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1. We live in the era of globalization and fluid national borders. Do you agree with the quotation below?
“Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity.” (Robert Alan Aurthur)
2. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions either in A or B. After discussion, share your ideas with the rest of the group.
A. Can you give any examples of mistakes that foreign business people may make when doing business abroad? What are the possible consequences of such mistakes?
B. Are there any stereotypes or misinformation about our culture? Give examples.
3. Do you consider yourself to be culturally competent when interacting with persons of the following groups: persons with various types of disabilities; persons with a religion different from your own?
4. A common piece of advice to people travelling to another country is “When in Rome, do as Romans do”. What does it mean? How much do you (or would you) change your behavior if you visit (or visited) another country for work, or as a tourist? Why?
Key Vocabulary
Study the following list of vocabulary and do the tasks that follow.
1. employ v | нанимать |
2. workforce n | работники, персонал, сотрудники |
3. multicultural adj | мультикультурный |
4. diversity n | многообразие, разнородность |
5. benefit n | польза, преимущество |
6. cross-cultural adj | межкультурный |
7. competency n | компетентность, знания |
8. promote v | способствовать, продвигать, повысить |
9. culturally-sensitive adj | основанный на культурных особенностях, принимающий во внимание культурную специфику |
10. homogeneous adj | однородный |
11. face problems | сталкиваться с проблемами |
13. generate ideas | генерировать идеи |
14. counterpart n | конкурент, аналогичное лицо, партнер в переговорах |
15. make-up n | зд.: состав, структура |
16. internal misalignment | внутреннее несоответствие, отсутствие согласованности |
17. challenge n | вызов, проблема |
18. interaction n | взаимодействие |
19. the bottom line | финальная прибыль или убыток; окончательный результат |
20. language fluency | свободное владение языком |
21. non-native speaker | лицо, не владеющее языком как родным |
22. collaborative adj | совместный, коллективный |
23. frustration n | беспокойство, недовольство |
24. morale n | моральное состояние, боевой дух |
25. occur v | случаться, происходить |
26. reliance n | доверие, зависимость |
27. authority n | полномочие, власть |
28. acceptable adj | приемлемый |
29. pitch an idea | высказать, подать идею |
30. mistrust n | недоверие |
31. embrace v | зд.: оценить по достоинству, научиться использовать |
32. customize v | подстроить, адаптировать в соответствии со своими требованиями |
33. adapt v | адаптировать(ся) |
34. input and feedback | личный вклад и обратная связь |
35. foster v | содействовать, укреплять |
36. set clear expectations | четко определить ожидаемые результаты |
37. communicate v | сообщать |
38. arise v | возникать |
39. intervene v | вмешиваться |
40. grant autonomy | предоставлять свободу |
41. inherent adj | неотъемлемый |
42. maintain an open-door policy | проводить политику открытых дверей |
43. overcome v | преодолевать |
44. pitfall n | ловушка |
45. verify v | проверить, установить |
Pre-reading Activities
1. Complete the tables with the missing derivatives. Use your Key Vocabulary.
Table A.
Adjectives | Nouns | Verbs |
diverse | ||
challenging | ||
attitudinal | ||
collaborative |
Table B.
Adjectives | Nouns | Verbs |
adapt | ||
employ | ||
rely | ||
challenge | ||
promote |
2. Match the words close in the meaning.
counterpart | mismatch |
pitfall | take place |
misalignment | suspicion |
mistrust | encourage, promote |
occur | trap |
workforce | produce |
foster | staff |
frustration | rival |
intervene | disappointment |
generate | interfere |
Read the text and decide which of these statements are True.
1. For cross-culture management to be effective, the manager must identify and acknowledge the differences in cultures, practices and preferences of the team members.
2. Managers need to be able to modify certain business processes or systems, such as the way information is communicated or how the decisions are made.
3. Each culture acts and thinks differently, and for a manager it is impossible to improve performance in the business area.
