Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

Find the definitions (in the right column) of the given words (in the left column).

2017-07-31 835
Find the definitions (in the right column) of the given words (in the left column). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Study the words and phrases.

to be in business – заниматься бизнесом

wholesale distributor - оптовый дистрибьютор

to go into (out of) business – начать (выйти) бизнес

retailer – розничный торговец

to expand - расширяться

to compete (competition, competitor) - конкурировать

at a competitive price – по конкурентоспособной цене

manufacturing company – компания-производитель

property – собственность

to increase – увеличивать

to produce – производить

demand (for) – спрос на

production - производство

market (local, domestic, overseas, international) – рынок (местный, внутренний, зарубежный)

wholesaler – оптовик

Find the definitions (in the right column) of the given words (in the left column).

manufacturing company wholesaler   retailer   competitor market exporter domestic market - a company (or a person) selling goods in bulk - the goods are sold in the same country they are produced - a company (or a person) which sells or manufactures the same product - the one selling goods in small quantities - an area where certain goods are sold - a company which sells goods abroad - the company producing goods

Study the text and find the English equivalents.

1.... говорят, что компания занимается бизнесом...:

2. …если компания-производитель расширяется, то она обычно расширяет производство товаров

3.... компания (или человек), продающий товары небольшими партиями, называется розничным торговцем...;

4. …oни находятся в состоянии конкуренции...;

5. …если компания имеет преимущество над конкурентами...;

6.... спрос на определенные товары...:

7. …компания, которая продает товары...;

8.... зарубежный рынок...;

9.... начинает продажу товаров за рубежом...;

10.... в небольших количествах...;

A company is also called a firm or a business. While it is producing goods or trad­ing, it is said to be in business. A firm which is just starting up is going into business and a com­pany which stops operating goes out of business. If a company gets bigger, it expands. The expansion of a firm means it can produce more goods or sell more of its products.

A manufacturer (or manufacturing company) produces goods. The goods it makes are its products. When a manufacturing company expands, it usually increases production. If one year it produces 100 tones and the next year it produces 110 tones, it has increased pro­duction by 10%.

A company which sells goods in large quantities (in bulk) is called a wholesale distributor (or wholesaler). A company or person buying goods in bulk (or wholesale) and sell­ing them in small quantities is a retailer. Most local shops are retailers and sell goods in retail.

Two or more companies which sell or manufacture the same product are competi­tors (or rivals). They are in competition and they compete for customers. In order to sell more goods than its rivals, a company must be competitive. It is important to keep ahead of the com­petition by selling at competitive prices. If one company has an advantage over its competitors (for example a cheaper or better product) it gives them an edge on the market.

An area where there is a demand for certain goods is called a market. A company which markets (sells) goods locally caters for the local market. Goods sold in the same coun­try as they are produced are sold on the home (or domestic) market. A company which sells goods abroad is an exporter. An exporter (or export company) sells goods on the internation­al (or overseas) market. The goods it exports are called exports. A company which starts sell­ing goods overseas is said to go into exporting (or to go into the export/exporting business). An importer buys goods abroad and imports them into his own country. The goods are then called imports and the process of importing is called importation.


Find the definitions (in the right column) of the given words (in the left column).

packaging costs (charges) - a cover against loss or damage of goods in transit

export credit - goods in transit

insurance - payment for packing goods;

freight (cargo) - money borrowed from banks to finance exporting

handling charges - money paid for loading and unloading goods

tax relief - smaller tax paid on money earned abroad



Study the words and phrases

to quote a price – назначить цену

bill – счет

costs (overall costs, unit cost) – затраты, стоимость, себестоимость

costing, costing sheet – калькуляционная ведомость

transaction – сделка

delivery (advice) note – авизо, накладная
profit (profit margin) – прибыль

Accounts Department – расчетный отдел

Pricing – ценообразование

supply and demand – предложение и спрос

invoice – счет-фактура

to charge a price – затребовать цену

receipt – квитанция

to consider, to take into consideration – учитывать, принимать во внимание



Study the words and phrases

to appoint – назначать

shift system – система сменной работы

skills – навыки

to negotiate – вести переговоры

to recruit – подбирать кадры

unrest – конфликт (в промышленности)

to hire – нанимать

bonus payment – премиальные

salary, wages – зарплата

notice – уведомление

to retire – увольняться

assembly – сборка, монтаж

overtime – сверхурочно

productivity – производительность

to promote – повышать по службе



Study the words and phrases

to borrow – взять взаймы

debt – долг

loan – заем

partnership – товарищество

overdraft – ссуда, овердрафт

shareholder – акционер

collateral – ипотека, залог

share – акция, доля

to be liable – быть ответственным

stake – доля

sole proprietor – единоличный владелец


Translate into English

Чтобы начать дело, нужен капитал. Можно занять деньги в банке в виде займа или овердрафта. В этом случае необходимо залоговое обеспечение чтобы заемщик, в случае неудачного бизнеса, мог выплатить долги кредитору.

