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Ю. В. Иванова, В. П. Овчаренко

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Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования


Ю.В.Иванова, В.П.Овчаренко


Таганрог 2005

УДК 378.148:801=20

Ю.В. Иванова, В.П. Овчаренко

Test Yourself. Пособие для самостоятельной работы по подготовке студентов базового уровня к аттестационному тестированию.

Учебно-методическое пособие. Под общей редакцией д.п.н., проф. И.А. Цатуровой. Таганрог:

Изд-во ТРТУ, 2005. 66 с.

Цель учебно-методического пособия – развитие и совершенствование лингвистической компетенции студентов базового курса. Пособие представляет блок заданий для самостоятельной работы студентов базового уровня.



Краснощекова Г.А, к.п.н., доцент, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ТРТУ

Новикова А.А., к.п.н., старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и русской словесности ТИУиЭ


Одна из актуальных проблем современной методики обучения иностранным языкам – ориентация всего учебного процесса на активную самостоятельную работу обучаемых, создание условий для их самовыражения и саморазвития. Овладение приемами самостоятельной работы является обязательным условием развития навыков самообразования.

Самостоятельная работа – вид учебной деятельности, выполняемый студентами без непосредственного контакта с преподавателем или управляемый преподавателем опосредованно через специальные учебные материалы. Самостоятельная работа является неотъемлемым обязательным звеном процесса обучения, предусматривающим прежде всего индивидуальную работу студентов в соответствии с установкой преподавателя или учебника, программы обучения. Она представляет собой особую, высшую степень учебной деятельности и обусловлена индивидуальными психологическими различиями студентов и личностными особенностями, требует высокого уровня самосознания, рефлексивности.

Данное пособие разработано для подготовки студентов базового уровня неязыковых вузов к аттестационному тестированию по окончании базового уровня, основанному на материалах пособия Headway Pre Intermediate, и предназначено для работы как во внеаудиторное время, так и на аудиторных занятиях в письменной и устной формах. Самостоятельная работа может быть индивидуальной, парной или коллективной. Набор заданий обеспечивает возможность индивидуального выбора и определения объема материала, необходимого для достижения учебной цели. Задания носят активный и творческий характер, стимулируют поиск самостоятельных решений.

Задания, предназначенные для самостоятельной работы, дифференцированы по уровням (задания повышенной сложности отмечены знаком *). В конце пособия даны ключи, которые помогут студентам проверить правильность выполнения заданий.



I. В каждом ряду определите слово, отличающееся от других слов по какому-либо признаку.


1. constitution elect vote martyr

2. spinster widow hero bride

3. bowl wok chop saucepan

4. cauliflower cucumber peach Brussels sprout

5. walkman CD player video tape-recorder

6. keyboards prose drums guitar

7. customer governess stockbroker spy

8. palace bulb mansion castle

9. stamina stardom power energy

10. pyjamas jumper pillow shirt

11. roast bake peel fry

12. platform sail yacht life-raft

13. good-looking stupid boring mean

14. ugly messy untidy dusty

15. invention celebration discovery research

16. throat stomach headache neck

17. pond lake wave mansion

18. fit healthy weak strong

19. award prize reward charity

20. deer snake sword mouse



II. Определите, имеют ли слова в каждом ряду схожее или противоположное значение. Поставьте в колонке С букву Е (equivalent), если следующие слова близки по значению, и букву О (opposite), если они противоположны по значению.



1. dear expensive 1. E

2. wonderful marvelous 2.

3. design construct 3.

4. injure wound 4.

5. same different 5.

6. until since 6.

7. calm nervous 7.

8. noisy quiet 8.

9. whisper shout 9.

10. get receive 10.

11. always never 11.

12. win fail 12.

13. shy reserved 13.

14. clever smart 14.

15. heaven hell 15.

16. wealthy poor 16.

17. boring interesting 17.

18. pretty beautiful 18.

19. dirty messy 19.

20. agree argue 20.



Part A


1. tell a) money 1. d

2. air b) bin 2.

3. exchange c) glasses 3.

4. spend d) a joke 4.

5. rubbish e) conditioning 5.

6. chewing f) rate 6.

7. wear g) gum 7.


Part B


1. standard a) a bill 1.

2. take b) jam 2.

3. department c) driver 3.

4. pay d) processor 4.

5. traffic e) of living 5.

6. taxi f) a photograph 6.

7. word g) store 7.


Part C


1. play a) the washing-up 1.

2. alarm b) clock 2.

3. make c) a horse 3.

4. post d) the drums 4.

5. pack e) a letter 5.

6. do f) a suitcase 6.

7. ride g) a phone call 7.


Part D


1. order a) a film on TV 1.

2. wear b) post 2.

3. sign c) a van 3.

4. watch d) hour 4.

5. rush e) a cheque 5.

6. drive f) a meal 6.

7. cash g) a suit 7.



Text A

ambitious, to write, the bank, in touch, decided, computers, software, finished, professionals, period


Teenager David Bolton has just put £9,000 in (1) the bank - after only six months of part-time work as a computer consultant.