A generation ago, most organizations employed a workforce that was representative of their geography. Today, the world is much smaller – we live in a global economy that is supported by ever-evolving technology which means a multicultural workforce is common. Diversity in the workplace can be explored from several perspectives: some consider it with academic or historical context, others debate the politics that sometimes surround it, and nearly everyone can contribute personal experiences. However, most would agree that a multicultural workforce is a distinct benefit to an organization, its customers and the individuals employed there.
The greatest benefit to having a multicultural workforce is the cross-cultural competency it brings, you can be certain to be challenged by one another. Various viewpoints promote deeper product and market knowledge, and a multitude of backgrounds and experiences supports culturally-sensitive customer service issues. For these and other reasons, multicultural teams are able to achieve higher productivity than homogeneous teams, even though they face more process problems. Due to the diverse backgrounds of members in multicultural teams, they have the capacity to generate more ideas, alternatives, and potential solutions to problems than their homogeneous counterparts.
While there are many benefits to a multicultural workforce, a diverse environment can come with management challenges. Without careful consideration of the team’s make-up and a clear understanding of capabilities and motivation, internal misalignment can happen and negatively impact the work environment, customer interaction, and the bottom line.
The first, and arguably largest, challenge is language fluency. Non-native speakers may struggle to get their points of view effectively. This can be a problem in collaborative environments where different members have different native languages. If frustration reaches high levels, motivation and morale suffer.
Another challenge that can occur is reliance upon different communication codes and decision-making approaches.
Hierarchy and authority are other issues treated differently across various cultures. While it may be acceptable in some cultures for an individual to walk into the CEO’s office and pitch an idea, others require methodical presentations to each level of management first.
Moreover, dislike and mistrust, attitudinal problems, are common problems in multicultural teams, because team members tend to be more attracted to people from their own culture.
As workplace diversity is increasing remarkably nowadays, organizations must recognize the need for immediate action. Resources must be spent on managing diversity because an organization’s competitiveness and success depend on its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits.
Here are a few tips to keep your team working well together:
1. Customize your management style – Within a multicultural team, it’s important to listen and adapt. Ask employees for input and feedback; encourage idea exchanges. Treat people as individuals rather than your thoughts on a cultural group as a whole.
2. Encourage team dialogue – Strong personal relationships are critically important and anything you can do to foster them is a step in the right direction. Multinational companies have a harder time with this, because monthly happy hours or team building events aren’t possible. But weekly team video chats are.
3. Set clear expectations and rules and communicate them – A clear sense of direction and purpose is important for every individual and improves the effectiveness. If any confusion arises along the way, intervene early.
4. Grant autonomy where appropriate – Benefits are inherent to multicultural teams, but you have to let the diversity work. Support their thought processes and creativity while also maintaining an open-door policy for anyone who has an idea or wants to express a concern. And remember, reward and recognition for a job well done is not a one size fits all.
When overcoming cultural differences, it is necessary to know oneself perfectly, which means to know one’s culture, which is neither obvious nor simple. An enormous pitfall is the fact that within one’s own culture the approach to the others as well as the interpretation of their behavior is verified and does not cause big problems, because despite the globalization tendencies, the depth of cultural roots, patterns and standards influences perception and evaluation of gained information.
Comprehension Check
1. Explain what is meant by the following statements from the text.
A. A generation ago, most organizations employed a workforce that was representative of their geography.
B. Multicultural teams are able to achieve higher productivity than homogeneous teams.
C. While there are many benefits to a multicultural workforce, a diverse environment can come with management challenges.
D. Another challenge that can occur is reliance upon different communication codes and decision-making approaches.
E. Team members tend to be more attracted to people from their own culture.
F. Resources must be spent on managing diversity, because an organization’s competitiveness and success depend on its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits.
G. Ask employees for input and feedback.
H. Support their thought processes and creativity while also maintaining an open- door policy for anyone who has an idea.
