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2017-11-16 | 782 |
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(Модальные глаголы “can, may, must, need, to have to, to be to”)
«Can» - мочь
Сокращённая отрицательная форма: can + not = cannot [‘kænot] (can't [‘ka:nt]).
Положительная форма прошедшего времени: could [kud].
Отрицательная форма прошедшего времени: could + not = couldn't [‘kudnt].
Модальный глагол «can» (could) употребляется для выражения физической или умственной способности, умения, возможности или разрешения совершить действие: 1. Can you read English books? – Можете ли Вы читать английские книги? (Знаете ли Вы английский язык и умеете ли читать?).2.He cannot play chess.- Он не может играть в шахматы. (Он не знает правил игры и не имеет навыка игры).
3. Can I leave my coat here? No, you mustn’t
No, you may not.
В отрицательном ответе возможно 2 варианта: mustn’t и may not.
Таблица 1
I,you He,she We,they | can | can't | move speak | this heavy box. English. | физич. возм-ть умение/ неумение | |||
Present Ind. | Can Can't | I,you He,she We,they | move speak | this heavy box? English? | No,we can't. Yes,he can. | разреше- ние | ||
I,you He,she We,they | could | couldn't | move speak | this heavy box. English there. | ||||
Past Ind. | Could Couldn't | I,you He,she We,they | move speak | this heavy box? English there? | Yes,you could. No,they couldn't |
Помните: В будущем времени вместо «can» употребляется сочетание «to be able»(в the Future Indefinite Tense) + Infinitive: In two years you will be able to speak English well.
«May» - могу
Сокращенная отрицательная форма: may + not = mayn't [‘meint].
Положительная форма прошедшего времени: might [mait].
Отрицательная форма прошедшего времени: might + not = mightn't [‘maitnt].
Таблица 2
I,you He,she We,they | may | come in. | разрешение | |||
May | I,you He,she We,they | come in? | разрешение | You mayn't come in. You needn’t [ni:dnt] come in. You mustn’t come in. | вежливый отказ. категори- ческое за- прещение. |
Модальный глагол «may» (might) употребляется для выражения разрешения, запрещения (в отрицательной форме) или предположения. В последнем случае он переводится на родной язык: может быть, возможно; 1.You may open the window. 2. May I go out? – No, you may not. 3. Let's hurry, it may rain. (… возможно, что сегодня будет дождь) 4. We thought we might meet you there (мы думали, что, возможно, встретим Вас там).
В отрицательном ответе на вопрос с глаголом «may» употребляется: «mustn’t» для выражения категорического запрещения и «mayn't» и «needn’t» для выражения вежливого отказа.
Форма «might» в вопросах выражает вежливую просьбу: Might I have a glass of water?
«must» - должен
Модальный глагол «must» [mLst] имеет только форму настоящего времени. Сокращенная отрицательная форма настоящего времени: must + not = mustn't [‘mLsnt].
Таблица 3
I,you He, she We,they | Must (mustn't) | do it at once. | |||
Must | I,you He, she We,they | do it at once? | Yes, you must No, you mustn't No, you needn't | приказание, обязанность запрещение нет,не нужно |
Модальный глагол «must» употребляется для выражения приказания, обязанности, долженствования и запрещения в отрицательной форме: 1. Soldiers must obey orders. – Солдаты должны выполнять приказы (их долг выполнять приказы). 2. Children mustn't play with matchers. – Дети не должны играть со спичками (категорическое запрещение).
Отсутствие необходимости в отрицательном ответе на вопрос с глаголом «must» выражается глаголами «have to» (см. глагол «to have to») и «need» в отрицательной форме. «Needn't» означает «не нужно, нет необходимости»: Must we do exercise two? – No, you needn't. – Не нужно (в этом нет необходимости).
Глагол «must» может выражать вероятность совершения действия и предположение. В этом случае «must» обычно употребляется c неопределенным, длительным и перфектным инфинитивом и переводится на русский язык «вероятно, должно быть»: 1. This must be the book you want. – Это, должно быть, книга, которая Вам нужна. 2. You must be joking! – Вы, вероятно, шутите! 3.We must have taken a wrong turning. – Должно быть, мы повернули не в ту сторону.
«need» - надо, нужно
Модальныйглагол «need» имеет только форму настоящего времени.