It was only about a year ago, however, that he (2) ______ to get serious about computers. He went to night school to learn how (3) ______ business programs, and did a correspondence course with an American college.

He got (4) _______ with a computer seller, Eltec, who gave him computers and (5) ______ worth more than £3,000. He helps companies by suggesting which (6) ______ they should buy, and by writing individual programs for them.

He can work more quickly than many older (7) _______. In one case, he went to a company where a professional programmer worked for six months and couldn’t find the problem. David (8) ______ the job in five days.

It is because of work of this standard that in short (9) _____ he has been in business David made about £9,000.

How did he do it? “You have to be (10) ______, and you have to really want to get to the top. Believe in yourself, and tell yourself you’re the best.”


Text B

generosity, tidied, gardens, family, horses, village, Perhaps, problems, to

fight, old


Vet Peter Pocock has been left a fortune by a spinster whose (1) horses and dogs he looked after.

The 90-year-old spinster, Miss Marguerite de Beaumont, was helped in many ways by Mr Pocock. He cleaned and (2) _____ her 11-room Elizabethan mansion when she became too (3) _____ and ill to care for it. When she died she left him everything in her will: her money, the house and (4) _____, her stables – all of which is worth $3 million.

Miss de Beaumont’s (5) ______ are furious. Her niece, Mrs Charmian Pickford said “We are very upset. We are going (6) _____ the will. My aunt didn’t know what she was doing – she was senile in her last years.”

Mr Pocock lives in the next (7) ______ with his wife and baby daughter. They were shocked by Miss de Beaumont’s (8) _______. “We can’t believe it,” said Mrs Pocock, “So much money is wonderful, but will it make us happier? Money can bring (9) ______. Our hope is that the mansion will be made beautiful again. (10) _____ we can do it now with the money.”


Text C

sharks, a life-raft, to hit, a machine, Costa Rica, raw, the water, hands, Then, condition


A couple from Miami, Bill and Simone Butler, spent 66 days in (1) a life-raft in the seas of Central America after their yacht sank. They survived in very good (2) ________.

21 days after they left Panama in their yacht they met some whales. “They started (3) ______ the side of the boat,” said Bill, “and then suddenly we heard water.” Two minutes later, the yacht was sinking. They jumped into the life-raft and watched the boat go under (4) _____.

For twenty days they had tins of food, biscuits, and bottles of water. They also had a fishing-line and (5) _______ to make salt water into drinking water –

two things which saved their lives. They caught some fish every day and ate them (6) ____. Then the line broke. “So we had no more fish until something very strange happened. Some (7) _____ came to feed, and the fish under the raft were afraid and came to the surface. I caught them with my (8) _____”.

After 50 days at sea the life-raft was beginning to break up. (9) _____ suddenly it was all over. A fishing boat saw them and took them to (10) _____. Their two months at sea was over.

Text D

to destroy, cathedrals, the animals, communicators, billion, jungles,


I. Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.


Example: I’d like to go on an excursion to the Crimea.


1.___ President of ___ United States lives in ___ White House in ___ Washington D.C.

2. What do you think of Jane? - She's ___ extremely nice person.

3. Mary is wearing ___ beautiful ring today. It is made of ___ gold.

4. ___ beef is a kind of ___ meat.

5. I have ___ idea. Let's go on ___ picnic on ___ Saturday.

6. We went to ___ South of ___ Russia ____last year.

7. ____ St. Paul’s Cathedral was designed by Sir Christopher Wren.

8. I’d like to have ___ hamburger for ___ breakfast.

9. Can you play ___ piano?

10. Will you play ___ chess with me?

11. At ___ night I had ___ terrible headache after I had drunk ___ lot of coffee in ___ evening.

12. Thomas Nixon is ___ last person I want to see.

13. My favourite subject at school was ___ History.

14. He knows ___ history of ___ French Revolution well.

15. Could you phone later, please? Ann is having ___ shower.

II. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант ответа.


Example: They're listening ____ the news.

A. at B. to C. –


1. Who is she looking ______?

A. on B. at С. to

2. What's the matter.______ him?

A. by B. with С. from

3. No large ships can go ________ that bridge.

A. over B. across C. under

4. It's time for coffee. All the students are coming ______ their lessons.

A. off B. out of С. out

5. What time does your plane take ______?

A. off B. out С. from

6. After failing his driving test four times, he finally gave ______ trying to pass.

A. in B. off C. up

7. I go to school on foot, but yesterday I went to school _____ bus.

A. on B. in C. by

8. Bye, see you ______ Monday morning.

A. on B. at C. in

9. She got married ______ the age of 19.

A. in B. of C. at

10. Jim is a person I can rely ______.

A. at B. on C. for

11. According ______ the forecast the weather will remain better than usual for this time of year.

A. for B. to C. of

12. I haven’t seen her ______ Monday.

A. since B. for C. by

13. My little brother is afraid ______ spiders.

A. to B. for C. of

14. You shouldn’t depend ______ Tom, he’s always late.

A. of B. on C. to



15. Who has paid ______ the meal?

A. for B. out C. with

16. The banks close ______ 7 o’clock in the evening.

A. in B. at C. on

17. Bob is going to play tennis ______ next Sunday.

A. – B. in C. on

18. My sister is always angry ______ me when I am late.

A. at B. on C. with

19. I can’t open the door, I’m looking ______ the key.

A. for B. after C. in

20. Don’t laugh ______ my little sister.

A. on B. at C. about

III. Заполните пробелы одним из следующих местоимений: somebody, anybody, something, anything, somewhere, anywhere.


Example: First, I didn’t know anybody in my new class.

