Sacred texts of all higher order beings — КиберПедия 

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Sacred texts of all higher order beings

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Below the primary Covenants, by this Covenant all other sacred texts of all higher
order beings shall also be respected and recognized as sacred.

In particular, the three (3) bodies of sacred texts of the three (3) great religions
shall be recognized as the most sacred of all other texts, excluding the great

VI Objects (Regional Belief Collective)

Article 63 - Senate

The Senate

All legislative powers of a regional collective of souls of One Heaven shall be
vested in a Senate of representatives (Senators) which shall consist of all elected
representatives from each Belief Collective in the spiritual region.

The Senate shall be composed of one thousand (1000) senators, directly chosen
by the faithful on Earth, the Blessed Saint and Directors of the Collective Board of
Directors with each Senator having the power of one (1) vote. Each senator shall
be an ascended master.

Senators shall be appointed for a term of sixty four (64) years corresponding to
the interposing cycle of fixed terms of Regional and Local Elections in Heaven
every sixty four (64) years.

Legislative power

Vested by the Covenant, the Senate shall have the power to review all bills
passed by Regional Executive and proposed as rules and official planning of the

The Senate shall also have the power to commission Regional Commissions of
Investigation with the power to call any individual member within the region and
any information located within One Heaven and the borders of the region to

Prefect of the Senate (Senate Prefect)

Responsibility for good conduct and control of the senate and the scheduling of
business within the chamber shall be vested in the Office of Prefect of the Senate
(Senate Prefect).

Senate Pref ect

The Prefect of the Senate shall be an independent role, free from political party
preferences. The candidate shall be elected by new senators themselves on the
first day of sitting of Parliament following an Election.

Senate session length

The total length of a Senate session shall be equal in time and session with a
regional congregation of faiths held upon the Earth once every six (6) years and
not exceeding forty (40) days.

Senate attendance

The Senate Prefect shall be responsible for the issuing of summons to individual
Senators for their attendance to Parliament.

Excepting special leave granted by the Senate Prefect due to matters of national
security, health or extended personal matters, all Senators shall be required to
attend the Sitting Session Days as listed in the summons.

Election Year

During a year in which a election is to be called, the Parliament shall not sit.
Instead the last session of Parliament before it is dissolved shall be the year

Life of Parliament

Parliament shall exist for a fixed period of sixty four (64) years before being
dissolved ahead of Regional Elections for a new Parliament.

Dissolution of Parliament

Regional Parliament shall be dissolved every sixty four (64) years following that
last day of the Session for the house of Parliament.

Date of Senate Election

The date of a senate election shall always occur within the Spring months, allowing
fourty (40) days prior to the date of the election for the official campaign period.


The minimum number of members (quorum) required to be present within the
chamber of a House of Parliament to permit the full exercise of its powers shall be
one third (1/3) the total number of members of that house.

Neither House of Parliament shall be permitted to undertake procedures that
require a quorum if the total number of members in that House is not equal or
greater to the quorum.


Voting in both houses of Parliament shall be by open vote expressed as either Yes
or No to the proposition before the chamber.

Voting shall always require a quorum and shall follow the standard procedures
listed in this Covenant.

Total votes shall be tallied as either Yes, or No to the proposition expressed by
the Bill. A higher total number of Yes votes to No votes shall deem the Bill or
proposition has been passed. A higher total number of No votes to Yes votes shall
deem the Bill or proposition has been defeated.

The record, attendance and vote of all members of both Houses of Parliament
shall be recorded on the public record.

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