I. Reward and recognition for a job well done is not a one size fits all.
J. The depth of cultural roots, patterns and standards influences perception and evaluation of gained information.
2. Discuss with your partner whether you agree or disagree with the following ideas. Are there any sentences in the text which may prove or disprove them?
A. The issue of cross-culture management is considered extremely important, especially now, in the current period that is typical for a very quick proceeding process of internationalization and globalization.
B. Organizations that don’t have a multicultural and diverse workforce enjoy increased adaptability, broader service range, variety of viewpoints, and a more effective execution.
C. Diversity enhances potential productivity but also increases the complexity of processes that the team members must manage in order to realize full team potential.
D. Cultural diversity in teams also means linguistic diversity, which causes problems with communication.
E. All the disadvantages of cultural diversity decrease the stress levels in multicultural teams.
3. Read the text once again. Identify the following:
A. different views on diversity in the workplace
B. several examples of the benefits of having a multicultural workforce
C. some examples of the challenges managers may face
D. one example of how hierarchy and authority are treated in different cultures
E. four tips for dealing better with workplace diversity
Vocabulary Focus
1. Look through the Key Vocabulary section and the text once again. Find the words which mean the following. Recall their contexts.
A. the condition of having or being composed of differing elements, especially: the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization
B. power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior
C. to interfere with the outcome or course
D. to have no trust or confidence
E. the mental and emotional condition (as of enthusiasm, confidence, or loyalty) of an individual or group with regard to the function or tasks
F. to build, fit, or alter according to individual specifications
G. mutual or reciprocal action or influence
H. to advance in position, rank, or honor
I. the workers engaged in a specific activity or enterprise
J. the quality or state of having sufficient knowledge, judgment, skill, or strength
2. Work in pairs or individually to create your own crossword or puzzle on the topic. You can use any online Crossword Puzzle Makers on the Internet. Exchange your crosswords and enjoy solving them.
3. Work in pairs to decide which word from the Key Vocabulary completes the following quotes in the best way. Then check yourselves by browsing the Internet.
A. … is the art of thinking independently together.
B.When you do a thing with your whole soul and everything that is noble within you, you always find your ….
C. Talk to successful entrepreneurs. Learn about what they've experienced so you can avoid some of the … that come with wealth.
D. To conquer …, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.
E. The organization’s … is based on a set of cohesive capabilities and how fast and effective they can be built upon.
4. Match the two halves of the phrases from the text, then complete the sentences with some of these expressions.
grant | clear expectations |
set | fluency |
maintain | an idea |
internal | speakers |
language | an open-door policy |
pitch | ideas |
face | problems |
generate | autonomy |
non-native | misalignment |
A. Our research departments, universities, and think-tanks have to … that the country’s representatives can use.
B. While the Government continues to maintain an open-door policy, the authorities are concerned about insecurity in and around refugee camps.
C. The Ministry of Education offers accelerated courses during and after school hours for ….
D. Please provide information on legislative measures adopted at the State and federal levels to … and functional independence to forensic institutes and other equivalent organs.
E. The development of guidelines and codes of conduct would … and performance indicators for the industry.
Cross-Cultural Management
A. Pre-watching
1. Even when we are thoroughly aware of all the barriers to effective cross-cultural communication and make use of available tools to assist us in communicating with people from cultural and linguistic backgrounds different to our own, misunderstandings will occur. Can you give any examples of cross-cultural misunderstanding?
2. Discuss with your partner what some possible ways and steps to achieve mutual understanding are. Is there any plan which people travelling to another country on business (or inviting foreigners) have to follow?
3. Look through the following expressions and make sure you understand what they mean.
cultural dimensions
to build the common ground
to assess impact on
to swap the negotiators
to reconcile differences
cultural empathy
B. First Watching
Follow the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ4IbhXrqnc to watch a short video “Cross-Cultural Management” on YouTube, and then answer the following questions.