1. ______ has broken my vacuum cleaner.

2. I’ve got ______ for you. I hope you’ll like it.

3. I feel bored. Let’s go ______.

4. Do you have ______ romantic to read?

5. It’s a pity, but we can’t do ______.

6. Does ______ mind if I open the window?

7. If you are so hungry, let’s go ______ to eat.

8. ______ has told me you’re getting married. Congratulations!

9. Oh! There’s ______ very heavy in your suitcase.

10. I’ll take ______ to read before going to the beach.

11. Have you already invited ______ to your party?

12. I haven’t got ______ to wear at all!

13. Let’s ask ______ to sing.

14. Don’t ask me! I don’t want to go ______.

15. Look! ______ is waving you.

16. Have you bought ______?

17. I want to go _______ exotic on holiday.

18. Give us _______ to drink, please.

19. Please don’t tell ______ about this accident.

20. I haven’t got ______ to talk to you about.

21. I think there’s _______ wrong with my watch. I must go to the repair shop.

22. I’m sure there’s ______ inside, just knock louder!

23. Do you know ______ here?

24. There is always _______ I don’t understand.

25. There isn’t ______ we can do now.

26. Can ______ serious come out of this?

27. I haven’t got ______ to say.

28. Quick, let’s go! There’s ______ coming.

29. Nobody can find ______ about when the exams will be.

30. Sally, there’s ______ downstairs who wants to speak to you.

IV. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант ответа.


Example: Mary speaks Japanese_______ than Spanish.

A. the worst B. worse C. more bad


1. I weigh 80 kilos. You’re ______ me.

A. lighter B. lighter than C. light as

2. The Nile is ______ river in the world.

A. longest B. the longest C. long

3. Who is _______ singer in France?

A. more famous B. the most famous C. most famous

4. I think jazz is ______ rock music.

A. better B. the best C. better than

5. The ring wasn’t as ______ I expected.

A. expensive B. expensive as C. expensive than

6. You look ______ you did yesterday.

A. worse B. worse than C. worst than

7. What’s ______ month of the year in India?

A. wettest B. wetter C. the wettest

8. My ______ holiday was in France.

A. more enjoyable B. the most enjoyable C. most enjoyable

9. Is cheese ______ meat?

A. healthier than B. healthier C. healthy than

10. Your daughter is as ______ her mother.

A. as beautiful B. beautiful C. beautiful than

11. The Amazon is ______ river in the world.

A. wider B. widest C. the widest

12. The North Pole isn’t as ______ the South Pole.

A. cold B. cold as C. colder as

13. The black mamba is ______ land snake.

A. the fastest B. fastest C. the most fast

14. Bob is ______ than his brother.

A. as polite B. more polite C. the more polite

15. Chemistry is ______ physics.

A. easier B. as easy C. easier than

16. China has ______ population in the world.

A. big B. bigger C. the biggest

17. The sweater is small. I need ______ size.

A. a larger B. the largest C. large


18. The Mississippi is ______ the Nile.

A. shorter B. shorter than C. the shorter than

19. I don’t feel ______ as yesterday.

A. tired B. as tired C. more tired

20. This task is ______ than I expected.

A. difficult B. as difficult C. more difficult

21. This book is ______ than that one.

A. thicker B. thick C. thickest

22. Her hair is short. My hair is ______ than hers.

A. long B. longer C. longest

23. Today is ______ day of the year.

A. warmer B. the warmest C. more warm

24. ______ people smoke these days than before.

A. Less B. Few C. Fewer

25. This way is ______ than the other.

A. the safest B. safer C. more safer

26. The patient looks much ______ today.

A. best B. the best C. better

27. Jack’s ______ brother was my classmate.

A. the oldest B. elder C. the eldest

28. Ann is as ______ as her mother.

A. tall B. the tallest C. taller

29. His manners are even ______ than his sister’s.

A. most bad B. worst C. worse

30. Don’t send a letter. It’s ______ to phone him.

A. easier B. more easy C. the easiest

31. It’s becoming ______ difficult to find a job.

A. many and more B. more and more C. much and more

V. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант ответа.


Example: When I entered the room, she _____________ on the sofa.

