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Rostov – on – Don.
Every city has its own spirit and peculiarities. As Marietta Shaginyan said: “Rostov is a city founded by traders for trade”. In this big southern city people of 130 nationalities live. It’s location is remarkable. It is situated at the cross of all roads leading to the South. “The Gates of the Caucasus” we call it. Its favourable location was the reason of its prosperity.
Rostov is a young city. We have just celebrated its 260 anniversary. There are no many places of historical or architectural interest in Rostov. It’s not only because of the age but because of the Great Patriotic War too. During the last war the city was greatly damaged. But all the same there are some interesting places here. The Gorky Theatre on Teatralnaya square. Built in the 30 of the last century it resembles a tractor in its form. It’s a constructive style fashionable for those years. Old fascinating buildings in Sadovaya street which are worth seeing, are the building of “Duma”, the hotel “Moskovskaya”, the restaurant “Yolky – Palky”. They were designed by academician – architect Pomerantzev at the beginning of the 20 century. The golden domes of the Cathedral draw our attention, too.
Rostov is a big industrial center. “Rostselmash” and “Rostvertol” are famouse all over the country.
It is a big cultural centre. There are 4 theatres here, many libraries, Universities and museums.
Rostov is getting bigger and bigger and it is one of the largest and important cities in Russia.
II. Language work.
Practise the pronunciation of the following words and phrases.
Peculiarities, favourable location, the Great Patriotic War, the Cathedral, domes, the restaurant, academician, fascinating, architect, century.
2. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations:
Spirit and peculiarities, at the cross, “The Gates of the Caucasus”, favourable location, prosperity, because of, the Great Patriotic War, all the same, to resemble, a constructive style, fashionable, to be worth seeing, at the beginning, the golden domes, to draw attention, to be getting bigger.
3. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:
Привлекать внимания, вначале, модный, напоминать, Великая Отечественная Война, процветание, “Ворота Кавказа”, дух и особенности, становиться больше, золотые купола, стоит посмотреть, конструктивистский стиль, все равно, из – за, благоприятное местоположение, на перекрестке.
4. Translate into English:
1. Город был построен на месте крепости, носивший имя Дмитрия Ростовского.
2. Благоприятное местоположение способствовало процветанию.
3. Казаки создали особую культуру и традиции.
4. Дон был Родиной всех лидеров крестьянских войн.
5. Дух бунта всегда жил в их душах.
6. Во время Отечественной войны город был сильно разрушен.
7. Театр, построенный в 30-х годах прошлого столетия, имел форму трактора.
8. Любимое место отдыха – Ростовская набережная.
Complete the sentences and use them as a plan for your future talk on the history of Rostov – on – Don.
1. Rostov is a big southern city situated at …...
2. Its favourable location was …...
3. We call it ….., because …...
4. It’s a young city. We’ve just …...
5. It doesn’t have many ……, because ……
6. But all the same have there are interesting places, which are ……...
7. They are: ……..
8. Rostov is a big cultural center because …….
9. Rostov is an industrial city as ……...
10. Rostov is getting …….. Its population is ……..
1. What is your native city?
2. Comment on the benefits and drawbacks of living in a big city.
3. What will be the role of Rostov – on – Don in the 21-st century?
The Role of Foreign Languages
Answer the following questions:
1. When did Russian people begin to study foreign languages as a subject?
2. What first foreign languages were studied in Russia?
3. When did Russians begin learning English?
4. How many languages are there in the world?
5. What language is spoken in Mexico?
6. What language is spoken in France?
7. What language is spoken in Brazil?
8. Where do people speak Mandarin?
9. Is English the official language of Russia?
10. What is the official language of Russia?
11. Where is English the official language?
12. About 5000; about 250 years ago; Spanish; Classical languages: Greece, Latin; later German and French; In China; at the end of XIX century; the USA, Canada, British Isles, Australia, New Zealand; Portuguese; Of course, not; French; Russian.
III. Practise saying, translate and learn the vocabulary:
· to find out, discover
· to read books in the original
· to talk to foreigners
· to have a profound knowledge of foreign languages
· to improve living, working conditions
· to be persistent in studies
· to travel abroad
· to have something to do in your spare time
· to be familiar with social and cultural life
· to participate in conversations with people
· the chief (leading, main) language of international business
· advertising
· satellite broadcasting
· to be effective medium of international communication
· to be convinced
· to open up opportunities and careers
· to broaden the mind
· to be acquainted with the unknown culture
· to depend on smb’s own efforts
· to sign international contracts
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