Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

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Work-out for practical study

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по дисциплине: Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный языкIYa 1103


для специальности: 5В074800 «Технология фармацевтического производства»


Кафедра – иностранных языков

Курс: четвертый Семестр: 7-8

Лекции: - нет

Практические занятия – 15 часов

Самостоятельная работа

под руководством преподавателя (СРСП) – 7 часов

Всего аудиторных: - 22 часов

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная

работа студентов (СРС) - 23 часов

Всего кредитов – 1 (45 часов)

Форма контроля: экзамен– по окончанию цикла


Алматы, 2016


2.7. Тематический план практических занятий

Тема занятия Форма проведения Продолжительность в часах
1. Растворы устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы; Пересказ текста    
2. Фильтрация устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы; Пересказ текста    
3. Изготовление таблеток. Формы и размеры таблеток. устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы; Пересказ текста    
4. Мази. Изготовление мазей устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы; Пересказ текста    
5. Экстракция лекарств. Рубежный контроль устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы;    

Тематический план СРСП

Тема занятия Форма проведения Продолжительность в часах
1. Растворы Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    
2. Фильтрация Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    
3. Изготовление таблеток. Формы и размеры таблеток. Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    
4. Мази. Изготовление мазей Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    
5. Экстракция лекарств. Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    

Тематический план СРС

Тема занятия Форма проведения Продолжительность в часах
Применение растворов в фармации Составление терминологического, тематического, глоссария. Реферат с последующим устным изложением или презентацией в виде слайд-шоу  
  Дозировка и формы лекарственных средств Составление терминологического, тематического, глоссария. Реферат с последующим устным изложением или презентацией в виде слайд-шоу  
Общие правила по изготовлению лекарств Составление терминологического, тематического, глоссария. Реферат с последующим устным изложением или презентацией в виде слайд-шоу  

2.9. Рекомендуемая литература:

Основная литература:

1.Ивина Т.Н. «Английский язык для фармацевтических институтов», М., 1980

2. Учебное пособие «Английский язык для студентов фармацевтов, химиков – технологов», А., 2006

3. Марковина, И.Ю. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум для фармацевтов [Текст]: Учеб.пос / И.Ю. Марковина, Г.Е. Громова, Е.Е. Никитина.- Москва: ГЭОТАР-МЕДИА, 2006.- 288с.

4. Англиский язык [Текст]: Учебник.-Изд.4-е, испр.и доп / И.Ю. Марковина, З.К. Максимова, М.Б. Вайнштейн.- Москва: ГЭОТАР-МЕДИА, 2010.- 368с.

5. Murphy R. English grammar in use. Еlementary course. Cambridge, 1993.


Дополнительная литература.

1. Куриленко А.Н. 400 тем по английскому языку. М., 1998.

2. Бонк Н.А. и др. Учебник английского языка, М., 1999.

3. Кузнецова Н. Учись читать литературу по специальности, М. Высшая школа, 1985.

4. Longman.Сutting edge (start, elementary, pre - intermediate)/Student’s book, work book, cassettes. 2004.

5. Longman. The Essentials of English. A writer’s Handbook. 2004.

6. Longman. Student Grammar of spoken and written English. 2004

Pre-reading task. Speaking.

1) What do you know about tablets and its preparation?

2) Are there any difficulties in the process of tabletting?

3) Is preparation of tablets well-developed in Kazakhstan?

4) What can you say about pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan?


List of new word

1) The most common form of medication

2) Tablet making (tableting)

3) A drug in a finely divided state

4) Subjected to pressure in a die between two punches

5) Alkali halides

6) Because of persistent finding or sticking in the tablet macine

7) Average tablets

8) Libricants and glidants

9) Flow property



g. Text.

Preparation of tablets

The tablet is the most common form of medication for the administering of a drug in a dry state.

From a purely physical point of view, the technique of tablet making (tabletting) may be defined as a process whereby a known volume of a drug in a finely divided state is subjected to pressure in a die between two punches.

A tablet shows definite properties of mechanical strength and is also characterized by a definite rate of disintegration when brought into contact with water.

It is generally observed that tablets can be made easily from certain drugs, such as sodium chloride and other alkali halides, even without the addition of auxiliary substances. For some other drugs, such as lactose, the addition of auxiliary substances is found to be necessary to overcome certain difficulties in their tabletting. Some difficulties are occasionally experienced in the process of tabletting certain materials because of persistent binding or sticking in the tablet machine.

