make a correspondence betweenText01 | провести взаимосвязи между |
14. written symbolsText01 | написанные символы |
15. the sound and meaningsText01 | звуки и значения |
16. makes sense to himText01 | смысл понятный для него |
17. partlyText01 | частично, отчасти |
18. set of mathematical symbolsText01 | набор математических символов |
19. to some extentText01 | в некоторой степени |
20. developed countriesText01 | развитые страны |
21. individualized learningText01 | индивидуальное обучение |
22. the primary schoolText01 | начальная школа |
23. recentlyText01 | недавно |
24. make considerable demands onText01 | предъявлять значительные требования к |
25. the child abilityText01 | способность ребенка (детская способность) |
26. follow explanationsText01 | следовать объяснениям |
27. individualized work is in progressText01 | ведётся индивидуальная работа |
28. have sufficient opportunityText01 | имеет достаточную возможность |
29. to discuss orallyText01 | обсуждать устно |
30. classmatesText01 | одноклассники |
Text 1. LANGUAGE AND LEARNING By Hilary Shuard
There are considerable language difficulties in the learning of mathematics, even in a country where children are fortunate enough to learn mathematics in their mother tongue throughout their schooldays and where the mother tongue is a Western language, well adapted to the expression of mathematical ideas. When they first enter school, the linguistic skills of many children are insufficiently developed to enable them to join in conversations that have a mathematical content. The school must therefore work to build up children's concepts and vocabulary. Talk in the classroom needs to stress such phrases as "the first in the family", "the oldest child" and "the heavy box", so that, as children's language develop they come to understand the mathematical ideas contained in it.
At a slightly later stage, a single mathematical idea will be expressed (if in English) in a variety of different spoken phrases such as: "count on 2 from 4"; "2 and 4 equal", "2 add 4", "the sum of 2 and 4", “2 more than 4”. All these different speech patterns are expressed uniquely in mathematical symbols by 2 + 4. It is not surprising that, if children have insufficient experience of talking mathematics, they will later find it difficult to tackle work problems, which can be presented, as above, in a variety of different ways. Talking is, likewise, an essential prelude, if they are to relate their learning to the situation in which mathematics is used in their everyday life. The child's essential difficulty is a linguistic one. The mechanical working of 2 + 4 is not difficult. But if the concept and symbolism of addition have not attached themselves to the range of spoken phrases used by the teacher and the textbook the child will not be able to arrive at the symbolism 2+4.
In the teaching of reading, the first aim is to help a child to make a correspondence between the written symbols he sees and the sound and meanings of the oral language, which already makes sense to him. In the teaching of mathematics, and in its reading and writing, the difficulties are compounded. This is partly because the corresponding oral language is not always meaningful when the written language or the mathematical symbols are introduced and partly because a single set of mathematical symbols corresponds to such a variety of oral language.
EmployeeLoyalty in Service Firms
Hotel, shops and restaurant chains, which employ thousands of people in low-paid, dead-end jobs, are discovering that high labour turnover rates resulting from the indiscriminatehiring of “ cheap ” workers can be extremely [Iks'tri:mlI] costly.
Cole National, a Cleveland-based firm which owns Child World, Things Remembered and other specialty shops, declared a “war of people” in an effort to recruit and keep better staff.
Employees were asked: What do you enjoy about working here? In the past year, have you thought about leaving? If so, why? How can we improve our company and create an even better place to work? Employees replied they wanted better training, better communications with their supervisors and, above all, wanted their bosses to “make me feel like I make a difference.” Labour turnover declined by more than half; for the full time sales assistants, it declined by about a third.
Marriott Corporation, a hotels and restaurants group, has also decided to spend more money on retaining employees in the hope of spending less on funding and training new ones. In one year, it had to hire no fewer than 27,000 workers to fill 8,800 hourly-paid job slots.
To slow its labour turnover, Marriott had to get a simple message accepted throughout its operating divisions: loyal, well-motivated employees make customers happy and that, in turn, creates fatter profits and happier shareholders. Improved training of middle managers helped. So did a change in bonus arrangements.
