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Participle as Part of a Compound Verbal Predicate

2017-10-16 1892
Participle as Part of a Compound Verbal Predicate 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The participle as part of a compound verbal predicate is found after the verbs: to lie, to sit and to stand:

§ He stood surprised in front of his house.

§ He was sitting relaxed in his chair.


Ex. 127. Choose between the infinitive and the ing-form as part of a com­pound verbal predicate in the following sentences:

1. I seem my life saying good-bye. (to spend) 2. I left the clothes lying wherever they happened …. (to fall) 3. She waited while Johnson went round … hands with every­body. (to shake) 4. When they chanced … she always gave him a friendly smile. (to meet) 5. As I stood … on the corner of the street, Gerald Sutton came by. (to wait) 6. Саro sat … the side of her glass. (to stroke) 7. I happened into her in the library. (to run) 8. Then a cricket ball came … through the window and rolled underneath the piano. (to smash) 9. The print seemed before his eyes. (to blur) 10. I find plenty to do. I have a very nice neighbour. We go and … together. (to fish, to sail) 11. Tom never seemed … his mother to know what he had been doing. (to want) 12. I woke abruptly from sleep and sat up …. (to listen) 13. Martha was out her friend. (to meet) 14. He doesn't seem … what love means. (to know) 15. Dick considered her suggestion and appeared … it acceptable. (to find) 16. Her office turned out … in one of the back streets. (to be) 17. So I sat … at the diary, as at a blank space in a crossword puzzle. (to stare) 18. Jimmy proved … a good teacher. (to be) 19. "So what?" she eyed me curiously. There seemed a faint foreign accent in her voice. (to be) 20. I sat … from time to time that he would just go away. (to wish)

Ex. 128. Use the required form of the infinitive in its function of part of a compound verbal predicate:

1. He seemed... all the friendliness he had shown at our previous meeting. (to lose) 2. "I happen... her lawyer and she telephoned to me," I said to the man. (to be) 3. It became clear that Charles was still idle. He seemed... scarcely any law. (to read) 4. The cat seems... missing for about three weeks. (to be) 5. He appeared... that they had had the first serious difference of opinion in the whole of their married life. (to forget) 6. "Dr Salt, what do you think you're doing?" "People seem... me that for days," said Dr Salt mildly. (to ask) 7. Not going home, in fact, seemed lately... the pattern of his life. (to become) 8. My mother thought that his hobbies would get him nowhere. In this she turned out... wrong. (to be) 9. It seemed... in the room. The floor, the chairs, the desk were covered in drifts of white. It was torn paper. (to snow) 10. She leant far over the banister and strained her ears. All the family seemed... at once. (to talk) 11. The general seemed... a great deal. (to age) 12. Charles met me the first day I came to London, and our friend­ship seemed... a long time. (to establish) 13. He did not even seem... what the fuss was about. (to under­stand) 14. In front of one window there was a small table and Harry was sitting at it, peering at a pile of papers which he seemed... or.... (to copy, to translate) 15. When I arrived there I didn't see the dog. Not much else seemed.... (to change) 16. Then I caught sight of her on the far side of the square. She seemed... good-bye to someone. (to say)

Ex. 129. Translate the following into English using infinitives as part of a compound verbal predicate:

1. Это оказалось правдой. (to turn out) 2. Он, кажется, получил все, что хотел. (to seem) 3. «Где мисс Стоун?» — «Она, кажется, работает в справоч­ном отделе библиотеки». (to seem) 4. Казалось, что у него нет дружеских отношений ни с кем в отделе. (to appear) 5. Боб взглянул на мать, чтобы понять, как она реагирует на разговор. Но она, казалось, не слушала. (to seem) 6. Его сведения оказались правильными. (to turn out) 7. Казалось, что она пишет или рисует. (to seem) 8. Казалось, что сплетни эти не были восприняты моими брать­ями всерьез. (to seem) 9. Он, кажется, мой единственный друг. (to seem) 10. Мой отец слушал серьезно или, по крайней мере, созда­валось впечатление, что он слушал. (to appear) 11. У нас, кажется, уже был этот разговор раньше. (to seem) 12. Похоже, никто из вас не знает, как вести себя прилично. (to seem) 13. Казалось, что его удивил этот слух. (to seem) 14. Было такое впечатление, что он не слышал, что она сказа­ла. (to appear) 15. Я не знал этого парня, но он, кажется, всем тогда нравился. (to seem) 16. Случилось так, что он был приглашен на обед к Роджеру. (to happen) 17. Так случилось, что я первый узнал об этом. (to happen) 18. Энн познакомилась со своим молодым человеком на тан­цах, и позже они много развлекались вместе, потому что он оказался хорошим парнем. (to prove)

Ex. 130. Translate the following into English using ing-form s as part of a compound verbal predicate:

1. Он ездил верхом каждый день. 2. Она сидела, уставившись прямо перед собой. 3. Он вернулся с очень расстроенным видом. 4. Вокруг сидело несколько человек, они ели сандвичи и ку­рили. 5. Я сказала мужу, что мне хочется пойти потанцевать. 6. Она долго лежала и плакала. 7. В то утро мальчик отправился кататься на лодке один. 8. Я ничего не сказал, и мальчик ушел, насвистывая. 9. Мы стояли и ждали, когда откроются двери. 10. В то утро я пошел купаться. 11. Она ушла в магазин. 12. При первом же порыве ветра шляпа ее мужа полетела по воздуху. 13. Они сидели и разговаривали о планах на будущее.


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