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Words Meaning
1 incentive A) an outward and return journey, often for a
specific purpose
2 exhibition B) close to; around; roughly or in the region of
3 destination C) a public display of art, products, skills,
activities, etc
4 trip D) a motivating influence; stimulus
5 approximately E) the predetermined end of a journey or voyage
Read the following words and word combinations, explain their meanings.
1 workplace and home
2 attending conferences and exhibitions
3 primary and secondary activities
4 face-to-face meetings
5 incentive trips
7 Find in the text the synonyms to the words bellow:
1 spotlight, target;
2 travel,
3 aim, goal;
4 comprise, contain;
5 ability.
Read the text above once more and find the main idea of it.
International business trips
By Laura Longwell
International business travel is more complicated than domestic one. It requires you to spend more time planning before the trip and there are additional factors to take into account while you’re on the road. Here are some top tips for international business travel.
Double-Check Your Passport
When planning your trip, always make sure you have at least six months
until your passport expires and that there are 2-4 blank pages. Also, make sure
that your family and administrative assistant have a photocopy of your passport
in case something should go wrong. And, don’t forget to bring your passport
with you to the airport.
Share Your Itinerary
You should also share a copy of your travel itinerary with your family and
co-workers. It’s always good for people to know where you are.
Get Necessary Visas Early
In some countries, you can get visas on arrival, but for others (such as
Brazil, China), you’ll need a visa for admission to the country. Some
countries have special requirements to obtain a visa, such as a letter from a
sponsor. Make sure you have this sorted out as soon as possible before
your trip.
Learn the Local Culture
Spend a little time brushing up on the culture and customs, as well as
reading a little news from the country. You’ll have to make some small talk with
someone—a colleague, a customer or even a taxi driver—and it’s helpful to
know something about local events.
Research Electrical Adapters
Being able to charge devices while on a business trip is critical.
Because electrical outlets and currents vary, it’s important to have the
appropriate adapters.
On Arrival
Get Cash
Many countries use credit cards less often than you may be accustomed
to. In the U.S., paying for a taxi with a credit card can be no problem. But in
other countries, it may be much more difficult. At the airport, withdraw some of
the local currency from an ATM to cover the taxi ride and other incidentals.
Your company will likely have a policy that will allow you to take a cash
advance up to a certain amount.
Get to Know the Area
When you check in at your hotel, ask for two things—a map and a
business card. A local map will help you orient yourself in the city and will be
useful for getting to meetings or if you have time for sightseeing. A hotel
business card is also very valuable. If you get lost, you can show it to a local or a
taxi driver, and they can help you find your way back to the hotel.
Have a Plan B
Know what your emergency plans are if something goes wrong. Many
companies have memberships to organizations that provide international
evacuation or medical assistance in extreme situations, so having that contact
information can be important. But also think about contingency plans for minor
disturbances like local union strikes and political protests.
Diving In
Be Healthy
The country you’re traveling to will have a different water system than
you’re used to and may have different standards when it comes to cleanliness,
even in business hotels. Taking a few precautions can help prevent you from
getting sick. Even if the locals tell you it is OK, never drink the water. Yes,
the water in Germany is just fine from the tap. However, your body isn’t
used to the different mineral content. Try to avoid raw and uncooked
anything—vegetables, meat or fish. Wash your hands frequently and use hand
sanitizer. And carry a pack of wet wipes to cleanse your seat area on the
airplane or surfaces in the hotel room.
Stay in Touch
If you work for a major company, your firm will likely provide an
international voice and data plan on your mobile phone. However, if you travel
infrequently or are roaming, be prepared for sticker shock. Your mobile carrier
can set you up on an appropriate plan. Alternatively, you can turn off your
cellular connection and just connect through Wi-Fi hotspots.
Hopefully, these tips will help you on your international business trip.
Think and share your ideas.
Either you are a student, a job seeker or a businessman; effective communication plays a key role in your every day’s life. It can help you get a nice job or it can help you make your business more effective and successful one. But the key thing is to do it efficiently. You need to keep in your head various topics when you are going to talk to a new person. Your communicative skills depend on how you take initiatives and how well your conversational skills are. Following step by step guide can help you for your networking more effectively.
1 Is it important to make new contacts?
2 What personal tips do you use making new contacts?
1 Read and remember the following words and set expressions:
to feel confident - чувствовать уверенным
gain good communication skills – приобрести хорошие коммуникативные навыки
coaching classes - тренинги
take a look - обратить внимание
to stay in touch - поддерживать отношения
it is someone’s turn - чья-то очередь
to get a membership of something - стать членом какого-то клуба, общества и др.
networking - создание сети деловых связей и контактов
2 Try to guess the meanings of the following combinations:
• It is their turn
• Reflect
• Job seeker
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