A. lay B. is lying C. was lying


1. Your sister always drinks strong coffee, _______________ she?

A. doesn’t B. does C. isn’t

2. I ___________________ here since September.

A. am B. was C. have been

3. We’ve got tickets, and tomorrow evening we _________________ to the cinema.

A. are going B. go C. have gone

4. The day before yesterday we _____________ to the restaurant by Tom.

A. are invited B. were invited C. invited

5. She asked me ____________________ a car.

A. do I have B. if did I have C. if I had

6. I’m hot because I ___________________!

A. have been running B. have run C. ran

7. My dentist says I _________________ eat so many sweets.

A. can’t B. don’t have to C. shouldn’t

8. The weather is nice today, but it __________________ bad yesterday.

A. was B. is C. has been

9. Dad ____________________ on Saturdays.

A. is usually working B. usually works C. is usually worked

10. ____________________ you understand what I’m saying?

A. Can B. Should C. Must

11. Mr. Harrison said that he ____________________ again.

A. will call B. would call C. calls

12. His smile was something she _________________ before.

A. had never seen B. has never seen C. never saw

13. Mom isn’t at home. She ___________________ to the shops and she will be back soon.

A. has gone B. has been C. went

14. It _______________________ in this part of the world.

A. is often raining B. was often raining C. often rains

15. Nylon __________________ in the early 1930s.

A. was invented B. invented C. will be invented

16. Last week my Dad ______________________ to work on foot.

A. was going B. has gone C. went

17. While my son __________________ for my call, somebody knocked at the door.

A. waited B. was waiting C. was waited

18. He can play golf well, ____________________ he?

A. doesn’t B. can C. can’t

19. Run downstairs. Your sister _________________ for you.

A. waits B. is waiting C. waited

20. How long ______________________ here?

A. have you sat B. did you sit C. have you been sitting

21. Listen! That boy __________________ the saxophone.

A. plays B. is playing C. played

22. George _____________________ swimming yesterday.

A. go B. has gone C. went

23. We __________________ from him since he left for Kenya.

A. didn’t hear B. haven’t heard C. hadn’t heard

24. You ___________ a lovely song when I entered the room. What was it?

A. were singing B. sang C. had sung

25. Little children like books with large print. They ____________________ read them more easily.

A. should B. have to C. can

26. Tom _________________ as a postman for a month.

A. is working B. has been working C. works

27. ‘Sunflowers’ _____________________ by Van Gogh.

A. was painted B. painted C. was painting

28. She asked me _________________.

A. if I smoked B. if I smoke C. did I smoke

29. Sam doesn’t work hard, _________________ he?

A. is B. does C. isn’t

30. He was tired because he ________________ hard in the garden all day.

A. worked B. has worked C. had been working

31. ‘What ____________ in your spare time?’ – ‘I often go to the cinema.’

A. do you do B. are you doing C. have you done

32. I went away while the others _________________ lunch.

A. had B. were having C. had had

33. After it _____________________ raining, we went out.

A. had stopped B. stopped C. would stop

34. The children are drawing. They _____________ since they came home.

A. have been drawing B. have drawn C. have been drawn

35. I don’t know Spanish, but I _____________________ it now.

A. learn B. am learning C. have learnt

36. They sent a letter the day before yesterday, _______________ they?

A. did B. hadn’t C. didn’t

37. The doctor told me __________________ more exercise.

A. to do B. doing C. do

38. _________________ I speak to Jane, please?

A. Could B. Must C. Shall

39. I asked her ___________________ a phone call.

A. was there B. if there was C. if was there

40. Coca-Cola ______________________ for over one hundred years.

A. has been produced B. has produced C. was produced

VI. Составьте вопросы, расположив данные слова в правильном порядке.


Example: earn much a she How does year?


Прочитайте тексты и выполните задания, следующие за ними.

Text A



The press, television and radio (mass media) play an important part in the life of society. They influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Some people say, ‘news is not what happens – it is what you see or read in mass media.’ In other words, mass media shapes public opinion. (Sometimes it is good, but sometimes it is terribly bad. It depends.)

Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers and magazines in their spare time. Television dominates one’s life if the family watches it most of the time. Television informs, educates, and entertains people, but it is also a habit-forming drug impossible to resist.

Various TV shows, such as quiz, and music programmes attract a large audience. During TV quiz programmes the questions are answered by the viewers at home.

Then there are daily TV serials known as soap operas. Some people find them boring, others consider them to be good entertainment and relaxation.

Some people say there is too much violence on television, which has a bad influence on young viewers. Television often shows scenes of violence.

But it is hardly fair to say that TV doesn’t try to raise the cultural level of the people or develop their artistic taste. Many TV programmes are excellent: they are made in good taste and with great professional skill. Television brings into millions of homes not only news and entertainment, but also cultural and educational programmes.

Good or bad, television brings the world into our home and brings us closer to other people. Besides, it is good company for people who live alone.

Text B


We tend to imagine that ancient people were ‘environmentally friendly’

and lived in harmony with nature. Some people (such as the American Indians) did indeed respect and protect their environment. But there are many examples of ancient peoples who destroyed the land they inhabited. In doing this, some of them destroyed their own livelihood.

