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Participle as Subjective Predicative (Complex Subject)

2017-10-16 1681
Participle as Subjective Predicative (Complex Subject) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The participle may be used as Complex Subjectafter the pas­sive of the verbs to find, to hear, to see and to make:

§ Then he was found barricaded in a little hut.

§ He was seen engaged in a conversation with a charming girl.


Ex. 151. Choose between the infinitive and the ing-form as subjective predicative:

1. He was left... a couple of hours. (to sleep) 2. When the car was heard... the people fled anywhere to avoid the police. (to approach) 3. He was understood... the new teacher. (to be) 4. Her brother was reported... alive in Europe. (to be) 5. I don't see how anyone can be expected... a case like this. (to tackle) 6. His book was found... a fine piece of writing. (to be) 7. In your story he is shown... a lot for other people. (to do) 8. I was made... at the gate. (to stand) 9. She may have found the note because she was seen... through the book. (to look) 10. He has never been known... his temper at rehearsals. (to lose) 11. I think you'd like to know, sir, that the train has been heard.... (to whistle) 12. People can feel satisfaction if they are made... they are doing a useful service. (to feel) 13. When they were getting into the car he was heard... good luck to the girl. (to wish) 14. From the hill a man could be seen... half a mile away. (to run) 15. He was instructed... for a special grant. (to apply) 16. It was a two-storey grey building with a porch that no one was meant... on. (to sit) 17. The strong currents were thought... bathing dangerous. (to make) 18. She was found... herself by the fire. (to warm) 19. He was forced... out of his present job. (to get) 20. She was understood as... any interviews. (to refuse) 21. Renny was heard... gaily in his room. (to whistle) 22. The game was intended … time until about nine o'clock. (to kill) 23. She was heard... the light on. (to turn) 24. He has been known... his temper occasionally. (to show) 25. Meg was called upon... her opinion. (to express) 26. Two constables were left... his arrival. (to await) 27. He was found... a well-read man. (to be) 28. His clothes were left... wherever they happened to fall. (to lie) 29. "You were seen... the ring." "I took it but I didn't steal it." (to take) 30. The car belonged to the firm, and I wasn't supposed... it for my own pleasure. (to use) 31. The invitation was treated as... a good sign. (to be) 32. He is in hospital. And his condition is reported as... serious. (to be)

Ex. 152. Use the required form of the infinitive in its function of subjec­tive predicative:

1. Monty was rumoured... his wife. (to divorce) 2. People were asked... which of the tour courses they preferred. (to indicate) 3. "Do you know who made up the story?" "No, but it's said... someone in the office." (to be) 4. We were alleged... our official knowledge to make some money. (to use) 5. They went off, and I was left... the situation. (to face) 6. They were understood.... (to quarrel) 7. "Have you seen anything of Roberta lately?" "She is supposed... a book." (to write) 8. His death was supposed... by the fire. (to cause) 9. No one seemed to know her whereabouts. She was thought... with friends in the country. (to stay) 10. She was not expected..., but she did. (to reply)

Ex. 153. Translate the following into English using infinitives or ing-form s as subjective predicatives:

1. Слышали, как посетитель в разговоре с моим отцом упомя­нул какой-то несчастный случай. (to hear) 2. Ему посоветовали не рассказывать им о своей жизни. (to advise) 3. Девочке велели разлить в чашки чай. (to tell) 4. Слышали, как несколько минут тому назад они спорили на террасе. (to hear) 5. «Я имел обыкновение украдкой уходить из дома вечером, — сказал он, — когда предполагалось, что я занимаюсь, в цер­ковь, чтобы поиграть на органе». (to suppose) 6. Полагают, что он глубоко привязан к семье. (to believe) 7. Было известно, что он пишет книгу о войне. (to know) 8. Через окно можно было видеть, что водитель ждет у маши­ны. (to see) 9. На этот раз меня попросили зайти к нему домой. (to ask) 10. Говорили, что он изменил свое решение. (to report) 11. Когда я позвонил в дверь, было слышно, как в холле лает собака. (to hear) 12. Было известно, что он никогда не отказывался принять пациента в любое время. (to know) 13. Ему разрешили оставить у них свою фамилию и адрес. (to allow) 14. Симон и Дик остались разговаривать в гостиной. (to leave) 15. Ей дали понять, что она должна выехать из этой квартиры. (to make) 16. Кое-кто полагал, что у него есть связи с лондонским отделе­нием фирмы. (to believe) 17. Нас оставили посмотреть фильм. (to leave) 18. Его не видно целую неделю. Говорят, что он в отпуске. (to say) 19. Ему велели прийти сюда к мистеру Эбботу. (to tell) 20. Фокса нашли ожидающим нас на террасе. (to find) 21. Билла провели в гостиную и оставили там рассматривать картины. (to leave) 22. От нас не требуют, чтобы мы сказали, что для него хорошо, а что нет. (to require) 23. Его присутствие было неожиданным, потому что говорили, что он путешествует на Востоке. (to say) 24. Я подумал, что спички не оставляют лежать в саду просто так. (to leave) 25. Я был болен в то время, и миссис Барнаби оставили уха­живать за мной. (to leave) 26. Считалось, что она ушла от мужа. (to believe)



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