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· 2 largepotatoes
· 1 tablespoonoil
· Pinchofasafetida (Hing)
· 1/2 teaspooncuminseeds (Jeera)
· 1/2 teaspoonmustardseeds (Rai)
· 1/2 teaspoonturmeric (Haldi)
· 1 finely chopped green chili
· 1/2 teaspoon salt
· 1 teaspoonlemonjuice
· 1 tablespoonchoppedcilantro
Method of cooking:
1. Boiled the potatoes until they are soft and let cool.
2. Peel and chop the potatoes in small pieces.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan on medium high. Test the heat by adding one cumin seed to the oil. Of it cracks right a way, the oil is ready.
4. Add the cumin seeds, mustard seeds and asafetida. As the seeds crack, add turmeric, potatoes, green chili, and salt.
5. Stir-fry for a few minutes.
6. Add lemon juice and cilantro.
7. The potatoes should be slightly moist and not very dry.
Eggless Vanilla Cake with Strawberry Sauce
· 1-3/4 cup all-purpose flour (maida or plain flour)
· 4 tablespoonscornstarch
· 1 1/2 teaspoonbakingpowder
· 1 teaspoonbakingsoda
· 1/4 teaspoonsalt
· 1 cupunsaltedbutterroomtemperature
· 1 cupsugar
· 2 teaspoonsvanillaextract
· 1/2 cupyoghurtroomtemperature
· 1 cupmilkroomtemperature
· 1 cup raspberry, use fresh or frozen
· 1-1/2 cup strawberry, use fresh or frozen
· 1/4 cupfreshorangejuice
· 1 tablespooncornstarch
· 3/4 cupsugar
Method of cooking:
1. Sieve flour, corn starch, baking soda, baking powder and salt, set aside.
2. In a bowl, cream the butter and sugar until creamy using the electric mixer on low speed. Dontoverbeat.
3. Add yogurt and vanilla essence to the butter mix keep mixing on low speed and add the milk slowly. Mixwillnotbeverysmooth.
4. Add the flour few spoons at a time into the batter. Keep folding using the whisk, until all the flour is incorporated in to the butter mix, Do not over beat.
5. Scoop the batter into baking molds filling them about 2/3 full.
6. Bake for 20 minutes (350 degree F) check the cakes inserting a knife in the center and it should come out clean. It took me 22 minutes.
7. After cakes come to the room temperature take them out from the molds.
8. First wash strawberries, and raspberries hulled and slice the strawberries.
9. Combine all the ingredients except corn starch, in a small pot over medium high heat, bring to boil. Mix the corn starch with about 2 tablespoons of water making smooth paste and add to strawberries.
10. Lower the heat to medium cook for 2-3 minutes, stir continually. Turn off the heat and sauce ready.
CerealChivda (Snack)
· 4 cupsricecrispycereal
· 1/2 cupcornflakes
· 1/2 cupfinepotatosticks
· 1 tablespoonraisins
· 1/2 cuproastedpeanuts
· 1/2 cuproastedchanadal
· 3 tablespoonsoil
· 1/2 teaspoonmustardseeds (Ri)
· Pinchofasafetida (hing)
· 1 green chili chopped adjust to taste
· About 10 curryleaves
· 1/2 teaspoonfennelseeds (saunf)
· 1/4 teaspoonturmeric (haldi)
· 1/4 spoon red chili powder adjust to taste
· 1/2 teaspoonsaltadjust totaste
· 1/4 teaspoonmangopowder (amchoor)
Method of cooking:
1. Heat the oil in a wide saucepan over medium high heat. After oil is moderately hot add mustard seeds.
2. As mustard seeds crack add asafetida, green chili, and curry leaves. As precaution cover the pan immediately for few seconds because as you add curry leaves to oil it will splatter.
3. Lower the heat to medium low, stir-fry for about 30 seconds; add raisins, peanuts and chana dal, stir-fry for one minute.
4. Add fennel seeds, chili powder, turmeric, and salt mix it well.
5. Add rice crispy cereal and corn flakes (crush the corn flakes before adding to the mix) stir the mixture gently, add potato sticks mix it well quick and turn off the heat.
6. Let the cereal chivda cool of to room temperature before serving.
7. Cereal chivda can be kept for several days in airtight container.
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