Сокращенная отрицательная форма настоящего времени: need + not = needn't.
Глагол «need» выражает необходимость совершения действия и может оформляться двояко:
1) как модальный с инфинитивом без частицы «to» в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: 1. Need he go so soon? 2. Needn't he go so soon? – He needn't go so soon – ему не надо (в этом нет необходимости) уходить так быстро.
2) как обычный глагол, не отличающийся по формам от других полнозначных глаголов: The garden needs rain. Does he need any help? He didn't need to be reminded about it. What he needs is a good whipping. – Что ему надо, так это хорошая порка.
«To have to» - приходиться
Таблица 4
Present Indefinite
I, you We, they | to wait. | вынужденная необходимость | |||
have | |||||
He, she | has | выполнения действия | |||
Do | I, you We, they | have | to wait? | Yes, you do. | |
Does | He, she | Yes, he does. | |||
I, you We, they | don't | have | to wait. | ||
He, she | doesn't | ||||
Don't | I, you We, they | have | to wait? | No, they don't. | |
Doesn't | He, she | No, she doesn't. |
Глагол «to have to» в модальном значении употребляется в настоящем неопределенном времени вместо модального глагола «must».
Глагол «to have to» употребляется вместо глагола «must» и в будущем времени.
Итак, глагол «to have to» в модальном значении обозначает необходимость совершения действия, зависящую от сложившихся обстоятельств, условий; как правило это вынужденная необходимость (на русский язык «to have to» переводится «приходится»): 1. He has to get up at six every morning as it takes him two hours to get to the University. - Ему приходится вставать в 6 часов каждое утро, так как ему требуется два часа, чтобы добраться до университета. 2. You don’t have to go to the dentist. - Вам не нужно идти к зубному врачу (нет необходимости делать это). 3 He didn’t have to do it yesterday. - Ему не нужно было это делать вчера.
«To be to» - следует, должен
Глагол «to be to» в модальном значении имеет формы настоящего и прошедшего неопределенного времени. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются как в случаях употребления смыслового глагола «to be».
Past Indefinite
Таблица 5
I, you He, she We, they | had | to wait. | |||
Did | I, you He, she We, they | have | to wait? | Yes, he did. No, she didn’t. | |
I, you He, she We, they | didn’t | have | to wait. | ||
Didn’t | I, you He, she We, they | have | to wait? | No, you didn’t. |
Глагол «to have to» употребляется для выражения долженствования в прошедшем времени вместо глагола «must» и обозначает действие, которое совершилось.
Future Indefinite
Таблица 6
I We | shall (shan’t) | have | to rewrite the text. | |
He, she You, they | will (won’t) | |||
Shall | I, we | have | to rewrite the text? | |
Will | He, she You, they |
Модальный глагол «to be to» употребляется для выражения действия, которое должно (или должно было) осуществиться в соответствии с планом, соглашением или договоренностью (а не по необходимости, как в случае модальных глаголов must и have): 1. What exams are we to take in winter? (план). 2. We are to meet at seven. (договоренность). 3. All of them were to be present at the Summit. (соглашение)
Помните: после форм модального глагола “to be to” всегда употребляется частица “to”: He is to leave for Moscow in 2 days.- Он уезжает в Москву через 2 дня. (в связи с планом, договоренностью)
1. Repeat after the teacher or the tape:
1) He said lie could do it for me. 2) The teacher said Tony might stand off from class. 3) It was far from the station and we had to take a bus. 4) When I was a girl I could swim. 5) The student said he couldn't understand the rule.' He asked the teacher to explain it again. 6) The teacher asked if the students could find the word in the text. 7) The teacher asked who could explain the rule. 8) Mum said that the children might stay up late and see the play. 9) Tony asked if he could go and play. His mother answered he could. 10) The teacher said I had to Work very hard at my pronunciation. 11) He said he had to be at his work at nine every day. 12) When we were students we had to prepare our reading in the lab.
2. Read the following text and analyse the use of modal verbs:
I don't know what I am to do. I have to be at the office at ' nine o'clock. It is half past eight now, and raining hard. I must take a taxi. But it is very difficult to find a taxi at this time of the day, isn't it? I can see one at the taxi rank (на стоянке). Can I catch it? I must run. Good, I've got it. The Bolshoi Theatre, please.