1. What kind of example does the speaker give to explain what cross-cultural misunderstanding is?
2. In what way was the conflict resolved?
3. How many stages in reaching mutual understanding are there?
4. What is meant by “recognizing differences”?
5. What is the difference between collectivistic and individualistic cultures? In what way does the speaker explain it?
6. Does “respecting differences” consist only of identifying and assessing cultural dimensions?
7. What is the third step in reaching mutual understanding about?
8. In what way does the speaker define success?
C. Second Watching
While watching the same video for the second time, complete the table and then discuss it with your partner or groupmates.
Steps in reaching mutual understanding | Essence of the step | Examples illustrating difficulties in communicating (companies, cultures, details) |
1. | ||
2. | ||
3. |
D. Follow-up Activity
1. Now that you’ve watched the video about cross-cultural management, answer the questions from Pre-watching section in more detail. Use the Key Vocabulary.
2. Comment on the quote with reference to the information you’ve received.
“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” (Clifton Fadiman)
Talking Points
1. Organize a round-table conference on the topic of the Unit. Agree on the roles of the speakers (to introduce the topic and present the main issues), managers (to share their experience), and journalists (to ask questions). Make sure you’ve discussed the plan and stages of the conference and all the participants are ready.
2. Work with your partner. Discuss the following questions about cross-cultural awareness and communication, make up some more questions to ask and answer. Then report your conclusion to the group.
A. Are you familiar with one particular culture?
B. Would you describe your country as a tolerant one?
C. Do you find it easy to adjust to a new culture?
D. Do you think it’s important to be sensitive to foreign visitors’ eating requirements or preferences in entertainment when they come on business?
E. Are you aware of different ways in which cultures can greet each other?
3. Work in small groups of 3-4. Read and discuss the following cultural facts about how people from other countries conduct business. Imagine and role-play the situation(s) which might happen to Belarusian businessmen if they don’t know some cultural peculiarities. Don’t mention the country – your groupmates are supposed to guess what country you mean.
F Japan
Business cards are of the utmost importance in Japan, where business formality is key. They're almost always exchanged at the beginning of a meeting. Writing on the card or quickly putting it in your pocket is considered rude. If you're handing over a business card, bow slightly and present it with the Japanese translation side facing up.
Business can move at a slower pace in India, especially in the public sector. Indian government officials are almost never expected to be on time for meetings or meet their deadlines for processing documents, granting licenses and providing information.
Germans often respect direct communication and err on the side of being blunt in business dealings. German business people greatly value appointments, and simply dropping by or calling to discuss a business matter is perceived as rude, as is being late – even just by a few minutes.
Set your alarm early when doing business in Australia. Punctuality is absolutely important when meeting to discuss business. If you're not going to be precisely on time, then you should arrive a bit early. Otherwise, you could be perceived as rude or unorganized by your hosts.
Business meeting participants are expected to act in a reserved manner and avoid seeming overly friendly or sharing personal information. If you don't speak French, you are expected to apologize for your lack of fluency before engaging in further conversation. If you don't have time to learn French before doing business there, learning a few phrases or greetings can serve as a show of good faith.
Also, be prepared for lengthy meals in France. Lunch can last up to two hours long.
FSouth Korea
It is common for South Koreans to expect their guests to engage in Noraebang, or karaoke. If you join your Korean colleagues for dinner, you might find yourself at a karaoke establishment, and you will be expected to sing. Don't worry if you're not a great singer, though. These karaoke establishments generally have private rooms, and it will just be your group that you have to perform in front of. Koreans will also often skip songs after the first verse and chorus to get through more karaoke during their allotted time.
4. Prepare some information for someone from a different culture who is coming to work in your company. Think about the things below and explain how aspects of your culture influence expected behavior.
· how people behave in meetings
· relationships between different members of staff
· individual efforts and teamwork
· responsibility
· company policy
· social events
Summary Points
Read the text about strategies for cross-culture management and give its summary. Be ready to answer the questions after the text.
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