The great city of Ur was destroyed by floods after its people had cut down the trees on the banks of the river Euphrates to use as fuel for their fires. Although the Bible says that the cause of floods was anger of God, the real cause of the flood was probably environmental damage caused by man.

The dodo was a large bird, rather like a turkey, that lived on the island of Mauririus in the Indian Ocean. When the first man arrived in Mauritius in the early 16th century, they found that the dodos were very tame. The settlers killed the dodos partly for food and partly for sport. By 1680, less than 200 years after the first man settled on Mauritius, the last dodo was dead. Only the expression ‘as dead as a dodo’ lives on in the English language.

Text C


All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her purchases. For this was what the notice inside the entrance promised. It said: ‘Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This may be your lucky day!’

For several weeks Mrs. Edwards hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never gave up hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things which she did not need. In vain her husband tried to dissuade her. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say: ‘Madam, this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free.’

On Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea. She dashed back

to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the cash desk. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her. ‘Madam,’ he said, holding out his hand, ‘I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!’

I. Найдите слова из первой колонки в тексте и соотнесите с их значением во второй колонке .

1. ambition 2. purchases 3. gave up 4. in vain 5. dashed a. left b. wish c. ran quickly d. buyings e. wish

II. Дополните предложения в соответствии с содержаниемтекста и подчеркните правильный вариант ответа.

1. The housewives learnt about the offer of free goods a) from the manager b) at the supermarket c) from their friends.

2. Mrs. Edwards’s husband tried to a) make her unhappy b) cheer her up c) stop her buying things.

3. Mrs. Edwards very much wanted to a) get a free basket of goods b) meet the manager c) fill all her cupboards.

4. Mrs. Edwards went shopping a) on foot b) in a friend’s car c) by car.

5. Mrs. Edwards must have been a) embarrassed b) delighted c) disappointed.

Text D


When Mr. Holland was a young man, he played a lot of football, and he had always been thin and very strong. But then he worked in an office for many years, and he drove to work in a car, so when he was forty, he was fat and very soft. He did not wish to get fatter and softer every year.

One day one of his friends said to him, ‘Would you like to be thinner, Fred?’

‘Of course I would’, Mr. Holland answered.

‘Well,’ his friend said, ‘stop going to your office by car, and get a bicycle.’

Mr. Holland had not ridden a bicycle for many years. ‘It’s very hard to learn to ride a bicycle again at your age,’ his wife said.

But it was not too hard for Mr. Holland to do. He usually sat in his living room and read the newspaper in the evening, but he bought a bicycle for his birthday and practiced riding that every evening instead. He hoped that it would help him to get thinner, and he got a lot of pleasure from it.

Later he began to go to his office on his bicycle. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and he went past them to the front, because his bicycle was narrow. Then he was very happy.

Yesterday he stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind him on another bicycle. He stopped, too, and said to Mr. Holland, ‘have the police taken your driving licence away, too?’



I. Соотнесите слово в колонке А с его определением из колонки В. Запишите свой выбор в колонке С.


1. to compress a) to turn into gas or vapour 1. b
2. propulsion b) to push together in a small space 2.
3. unique c) driving forward 3.
4. valuable d) the only one of its type 4.
5. to evaporate e) to produce, e.g. electricity 5.
6. to generate f) important, worth a lot of money 6.
7. principle a) substance used for killing insects 7.
8. charge b) the smallest particle of a substance which can exist on its own 8.
9. pressure c) the electricity contained by a body or a battery 9.
10. insecticide d) a law of nature, usually with uses in science or technology 10.
11. thrust e) the force of a substance on another substance 11.
12. molecule f) a pushing force 12.
13. violent a) substance used for cleaning 13.
14. flood b) small amount of a substance, usually taken for testing 14.
15. sample c) power needed to do work 15.
16. to grind out d) sudden and powerful 16.
17. energy e) to shape by rubbing together 17.
18. detergent f) overflow of water on to land which is usually dry 18.


19. minute a) slowly, little by little 19.
20. horizontal b) very small 20.
21. organism c) very small pieces 21.
22. particles d) substance which combines with acids to form salts 22.
23. gradually e) flat, level 23.
24. alkali f) any living thing, plant or animal 24.
25. to create a) path of one body around another 25.
26. theory b) outside of a body or the top of a liquid 26.
27. surface c) idea which explains or tries to explain facts or events 27.
28. to revolve d) waste organic substance, usually from households 28.
29. sewage e) to make, cause 29.
30. orbit f) to go round and round 30.
31. ancient a) instrument which changes the voltage of a current 31.
32. spectrum b) process of sending out heat, light or X-rays 32.
33. to expand c) very old, belonging to past times 33.
34. transformer d) to grow bigger in volume 34.
35. fall-out e) different colours which light consists of 35.
36. radiation f) radio-active particles in the atmosphere 36.



II.* Подберите слово к определению в колонке А. Запишите свой выбор в колонке В.