3. Answer the following questions:
1. Can you speak English well? 2. Can you speak French well? 3. Can you understand Spanish? 4. Can you count the chairs in this room? 5. Can we write without a pen or a pencil? 6. What can we do with a fountain-pen? 7. May I take your text-book? 8. May Comrade H. leave the class-room? 9. May we go to the cinema now? 10. Must we speak English now? 11. What must we have if we want to write a letter? 12. What must we have if we want to buy something? 13. What must we use if we want to wash our hands? 14. What must you do when you have quinsy? 15. What must you do to make your reading distinct?
4. Form questions to the following statements:
1. My friend can speak English (alternative). 2. You can see him today (special). 3. You must do this work (general). 4. We can answer your questions {general). 5. He can go home now (disjunctive). 6. Youmay come at five o'clock (special).
5. Make the following sentences interrogative and ask one of the students to answer them in the negative:
1. I must go away now. 2. You may take this pencil for a moment. 3. My nephew must go there. 4. I must answer the telephone at once. 5. He can do this work himself. 6. They may take these books. 7. My cousin can translate this article into Russian. 8. You may clean the blackboard. 9. You may change seats with Ann.
6. Use mustn't or needn't to fill the spaces in the following sentences:
1. We... ring the bell; 1 have got a key. 2. A Zoo notice: Visitors... feed this animal. 3. She... write this exercise. She can do it orally. 4. He... do the whole exercise. Ten sentences are enough. 5. You... turn on the light; I can see quite well. 6. Pupils... talk during the lesson. 7. I... go shopping to-day. There is plenty of food in the house. 8. Mother to child: You... interrupt me when I am speaking.
7. Use may or must to fill the spaces in the following sentences. Pay attention to the Russian equivalents of the modal verbs:
1. It... rain, take your raincoat. 2. He... be on the next train.Let's wait a little. 3. I... see John to-morrow morning. 4. She... be at the University. She is having her exam. 5. Our parents... be at the theatre now as it is 8 o'clock already. 6. Go to this lecture, you... learn something interesting. 7. I have got five lottery tickets. I... win something. 8. He... be at home now. Let's ring him up. 9. Don't say it to him.He... be offended. 10. You... be right, but 1 can't wait.
8. Fill in each blank with one of the given verbs: must, can, may:
1. Tell your daughter that if she doesn't want to fall ill she... not drink cold water. 2.... you help me? — I am afraid not. 3. You... take this book, I don't need it now. 4. I am free and I... read you aloud a little. 5. My cousin... not translate this article. It is very difficult. 6. Hurry up! It is late. We... come in time. 7. I... see her in the evening. 8. My grandfather... not finish this work to-day. He is tired. 9. My brother... know her address. 10. Let us ask Mother. She... know this word.
9. Make sentences of your own according to the pattern:
Pattern: a) May I smoke here? - No, you mustn't.
Must I wait for Uncle Peter? - No, you needn't.
b) Can I switch on the radio? - No, you may not.
c) He must be at the University now. He may come home late in the evening.
10. Read and retell the story:
"Tom", says the teacher. "Your composition is very bad. You must stay at school after classes and write a composition of fifty words".
"What must I write about?" asks Tom.
"It is a free composition, you may write it on any topic you like".
"May I write a composition about my sister?"
"Of course you may", says the teacher and goes out of the classroom.
Tom thinks a little and then writes: "I have a little sister. Her name is Jane. She has a nice little kitten. She likes it very much. When it goes out into the garden, she always follows1 it and calls2 it: "Pussy, pussy, pussy3..." and so on4 fifty times.
1 to follow - следовать
2 to call - звать
3 Pussy, pussy - кис-кис
4 and so on - и так далее
Translate into English.
1. Можно здесь курить? - Нет, нельзя. 2. Должен ли Петр сделать домашнее задание сейчас? - Нет, не обязательно. Он может сделать его вечером. 3. Вы должны заучивать новые слова каждый день. 4. Можно мне пойти погулять? - Да, пожалуйста. 5. Где Анна? - Она, вероятно, в институтской библиотеке. 6. Где Петр? - Он, возможно, в столовой. 7. Должны ли вы выходить на работу в семь утра? - Нет, не обязательно. Я могу выходить в четверть восьмого. Мне требуется полчаса, чтобы добраться до завода. 8. Может ли он переводить с английского языка на русский? - Да. 9. Вы можете принять посетителей после обеда? - Нет, я очень занят.
