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«+» – утвердительное предложение:
S + V + O + Adv.
(S – Subject – подлежащее; V – Verb – глагол-сказуемое; O – Object – дополнение; Adv – Adverbial modifier – обстоятельство)
The police (S) arrested (V) the criminal (O) at the airport (Adv – place) last week (Adv – time).
«–» – отрицательное предложе ние
S + V(вспомогательный) not + V(смысловой) + O + Adv.
The police (S) did (Vвсп) not arrest (Vсм) the criminal (O) at the airport (Adv) last week (Adv).
«?» – вопросительное предложение:
1. Общий вопрос (General):
V(вспомогательный) + S + V(смысловой) + O + Adv?
Did (Vвсп) the police (S) arrest (Vсм) the criminal (O) last week (Adv)?
2. Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative):
V(вспомогательный) + S + V(смысловой) + O + Adv 1 OR Adv 2? или
V(вспомогательный) + S + V(смысловой) + O 1 OR O 2 + Adv?
Did (Vвсп) the police (S) arrest (Vсм) the criminal (O) at the airport (Adv1) or at the railway station (Adv2)?
3. Специальный вопрос (Speci al):
What (where, when, why how often, how long) + V(вспомогательный) + S+ V(смысловой) + …?
Where did (Vвсп) the police (S) arrest (Vсм) the criminal (O)?
4. Разделительный вопрос (Disjunctive):
S + V + O + Adv, V(вспомогательный) n’t+ S(местоимение)?
The police (S) arrested (V) the criminal (O) last week (Adv), didn’t (Vвсп n’t) they (Vмест)?
S + V(вспомогательный) not + V(смысловой) + O + Adv, V(вспомогательный) + S (местоимение)?
The police (S) didn’t (Vвсп n’t) arrest (Vсм) the criminal (O) yesterday (Adv), did (Vвсп) they (Vмест)?
5. Вопрос к подлежащему:
Who (What) + V + O + Adv?
Who arrested (V) the criminal (O) last week (Adv)?
The Present Continuous Tense
1. Действие в процессе, совершается в определенный момент в настоящем; происходит временно; меняющаяся ситуация (now, at the moment, at present): The operative is interviewing a witness at the moment. He is still solving this crime. 2. Запланированное действие, в ближайшем будущем (tomorrow, next week, next Monday): The lawyer is going on business next week. 3. Поведение, привычки, вызывающие недовольство, раздражение говорящего (always): You are always losing your keys! | ||||
+ S + am, is, are + Ving He is examining the evidence now. | ||||
– S + am, is, are +not + VingShe isn’t sleeping now. | ||||
? What Where Why | Am Is are | S | Ving? | 1. Is he examining the evidence now? 2. Is he examining or looking for the evidence now? 3. What is he examining now? 4. He is examining the evidence now, isn’t he? 5. Who is examining the evidence now? |
Оборот to be going to do smth |
Намерение, стремление совершить действие: He is going to become a good lawyer. Он собирается стать хорошим юристом. |
Запланированное действие в ближайшем будущем: The cadet is going to take an exam on December, 21. Курсант будет сдавать экзамен 21-го декабря. |
Действие неизбежно произойдет в будущем, исходя из обстоятельств в настоящем: The cadet isn’t ready for the exam. He is going to fail it. Курсант не готов к экзамену. Он его не сдаст. |
The Present Simple Tense
1. Регулярное, систематически повторяющееся, привычное действие (usually, regularly, always, often, seldom, sometimes, occasionally, ever, never, every day(week, month, year): She always catches the bus for work at 7 o’clock. Where do the trials take place? 2. Общеизвестный факт, истина, законы природы: Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade. The sun rises in the east. 3. Расписания, графики (в том числе расписания будущих событий): The train leaves at 5.00. The trial starts at 9.00 a.m. 4. Указания, приказы, инструкции: To apply for the job, you submit the references and fill in the application form. 5. Изложение сюжетов произведений, спектаклей, фильмов, комментарии спортивных событий: The forward gets the ball and scores. 6. Будущее действие в условно-временных придаточных после союзов if, unless, when, after, before, as soon as, until, by the time: If you park the car at a wrong place you will get a parking ticket. 7. Глаголы, обозначающие состояние, а не деятельность (статичные), даже если действие совершается в момент речи. Do you believe this witness? I don’t recognize the man in the picture. I don’t know him. This man looks suspicious. Запомните глаголы, не употребляющиеся во временах группы Continuous:to be, to know, to have (иметь), to like, to love, to hate, to think (считать), to consider, to remember, to forget, to agree, to understand, to realize, to recognize, to want, to need, to see (видеть), to hear, to believe, to feel (чувствовать), to touch, to look (выглядеть), to belong to, to own, to possess, to include, to contain, to consist of, to depend, to seem, to resemble, to cost, to mean, to matter. | ||||