At the same time, Marriott became more fussy about the people it recruited. It screened out jobapplicants motivated mainly by money: applicants which the company pejoratively described as “ payfirst people”. Such people form a surprisingly small, though apparently disruptive, part of the service-industry workforce. Marroitt found in its employee-attitude surveys that only about 20 % of its workers at Roy Rogers restaurants and about 30% of its workers at Marriott hotels regarded pay as their primary reason for working there.
Many middle managers in service industries are more comfortablecoping with demands for more money than with demands for increased recognition and better communications. They will have to change their ways.
Surveys say that when 13,000 employees in retail shops across America were asked to list in order the 18 reasons for working where they did, they ranked “good pay” third. In first place was “appreciation of work done”, with “ respect for me as a person” second.
1. I work on the problem of choosing a low-paid trade
2. I am interested in the process of labour turnover
3. The aim of my investigation is to study connections between labour turnover and low-paid jobs
4. There is no integral picture. The picture is indiscriminate.
5. I am extremely [Iks'tri:mlI] obliged to my advisor
6. I am much obliged to my employee s
7. I am much obliged to my employee s for their loyalty
8. This problem is extremely [Iks'tri:mlI] costly
9. The author ['O:Tq] employs cheap workers
10. The author ['O:Tq] declares that he employs cheap workers
11. The author ['O:Tq] declares that he employs extremely [Iks'tri:mlI] cheap workers
12. The author ['O:Tq] declares that he employs costlyworkforce
13. The author ['O:Tq] declares that he employs extremely [Iks'tri:mlI] costlyworkforce.
14. The author ['O:Tq] declares it is not the time to speak about the results.
15. The reason of that lies in the lack of effort.
16. I was interested in the problems of keeping better staff.
17. I try to enjoy my work using the principles of…
18. Extremely [Iks'tri:mlI] costly employee s leave this job.
19. Some chapters are devoted to full time sales assistants.
20. Surprisingly some chapters are devoted to full time sales assistants.
21. I am interested in well-motivated employees.
22. I am interested in well-motivatedworkforce.
23. I am interested in hourly-paid jobs.
24. Let me introduce new shareholders.
25. At the same time I am interested in profits.
26. At the same time I am interested in bonus.
27. At the same time I am interested in bonus and profits.
28. Our supervisor is fussy about loyal employees.
29. Apparently our supervisors retainloyal employees.
30. Apparently our supervisors retainwell-motivated employees.
31. Apparently our supervisors retainloyalwell-motivated employees.
32. Apparently our supervisors paycostlyworkforce first.
33. My workforce cope with my demands.
34. Well-motivatedworkforce cope with my demands.
35. Let me list my demands in order.
36. Our supervisors respect loyalwell-motivated employees.
37. Hourly-paid employees work in retail shops.
38. Hourly-paid employees rankthird.
39. Costly employees ranksecond.
40. Extremely [Iks'tri:mlI] costly employee s rank first.
Основные правила чтения
Ударный слог в открытом слоге | [eI] | 1. state, 2. stage, 3. trade профессия, 4. basic ['beIsIk], 5. same, major ['meIdZq] | |
-ate в глаголах | [eI] | 6. to graduate ['grxdZVeIt], 7. to investigate, 8. to accumulate [q'kju:mjVleIt], 9. to separate ['sepqreIt], 10.to illustrate ['IlqstreIt] | |
