Decide which of the following nouns are countable or uncountable — КиберПедия 

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Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

Decide which of the following nouns are countable or uncountable

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Оглавление Пояснительная записка Unit 1 Nouns Unit 2 Pronouns Unit 3 Ajectives and Adverbs Unit 4 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Unit 5 Common and Decimal Fractions Unit 6 Measurements.Time Unit 7 Measurements. Length. Mass Unit 8 Measurements. Temperature Unit 9 Measurements. Weigts and Measures Unit 10 Meters Unit 11 The Future of the Engineering Profession Unit 12 Electronic and Mechanical Engineering Unit 13 Electrical Engineering Unit 14 Tense Forms (Active Voice) Unit 15 Review of Tenses Unit 16 Modal Verbs and Their Equivalents Unit 17 The First Calculating Device Unit 18 Computers in Our Life Unit 19 Conversion Unit 20 Functions of the Infinitive Unit 21 Tense Forms (Passive Voice) Unit 22 Complex Object Unit 23 Automation Unit 24 Automation in Industry Unit 25 Mechanical Properties of Materials Used in Industry Unit 26 Units and Conditions Measured by Automatic Elements Unit 27 Types of Automation Unit 28 Automated Production Lines Unit 29 Numerical Control Unit 30 Automated Assembly Unit 31 History of Robotics Unit 32 Robots in Manufacturing Unit 33 Famous People. James Watt Unit 34 Famous People. Thomas Edison Unit 35 Famous People. Isaak Newton Unit 36 Famous People. N.I.Lobachevsky Unit 37 Famous People. I.I.Sikorsky. A.N.Tupolev Unit 38 Safety Engineering Unit 39 Safety in Manufacturing Unit 40 Revise of the Achivements Рекомендуемая литература 3 4 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 21 22 24 27 30 32 34 37 38 40 43 44 46 47 50 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 71 73 75 84


Пояснительная записка


Учебно-методические рекомендации предназначены для подготовки и проведения практических занятий по дисциплине «Английский язык» в учреждениях среднего и начального профессионального образования. Рекомендации разработаны для студентов по специальности 220301 «Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств» и соответствуют требованиям программы по данной дисциплине.

Количество практических заданий для аудиторной работы соответствует учебной программе

Последовательность грамматических и текстовых материалов в рекомендациях имеет логическую направленность, соответствующую логике структуры изучения английского языка в контексте данной специальности. В пособии реализована преемственность лексических единиц, их многократная повторяемость в разных контекстах.

В учебно-методических рекомендациях по дисциплине представлены тематические текстовые материалы для закрепления навыка перевода технических текстов с целью извлечения необходимой информации, задания на закрепление коммуникативных навыков, упражнения на расширение словарного запаса и образование потенциального профессионального словаря, грамматические таблицы, тренировочные задания для активизации знаний грамматических форм и синтаксических оборотов.


Целью учебно-методических рекомендаций по дисциплине «Английский язык» для проведения практических занятий является:


- расширение потенциального словаря профессиональной лексики;

- формирование у студентов навыков устной речи по профессиональной тематике, в

различных контекстах профессиональной направленности;

- развитие потребности и умения пользоваться справочной литературой

профессионального характера;

- развитие умения высказываться целостно, как в смысловом, так и в структурном


- развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием основного содержания текстов

профессионального характера;

- активизация знания грамматических форм и синтаксических оборотов,

употребительных в специальной профессиональной литературе.


Согласно ФГОС специальности 220301 «Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств»


студенты должны уметь:

- общаться (устно и письменно) на английском языке на профессиональные и

повседневные темы;

- переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной


- самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять

словарный запас;


студенты должны знать:

- лексический (1200-1300 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум,

необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов

профессиональной направленности;


овладеть общими компетенциями:

- понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии,

проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес;

- организовывать собсвенную деятельность, определять методы и способы

выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество;

- решать проблемные задачи и принимать решения в нестандартных ситуациях;

- осуществлять поиск, анализ и оценку информации, необходимой для постанов-

ки и решения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного


- работать в коллективе и команде, обеспечивать ее сплочение;

- использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии для совершенст-

вования профессиональной деятельности;

- самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития,

заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации


Unit 1




Form the nouns

a) research – researcher b) form - forming

sense -.......................... operate -.........................

conduct -...................... build up -.......................

engine -........................ use -...............................

invent -......................... increase -.......................


c) operate – operation d) move – movement

state -............................ develop -.........................

insert -.......................... entertain -.......................

posit -........................... improve -........................