Фирма может быть как в единоличном владении, так и принадлежать нескольким партнерам. В компании с ограниченной ответственности все партнеры несут ответственность за долги кредиторам. Все они являются акционерами и имеют прибыль от своего предприятия, если бизнес успешен.

Капитал, который берут в долг, называется заемным капиталом. Капитал, полученный от инвесторов, называется акционерным капиталом.



Study the words and phrases

Bill of Exchange – вексель

Documents against Acceptance – документы против акцепта

Letter of Credit – аккредитив

title deed – документ, подтверждающий право на что-либо

Sight Bill – вексель на предъявителя

Drawer – трассант

negotiable – отчуждаемый

drawee – трассат

to discount, (Discount House) – учитывать, продавать (векселя)

Documents against Payment – документы за наличный расчет

to authorize – уполномочивать




1. Вставьте to be в нужной форме.

- There … much mail on the desk.

- Who … meeting the customers?

- We … going to meet foreign representatives today.

- It … difficult to be in business.

- They …meeting the delegation at the airport.

2. Напишите вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:

- Yes. He is the manager of the company.

- There is much furniture in the office.

- She is looking through morning mail.

- This trading center is near the park

- Thank you, but I don’t like coffee.


3. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

- Алло, могу я поговорить с господином Стоуном?

- К сожалению, нет. Он занят.

- Но мы договорились о встрече сегодня.

- Как Вас зовут?

- Иванов. Мы должны встретиться в 10 часов утра.

- Но сейчас 9.50. позвоните, пожалуйста, через 10 минут.

- Хорошо, я перезвоню.

4. Составьте письмо-запрос на английском языке в адрес английской компании. Соблюдайте форму и структуру делового письма.


-сообщите, где Вы прочитали рекламу о производимых этой компанией мужских костюмах (men’s suits);

-напишите что Вы хотели бы закупить партию мужских костюмов в количестве 200 штук;

-узнайте их стоимость на условиях поставки CIF Одесса;

-сообщите в письме, что если, Вас устроят цена и качество костюмов, Вы в дальнейшем сможете делать большие заказы;

-попросите дать ответ как можно скорее.


5. Переведите с английского языка на русский язык.

A company is also called a firm or a business. While it is p roducing goods or trading, it is said to be in business. A firm which is just starting up is going into business and a company which stops operating goes out of business. If a company gets bigger, it expands. The expansion of a firm means it can produce more goods or sell more of its products.

A manufacturer (or manufacturing company) produces goods. The goods it makes are its products. When a manufacturing company expands, it usually increases production. If one year it produces 100 tonnes and the next year it produces 110 tonnes, it has increased production by 10%.





1. Вставьте to be в нужной форме.

- Our company … large and international.

- The product of the company … its bookshelves.

- The goods … in transit.

- Their production manager … at the plant.

- His work … not difficult at all.


2. Напишите вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:

- No, I won’t be busy this evening.

- I have never been to this city.

- Yes, It’s a very beautiful country.

- You are right, the company is the leader on the market.

- They always produce nice goods.


3. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

- Чем Вы занимаетесь?

- Я просматриваю письма.

- А Вы уже звонили господину Блейку?

- Да, но его нет в офисе.

- А где он?

- Он на заводе.

- Когда он вернется?

- Я думаю, через час.


4. Составьте (на английском языке) письмо-заказ, состоящее из сопроводительного письма и бланка заказа, на приобретение у английской компании партии мужских костюмов в количестве 200 штук при следующих базовых условиях поставки:

-поставка на условиях CIF Одесса;

-цена 60,7 фунтов за единицу товара;

-цвет: черный, серый и синий;

-размеры L и XL;

-форма оплаты: путем открытия аккредитива.

Соблюдайте форму и структуру делового письма.


5.Переведите с английского языка на русский язык.