1. very important 1. vital
2. to bring a ray of light to a fixed point 2.
3. the sort of power that lights our homes 3.
4. half the diameter 4.
5. place where something comes from 5.
6. uncovered 6.
7. a movement of electricity 7.
8. a watercourse 8.
9. flow of electricity, air or sea-water 9.
10. man-made 10.
11. the process of bringing water to dry areas 11.
12. a flat surface 12.
13. the smallest particle of an element, which can take part in a chemical change 13.
14. to change from gas to liquid 14.
15. a natural or artificial moon which revolves around a planet 15.
16. to make things seem bigger 16.
17. to look at very closely and carefully 17.
18. the smallest living unit 18.
19. to clean 19.
20. to make dirty 20.
21. to put down, to leave behind 21.
22. to move out or send out in all directions from a common centre 22.
23. a substance which speeds up a chemical change without changing itself 23.
24. the soil found on the bed of a river 24.
25. wet to touch 25.
26. to build on 26.


27. to look at something very closely and try to find things about it 27.
28. a river of ice high in the mountains 28.
29. to be made up of 29.
30. to shape, to form 30.
31. connected 31.
32. to remove by the action of water 32.
33. to put to practical use 33.
34. the thing built by man, usually with a special function 34.
35. the usual weather conditions in a certain area 35.
36. a limit between areas of land or countries 36.
37. a regular arrangement of molecules in a certain structure 37.
38. oil used for burning 38.
39. movement 39.
40. a sudden flash of light 40.


III. Выполните расчеты в колонке А и запишите свой вариант решения в колонку В.

1. Take the square root of 25. Add 10. Divide by 3. Multiply by 2. What is the answer? 1. 10
2. Calculate the length of a rectangle which has an area of 35 cm2 and a width of 5 cm. 2.
3. Calculate the length of the base of a triangle, which has an area of 36 cm2 and a height of 9 cm. 3.
4. Calculate the volume of a rectangular solid with a length of 10 cm, a height of 7 cm and a width of 5 cm. 4.
5. A week ago a cyclist travelled non-stop from Liverpool to London. The distance is 200 miles and the journey took 8 hours. What speed did the cyclist travel at? 5.



6. Bob’s car does 40 miles per gallon of petrol. A gallon of petrol costs 80 pence. (100p = £1). How much will it cost Bob to get from Liverpool to London and back if the distance between Liverpool and London is 200 miles? 6.
7. Subtract eight from twenty-four. Divide by two. Add two. Multiply by ten. What is the answer? 7.
8. Add six to seven. Multiply by four. Subtract four. Divide by twelve. What is the answer? 8.
9. Yesterday Alan went shopping with $10 in his pocket. He bought a pound of bananas for 70 cents, a loaf of bread for 60 cents and a cake for $1.70. How much money did he have when he got back? 9.
10. Calculate the area of a triangle, which has a length of the base of 6 cm and a height of 8 cm. 10.
11. Divide twenty by four. Multiply by nine. Add thirty-two. Subtract seventeen. What is the answer? 11.
12. Calculate the area of a rectangle, which has a length of 6 cm and a width of 8 cm. 12.
13. Yesterday a car traveled non-stop from Liverpool to London at a speed of 40 mph. The distance is 200 miles. How long did the journey take? 13.
14. Multiply 7 by 4. Add 20. Subtract 6. Divide by 6. What is the answer? 14.
15. Calculate the area of a rectangle which has a length of 9 cm and a width of 4 cm. 15.
16. Yesterday in the morning Jack had $ 5. During the day he bought a kilo of apples for $ 1.4, a sandwich for $ 0.7 and stamps for $ 0.9. How much money did he have left in the evening? 16.
17. Multiply eight by eleven. Add twelve. Divide by five. Subtract ten. What is the answer? 17.



18. Calculate the height of a triangle which has a base of 10 cm and an area of 50 cm2. 18.
19. Divide six by three. Subtract one. Add four. Multiply by five. What is the answer? 19.
20. Mike’s car does 25 miles per gallon of petrol. A gallon of petrol costs 70 pence. How much will it cost Mike to cover the distance of 350 miles? 20.
21. Calculate the height of a triangle which has an area of 32 cm2 and a length of the base of 8 cm. 21.
22. Take the square root of 81. Add the square root of 16. Multiply by 12. Divide by 4. What is the answer? 22.
23. Willy’s car does 40 miles per gallon of petrol. A gallon of petrol costs $ 1.2. How much will it cost Willy to cover the distance of 100 miles? 23.
24. Calculate the height of the triangle, which has an area of 35 cm2 and a length of 10 cm. 24.
25. Jack goes shopping with $7.50 in his pocket. He buys a pound of bananas for 70 cents, a loaf of bread for 60 cents and four rump steaks for $2.20. How much money has he left when he gets back? 25.
26. Calculate the length of a box which has a volume of 60 cc, a height of 4 cm and a width of 3 cm. 26.
27. Take the square root of 49. Add the square root of 64. Subtract 5. Multiply by 6. Divide by 20. What is the answer? 27.
28. Divide forty four by eleven. Multiply by five. Add seven. Subtract eight. What is the answer? 28.
29. Willy’s car does 40 miles per gallon of petrol. A gallon of petrol costs 80 pence. (100p = £1). How much will it cost Willy to get from Liverpool to London and back if the 29.