James Prescott Joule

James Prescott Joule, famous British physicist, was born in 1818 in Salford, England.

Joule was one of the most outstanding... of his time. He is best known for his research in... and thermodynamics. In the course of his... of the heat emitted in an electrical circuit, he formulated the law, now known as Joule’s law of electric heating.This... states

that the amount of heat produced each second in a... by electric current is proportional to the... of the conductor and to the square of the current. Joule experimentally verified the

law of conservation of energy in his study of the... of mechanical energy into heat energy.

Joule determined the numerical... between heat and mechanical energy, or the mechanical equivalent of heat, using many independent.... The... of energy, called the joule, is named after him. Together with the physicist William Thomson (Baron Kelvin),

Joule found that the... of a gas falls when it expands without doing any work. This phenomenon, which became known as the Joule-Thomson effect, lies in the... of modern

refrigiration and air-conditioning systems.

Unit 2



Some, any, no


Unit 3


Adjectives and adverbs

Unit 4


Количественные числительные.


addition-сложение to multiply-умножить

subtraction-вычитание to divide-разделить

plus-плюс to equal-равняться, быть равным



1 10 11 12 2 20 3 13

90 4 40 5 50 16 7 8


F         S     T     N
      F   V            
    W             O    
            T   E   T Y
E     Y                
  T     R       N      


Порядковые числительные


first-первый fifth-пятый

second-второй fiftieth-пятидесятый

third-третий fifty-fifth-пятьдесят пятый


Solve these problems

1. 99+77= 5) 315+145= 9) 1203+419=

2) 61-50= 6) 859-600= 10) 115-32=

3) 175:25= 7) 10770:10= 11) 49:7=

4) 12х12= 8) 3550х5= 12) 234х7=


Choose the right answer

1.Seventeen... thirteen equals two hundred and twenty-one.

a) times (multiplied by)

b) divided by

c) minus

d) plus

2.Eighty-one... thirty-three equals forty-eight

a) times (multiplied by)

b) divided by

c) minus

d) plus

3.One thousand and twenty-five... twenty-five equals forty-one.

a) times (multiplied by)

b) divided by

c) minus

d) plus


Find the missing numbers


4, 5, 6,...,8,... seven, nine


1. 13, 15,...,..., 21, 23, 25.

2. 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%,..., 32%,....

3...., 1 600, 1 800, 2 000,....

4. 1, 2, 4, 7,..., 16,...,31.

5...., 5 555,..., 3 333, 2 222.

6. 20, 10, 5, 2 ½,..., 5/8,....

7. 1 ¼, 2 ½,..., 5, 6 ¼,..., 8 ¾.

8. 100, 10 000,..., 100 000 000,....



Unit 5

Дробные числа


Common fractions Decimal fractions


½- one half (a half) 0,7-nought (zero; O) point seven

1/3- one third (a third) 0,002-zero point two zeros two

2/7- two sevenths 1,1-one point one

3 ½-three and a half 5,36-five point three six

5 1/7-five and a seventh 65,57-sixty-five point five seven

6 5/7-six and five sevenths


Voltage Values

Voltages up to about 250 V are called low. The common electric lightning circuit operates either at about 127 or 200 V, and the voltage used on the main circuit of large houses is usually the same. One can get an electric shock, when one touches an uninsolated wire of such a circuit.

Voltages above 250 V are high voltages. They are used in industry. Medium-powered motors are usually operated at 380 V. Large motors are supplied by voltages of from about 500 up to 6000V.


What have you read about?



Unit 6



Saying times

We can say times in different ways:


British English


07:00 07:15 15:30

It’s seven o’clock It’s seven fifteen It’s three thirty

It’s seven It’s quarter past seven It’s half past three


20:45 18:10 11:55

It’s eight forty-five It’s six ten It’s eleven fifty-five

It’s quarter to nine It’s ten past six It’s five to twelve


American English -quarter to nine or quarter of nine; ten past six or ten after six; five to twelve or five of twelve


Read the text and retell it


For centuries, time has been universally measured in terms of the rotation of the earth.The second, the basic unit of time, was defined as 1/86 400 of a mean solar day or one complete rotation of the earth on its axis in relation to the sun. Scientists discovered, however, that the rotation of the earth was not constant enough to serve as the basis of the time standard. As a result, the second was redefined in 1967 in terms of the resonant frequency of the caesium atom, that is, the frequency at which this atom absorbs energy: 9,192,631,770 Hz (hertz, or cycles per second).






