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1. A first-person narrative is told by a narrator who is present as a character in his/her story; it is a story of events she/he has experienced him/herself, a story of personal experience,
The individual who acts as a narrator (narrating I) is also a character (experiencing I) on the level of action.
2. An authorial narrative (heterodiegetic overt) is fold by a narrator who is absent from the story, i.e. does not appear as a character in the story. The authorial narrator tells a story involving other people. An authorial narrator sees the story from an outsider’s position, iften a position of absolute authority that allows her/him to know everything about the story’s world and its characters.
3.Types of narration.
The author’s narrative: unfolded plot, personages of given characteristic, the time and place of action. The authorial narrative supplies the reader with direct information about author preferences and objections believes and contradictions. A) entrusted narrative is used in an afford to make the text more plausible, to impress the reader with the facts of authenticity of the described events. The write entrust some fictions character with the task of dealing story. The writer himself that hides behind the figure of the narrator. Dialogue: personage express their mind in the utter speech. In their exchange of remarks the participants of the dialogue, other people and their action expose them self to. One of the significant forms of the personage self-characterization-dialogue, which allows the author to show him in the process. Interior speech of personage- its allows the author and the readers to peep into inner world of the character, to observe his idea and view: a) interior monologue- a rather lengthy peace of text dealing with the main topic of the character thinking, offering past, future actions; b) short in-sets- presents immediate mental and emotional reactions of the personage to the remark or event by characters; c) stream of consciousness technic- especially popular with their representative of modernism in contenting literature. The author tries to portray the purely associated character. Represented speech (reported speech)- serves to show either the mental production of the character thinking: a) represented uttered speech; b) represented inner speech. The main narrative compositional forms. If its semantic of the text that its taken as foundation of classification 3 narrative forms traditionally analyzed in poetics and stylistics: narrative proper (the unfolding of the plot is concentrating, dynamic form of the text), description (supplies the details of appearance of people and things of the place and time of action - static), argumentation (offers causes and effects of the personages behavior, his considerations about moral, ethical, ideological or other issues). Its rather seldom that any of their compositional forms is used in a pure uninterrupted way.
4.Scene and summary as narrative modes. Description and commentary as narrative modes
Narrative Modes
- Showing. In a showing mode of presentation, there is little or no narratorial mediation, overtness (очевидность) or presence. The reader is basically cast in the role of a witness to the events.
- Telling. In a telling mode of presentation, the narrator is in overt control (especially durational control) of action presentation, characterization and point-of-view arrangement.
- Scene/scenic presentation. A showing mode which presents a continuous stream of detailed action events. Durational aspect: isochrony (story time and discourse time are mapping (отображать)).
- Summary. A telling mode in which the narrator condenses a sequence of action events into a thematically focused and orderly account. Durational aspect: speed-up.
Supportive Narrative Modes
- Description. A telling mode in which the narrator introduces a character or describes the setting. Durational aspect: pause.
- Comment/commentary. A telling mode in which the narrator comments on characters, the development of the action, the circumstances of the act of narrating, etc. Durational aspect: pause.
Тургинбаева Л.В.
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Редактор Л.В. Тургинбаева
Формат 60х90 1/16
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