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В некоторых сочетаниях используются фиксированные предлоги:
оnduty – навахте, ответственный; наработе; onfoot пешком; inpencil – карандашом,
before winter,till the end оf the уеаr, in the street, at the meeting,onthewall
since 5 o'clock,for 2 hours, in two days,for ages,from early morning till late at night, by 6 p.m, about (approx.) 5 and аhalfhours, оnSundays;
to be around - бытьгде-топоблизости, tobe away – бытьвотъезде,, comment on – комментировать, depend on – зависеть, belong to – принадлежать, listento, wait for — ждать, take off – снимать, удалять, fill up – наполнять, fillin – заполнять, point out – подчеркивать, указыватьначто-либоetc.
№ | Вводноеслово | Перевод | Пример |
1 | It supposed to mean | Этодолжноозначать, это означает | |
2 | so | итак,такимобразом | So, let`s start. Итак, давайтеначнем. |
3 | well | итак, ну | Well, what next? Ну, и что дальше? |
4 | Certainly Sure - конечно | конечно, безусловно | Yes, certainly. Да, конечно. |
5 | probably | вероятно, возможно | It will probably snow. Возможно, пойдетснег. |
6 | It means | Это значит | |
7 | actually | на самом деле, вообще-то | Actually, I don`t know him well. На самом деле я его плохо знаю. |
8 | in fact | фактически, на самом деле, в действительности | In fact, it was a nice but short trip. В действительности, поездка была хорошая, но короткая. |
9 | definitely | определенно, точно | I will definitely be here. Я точно буду здесь. |
10 | In conclusion | взаключении | |
11 | |||
12 | of course | разумеется | Yes, of course. |
13 | |||
14 | as far as I know as far as I concerned | насколько я знаю | As far as I know this situation is not good. Насколько я знаю, сложилась не очень хорошая ситуация. |
15 | by the way | кстати | Do you like her, by the way? Она тебе, кстати, нравится? |
16 | telling the truth | по правде говоря | Telling the truth, I don`t like her. По правде говоря, она мне не нравится. |
17 | frankly (speaking) | говоря откровенно | Frankly, He hasn`t told me the truth. Говоря откровенно, он не сказал мне правду. |
18 | To be honest If I’m honest | ||
19 | first of all | прежде всего, во-первых | First of all, a cat is more beautiful than a dog. В первую очередь, кошка красивее собаки. |
20 | firstly | во-первых | Firstly, this is the wrong information. Во-первых, это неправильная информация. |
21 | Secondly The second is The second one (is) | во-вторых | Secondly, nobody has checked this information. Во-вторых, никто эту информацию не проверил. |
22 | thirdly | в-третьих | Thirdly, this information can`t be used against him. В-третьих, эту информацию нельзя использовать против него. |
23 | to my mind | по моему мнению, по-моему | To my mind, you are rude. По-моему, ты очень грубый. |
24 | in my opinion | по моему мнению | In my opinion, the weather if fine. По моему мнению, погода сегодня отличная. |
25 | fortunately | к счастью | Fortunately, we weren`t late for breakfast. К счастью, мы не опоздали на завтрак. |
26 | unfortunately | к несчастью | Unfortunately, we were late for breakfast. К несчастью, мы опоздали на завтрак. |
27 | as a matter of fact | фактически, на самом деле, в действительности | As a matter of fact, people tend to buy everything without thinking. На самом деле люди обычно скупают все, даже не подумав, зачем им это надо. |
28 | Finally | в конце концов, в итоге | |
29 | in other words | другими словами | In other words, the criminal was killed/ Другимисловами, преступникапопростуубили. |
30 | in addition | кроме того, в дополнение | In addition, you should know it. Кроме того, вам нужно это знать. |
Kindof – вродетого, типатого, Something like it – вродетого
As result, Intheend – вконце
Onthetopofit – иковсемувышесказанному
Atlast – наконец, напоследок
Partly - частично
Approximately - приблизительно
Morelikely – больше похоже на то, что; более вероятно
Itseems– (это) кажется
Anytime – влюбоевремя
Everytime – каждый раз
Somehow – каким-то образом
Sometimes - временами
Anyway – в любом случае
From time to time – времяотвремени
I appreciate it – яценюэто
It was a girl I fell in love with
I like the ideas you came up with
The United Nations
The United Nations is an organization of sovereign nations representing almost all of humanity. It has as its central goal the maintenance of international peace and security. Additionally, it’s purposes call for the development of friendly relations among nations based on equal rights and self-determination of people and, through international co-operation, the solution of problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature.
The United Nations is the meeting-place where representatives of all member states — great and small, rich and poor, with varying political views and social systems — have a voice and an equal vote in shaping a common course of action.
The United Nations has played, and continues to play, an active role in reducing tension in the world, preventing conflicts and putting an end to fighting already under way.
There are six main organs of the United Nations — the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the Secretariat and the International Court of Justice. The Court has its seat at the Hague, Netherlands. All other organs are based at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Members of the General Assembly talk to each other in many languages, but officially there are only six - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
The Secretariat services the other organs of the United Nations and administers the programmes and policies laid down by them. Over 20,000 men and women are employed by the United Nations with about one-third of them at the Headquarters and the other two-thirds stationed around the globe. Staff members are recruited primarily from member states and are drawn from more than 140 nations. As international civil servants, each takes an oath not to seek or receive instructions from any government or outside authority.
Working for the United Nations, mostly "behind the scenes" at the Headquarters, are linguists, economists, editors, social scientists, legal experts, librarians, journalists, statisticians, broadcasters, personnel officers, administrators and experts in all the varied fields of activity covered by the United Nations. They prepare the reports and studies requested by various bodies of the United Nations; they issue press releases and produce publications, broadcasts and films giving information about the United Nations; and they perform the administrative duties needed to implement resolutions adopted by the various organs. In addition, there are stenographers, clerks, engineers and technicians, tour guides and also a body of security officers in blue-grey uniforms who are responsible for the security of the United Nations Headquarters. At the head of the Secretariat is the Secretary-General.
The main Headquarters of the United Nations are based in New York. The United Nations Organization Secretariat occupies the higher building. The General Assembly is held in the lower building.
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