Unit 7



Metric system is a decimal system of physical units, named after its unit of length, the metre. The metric system is adopted as the common system of weights and measures by the majority of countries, and by all countries as the system used in scientific work.


The metre had its origin in the metric system. By international agreement, the standard metre had been defined as the distance between two fine lines on a bar of platinum-iridium alloy. The 1960 conference redefined the metre as 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of the reddish-orange light emitted by the isotope krypton-86. The metre was again redefined in 1983 as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.


When the metric system was created, the kilogram was defined as the mass of 1 cubic decimetre of pure water at the temperature of its maximum density or at 4.0 °C.


2.Build the sentences from the words

1. we / products / make / energy / use / we / when.

2. industry / important / are / in / metals.

3. automation / is / of / numerical / programmable / a form / control.

4. to / ancient / the / of / concept / dates back / times / robots.

5. robot / Japan / advanced / is / the most / technology / nation / exploring.

6. system / a / physical / of / units / system / metric / is / decimal.

7. has / very / safety / become / in / engineering / recent / popular / years.


Linear measure

1 mile (ml) миля = 1.609 kilometres

1 yard (yd) ярд = 91.44 centimetres

1 foot (ft) фут = 30.48 centimetres

1 inch (in) дюйм = 2. 54 centimetres


Square measure

1 square mile (ml2 ) кв.миля = 2. 59 square kilometres

1 acre (a.) акр = 0.405 hectare

1 square yard (yd 2) кв.ярд = 0.836 square metre

1 square foot (ft 2) кв.фут = 929 square centimetres

1 square inch (in2) кв.дюйм = 6.45 square centimetres


Unit 8



Metric system is a decimal system of physical units, named after its unit of length, the metre. The metric system is adopted as the common system of weights and measures by the majority of countries, and by all countries as the system used in scientific work.



The temperature scale is based on a fixed temperature, that of the triple point of water at which it's solid, liquid and temperature gaseous. The freezing point of water was designated as 273.15 К, equaling exactly 0° on the Celsius temperature scale. The Celsius scale, which is identical to the centigrade scale, is named after the 18th-century Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius, who first proposed the use of a scale in which the interval between the freezing and boiling points of water is divided into 100 degrees. By international agreement, the term Celsius has officially replaced centigrade.

One feature of SI is that some units are too large for ordinary use and others too small. To compensate, the prefixes developed for the metric system have been borrowed and expanded. These prefixes are used with all three types of units: base, supplementary, and derived. Examples are millimetre (mm), kilometre/hour (km/h), megawatt (MW), and picofarad (pF). Because double prefixes are not used, and because the base unit name kilogram already contains a prefix, prefixes are used not with kilogram but with gram. The prefixes hecto, deka, deci, and centi are used only rarely, and then usually with metre to express areas and volumes. In accordance with established usage, the centimetre is retained for body measurements and clothing.

In cases where their usage is already well established, certain other units are allowed for a limited time, subject to future review. These include the nautical mile, knot, angstrom, standard atmosphere, hectare, and bar.


Answer the questions

1. What is the temperature scale based on?

2. Whom is the Celcius temperature scale named after?

3. Where are three types of the units (base, supplimentary, derived) used?

4. What prefixes are used to express areas and volumes?

5. When are certain other units allowed for a limited time, subject to future review?


Cubic measure

1 register ton (ne) тонна регистровая =2.83 cubic metres

1 stack стек = 3.04 cubic metres

1 cubic yard (yd 3) куб.ярд =0.76 cubic metre

1 cubic foot (ft 3) куб.фут = 0.028 cubic metre

1 cubic inch (in3) куб.дюйм = 16.39 cubic centimetres

Unit 9




Metric system is a decimal system of physical units, named after its unit of length, the metre. The metric system is adopted as the common system of weights and measures by the majority of countries, and by all countries as the system used in scientific work.

Weights and Measures

Length, capacity, and weight can be measured using standard units. The principal early standards of length were the palm of hand breadth, the foot, and the cubit, which is the length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. Such standards were not accurate and definite. Unchanging standards of measurement have been adopted only in modern time.

In the English speaking world, the everyday units of linear measurement were traditionally the inch, foot, yard and mile. In Great Britain, until recently, these units of length were defined in terms of the imperial standard yard, which was the distance between two lines on a bronze bar made in 1845.