The application of different pressure during tabletting plays a very important role. The correct pressure must be applied in order to avoid unnecessary complications. Tablets which should dissolve in the mouth must be more strongly compressed than other average tablets for internal administration.

Another important effect of higher pressures is an increase in friction which obviously necessitates the use of greater amounts of lubricants and glidants. Glidants are added to the tablet materials to improve their flow properties. They are generally powdery substances which deform only slightly when subjected to the compressing pressures. To glidants belong such substances as natural starch, which has excellent flow improvement properties.

Lubricants are substances which facilitate smooth ejection of the compressed tablets.


Shapes and sizes of tablets

A great variety of shapes and sizes is available among medicinal tablets. The most common shape of the tablets is a circular body with flat or slightly convex sides. There are also rectangular, triangular and many other shapes in the case of special tablets.

In the Scandinavian countries where the Pharmacopedia provides official specification of formula



and the method of preparation of the various tablet formulas, the size and shape is also specified officially.

The preliminary consideration in selection of particular shapes and sizes of the tablets is essentially ethical. These dimensions should be such that tablets prepared have a pleasing appearance.

Similarly, the use of a tablet is also an important consideration. A tablet meant for making solutions will be required to dissolve as quickly as possible and so it should be as thin as possible. This will require a larger diameter than average tablets of the same weight. Tablets which are to be dissolved slowly in the month should be flat for convenience of the user and thick enough to have a lasting effect on which the efficiency of the tablet will depend. Similarly, tablets which have to be coated after compression must have a deep convex shape and be harder than other tablets. It is more convenient to have as thin edges as practicable since it is easier to cover a thin edge during the coating process.

In addition to the above considerations there can also be important technical reasons which may influence the selection of particular dimensions of the tablets. It is often found that the preparation of deep convex tablets is more difficult. The density and compression ratio (the extent to which a powder can be compressed) are also important factors.



1) Name special terms of tablet preparation.

2) Name the words relating to shapes and sizes of tablets.

Writing. Fill in the table.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb



Physical, strength, purely, mechanical, pressure, dissolve, apply, easily, internal, common, prepare, average, generally, require, convex, selection, slowly, hard, user, technical.

Speaking. Put questions to the given answers:

1) - ………….?

– Libricants are added to facilitate smooth ejection of the compressed tablets.

2) - ………..?

- A tablet is desintegrated when brought into contact with water.

3) - ………?

– The application of different pressure during tableting plays a very important role.

4) -……………?

-Greater amounts of lubricants and glidants are used by an increase in pressure.

5) -…………….?

- The use of starch in tablet making has been known for a long time.


Speaking. Answer the following questions:

1) What is the most common form of medication for the administering of drugs in a dry state?

2) In what state is a certain volume of a drug subjected to pressure in a die during the process of tabletting?

3) What is a tablet characterized by when brought into contact with water?

4) What substances are used for tablet making?

5) Are any auxiliary substances added to the above mentioned substances?

6) To what drugs is it necessary to add auxiliary substances?

7) Why are some difficulties experienced in the process of tabletting?

8) What is necessary to do in order to avoid unnecessary complications during tableting?

9) What kind of tablets must be strongly compressed?

10) What substances improve the flow properties of the tablet materials?

11) What facilitates smooth ejection of the compressed tablets?


Pre-reading task. Speaking.


5) What do you know about drug extraction?

6) What instruments are used in drug extraction?

7) Can you describe the process of extraction?


List of new words

Maceration viscosity

Percolation adhesion

digestion fruction

infusion osmosis

decoction soluble principles

Reading. Text “Drug extraction”.


Drug extraction

The principle modes of extraction employed in pharmacy at present are as follows: 1. Maceration 2. Percolation 3. Digestion 4. Infusion 5. Decoction.

Of these percolation is the most important and useful.

Maceration and digestion, which is merely a modified from of maceration, are old processes.

The process of maceration consists simply of extraction by soaking the drug or substance in the menstruum until the cellular structure thoroughly penetrated and the soluble portion softened and dissolved.

The usual method is to introduce the drug into a bottle with the solvent, stopper it tightly, and agitate it occasionally for a period ranging from 2 to 14 days, then to pour off the liquid, express the residue to avoid loss, and filter the mixed liquids. The drugs are macerated in definite quantities of menstruum, which consists of alcohol of various strengths, ether and alcohol, or other specified solvent.