Two or more companies which sell or manufacture the same product are competitors. They are in competition and they compete for customers. In order to sell more goods than its rivals, a company must be competitive. It is important to keep ahead of the competition by selling at competitive prices. If one company has an advantage over its competitors (for example a cheaper or better product) it gives them an edge on the market.

An area where there is a demand for certain goods is called a market. A company which markets (sells) goods locally is called the local market. Goods sold in the same country as they are produced are sold on the home (or domestic) market. A company which sells goods abroad is an exporter. An exporter (or export company) sells goods on the international (or overseas) market.


1. Вставьте to be в нужной форме.

- There … many successful companies on the international market.

- I shall … busy with my documents this month.

- His secretary … in London last year.

- I … not meeting the delegation at that time.

- He and his family … all in business.


2. Напишите вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:

- I have already done it.

- He is always late for his work.

- The weather has never been so bad.

- No, they don’t live in Moscow.

- I speak English a little.


3. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

- Простите, с кем я говорю?

- Это Джонсон, из Лондона компания «Блэк энд Ко»

- Рад слышать Вас. Какие-нибудь проблемы?

- Нет, все в порядке. Я лишь хочу сказать, прилетаю в Москву в понедельник,

рейс 555.

- Прекрасно. Мы Вас встретим.

- Я был бы очень рад. Я никогда не был в Москве и не знаю город.

- Не беспокойтесь. Ждем Вас в понедельник.


4. Составьте на английском языке письмо-подтверждение заказа английской компании на приобретение у Вас партии изделий, которые Ваша компания производит либо дистрибьютором которых она является. Соблюдайте форму и структуру делового письма.


5. Переведите с английского языка на русский язык.


When a company exports goods abroad there are many problems it must consider, e.g. packaging, transportation, insurance and payment. First the goods must be packed carefully in containers to protect them from damage. The containers must be labelled clearly to show where they are going. The label may also show what the containers contain.

Goods can be transported by sea or by air, by a shipping company or by an airline. If the goods are shipped, then transportation must be arranged from the factory to the docks.This can either be by road in trucks or by rail. The shipment must be insured against loss or damage in transit. If the goods are damaged in transit the company is covered by the insurance.



1.Вставьте to be в нужной форме.

- He … going to be the representative of the company.

- The working hours … from 7 till 15 o’clock.

- The company workers will … here till 8 in the evening.

- The price of the product … very high.

- He … happy to see his friend last week.


2. Напишите вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:

- He has never been to the theatre.

- I don’t know her name.

- Yes, he has got a son.

- I’ll be there in a few minutes.

- I can’t believe it.


3. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

- Кого Вы встречаете сегодня?

- Это наши партнеры из Китая.

- Они были когда-нибудь в Москве?

- По-моему нет. Они ничего не говорили об этом.

- А они говорят по-русски?

- Нет. Со мной будет переводчик.

- Они едут по делу или как туристы?

- Конечно, по делу.


4. Составьте письмо-благодарность на английском языке. Соблюдайте форму и структуру делового письма. Поблагодарите за приглашение на выставку и сообщите, что вышлите свой экспонат в ближайшее время.

5. Переведите с английского языка на русский язык.


Exporting brings foreign currency into the countries, so governments encourage export trade by giving assistance and incentives (стимулы) to exporters. Often companies borrow money from banks to finance exporting. This money is called export credit. A government department called the E.C.G.D. (Export, Credit, Guarantee Department) gives a guarantee to the bank. This guarantee means the government carries the loss if the foreign buyer does not pay. It is a kind of insurance for the bank and the export/exporting company. Another form of government assistance or incentive is tax relief or tax advantages. Every company must pay a proportion of its earnings to the government in the form of tax. Tax relief means that exporters pay less tax on money earned abroad.


1. Вставьте to be в нужной форме.

- We … in London for a long time.

- His work … to teach students.

- I … going to work for a big company.

- He will … given higher payment.

- They … angry with the boy.


2. Напишите вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:

- Oh no, I have never spoken to him.

- I would like to.

- Thank you so much for your invitation.

- I’m afraid, I can’t.

- If I have time, I’ll join you.


3. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

- Вы расстроены, не так ли?

- Да, немного.

- Что-нибудь случилось?

- Я должен встретить своего партнера в аэропорту, но не успеваю к рейсу.

- Могу я чем-нибудь помочь?

- Видите ли. Моя машина сломалась и я не могу поймать такси.