-ate в сущ. и прилаг. | [I] | 11.a college-graduate['grxdZVIt], 12.a postgraduate ["pqVst'grxdjVIt], 13.separate ['sep(q)rIt], 14.fortunate ['fO:tS(q)nqt] | |
es | после [s – z, tS – dZ, S – Z] | [Iz] | 15.places, cases, bosses, prices, taxes, losses, sources ['sO:sIz], courses, forces, chances, services ['sE:vIsIz], 16.sciences ['saIqnsIz], devices [dI'vaIsIz], differences, conferences ['kPnf(q)rqnsIz], produces [prP'dju:sIz], purposes ['pE:pqsIz], stresses,raises ['reIzIz], phrases, exercises ['eksqsaIzIz], branches ['brQ:ntSIz], touches ['tAtSIz], changes ['tSeIndZIz], wages ['weIdZIz], ages [eIdZIz], stages, colleges, advantages [qd'vQ:ntIdZIz], 17.encourages [In'kArIdZIz], finishes |
es | после глухих [p, t, k, f, T] | [s] | 18.notes ['nouts], makes, classmates, institutes, stimulates ['stImjuleIts], illustrates ['IlqstreIts], operates, graduates ['grxdjueIts] |
es | после звонких [b, d, g, v, D, 1, m, n, N] и гласных | [z] | 19.rules ['ru:lz], examples [Ig'zQ:mplz], articles ['Q:tIklz], sales, principles ['prInsqplz], cycles ['saIklz], resembles [rI'zemblz] 20.games [geImz], lines [laInz], programs, comes [kAmz], sometimes ['sAmtaImz], schemes ['ski:mz], 21.gives [gIvz], receives [rI'si:vz], themselves [Dem'selvz], involves [In'vOlvz], objectives [qb'dZektIvz], 22.provides [prq'vaIdz], includes [In'klu:dz], concludes, grades, 23.lectures ['lektSqz], structures ['strAktSqz], 24.universities, studies, activities, societies [sq'saIqtIz], difficulties ['dIfIk(q)ltIz], faculties ['fxk(q)ltIz], peculiarities [pI"kjulI'xrItIz] 25.goes [gouz], shows, degrees [dI'gri:z], employees, ["emplOI'i:z, Im"plOI'i:z], employers, [Im'plOIqz], virtues ['vq:tju:z] |
после глухих | [t] | 26.worked [wE:kt], asked [Q:skt], stopped ['stOpt], stressed [strest], published ['pAblISt], developed [dI'velqpt], faced ['feIst] | |
ed | после звонких и гласных | [d] | 27.played, answered ['Q:nsqd], entered ['entqd], offered ['Ofqd], prepared [prI'pFqd], studied ['stAdId], 28.lived [lIvd], used [ju:zd], obliged [q'blaIdZd], concerned [kqn'sE:nd] |
после [t] и [d] | [Id] | 29.interested ['IntrIstId], collected [kq'lektId], connected, disconnected, presented [prI'zentId], graduated ['grxdjueItId], devoted [dI'voutId], edited ['edItId], decided, invited, stated, indicated ['IndIkeItId] |
Структура экзамена. Кандидатский экзамен по иностранному языку проводится в два этапа.
Напервомэтапе аспирант (соискатель) выполняет письменный перевод научного текста по специальности с английского на русский язык и отчитывается о на английском языке о прочитанной англоязычной научной литературе. Успешное выполнение письменного перевода является условием допуска к устному допуску. Качество перевода оценивается по зачетной системе. Объем текста для письменного перевода – 15 000 печатных знаков, объем научной литературы – 250-300 страниц печатного текста.
Второйэтап экзамена проводится устно и включает в себя три задания:
1. Изучающее чтение оригинального текста по специальности. Объем 2000 - 3000 печатных знаков. Время выполнения работы — 45-60 минут. Форма проверки - передача основного содержания текста в форме резюме на иностранном языке (гуманитарные специальности) или на языке обучения (естественнонаучные специальности).
2. Беглое чтение оригинального текста по специальности. Объем — 1 000 - 1 500 печатных знаков. Время выполнения — 1-2 минуты. Форма проверки — передача извлеченной информации на иностранном языке (гуманитарные специальности) и на языке обучения (естественнонаучные специальности).
3. Беседа с экзаменаторами на иностранном языке по вопросам, связанным со специальностью и научной работой аспиранта (соискателя).
Результаты экзамена оцениваются по пятибалльной системе.