distance is 200 miles?  
30. Calculate the length of a box which has a volume of 96 cc, a height of 4 cm and a width of 3 cm. 30.
31. Multiply seven by four. Add twenty. Subtract six. Divide by six. What is the answer? 31.
32. Take the square root of 4. Add the square root of 81. Multiply by 6. Divide by 3. What is the answer? 32.
33. Calculate the width of a box which has a volume of 144cc, a height of 6 cm and a length of 6 cm. 33.
34. Oil is pumped into a 2,000-gallon tank at a rate of 4 gallons per second. How long does it take to fill the tank? 34.
35. Divide 20 by 5. Multiply by 9. Add 32. What is the answer? 35.
36. Multiply seven by nine. Add nine. Divide by six. Subtract three. What is the answer? 36.
37. Take the square root of 36. Add 14. Multiply by 5. Subtract 1. What is the answer? 37.
38. Take the average of 20, 24, 26 and 30. Multiply by 10. What is the answer? 38.
39. Calculate the width of a rectangle, which has an area of 40 cm2 and a length of 8 cm. 39.
40. Multiply six by eleven. Add fourteen. Divide by twenty. Subtract three. What is the answer? 40.


IV. Прочитайте тексты и в каждый пропуск запишите подходящее слово из данных. Обратите внимания, что к каждому тексту даны три лишних слова.

Text А

invented surface expanded depth freezes moulded effect property Glaciers quantity

It is a well-known physical (1) property of water that it (2) __________ at 00C. But what (3) __________ has this property had on the earth’s

(4)__________? Millions of years ago, solid layers of ice (5) __________ the lakes and hills of Europe and North America. (6) __________ formed the bare faces of the Alps. Water froze and (7) __________ in the cracks of big rocks and broke them down into smaller ones.


Text В

stored pressure transmitted gradually vital fractional concentrates liquid structure evaporates

Oxygen is (1) __________ to life; it is needed by the body cells of all animals. It is also very useful in industry. It is produced in the following way. Air is put into containers under great (2)__________. This turns it into (3) __________ and makes it very cold. It is then (4) __________ warmed up and each substance (5)__________ at a different temperature. The boiling point of oxygen is – 1830C. It is caught and (6)__________ in strong steel cylinders at a pressure of 136 atmospheres. The process is known as (7) __________ distillation.


Text С

unique heat turbine steam expansion jet propulsion rotates source evaporates

A simple (1) __________ engine was built by a Greek scientist, Hero of Alexandria, about 2,000 years ago. So the principle of jet (2) __________ is not a new one! Hero knew that water (3) __________ and expands when it is heated. One cubic centimeter of water produces about twelve cubic centimeters of (4)__________. When water changes into steam, the (5) __________ gives energy to the water molecules. They move in all directions, thus causing (6)__________. This is why compressed steam is a valuable (7) __________ of energy.


Text D

signals telescopes orbits increased artificial solar measure attracted sources transmitted

Before the days of (1) __________ satellites and manned space flight, scientists used (2) __________ to obtain information about the planets and stars. Big radio telescopes like the one at Jodrell Bank in England are also valuable (3) __________ of information. They pick up radio (4) __________ from space. Our knowledge has been (5) __________ even more by information (6) __________ by instruments which have been landed on the moon, Mars and Venus. Every satellite, which is sent up is like a small laboratory, packed with instruments to (7) __________ everything from temperature to radiation levels.


V. Подберите к началу предложения из колонки А окончание предложения в колонке B. Запишите свой выбор в колонку С:


1. Currents of very cold air a) but also sound, heat and electricity. 1. c
2. Physicists study not only light b) and are cold-blooded. 2.
3. We are slowly poisoning our c) make the water vapour in clouds freeze. 3.
4. Mercury is d) most important natural resource. 4.
5. Reptiles are covered with scales e) highly poisonous. 5.
6. Lightning is a sudden a) between high and low pressure areas. 6.
7. Oil floats on water and does not b) discharge of electricity. 7.
8. Wind is simply the movement of air c) the heat gives energy to the water molecules. 8.


9. Outside the solar system d) dissolve in it. 9.
10. When water changes into steam e) distances are so great that very little has been found out. 10.
11. Water evaporates and expands a) is needed by plants to make sugars. 11.
12. Big radio telescopes b) which have no backbones. 12.
13. Insects are small animals c) is measured with a barometer. 13.
14. Atmospheric pressure d) when it is heated. 14.
15. Carbon dioxide e) pick up radio signals from space. 15.
16. Oxygen a) is produced by the evaporation of water and by breathing of living things. 16.
17. Mercury is used as b) is vital to life. 17.
18. Compounds are substances which c) air and their controls are aerodynamic. 18.
19. The moisture in the atmosphere d) consist of two or more elements. 19.
20. Hovercraft ride on a cushion of e) a catalyst in the production of plastics. 20.
21. Fuel oil a) is a valuable source of energy. 21.
22. Dams are immense structures b) produces forward motion. 22.
23. Compressed steam c) contains sulphur. 23.
24. Air increases in d) which hold back the water of a river. 24.


