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Краснощекова Г. А, к. п. н. , доцент, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ТРТУ

2017-05-23 320
Краснощекова Г. А, к. п. н. , доцент, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ТРТУ 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Новикова А.А., к.п.н., старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и русской словесности ТИУиЭ


Одна из актуальных проблем современной методики обучения иностранным языкам – ориентация всего учебного процесса на активную самостоятельную работу обучаемых, создание условий для их самовыражения и саморазвития. Овладение приемами самостоятельной работы является обязательным условием развития навыков самообразования.

Самостоятельная работа – вид учебной деятельности, выполняемый студентами без непосредственного контакта с преподавателем или управляемый преподавателем опосредованно через специальные учебные материалы. Самостоятельная работа является неотъемлемым обязательным звеном процесса обучения, предусматривающим прежде всего индивидуальную работу студентов в соответствии с установкой преподавателя или учебника, программы обучения. Она представляет собой особую, высшую степень учебной деятельности и обусловлена индивидуальными психологическими различиями студентов и личностными особенностями, требует высокого уровня самосознания, рефлексивности.

Данное пособие разработано для подготовки студентов базового уровня неязыковых вузов к аттестационному тестированию по окончании базового уровня, основанному на материалах пособия Headway Pre Intermediate, и предназначено для работы как во внеаудиторное время, так и на аудиторных занятиях в письменной и устной формах. Самостоятельная работа может быть индивидуальной, парной или коллективной. Набор заданий обеспечивает возможность индивидуального выбора и определения объема материала, необходимого для достижения учебной цели. Задания носят активный и творческий характер, стимулируют поиск самостоятельных решений.

Задания, предназначенные для самостоятельной работы, дифференцированы по уровням (задания повышенной сложности отмечены знаком *). В конце пособия даны ключи, которые помогут студентам проверить правильность выполнения заданий.



I. В каждом ряду определите слово, отличающееся от других слов по какому-либо признаку.


1. constitution elect vote martyr

2. spinster widow hero bride

3. bowl wok chop saucepan

4. cauliflower cucumber peach Brussels sprout

5. walkman CD player video tape-recorder

6. keyboards prose drums guitar

7. customer governess stockbroker spy

8. palace bulb mansion castle

9. stamina stardom power energy

10. pyjamas jumper pillow shirt

11. roast bake peel fry

12. platform sail yacht life-raft

13. good-looking stupid boring mean

14. ugly messy untidy dusty

15. invention celebration discovery research

16. throat stomach headache neck

17. pond lake wave mansion

18. fit healthy weak strong

19. award prize reward charity

20. deer snake sword mouse



II. Определите, имеют ли слова в каждом ряду схожее или противоположное значение. Поставьте в колонке С букву Е (equivalent), если следующие слова близки по значению, и букву О (opposite), если они противоположны по значению.



1. dear expensive 1. E

2. wonderful marvelous 2.

3. design construct 3.

4. injure wound 4.

5. same different 5.

6. until since 6.

7. calm nervous 7.

8. noisy quiet 8.

9. whisper shout 9.

10. get receive 10.

11. always never 11.

12. win fail 12.

13. shy reserved 13.

14. clever smart 14.

15. heaven hell 15.

16. wealthy poor 16.

17. boring interesting 17.

18. pretty beautiful 18.

19. dirty messy 19.

20. agree argue 20.



III. Подберите к слову из колонки А слово или словосочетание из колонки В и запишите свой выбор в колонке С.

Part A


1. tell a) money 1. d

2. air b) bin 2.

3. exchange c) glasses 3.

4. spend d) a joke 4.

5. rubbish e) conditioning 5.

6. chewing f) rate 6.

7. wear g) gum 7.


Part B


1. standard a) a bill 1.

2. take b) jam 2.

3. department c) driver 3.

4. pay d) processor 4.

5. traffic e) of living 5.

6. taxi f) a photograph 6.

7. word g) store 7.


Part C


1. play a) the washing-up 1.

2. alarm b) clock 2.

3. make c) a horse 3.

4. post d) the drums 4.

5. pack e) a letter 5.

6. do f) a suitcase 6.

7. ride g) a phone call 7.


Part D


1. order a) a film on TV 1.

2. wear b) post 2.

3. sign c) a van 3.

4. watch d) hour 4.

5. rush e) a cheque 5.

6. drive f) a meal 6.

7. cash g) a suit 7.



IV. Прочитайте тексты и заполните пропуски данными словами, предшествующими тексту.


Text A

ambitious, to write, the bank, in touch, decided, computers, software, finished, professionals, period


Teenager David Bolton has just put £9,000 in (1) the bank - after only six months of part-time work as a computer consultant.

It was only about a year ago, however, that he (2) ______ to get serious about computers. He went to night school to learn how (3) ______ business programs, and did a correspondence course with an American college.

He got (4) _______ with a computer seller, Eltec, who gave him computers and (5) ______ worth more than £3,000. He helps companies by suggesting which (6) ______ they should buy, and by writing individual programs for them.

He can work more quickly than many older (7) _______. In one case, he went to a company where a professional programmer worked for six months and couldn’t find the problem. David (8) ______ the job in five days.

It is because of work of this standard that in short (9) _____ he has been in business David made about £9,000.

How did he do it? “You have to be (10) ______, and you have to really want to get to the top. Believe in yourself, and tell yourself you’re the best.”


Text B

generosity, tidied, gardens, family, horses, village, Perhaps, problems, to

fight, old


Vet Peter Pocock has been left a fortune by a spinster whose (1) horses and dogs he looked after.

The 90-year-old spinster, Miss Marguerite de Beaumont, was helped in many ways by Mr Pocock. He cleaned and (2) _____ her 11-room Elizabethan mansion when she became too (3) _____ and ill to care for it. When she died she left him everything in her will: her money, the house and (4) _____, her stables – all of which is worth $3 million.

Miss de Beaumont’s (5) ______ are furious. Her niece, Mrs Charmian Pickford said “We are very upset. We are going (6) _____ the will. My aunt didn’t know what she was doing – she was senile in her last years.”

Mr Pocock lives in the next (7) ______ with his wife and baby daughter. They were shocked by Miss de Beaumont’s (8) _______. “We can’t believe it,” said Mrs Pocock, “So much money is wonderful, but will it make us happier? Money can bring (9) ______. Our hope is that the mansion will be made beautiful again. (10) _____ we can do it now with the money.”


Text C

sharks, a life-raft, to hit, a machine, Costa Rica, raw, the water, hands, Then, condition


A couple from Miami, Bill and Simone Butler, spent 66 days in (1) a life-raft in the seas of Central America after their yacht sank. They survived in very good (2) ________.

21 days after they left Panama in their yacht they met some whales. “They started (3) ______ the side of the boat,” said Bill, “and then suddenly we heard water.” Two minutes later, the yacht was sinking. They jumped into the life-raft and watched the boat go under (4) _____.

For twenty days they had tins of food, biscuits, and bottles of water. They also had a fishing-line and (5) _______ to make salt water into drinking water –

two things which saved their lives. They caught some fish every day and ate them (6) ____. Then the line broke. “So we had no more fish until something very strange happened. Some (7) _____ came to feed, and the fish under the raft were afraid and came to the surface. I caught them with my (8) _____”.

After 50 days at sea the life-raft was beginning to break up. (9) _____ suddenly it was all over. A fishing boat saw them and took them to (10) _____. Their two months at sea was over.

Text D

to destroy, cathedrals, the animals, communicators, billion, jungles,

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