Варианты вопросов по биографии, профессиональной деятельности и научным интересам аспиранта (соискателя)
1. What is your name? | Let me introduce myself. My full name is | |
2. Where do you live? | I was born in Kirov and I have been living here all my life | |
3. What family do you come from? Are you married or single? What is your hobby? What school did you finish? | ||
4. Where did you study after school? | I studied at the Chemistry department | |
5. When did you enter the University/Institute? | I entered Vyatka State Agricultural Academy [q'kxdqmI], the Faculty of Economics | |
6. When did you graduate from the University? | I graduated from | |
7. What was your major? | ||
8. What were your favourite subjects and why? | I was a good pupil and my favourite subjects were Mathematics, Economics and English | |
9. Were you an active student? | I took an active part in the work of students’ scientific society | |
10. | I prepared a number of reports | |
11. | I presented my reports at our meetings and conferences | |
12. | I was interested in the problems of | |
13. | To be exact I studied this problem in my graduation project | |
14. What problems was your graduation project devoted to? | I faced the problem of individual approach | |
15. Where do you work? What is your position now? What are your responsibilities? | After graduating I was offered to work at the Chair of I deliver lectures and conduct seminars | |
16. | I am a beginner in teaching, that’s why I spend a lot of time to prepare for the lessons | |
17. | At the same time I plan to continue my scientific activity | |
18. | I want to become a post-graduate student of the speciality | |
19. Do you like your job? | I enjoy my job very much | |
20. What is your area of research? | I work on the problem of choosing a trade | |
21. | I faced the problem of individual approach | |
22. What problems are you interested in? | Since [sIns] the institute I’ve been interested in the developing of | |
23. | I am interested in the process of | |
24. | I was interested in the problems of | |
25. | to be exact | |
26. | I studied this problem in my graduation project | |
27. What is the topic of your dissertation? Why is it actual? | The topic of my dissertation is | |
28. | The topic of my dissertation will be closely ['klqVslI] connected with my graduation project | |
29. | I will investigate links | |
30. | This problem is actual and rather new | |
31. | The reason of that lies in the lack of | |
32. | The aim of my investigation is to study connections between | |
33. | To achieve this aim we will solve the following tasks | |
34. | we will study types of links between | |
35. | we will find the most effective [I'fektIv] types of such links | |
36. | we will point out factors influencing ['InflVqnsIN] the effectiveness | |
37. | we will compare | |
38. What are the main objectives of your investigation? | The main aim of my study is to determine [dI'tE:mIn] the basic conditions for the development of | |
39. | The second aim is to find out the dependence of | |
40. | Some fragments of this problem can be met in the works of | |
41. What is the practical value of your study? | The results of my investigation can be used in practice | |
42. What are the preliminary results of your study? | It is not the time to speak about the results | |
43. | The analysis [q'nxlIsIs] and preliminary [prI'lImIn(q)rI] results will be got in a year | |
44. | The work is in the stage of accumulating statistic data | |
45. | The experiment [Ik'sperImqnt] is in its initial [I'nIS(q)l] stage | |
46. | there is no integral picture of | |
47. Do you have any articles on the results of your study published? | I haven’t got any publications on the topic yet | |
48. | Now I’m preparing an article for the collection of scientific publications of Agricultural Academy | |
49. Do you regularly go to the library to read scientific books, journals and articles? | I regularly read scientific books and articles | |
50. | The last book I read is “Psychology Applied to Teaching” edited ['edItId] by California University | |
51. | The book consists of 16 parts | |
52. | Some chapters are devoted to | |
53. Who is your scientific adviser (supervisor)? | My scientific advisor (supervisor, counselor ['kaVns(q)lq]) is Doctor of pedagogical science, academician [q"kxdq'mIS(q)n] Ivanov V. S. | |
54. | I hope, that my scientific advisor will be Doctor of Economics Bespyatykh V.I. | |
55. | His area of research is | |
56. | During last 5 years he published several books and articles on the problems of | |
57. | He is a well-known scientist | |
58. | His sphere [sfIq] of interests is | |
59. | He is the author ['O:Tq] of many monographs, articles, text-books, recommendations | |
60. | He is often invited abroad to give lectures about peculiarities | |
61. | My advisor [qd'vaIzq] helped me to choose the topic of my investigation | |
62. | He also helped me to work out the scheme [ski:m] of the research analysis | |
63. | My advisor [qd'vaIzq] helped me to carry out experiments | |
64. | I am much obliged [q'blaIdZd] to my advisor | |