In Britain units of weight (ounces, pounds, and tones) are now also derived from the metric standard – kilogram. This is a solid cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy maintained at constant temperature at Sevres, near Paris. Copies, as exact as possible, of this standard are maintained by national standards laboratories in many countries.

International System of Units is a system of measurement units based on MKS (metre-kilogram-second) system.This international system is commonly reffered to as SI.

At the Eleventh General Conference on Weights and Measures, held in Paris in 1960 standards were defined for six base units and two supplementary units.


Answer the questions

1.What does the term “metric system” mean?

2.What were the early principal standards of length?

3.What were traditional units of linear measurements in the English-speaking


4.What is International System of Units based on?

5.What was the important decision of the Conference in Paris in 1960?


Weight measure

1 ton(ne) (tn) (gross, long) тонна (большая, длинная) = 1.016 kilogram(me)s

1 ton(ne) ( (net, short) тонна (малая, короткая) = 907.18 kilogram(me)s

1 hundredweight (cwt) (gross, long) хандредвейт (большой, длинный) =

= 50.8 kilogram(me)s

1 hundredweight (cwt) (net, short) хандредвейт (малый, короткий) =

= 45.36 kilogram(me)s

1 stone стоун, стон = 6.35 kilogram(me)s

1 pound (1b) фунт = 453.59 gram(me)s

1 ounch (oz) унция = 28.35 gram(me)s

1 grain гран = 64.8 milligram(me)s



Unit 10



to take into consideration – принимать во внимание

permanent – постоянный

deflection – отклонение стрелки (приборов)

angle – угол

rotation – вращение, периодическое повторение

coil – катушка

detect – выявлять, находить

resistance – сопротивление

in series – последовательно


Answer the questions

1.What is the above article about?

2.What are common ammeters?

3.What is a voltmeter used for?

4.What meter can be used when the currents to be measured are very small?


Choose the right answer

1.The meter which is used to measure the value of the resistance is....

a) ohmmeter

b) ammeter

c) voltmeter

d) bulb

2.The ohmmeter serves to measure...





3. Any instrument which measures electrical values... a meter.

a) is called

b) was called

c) had been called

d) is


Unit 11


widespread – широкораспространенный

to increase – увеличивать

to determine – определять

ergonomics – эргономика


Among various recent trends in the engineering profession computerization is the most widespread. The trend in modern engineering offices is also towards computerization. Computers are increasingly used for solving complex problems as well as for handling, storing, and generating the enormous volume of data modern engineers must work with.

Scientific methods of engineering are applied in several fields not connected directly to manufacture and construction. Modern engineering is characterized by the broad application of what is known as systems engineering principles.

Engineers in industry work not only with machines but also with people, to determine, for example, how machines can be operated most efficiently by workers. A small change in the location of the controls of a machine or of its position with relation to other machines or equipment, or a change in the muscular movements of the operator, often results in greatly increased production. This type of engineering work is called time-study engineering.

A related field of engineering, human-factors engineering, also known as ergonomics, received wide attention in the late 1970s and 1980s when the safety of nuclear reactors was questioned following serious accidents that were caused by operator errors, design failures, and malfunctioning equipment.

Human-factors engineering seeks to establish criteria for the efficient, human-centred design of, among other things, the large, complicated control panels that monitor and govern nuclear reactor operations.


Answer the questions

1. What is the most widespread trend in the engineering profession?

2. What are computers used for in modern engineering?

3. What approaches are used in modern engineering?

4. What is «ergonomics»?

5. What does human-factors engineering deal with?


Retell closely to the text



Unit 12

Electronic Engineering


prior-1.важный; 2.предшествующий




Mechanical Engineering


goods - товары

therefore – таким образом

efficiency - эффективный


Unit 13


Electrical Engineering


diverse-разнообразный to transmit-передавать

to concern-иметь отношение to distribute-распределять

despite-вопреки to reduce-сокращать

thereby-таким образом


Communications and Control

Engineers work on control systems ranging from the everyday, passenger-actuated, such as those that run a lift, to the exotic, such as systems for keeping space craft on course. Control systems are used extensively in aircraft and ships, in military fire-control systems, in power transmission and distribution, in automated manufacturing, and in robotics.