25. Backward thrust e) volume as the temperature rises. 25.
26. Chemists not only analyze compounds a) before it is pumped back into rivers, seas. 26.
27. Amphibians usually have b) hydro-electric power. 27.
28. Sewage is treated and broken down c) it rises. 28.
29. As water vapour is lighter than air d) but also combine elements to form compounds. 29.
30. Dams are used to produce e) moist skin. 30.
31. The bigger the difference between the pressures a) than all other chemical compounds together. 31.
32. The rushing water b) consist of only one cell. 32.
33. Action is c) the stronger the wind is. 33.
34. There are more carbon compounds d) drives the turbines. 34.
35. Some living things e) equal to reaction. 35.
36. When oil is burnt in industry a) an unchanging body temperature. 36.
37. Snowflakes are crystals b) produce about 12 cubic centimeters of steam. 37.
38. A microscope is an instrument c) some poisonous substances are formed. 38.
39. One cubic centimeter of water d) which magnifies very small objects. 39.


40. Mammals have e) with a beautiful patterned structure. 40.
41. Oxygen is needed a) to find their way when land was out of sight. 41.
42. Amphibians are animals b) varies all the time. 42.
43. Ancient sailors used the sun and the stars c) life-giving water to the deserts around. 43.
44. The pressure of the atmosphere d) which live both on land and in water. 44.
45. Irrigation channels bring e) by the body cells of all animals. 45.
46. Electro-magnets generate a) is like a small laboratory, packed with instruments. 46.
47. Every satellite which is sent up b) with a naturally dry skin. 47.
48. Reptiles are animals c) is very useful in industry. 48.
49. A cubic metre of cold air is heavier than d) the same volume of warm air. 49.
50. Oxygen e) current in coils of wire. 50.

VI. Прочитайте предложения в колонке А и выберите правильный вариант ответа. Запишите свой выбор в колонку В.


1. A chemist uses a) a microscope b) a balance c) a prism to weigh some substances. 1. b
2. a) Insects b) Mammals c) Amphibians are small animals which have no backbones. 2.


3. It is a well known physical property of water that it a) boils b) evaporates c) freezes at 00C. 3.
4. The silt which is picked up by a river is a) moulded b) deposited c) shaped near its mouth. 4.
5. Atmospheric a) change b) temperature c) pressure is measured with a barometer. 5.
6. Lightning is a sudden a) charge b) discharge c) pressure of electricity from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth. 6.
7. Air a) increases b) decreases c) condenses in volume as the temperature rises. 7.
8. The a) spark b) moisture c) climate in the atmosphere is produced by the breathing of living things. 8.
9. Nowadays we know when to expect a) radiation b) eclipses c) explosion of the moon and sun. 9.
10. Before the days of artificial a) satellites b) instruments c) radio, scientists used telescopes to obtain information about the planets and stars. 10.
11. Compressed a) water b) heat c) steam is a valuable source of energy. 11.
12. Oxygen is needed by the body a) elements b) cells c) compounds of all animals. 12.
13. Mercury is used as a a) detergent b) catalyst c) waste in the production of plastics. 13.
14. Oil floats on water and does not a) evaporate b) dissolve c) concentrate in it. 14.
15. The electro-magnets generate a) current b) water c) voltage in coils of wire. 15.
16. Carbon a) acid b) chloride c) dioxide is needed by plants to make sugars. 16.
17. Backward a) reaction b) thrust c) propulsion produces forward motion. 17.


18. Dams are not only used to produce hydro-electric a) turbine b) electricity c) power. 18.
19. Reptiles are covered with a) lungs b) scales c) seeds and are cold-blooded. 19.
20. A microscope is an instrument which a) magnifies b) solidifies c) preserves very small objects. 20.




I Соотнесите следующие английские выражения в колонке А с их русскими эквивалентами в колонке B. Запишите свой выбор в колонке С.


1) income a) долгосрочный 1. f

2) to satisfy b) доля 2.

3) aim c) удовлетворять 3.

4) partnership d) расходы 4.

5) long-term e) цель 5.

f) доход

g) партнерство



6) share a) цель 6.

7) promotion b) неэффективный 7.

8) spending c) богатство 8.

9) inefficient d) удовлетворять 9.

10) wealth e) содействие 10.

f) доля

g) расходы



11) money payments a) акционер 11.

12) distribution b) страхование 12.

13) stockholder c) долгосрочный 13.

14) ownership d) денежные платежи 14.

15) insurance e) раход 15.

f) распределение

g) собственность


16) profit a) содействие 16.

17) expense b) прибыль 17.

18) to possess c) поток 18.

19) developing d) развивающийся 19.

20) flow e) расход 20.

f) богатство

g) владеть


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