1. The article under review [rI'vju:] is taken from the bookклише
2. The article under review is headlinedклише
3. The author ['O:Tq] of this book isклише
4. The main [meIn] idea [aI'dIq] of the article is to show клише
5. The article is devoted to the description ofклише
6. The article is concerned withклише
7. The author ['O:Tq] touches upon the fact thatклише
8. The author ['O:Tq] points out thatклише
9. The author mentions thatклише
10. The author shows thatклише
11. The author stresses thatклише
12. The author illustrates thatклише
13. It is shown [SqVn] thatклише
14. It is indicated thatклише
15. It is stated thatклише
16. It is stressed thatклише
17. It is emphasized ['emfqsaIzd] thatклише
18. According to the authorклише
19. In factклише
20. The fact is thatклише
21. There is no doubt [daVt] thatклише
22. In conclusion the author says [sez] that клише
23. At the end the author concludes thatклише
24. I find the article useful, helpful, necessary, actual, important, and modern. It gives a material for further discussion.клише
1. mother tongueText01 | родная речь |
2. well adaptedText01 | хорошо адаптированный |
3. insufficientlyText01 | недостаточно |
4. to join in conversationsText01 | присоединяться к разговорам |
5. a mathematical contentText01 | математическое содержание |
6. build up children's concepts and vocabularyText01 | формировать детские понятия и словарный запас |
7. containedText01 | вмещал, содержал |
8. spoken phrasesText01 | разговорные фразы |
9. speech patternsText01 | речевые образцы |
10. tackle problemsText01 | решать проблемы |
11. as aboveText01 | как сказано, как указано выше |
12. essentialText01 | существенный |
13. to make a correspondence betweenText01 | провести взаимосвязи между |
14. written symbolsText01 | написанные символы |
15. the sound and meaningsText01 | звуки и значения |
16. makes sense to himText01 | смысл понятный для него |
17. partlyText01 | частично, отчасти |
18. set of mathematical symbolsText01 | набор математических символов |
19. to some extentText01 | в некоторой степени |
20. developed countriesText01 | развитые страны |
21. individualized learningText01 | индивидуальное обучение |
22. the primary schoolText01 | начальная школа |
23. recentlyText01 | недавно |
24. make considerable demands onText01 | предъявлять значительные требования к |
25. the child abilityText01 | способность ребенка (детская способность) |
26. follow explanationsText01 | следовать объяснениям |
27. individualized work is in progressText01 | ведётся индивидуальная работа |
28. have sufficient opportunityText01 | имеет достаточную возможность |
29. to discuss orallyText01 | обсуждать устно |
30. classmatesText01 | одноклассники |
Text 1. LANGUAGE AND LEARNING By Hilary Shuard
There are considerable language difficulties in the learning of mathematics, even in a country where children are fortunate enough to learn mathematics in their mother tongue throughout their schooldays and where the mother tongue is a Western language, well adapted to the expression of mathematical ideas. When they first enter school, the linguistic skills of many children are insufficiently developed to enable them to join in conversations that have a mathematical content. The school must therefore work to build up children's concepts and vocabulary. Talk in the classroom needs to stress such phrases as "the first in the family", "the oldest child" and "the heavy box", so that, as children's language develop they come to understand the mathematical ideas contained in it.
At a slightly later stage, a single mathematical idea will be expressed (if in English) in a variety of different spoken phrases such as: "count on 2 from 4"; "2 and 4 equal", "2 add 4", "the sum of 2 and 4", “2 more than 4”. All these different speech patterns are expressed uniquely in mathematical symbols by 2 + 4. It is not surprising that, if children have insufficient experience of talking mathematics, they will later find it difficult to tackle work problems, which can be presented, as above, in a variety of different ways. Talking is, likewise, an essential prelude, if they are to relate their learning to the situation in which mathematics is used in their everyday life. The child's essential difficulty is a linguistic one. The mechanical working of 2 + 4 is not difficult. But if the concept and symbolism of addition have not attached themselves to the range of spoken phrases used by the teacher and the textbook the child will not be able to arrive at the symbolism 2+4.
In the teaching of reading, the first aim is to help a child to make a correspondence between the written symbols he sees and the sound and meanings of the oral language, which already makes sense to him. In the teaching of mathematics, and in its reading and writing, the difficulties are compounded. This is partly because the corresponding oral language is not always meaningful when the written language or the mathematical symbols are introduced and partly because a single set of mathematical symbols corresponds to such a variety of oral language.
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