Answer the questions

1. What is the electrical and electronics engineering concerned with?

2. How many types is electrical engineering divided in?

3. What do electronic engineers design?

4. What had happened with circuits after the electronics revolution?

5. What kind of control systems do engineers work on?

6. What are two current trends in computing engineering?

7. Can you name any typical example of modern mechanical engineering?

8. How does safety engineering influence on manufacturing and works in different

spheres of production?


Unit 14

Времена английского глагола

Таблица временных форм глагола

Tense Время Indefinite (Simple) Простое Continuous Длительное Perfect Завершенное
Present Настоящее I write Я пишу (вообще, обычно) I am writing Я пишу (сейчас) I have written Я (уже) написал
Past Прошедшее I wrote Я (на) писал (вчера) I was writing Я писал (в тот момент) I had written Я написал (уже к тому моменту)
Future Будущее I shall/will write Я напишу, буду писать (завтра) I shall/will be writing Я буду писать (в тот момент) I shall/will have written Я напишу (уже к тому моменту)



Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday, English experimental physicist, … (be born) in 1791 in a poor family. The boy … (begin) to work as an apprentice at a bookbinder’s shop at an early age. One day a man … (enter) the shop and … (find) the boy studing an article on electricity. The man … (be) surprised to see a boy so interested in such a difficult subject and … (give) him four tickets for the lectures at the Royal Institutions.

The boy … (go) to the lectures and … (make) notes of what he … (hear). At the end of the lecture he … (come) to Sir Humphry Davy, the greater English scientist, and … (show) him his notes. Davy … (be) surprised. Later he … (make) Faraday his assistent and … (help) him in his education.

Faraday … (have) many important discoveries. Among his works are the concept of the magnetic field and the magnetic “lines of force”, production of new kinds of optical glass, and reseach on electrolysis.

Faraday … (produce) the first mechanical motion by means of a permanent magnet and an electric current. This is the principle upon which the modern electric motor is based.

Faraday … (be) very modest and he … (love) his work more than honours. He … (refuse) to become President of the Royal Society and also … (refuse) to be knighted.


Unit 15

Review of Tenses 1


1.Translate the sentences from English into Russian:

1)Who’s been talking over the phone for so long?

2)Have you ever been to the Arab Emirates?

�3)What’s Jack doing here? – He’s looking for Ann.

4)Did you meet Nick at the disco yesterday?

5)He told me everithing only after he had learnt all the information.

6)Helen doesn’t love him any more, she’s got a new boyfriend.

7)Will you help me tidy the room?

8)We were watching TV when he came in and started shouting at Jane.

9)I’m happy! I’ve found a good job, met a nice girl, retend a good flat, won 1000$ in a lottery.

10)What’s the news? – Rita is getting married.

11)How long have you been studing law?

12)come to me in 20 minutes, I’ll be making a cake.

13)I’m sure, Sarah will pass all the exams.

14)They don’t live here any more. They live in Vegas, as far as I remember.

15)Who knows anything about Kate? – She left for LA a week ago.



Say the negative:

don’t; doesn’t; aren’t; isn’t; haven’t; hasn’t; won’t; hadn’t; weren’t; didn’t

1)We attend a gymnasium.

2)I’ve done my homework.

3)Nelly is writing now.

4)Alice lives in London.

5)He’s lost his key.

6)Dad will come home in 2 hours.

7)My friends were at night club yesterday.

8)She’ll be watching her favourite soap opera when I come home.

9)The girls bought a nice present for Irene.

10) I speak English.


Review of Tenses 2


1.Translate the sentences from English into Russian:

1)I’ll be missing you much, you’re the best girl I’ve ever met.

2)I’m reading now. I like reading science fiction.

3)Where’s Tom? – He’s playing tennis on the tennis court.

4)They’ll be sleeping.

5)Harry had been running for an hour when he saw the lights in the dark.

6)I haven’t decided yet what to do after college.

7)The builders will have finished the construction of the supermarket by next June.

8)I saw her yesterday morning, she walked in the park talking to a tall guy.

9)First she wanted to leave for Paris, but after she had talked to Patric, she decided to stay.

10)Have you ever eaten Chinese food? – Yes, I have. It was in a Chinese

restaurant in Detroit last month.

11)Were you happy with Barbara? – I was really happy with her until her

mother moved to our cottage a month ago.

12)I’m going to visit my granny. She’s been sick for 3 days already.

13)When we returned home, mum had already made pizza and was decorating

The table.

14)My sister studies French, she wants to be a clothes designer.

15)We’ll probably stay home because it’s raining outside.