Percolation, or lixiviation, is the extraction process in which a granulated or powdered drug is deprived of its constituents by the descent of a suitable solvent through it.

The physical forces playing an important part in percolation are gravitation, viscosity, adhesion, friction, osmosis, capillarity, surface tension, and solution.

The instrument used to hold the powder is called a percolator, the liquid poured on top of the powder, the menstruum; the liquid coming from the percolator, the percolate; and the residual drug remaining in the percolator after the extraction of the soluble constituents, is called the mare.

In order to understand thoroughly the process of percolation as applied to powdered drugs, it must be remembered that the soluble principles of vegetable substances are in hard and dry condition, and are generally contained in cells which are more or less disintegrated by the process of grinding. If the soluble principles could be separated from the insoluble cellular substance and be deposited in the ground particles, percolation would be rapid.

But the powdering of the drug only partially separated the soluble principles from the insoluble and the finest dust of the powder always contains a large proportion of the soluble principles than of the insoluble substance. Hence the first proportion of the percolate is usually the most dense, the most highly coloured, and contains the largest proportion of the soluble principles.

Writing. Fill in the table.


Noun Verb Adjective Adverb


Extraction, introduce, useful, simply, soluble, solution, extract, various, partially, substance, rapid, cellular, highly, proportion, coloured, separate, powder, granulated, apply.


Writing. Fill in the table.

Drug extraction


The principle modes


The physical forces

Pre-reading task. Speaking.


8) What do you know about ointments?

9) What do you know about preparation of ointments?


List of new words

Ointment base absorption base

efficiency wide-mouth jard

penetration contamination

possess incorporation

lard fusion

levigating trituration

oleaginoses stirring

excessive oil-miscible substance



Ointments are semi-solid preparations for external application of such consistency that they may be readily applied to the body or to mucous membranes.

They should be of such composition that they soften but not necessarily melt when applied to the body.

The ointment base usually constitutes the major portion of the pharmaceutical preparation and therefore, may influence the efficacy of the incorporated medical substances.

Based on their penetration ointments have been divided into three classes. Epidermic ointments are those which demonstrate no, or very slight, power of penetration into the skin. In this group have been placed the bases which contain petrolatum, waxes and their combinations.

Endodermic ointments are those which possess some power of penetration into the deeper layers of the skin. Most of them have a somewhat lower melting point, approaching the temperature of the skin, and contain vegetable oils, lard, wool fat, lanolin, and/or combinations of these.

Diadermic ointments are those which penetrate the skin, thus offering a better opportunity for absorption of the medicament. Ointments of emulsion type and the water-soluble bases belong to the group of absorption base.


Preparation of ointments

Ointments are prepared by two methods: 1) mechanical incorporation and 2) fusion. The choice of method depends upon the medicament and the physical properties of the constituents of the base. An exception is the preparation of Mercuric Nitrate Oinment which is prepared by chemical reaction.

Preparation by Incorporation. Mechanical incorporation performed by trituration in water, or a glass slab with a spatula, is more frequently used by the pharmacist than any other method. The medicaments being incorporated into a base are frequently insoluble in the base and it is necessary, therefore, to reduce them to an impalpable powder. Best results can be obtained by using a small portion of the base and gradually incorporating the powder.

It is very advantageous to use a small amount (approximately 5 per cent) of an oil or an oil-miscible substance as a levigating agent when preparing oleaginous ointments.

Certain medical substances, such as the pilular extracts of vegetables drugs or agents which are soluble in a certain solvent, are more easily distributed through the base by first softening with such solvents. Some salts such as potassium iodide, the alkaloidal salts and others may be dissolved in water provided they are very soluble. Some substances such as menthol can be dissolved in a small amount of liquid petrolatum prior to incorporation.

Preparation by Fusion. When wax, spermaceti, resin, or other hand, fusible bodies are to be incorporated with soft, oleaginous materials they are melted on a water bath to avoid excessive temperatures, beginning with the material possessing the higher fusion point and adding the other ingredients in order of decreasing values until the softer oleaginous and perhaps liquid ingredients, have all been thoroughly incorporated by stirring. The medication in fine powder is then slowly sifted into the melted materials. If large quantities of aqueous liquids are to be incorporated with melted oleaginous materials, as in the preparation of Rose Oinment, the liquid should be warmed and them added slowly with constant stirring or trituration to the mixture.