- Но я могу подвезти Вас до аэропорта. У меня есть машина.

- В самом деле? Я был бы Вам очень благодарен.


4. Составьте деловое письмо на английском языке. Соблюдайте форму и структуру делового письма.

5. Переведите с английского языка на русский язык.

The Trade Fair is an exhibition of goods and a company exhibits a sample of its product at its stand. This is also a form of publicity (or advertising) and the company representative will probably hand out publicity brochures to advertize (or promote) the product further. Often journalists (the press) write about the trade fair and sometimes companies hold a press conference if they want to promote a particular model or range.

Another way of promoting (or publicizing) a new product is to place advertisements in magazines or newspapers. Advertisements are also called adverts or ads for short. A plan to do a lot of advertizing of one product is called a campaign. Starting an advertizing campaign on a new product is known as launching the product.

The aim of publicity/promotion is to interest customers (or buyers, or clients) in the product. When they decide to buy, they place an order. At a Trade Fair companies are trying to win (obtain) as many orders as possible.




1. Переведите на английский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова.

Exporting, assistance, company, department, credit, guarantee, tax, contract, transportation, documentation, agent, declaration form, function, certificate.


2.Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения.


Exporting brings currency to the country, so the government encourages export trade by giving assistance to exporters. Often companies borrow money from banks to finance exporting. This money is called export credit. A money department called the E.G.C.D. (Export, Credit, Guarantee Department) gives a guarantee to the bank. This guarantee means the government carries the loss if the foreign buyer does not pay. It is a kind of insurance for the bank and the exporter. Another form of government assistance is tax relief or tax advantage. Every company must pay a proportion of its earnings to the government in the form of tax.

An person or a company representing another company is called an agent. An agent who handles the documentation or transportation of exported goods is called an import agent or a forwarding agent. The import agent is responsible for the dispatch of goods to the buyer and for arranging the documentation. The main documents involved in exporting goods are Bill of Lading, the customs declaration form, the insurance certificate, and sometimes a certificate of origin.

The Bill of Lading has three functions: 1) it is receipt for the goods signed by the shipping company; 2) it is a contract between the shipping company and the forwarding agent; 3)it is the document which proves ownership of the goods.


3. Переведите на русский язык 2, 3 абзацы (письменно).

4. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой излагается информация в тексте.



1. What are the functions of the Bill of Lading?

2. What does an agent?

3. Why does government assist exporters?

4. How does government assist exporting companies?


1. Exporting brings currency to the country.

2. The government carries the loss if the foreign buyer does not pay. It is a kind of insurance for the bank and the exporter.

3. Another form of government assistance is tax relief or tax advantage.1) it is receipt for the goods signed by the shipping company; 2) it is a contract between the shipping company and the forwarding agent; 3)it is the document which proves ownership of the goods.

4. He handles the documentation or transportation of exported goods is called an import agent or a forwarding agent. The import agent is responsible for the dispatch of goods to the buyer and for arranging the documentation.

5. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания предложения в соответствии с информацией из текста.


1.The import agent is responsible for – by giving assistance to exporters.
2. An agent who handles the documentation or transportation of exported goods - are Bill of Lading, the customs declaration form, the insurance certificate, and sometimes a certificate of origin.
3. The government encourages export trade - is called an import agent or a forwarding agent.
4. The main documents involved in exporting goods - for the dispatch of goods to the buyer and for arranging the documentation.


Контрольные задания тестового характера.



TEST 1 (исходный)



TEST 5 (итоговый)



1. Study the words and phrases.

to be in business – заниматься бизнесом

wholesale distributor - оптовый дистрибьютор

to go into (out of) business – начать (выйти) бизнес

retailer – розничный торговец

to expand - расширяться

to compete (competition, competitor) - конкурировать

at a competitive price – по конкурентоспособной цене

manufacturing company – компания-производитель

property – собственность

to increase – увеличивать

to produce – производить

demand (for) – спрос на

production - производство

market (local, domestic, overseas, international) – рынок (местный, внутренний, зарубежный)

wholesaler – оптовик

Find the definitions (in the right column) of the given words (in the left column).

manufacturing company wholesaler   retailer   competitor market exporter domestic market - a company (or a person) selling goods in bulk - the goods are sold in the same country they are produced - a company (or a person) which sells or manufactures the same product - the one selling goods in small quantities - an area where certain goods are sold - a company which sells goods abroad - the company producing goods

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