+ S + V+ s(es) в 3 л. ед.ч. We come to work in time. He reads newspapers every morning. Traffic wardens patrol streets every day. | ||||
– S + do, does + not + VoWe do not (don’t) go on business every week. He does not (doesn’t) read newspapers every evening. | ||||
? What Where How often When | Do Does | S | Vo? | 1. Does he patrol streets every morning? 2. Does he patrol streets every morning or every evening? 3. How often does he patrol streets? 4. He patrols streets every day, doesn’t he? 5. Who patrols streets every morning? |
Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple Tense
Утвердительная форма | Отрицательная форма | Вопросительная форма | ||||||
Ед. ч. | Множ. ч. | Ед. ч. | Множ. ч. | Ед. ч. | Множ. ч. | |||
I am | We are | I am not | We are not | Am I | Are we | |||
You are | You are | You are not | You are not | Are you | Are you | |||
He She It | Is | They are | He She It | Is not | They are not | Is | He She It | Are they |
Спряжение глагола to have в Present Simple Tense
Лицо | Единственное число | Множественное число | |
I have | We have | ||
You have | You have | ||
He She It | Нas | They have | |
The Future Simple Tense
Действие в будущем (tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week (month, year), in a week): предсказания, констатация фактов; предложения, обещания; решения, принятые в момент разговора (но не запланированные действия); мнения после слов believe, doubt, expect, hope, suppose, think, perhaps, probably, definitely, sure. I am sure the jury will acquit the innocent. If the shops have security cameras it will help them stop shoplifting. The judge will decide on a sentence. | ||||
+ S + will + VoThe police will put the criminal into prison next week. | ||||
– S + will not (won’t) VoHe will not commit a crime. | ||||
? When What Where | Will | S | Vo? | 1. Will the police find the burglar next week? 2. Will the police find the burglar tomorrow or next week? 3. When will the police find the burglar? 4. The police will find the burglar next week, won’t they? 5. Who will find the burglar? |
Не забывайте употреблять настоящее время вместо будущего в придаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов if, when, as soon as, before, after, till (until). As soon as the police find the burglar they will arrest him. |
The Past Simple Tense
Действие было совершено в прошлом (yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week (month, year), two weeks ago). A pick-pocket stole the man’s wallet on the bus yesterday. The woman witnessed a mugging three days ago. The police office found offenders’ fingerprints on the knife. There were a lot of false notes in the forger’s room when police came. | ||||
+ S + V + ed(прав. гл.) или II f.(неправ. гл.) He worked yesterday. They sent a fax yesterday. Thieves robbed the bank last week. | ||||
– S + did not + VoHe didn’t work yesterday. They didn’t send a fax yesterday. Operatives didn’t find the witnesses of the theft. | ||||
? When Where What Why | did | S | Vo? | 1. Did the thieves steal money from the bank yesterday? 2. Did the thieves steal money or jewelry from the bank yesterday? 3. When did the thieves steal money from the bank? 4. The thieves stole money from the bank, didn’t they? 5. Who stole money from the bank yesterday? |
Спряжение глагола to be
I | Was | We | Were | + I was at work yesterday. They were present at the proceeding. | |
You | Were | You | Were | ‑ I wasn’t at home at 5 o’clock. We were not present at the trial. | |
He She It | Was | They | Were | 1. Were you present at the proceeding yesterday? 2. Were you present at the proceeding yesterday or last week? 3. Where were you present yesterday? 4. You were at home yesterday, weren’t you? 5. Who was present at the proceeding yesterday? | |
It takes (took, will take) him (her, them) an hour (ten minutes) to get there | У него (нее, них) уходит (ушло, уйдет) час (10 минут), чтобы добраться туда | ||||
It doesn’t (didn’t, won’t) take her (him, us) long to do this work | У нее (него, нас) не уходит (ушло, уйдет) много времени, чтобы выполнить эту работу | ||||
How long does (did, will) it take you (him, them) to do this work? | Сколько времени у вас (него, них) уходит (ушло, уйдет) на выполнение этой работы? | ||||
The Past Continuous Tense
Действие совершалось в определенный момент в прошлом или протекало в течение четко ограниченного периода в прошлом (at … o’clock yesterday, from … till …yesterday, the whole evening, when smb. did smth). When the man was walking home along the street gangsters hit him on the head and stole all his money. The police were chasing the murderer for a week. The investigator was interrogating the suspect when I came. When thieves were trying to steal paintings from the museum the police caught them in the act. | ||||