Writing. Fill in the table.






List of new words

transparent precipitation

intervention ascertain

porous curdy

paper pulp flocculent

strainers crystalline

expose bulky

charcoal assume



Filtration is the process of separating liquids from solids with the view of obtaining the liquids in a transparent condition.

The intervention of a porous substance, called the filter, is necessary in performing the process of filtration. The filter may be made of paper, paper pulp, sand, ground glass, charcoal, porous stone, etc.

The liquid which has passed through the filter is called the filtrate and it should be perfectly clear.

Paper filters are the most useful of all filters for the pharmacist, and they are employed in all the finer operations requiring filtration. The solid particles are much more completely separated by filtration through good paper filters than through strainers, owing to the pores of the paper being smaller and more numerous. The paper used for this purpose is specially prepared and is called filter paper.

The filter in the funnel should be moistened with the liquid to be filtered or with a liquid corresponding to the solvent employed. This promotes rapid filtration, and washes the filter besides. If the liquid to be filtered contains free acid or alkali, or a very fine precipitate, or is very dense or hot, a double filter should be used.

One of the most important uses of precipitation is in testing as it affords the most ready means of identifying chemical substances or of ascertaining their purity. A great many pharmacopoeial tests are based upon this process. The colour, quantity and character of the precipitate are all taken into account. The term “curdy”, “granular”, “flocculent”, “gelatinous”, “crystalline”, “bulky” and theirs, which are sufficiently distinctive, are used to define the particular form which the precipitate assumes.

If solutions containing albuminous matter are heated, a flocculent precipitate of coagulated albumin will be thrown down while if solutions of the silver salts are exposed to light, powdered precipitate will be thrown down.

Writing. Fill in the table.


Noun Verb Adjective



Separate, separating, liquid, useful, require, numerous, solvent, promote, chemical, purity, heat, light.

Writing. Fill in the table.








по дисциплине: Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный языкIYa 1103


для специальности: 5В074800 «Технология фармацевтического производства»


Кафедра – иностранных языков

Курс: четвертый Семестр: 7-8

Лекции: - нет

Практические занятия – 15 часов

Самостоятельная работа

под руководством преподавателя (СРСП) – 7 часов

Всего аудиторных: - 22 часов

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная

работа студентов (СРС) - 23 часов

Всего кредитов – 1 (45 часов)

Форма контроля: экзамен– по окончанию цикла


Алматы, 2016


2.7. Тематический план практических занятий

Тема занятия Форма проведения Продолжительность в часах
1. Растворы устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы; Пересказ текста    
2. Фильтрация устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы; Пересказ текста    
3. Изготовление таблеток. Формы и размеры таблеток. устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы; Пересказ текста    
4. Мази. Изготовление мазей устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы; Пересказ текста    
5. Экстракция лекарств. Рубежный контроль устный и письменный опрос, работа с текстом, чтение и перевод текста, устное сообщение с использованием разнообразных речевых клише и соответствующих терминологии профессионального характера в рамках изученной темы;    

Тематический план СРСП

Тема занятия Форма проведения Продолжительность в часах
1. Растворы Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    
2. Фильтрация Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    
3. Изготовление таблеток. Формы и размеры таблеток. Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    
4. Мази. Изготовление мазей Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    
5. Экстракция лекарств. Консультации по теме, работа в малых группах, диалоги, монологи. Самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, диалоги, ролевая игра.    

Тематический план СРС

Тема занятия Форма проведения Продолжительность в часах
Применение растворов в фармации Составление терминологического, тематического, глоссария. Реферат с последующим устным изложением или презентацией в виде слайд-шоу  
  Дозировка и формы лекарственных средств Составление терминологического, тематического, глоссария. Реферат с последующим устным изложением или презентацией в виде слайд-шоу  
Общие правила по изготовлению лекарств Составление терминологического, тематического, глоссария. Реферат с последующим устным изложением или презентацией в виде слайд-шоу  

2.9. Рекомендуемая литература:

Основная литература:

1.Ивина Т.Н. «Английский язык для фармацевтических институтов», М., 1980

2. Учебное пособие «Английский язык для студентов фармацевтов, химиков – технологов», А., 2006

3. Марковина, И.Ю. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум для фармацевтов [Текст]: Учеб.пос / И.Ю. Марковина, Г.Е. Громова, Е.Е. Никитина.- Москва: ГЭОТАР-МЕДИА, 2006.- 288с.