Say the negative:

don’t; doesn’t; aren’t; isn’t; haven’t; hasn’t; won’t; hadn’t; weren’t; didn’t

1) He loves me.

2) Lily had cooked soup before mum came home.

3) We are playing basketball now.

4) Fiona went to the library an hour ago.

5) They study computing.

6) I had a hamster when I was a child.

7) Dad will go to New York soon.

8) I like your style.

9) Mary is talking in the hall.

10) They’ve spent 2 days in Sochi.


Unit 16

Choose the right modal verb

1.For each new product the producing equipment... reprogrammed and

changed over.

a) must be c) can be

b) may be d) should be

2.The applications of robots... divided into three categories.

a) must be c) may be

b) had be d) should be

3.The petrol engine... develop much power at low speeds

a) can not c) must not

b) ought not to d) may not

4.Despite its diversity, electrical engineering... divided into four main branches.

a) must be c) can be

b) should be d) may be

5.He... finish the work because of the lack of money.

a) had not c) must not

b) could not d) must be

6.Computers... input, calculate, compare, and output data as information.

a) have to c) must

b) can d) may

7.Engineers... know how materials respond to external forces, such as tension,

compression, torsion, bending, and shear.

a) must c) can

b) may d) may be

8.Strength is the force per unit area (stress) that a material... support without


a) may c) can

b) must d) has to

9.You... to wear a hard hat at this part of the workshop.

a) must c) may

b) have d) can

10.Before you go on the factory tour put on these special clothes and

safety boots.

a) must c) may

b) have d) can


Unit 17



calculating device— вычислительное устройство

multiple — кратный

abacus — счеты

slide rule — логарифмическая линейка

logarithm table — логарифмическая таблица

calculus— исчисление; математический анализ

general-purpose — общего назначения, универсальный

to cut out the human being altogether — полностью исключить человека

to manipulate— обрабатывать, преобразовывать; управлять

data processing— обработка данных (информации)

tabulate the census — занести данные по переписи (населения) в таблицу

means of coding — средства кодирования (шифровки)

to punch the holes— пробивать отверстия

punched card— перфокарта

to perform— выполнять, производить

unit of data— единица информации

keyboard terminals — терминал (вывод) с клавишным управлением

proliferation — быстрое увеличение


Unit 18


Computers in Our Life



impact-влияние achivement-достижение

appliance-прибор, приспособление significant-значительный

entertainment device-развлекательное устройство remote-отдалённый

bulletin board-доска объявлений beneficial-выгодный, полезный

computer literacy-компьютерная грамотность opportunity-возможность

application-применение использование restate-пересмотреть

problem-solving device-устройство, обеспечивающее

tertiary level-третья ступень(обучение в институте, университете)


Answer the questions


1.Have computers become an integral part of our life?

2.What types of appliencies can computers be used in?

3.What kinds of services does the Internet provide?

4.Where can people get access to the Internet?

5.How are children taught to use the computer?

6.What are the disadvantages of computer?

7.What’s the role of computers in our everyday life?

8.What does “a computer-literate person” mean?

9.Can you give some examples of computer’s using in everyday life?


Unit 19




В отличие от русского языка в английском языке одно и то же слово может выступать в предложении в качестве разных частей речи. Так, в данных ниже предложениях слово water является существительным (1), глаголом (2), играет роль прилагательного (определения) (3), является частью сложного слова (4).

1.Water is necesarry for life.- Вода необходима для жизни.

2.Water the flower-bed, please.-Полей (те), пожалуйста, клумбу.

3.Water mills served a source of energy.-Водяные мельницы служили

источником энергии.

4.water-supply system-система водоснабжения

water-proof watch-водонепроницаемые часы

Значение подобных слов и их перевод на русский язык зависят от того, каким членом предложения они являются. Они могут быть подлежащим, сказуемым (или его частью), определением, обстоятельством. Функцию слова помогает определить твердый порядок слов в английском предложении и контекст.


High- Frequency Current


Alternating current with frequency of 50 c/s is widely used in industry.Therefore this frequency is called an industrial frequency and the current, an industrial frequency current.

During sound transmission, current flowing in telephone wires changes with the frequency of sound oscillations, which ranges from 50 to 10 000 c/s. The currents of such frequensies are called audio- or low-frequency currents.

Radio transmission is based on the use of alternating currents with frequencies of hundreds, thousands, millions and even tens of million cycles per second. These currents called high-frequency currents are produced by means of an oscillatory circuit consisting of a coil and a capacitor. Moving along the turns now in one direction now in another, the electric charges oscillate in an oscillatory circuit.