Test 1
Choose the right variant:
1. Now I know that I want to become a …
a) psychologist b) teacher c) dentist
2. People train for careers at …
a) schools b) colleges c) universities
3. Geologists are scientists who study…
a) people b) the Earth c) animals
4. Ecologist study…
a) environment b) the Earth c) geography
5. To be a Good Teacher means to be…
a) highly educated b) ignorant c) to know little
6. You will love teaching if you … people.
a) like b) hate c) dislike
7. My future profession will be …
a) of great use b) of little use c) of no use
8. I prefer to go in for teaching because of…
a) a long holding b)devotion to this work c) large salary
9. Psychology helps people in…
a) one sphere of life b) in all spheres of life c) nowhere
10. A good teacher must know…
a) psychology b) business c) journalism
Test 2
Choose the right variant:
1. We … see, hear and smell.
a) must b) can c) may
2. He … speak French.
a) mustn't b) needn’t c) can't
3. … I come in?
a) can b) must c) may
4. You … work hard at your pronunciation.
a) may b) to be to с) must
5. You … answer in English not in Russian.
a) can b) must c) may
6. … we do the exercise in writing?
a) may b) can c) must
7. You … do the exercise today you can do it tomorrow.
a) mustn't b) can't c) needn’t
8. … we to come at five?
a) must b) have c) are
9. It will rain soon. I … to put on my raincoat.
a) didn’t have b) was c) will have
10. We thought we … meet you there.
a) could b) might c) needn’t
Topical Vocabulary
to spread- простираться magnificent cathedral-великолепный собор
vast area-обширная площадь monument to-памятник к.-л.
to be nothing but-быть ничем иным, как department store-универмаг
however-однако to face-выходить на
fortress-крепость to be located-быть расположенным
amid woods and marshes-среди лесов и болот to mean-означать
to found-основывать to burn-жечь
to name after-назвать в честь ancient-древний
frontier settlement-пограничное поселение church-церковь
in the course of time-с течением времени masterpiece-шедевр
century-век crowds of tourists-толпы туристов
wealthy city-богатый город educational institution-учебное заведение
to suffer invasions-страдать от нашествий
research institution-научно-исследовательское учреждение
to destroy-разрушать technical college-техникум
to rise from ashes-подниматься из пепла
a huge number of smth.-большое количество
secondary and vocational schools-средние школы и училища
major-крупный archive-архив
leading branch of industry-ведущая отрасль промышленности
to be world famous (for smth.)-быть всемирно известным
(to be) well known for smth.-быть хорошо известным
to be a source of nation-wide pride-являться источником национальной гордости
to attract-привлевать
to become a scene of smth.-стать местом проведения ч.-л.
from all over the world-со всего мира railway station-ж/д вокзал
sight/ place of interest-достопримечательность airport-аэропорт
to consider-считать fascinating city-очаровательный город
1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
Moscow, Russia, the Moscow River, the Kremlin, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the Tatar invasion, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, St. Petersburg, Napoleon, the USSR, the Russian Federation, the Academy of Sciences, the Lenin Library, the Bolshoi Theatre, the Maly Theatre, Red Square, the Spasskaya Tower.
2. Find in the text the English equivalents for:
с трудом, купол, проспект, первоначальное поселение, хроника, торговый город, быть захваченным, строить укрепления, период упадка, рабочая сила, машиностроение, электронное оборудование, автоматика, распространить свою власть, при Иване Грозном.
3. Translate the following words and word combinations:
educational centre, population, to be situated, Prince, to be fortified, to be destroyed, to transfer, the main target, to be employed in, metallurgy, textiles, archive, a tourist attraction, chemical and petrochemical industries, footwear.
Text 1
You can hardly imagine the history of Russia without Moscow. Moscow is the capital of Russia, its administrative, economic, political and educational centre. It is the largest metropolitan area in Russia with the population of about 10 million people, one of the largest cities in the world. The city is situated on low hills on the banks of the Moscow River. Its total area is about nine hundred square kilometers.
The original settlement of Moscow was founded where the Kremlin now stands by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. It was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1147. It is the official date of the foundation of Moscow, though the settlement had been there for some time before.