+ S + was, were + VingHe was sleeping when somebody broke into the house. The investigator was looking for the manslayer the whole week. | ||||
– S + was, were + not + VingI wasn’t waiting for you at that moment. | ||||
?What Where What time | Was Were | S | Ving? | 1. Was he searching a crime scene at 2 o’clock yesterday? 2. Was he searching a crime scene or interviewing the witness at 2 o’clock yesterday? 3. What time was he searching the crime scene? 4. He was searching a crime scene at 2 o’clock yesterday, wasn’t he? 5. Who was searching a crime scene at 2 o’clock yesterday? |
The Future Continuous Tense
Действие будет совершаться в определенный момент в будущем или протекать в течение четко ограниченного периода в будущем (at … o’clock tomorrow, from … till …tomorrow, the whole morning, when smb. comes). The trial will be taking place at this time tomorrow. Giving evidence the witness will be standing in the witness box. | ||||
+ S + will be + Ving I will be waiting for you at 5 o’clock. | ||||
– S + will not be + VingHe will not be working the whole evening tomorrow. | ||||
?What Where What time | will | S | be + Ving? | 1. Will he be working at 5 o’clock? 2. Will he be working at 5 or 6 o’clock? 3. What time will he be working? 4. He will be working at 5 o’clock, won’t he? 5. Who will be working at 5 o’clock? |
The Present Perfect Tense
Прошедшее действие связано с настоящим своим результатом. ü Время совершения действия не указано: The crook has pleaded guilty. Burglars have broken into our neighbours’ house. ü Употребляется с наречиями ever, never, just, already, yet, recently, lately: Have you ever bribed? The trial has just started. The judge has already delivered a sentence. She has been suspicious recently. ü Действие происходило в прошлом неоднократно (twice, three times, always): The guard has caught the shoplifter red-handed twice. My friend has always wanted to become a prosecutor. It is the first time he has violated the law. ü Действие совершено, а срок его совершения не завершен (today, this week (month, year): There has been a robbery here this week. The police have arrested a hijacker in the act today. ü Действие началось до определенного момента в настоящем и происходит в настоящий момент или только перед ним закончилось – со статичными глаголами (for, since): The convicted has been in prison for 2 years. He has been a detective since last year. | ||||
+ S + have, has + V3 They have given evidence. She has already come. | ||||
–S + have, has + not + V3The murderer hasn’t pleaded guilty yet. | ||||
? How many How much What | have has | S | V3? | 1. Has he read the witness statement? 2. Has he read the witness statement or the report? 3. What has he read? 4. He has read the witness statement, hasn’t he? 5. Who has read the witness statement? |
The Past Perfect Tense
Действие было совершено к определенному моменту в прошлом или до другого действия в прошлом, выраженного глаголом в Past Simple (by, before, after): The police arrived after the burglars had left. The woman gave a detailed description of the man who had threatened to choke her. Hardly had the thieves broken into the house when the alarm rang. The investigator had interviewed all the witnesses by 6 o’clock. | ||||
+ S + had + V3He had finished his work by 2 o’clock. He had finished his work before I came. | ||||
– S + had not + V3 She hadn’t finished her work by 11 o’clock. | ||||
? What By what time By when | had | S | V3? | 1. Had he finished his work by 2 o’clock? 2. Had he finished his work by 2 or 3 o’clock? 3. What had he done by 2 o’clock? 4. He had finished his work by 2 o’clock, hadn’t he? 5. Who had finished work by 2 o’clock? |
The Future Perfect Tense
Действие будет совершено к моменту в будущем (by …. o’clock): The operative will have found the offender by the end of the month. The trial will have finished by that time. | |||||
+ S + will + have + V3 They will have finished their work by 5 o’clock. | |||||
– S + will not + have + V3 He will not have sent the fax by 11 o’clock. | |||||
? How many How much What | will | S | have | V3? | 1. Will he have finished his work by 3 o’clock? 2. Will he have finished his work by 2 or 3 o’clock? 3. What will he have finished by 2 o’clock? 4. He will have finished his work by 2 o’clock, won’t he? 5. Who will have finished his work by 2 o’clock? |
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