By what means are high-frequency currents obtained?



Unit 20

Functions of the Infinitive

Функции инфинитива


Функции   Перевод  
  1. подлежащее To read English books is useful. 2. дополнение I like to read English books in the original.   3. часть составного сказуемого Our aim is to master the English language.   4.определение Here is the book to be read as soon as possible. 5.обстоятельство цели He worked hard to master the English language.       Читать английские книги полезно.   Я люблю читать английские книги в подлиннике.   Наша цель - овладеть английским языком.   Вот книга, которую нужно прочитать как можно быстрее.   Он усердно занимался для того, чтобы овладеть английским языком.



A wattmeter is used to measure the value of a power. It is connected to the circuit directly. A wattmeter consists of coils: two fixed coils and a coil which moves in the magnetic field produced by the fixed coils. Wire used for the coils must have a high resistance; the fixed coils are in series with the load, the moving coil is connected across the line series with a resistance. When a wattmeter is used, the readings on its scale show the value of power being used.


1.What is the wattmeter used for?

2.What does it consist of?

3.In what way are the elements connected?

4.What do the readings on the scale show?


4. Read the text and find in it the answers to the questions that follow it.

Rewrite the text and underline the infinitives, name their functions



A rheostat is a resistor whose resistance value may be varied. Thus, a rheostat is a variable resistance.

It is used to charge the resistance of circuits, and in this way to vary the value of current.

A rheostat consists of a coil and a switch. Take into consideration that wire used for the coil must have a very high resistance. When a rheostat is used its terminals are connected in series with the load. The switch is used to change the length of the wire through which the measured current passes. The resistance may be changed to any value from zero to maximum.

The longer the rheostst wire used in the circuit, the greater is the resistance.


1.What type of resistor is a rheostat?

2.What is a rheostat used for?

3.In what way does a rheostat vary the value of current?

4.What elements does a rheostat consist of?

5.In what way are the terminals connected with the load?

6.What is the function of the switch?



Unit 21

Unit 22


Unit 23



automation-автоматизация previously-ранее

sequence-последовательность assembly plant-сборочный завод

non-manufacturing- непроизводственный device-устройство, прибор

resemble- походить efficiency-эффективность

flyball governor-центробежный регулятор steam engine-паровоз

household thermostat-бытовой термостат facilitate-способствовать

punched-перфорированный aid-помощь

demencion-измерение, размеры


Unit 24

Automation in Industry



automation-автоматизация previously-ранее

sequence-последовательность assembly plant-сборочный завод

non-manufacturing- непроизводственный device-устройство, прибор

resemble- походить efficiency-эффективность

flyball governor-центробежный регулятор steam engine-паровоз

household thermostat-бытовой термостат facilitate-способствовать

punched-перфорированный aid-помощь

demencion-измерение, размеры


Answer the questions

1. How is the term automation defined in the text?

2. What is the most «familiar example» of automation given in the text?

3. What was the first step in the development of automaton?

4. What were the first robots originally designed for?

5. What was the first industry to adopt the new integrated system of production?

6. What is feedback principle?

7. What do the abbreviations CAM and CAD stand for?

8. What is FMS?

9. What industries use automation technologies?


Unit 25


ability-способность absorb-поглощать

amount-количество application -применение

brittle-хрупкий, ломкий stiffness-жесткость

constituent- компонент crack-трещина

toughness-прочность, стойкость yield strength-прочность текучести

definition-определение tensile strength-прочность на разрыв

density-плотность Young modulus-модуль Юнга

ductility-ковкость, эластичность stress-давление, напряжение

strength-прочность car body-кузов автомобиля

failure-повреждение rigid-жесткий

creep resistance-устойчивость к ползучести

strain-нагрузка, напряжение, деформация


Answer the questions

1. What is the density of a material?

2. What are the units of density? Where low density is needed?

3. What are the densities of water, aluminium and steel?

4. A measure of what properties is stiffness? When stiffness is important?

5. What is Young modulus?

6. What is strength?

7. What is yield strength? Why fracture strength is always greater than yield strength?

8. What is ductility? Give the examples of ductile materials. Give the examples of

brittle materials.

8. What is toughness?

9. What properties of steel are necessary for the manufacturing of: a) springs, b) car

body parts, c) bolts and nuts, d) cutting tools?