Then, it was fortified and in the late 12th century it became a market town. The town was almost totally destroyed in 1237 and 1293 during the Tatar invasion. In the early 14th century Moscow became the political and religious centre of the north-eastern part of Russia. It was again captured by the Tatars in 1382. By the end of the 15th century, Moscow extended its rule over most of central and northern Russia. Its rulers continued to build fortifications around it.
In the 16th century, under Ivan the Terrible, Moscow became the capital of the state of Muscovy. In the 18th century Peter the Great transferred the capital to St. Petersburg. This transfer brought a period of decline to Moscow. But all the same it remained the heart of Russia. That is why it was the main target of Napoleon's attack in 1812. During the war of 1812 three quarters of the city were destroyed by the fire. But by the middle of the 19th century Moscow was completely rebuilt and it became a centre for industry and commerce, as well as a leading cultural, scientific and political centre.
After the October Revolution Moscow received again the status of capital of the USSR, and then, in 1991, of Russia. The present-day Moscow is the seat of the government of the Russian Federation. President of Russia lives and works here; government offices are located here, too.
Also, Moscow is Russia's largest industrial city. Nearly 30 percent of the city's workforce is employed in industry. Some of Russia's largest plants are located in or around Moscow. Metallurgy, metal processing and engineering are the largest industrial sectors. Other large sectors are textiles, clothing and footwear, chemical and petrochemical industries, electronic instruments and automation equipment.
Moscow is a leading cultural centre as well. It is the seat of the Academy of Sciences. Russian largest University, over 80 scientific research institutions, technical colleges and academies of music and art are situated here. There is the Lenin Library with one of the largest and richest archives in the world, over 80 museums, the famous Bolshoi and Maly Theatres.
Moscow is the main tourist attraction, where everyone can admire its straight and broad streets and avenues, theatres and museums, parks and squares, monuments to famous people, churches and cathedrals. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. Everybody knows this place because Kremlin is situated here. Now the main Kremlin Tower, the Spasskaya Tower has become the symbol of the country.
In 1997 the city of white stone and golden domes celebrated the 850th anniversary.
1. Answer the questions:
1) What is Moscow?
2) Where is Moscow situated?
3) Who founded the original settlement of Moscow?
4) Who and when destroyed Moscow?
5) When did Moscow receive the status of capital?
6) Why was there a period of decline to Moscow in 18th century?
7) Why was Moscow the main target for Napoleon?
8) What is the present-day Moscow?
9) What sights of Moscow do you know?
10) When was the 850th anniversary of Moscow?
True or false?
1. The population of Moscow is about 1 million people.
2. We celebrated the 850th anniversary of Moscow in 1987.
3. The heart of Moscow is Red Square
4. In the 16th century Moscow became the capital of the state Moscovy under Peter the Great.
5. Moscow is the seat of the Academy of Sciences.
3. Add more information:
1. Moscow is Russia’s largest industrial centre …
2. Moscow was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1147 …
3. Moscow is the main tourist attraction …
4. Moscow is the capital of Russia, its …
5. Moscow if the centre of the political life in the country …
4. Fill in the gaps with necessary phrases or words:
I) Moscow is Russian... centre. 2) The total area of Moscow is.... 3)...by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. 4)... during the Tatar invasion. 5) In the 18th century Peter the Great... and this brought.... 6) After the October Revolution Moscow received.... 7) Nearly 30 percent of the city's.... 8) There are largest Russian sectors in Moscow, such as.... 9)... is the main tourist attraction. 10)... have become the symbol of the country.
5. Ask the questions to the words which are in italics:
1) One can hardly imagine the history of Russia without Moscow. 2) The population of Moscow is about 10 million people. 3) The official date of foundation of Moscow is 1147. 4) In the 15th century Moscow extended its rule over most of central and northern Russia. 5) Under Ivan the Terrible Moscow became the capital of the state of Muscovy. 6) The capital of Moscow was transferred to St. Petersburg by Peter the Great. 7) During the war of 1812 three quarters of the city were destroyed by fire. 8) President of Russia lives and works in Moscow. 9) There are the Lenin Library with one of the largest and richest archives of the world in Moscow. 10) The heart of Moscow is Red Square with Kremlin.
Text 2
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