4. Англиский язык [Текст]: Учебник.-Изд.4-е, испр.и доп / И.Ю. Марковина, З.К. Максимова, М.Б. Вайнштейн.- Москва: ГЭОТАР-МЕДИА, 2010.- 368с.

5. Murphy R. English grammar in use. Еlementary course. Cambridge, 1993.


Дополнительная литература.

1. Куриленко А.Н. 400 тем по английскому языку. М., 1998.

2. Бонк Н.А. и др. Учебник английского языка, М., 1999.

3. Кузнецова Н. Учись читать литературу по специальности, М. Высшая школа, 1985.

4. Longman.Сutting edge (start, elementary, pre - intermediate)/Student’s book, work book, cassettes. 2004.

5. Longman. The Essentials of English. A writer’s Handbook. 2004.

6. Longman. Student Grammar of spoken and written English. 2004

Work-out for practical study

Theme: «Preparation of tablets»

Shapes and size of tablets.


Pre-reading task. Speaking.

1) What do you know about tablets and its preparation?

2) Are there any difficulties in the process of tabletting?

3) Is preparation of tablets well-developed in Kazakhstan?

4) What can you say about pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan?


List of new word

1) The most common form of medication

2) Tablet making (tableting)

3) A drug in a finely divided state

4) Subjected to pressure in a die between two punches

5) Alkali halides

6) Because of persistent finding or sticking in the tablet macine

7) Average tablets

8) Libricants and glidants

9) Flow property



g. Text.

Preparation of tablets

The tablet is the most common form of medication for the administering of a drug in a dry state.

From a purely physical point of view, the technique of tablet making (tabletting) may be defined as a process whereby a known volume of a drug in a finely divided state is subjected to pressure in a die between two punches.

A tablet shows definite properties of mechanical strength and is also characterized by a definite rate of disintegration when brought into contact with water.

It is generally observed that tablets can be made easily from certain drugs, such as sodium chloride and other alkali halides, even without the addition of auxiliary substances. For some other drugs, such as lactose, the addition of auxiliary substances is found to be necessary to overcome certain difficulties in their tabletting. Some difficulties are occasionally experienced in the process of tabletting certain materials because of persistent binding or sticking in the tablet machine.

The application of different pressure during tabletting plays a very important role. The correct pressure must be applied in order to avoid unnecessary complications. Tablets which should dissolve in the mouth must be more strongly compressed than other average tablets for internal administration.

Another important effect of higher pressures is an increase in friction which obviously necessitates the use of greater amounts of lubricants and glidants. Glidants are added to the tablet materials to improve their flow properties. They are generally powdery substances which deform only slightly when subjected to the compressing pressures. To glidants belong such substances as natural starch, which has excellent flow improvement properties.

Lubricants are substances which facilitate smooth ejection of the compressed tablets.


Shapes and sizes of tablets

A great variety of shapes and sizes is available among medicinal tablets. The most common shape of the tablets is a circular body with flat or slightly convex sides. There are also rectangular, triangular and many other shapes in the case of special tablets.

In the Scandinavian countries where the Pharmacopedia provides official specification of formula



and the method of preparation of the various tablet formulas, the size and shape is also specified officially.

The preliminary consideration in selection of particular shapes and sizes of the tablets is essentially ethical. These dimensions should be such that tablets prepared have a pleasing appearance.

Similarly, the use of a tablet is also an important consideration. A tablet meant for making solutions will be required to dissolve as quickly as possible and so it should be as thin as possible. This will require a larger diameter than average tablets of the same weight. Tablets which are to be dissolved slowly in the month should be flat for convenience of the user and thick enough to have a lasting effect on which the efficiency of the tablet will depend. Similarly, tablets which have to be coated after compression must have a deep convex shape and be harder than other tablets. It is more convenient to have as thin edges as practicable since it is easier to cover a thin edge during the coating process.

In addition to the above considerations there can also be important technical reasons which may influence the selection of particular dimensions of the tablets. It is often found that the preparation of deep convex tablets is more difficult. The density and compression ratio (the extent to which a powder can be compressed) are also important factors.


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