10. Where is aluminium mostly used because of its light weight?

Unit 26

Learn the words and phrases

Unit 27

Types of Automation


equipment-оборудование assembly machines-сборочные машины

sequence - послудовательность quantity-количество

initial -первоначальный non-productive-непроизводительный

investment-инвестиция, вклад changeover-переход, переналадка

to facilitate-способствовать

rate-скорость, темп


Unit 28

Automated Production Lines



to set up-устанавливать



to utilize-использовать

to remain-оставаться

to involve-вовлекать

laundry (machine)-стиральная (машина)


to require-нуждаться (в чем-либо), требовать (чего-либо)


Answer the questions

1. What is an automated production line consist of?

2. How does the automated production line work?

3. Where are automated production lines utilized?

4. Machining is a controlling process, isn’t it?

5. When are the automated transfer lines reasonable for manufacturing?

6. How is the automated pressworking line created?

7. Give some examples of parts made by machining.

8. Give some examples of parts made by pressworking.


Unit 29

Numerical Control


initial- первоначальный particular-особый, отдельный

to define-определять sequencing-согласованный

accurate-точный, тщательный semiconductor-полупроводник

precision-точность, четкость surface-поверхность

to insert-помещать to employ-использовать

to implement-выполнять to draft-делать чертеж, составлять план


to accomplish-доводить до конца, завершать

x-y-z coordinates in a Cartesian axis system-трехмерная система координат

в Декартовой системе оси

to punch-штамповать, проделывать или пробивать отверстия


Answer the questions

1.What does the term “numerical control” mean?

2.What does the NC represent?

3.How is the machine tool directed to accomplish the machining of the part?

4.What purpose is a position feedback control system used for?

5.Which of the variations in the implementation of NC called DNC?

6.When have different applications of NC been developed?

7.Where is information that controls the machine indicates contained?



Translate into English

Закодированные инструкции, цифровой контроль, программированная

автоматизация, тщательно выполняемые инструкции, направленный на

завершение, показатели механизма, осуществление цифрового контроля,

тщательная проверка, система контроля с обратной связью.



Unit 30


Automated Assembly


manually-ручной to satisfy-соответствовать

multiple-составной, имеющий много отделов quantity-количество

to deliver-поставлять, выпускать attachment-приспособление

screwdriver-отвёртка particular-особый, отдельный

to insert-помещать, вставлять to require-требоваться

to employ-употреблять, использовать


Answer the questions

1. How have been assembly operations performed both at single assembly

workstations and on assembly lines?

2. What are the main reasons for using of automation for assembly work?

3. What conditions are required for using manual assembly?

4. What does a typical assembly machine consist of?

5. What do typical workheads include?

6. Why are assembly machines considered to be examples of fixed automation?

7. What kind of assembly machines is employed in the electronics industry?



Unit 31

History of robotics


concept-понятие, общее представление

medieval churches- средневековые церкви




to apply-применять

to apear-появляться

to be fed-поддерживаться

to gain fame-получить признание


Answer the questions

1.When did the first concept of robots appear?

2.What does the term “robot” mean?

3.When did it become possible to built true robots?

4.Where and when was the first true robot designed?

5.How can robots change their operations in response to changes in the


6.What nation is the most advanced exploring robot technology?

7.What is the necessity of robrots in industry?


Unit 32


Robots in Manufacturing



handling-обращение to grasp-схватывать

transfer-передача, перенос spot welding-точечная сварка

location-местонахождение continuous-непрерывный

pick up-брать, подбирать arc welding-электродуговая сварка

arrangement-расположение spray painting-окраска распылителем

to utilize-находить применение frame-рама

gripper-захват spray-painting gun-распылитель


Answer the questions

1. How are robots used in manufacturing?

2. What is “material handling”?

3. What does a robot need to be equipped with to do loading and unloading


4. What does robot manipulate in robotic processing operation?

5. What is the most common application of robots in automobile manufacturing?

6. What operations could be done by robot in car manufacturing industry?

7. What are the main reasons to use robots in production?

8. How can robots inspect the quality of production?

9. What operations could be done by robots in hazardous or uncomfortable for

the human workers conditions?


3. Do the crossword. Find the following words:

1.расположение; 2.перфорировать; 3.промышленный; 4.применять;

5.робот; 6.сборка; 7.детальный; 8.экспертиза; 9.поверхность;

10.ручной; 11.сварка; 12.обеспечивать; 13.инструмент; 14.погружать.


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