II. Read the text and translate it into Russian. — КиберПедия 

История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

II. Read the text and translate it into Russian.

2022-07-07 27
II. Read the text and translate it into Russian. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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To furnish a flat is a great problem*

Hi! I'm Anna. I'm so happy that I can sing and jump and play fool! Now I have a flat of my own. At last! No matter that it is only a one-room flat on the second floor of a ten-storied house. But I don't need a lift, which is often out of work. And there is a refuse chute. Besides, I have a large loggia, but not a very large room. Now, I have other two problems – how to furnish my new flat and where I can get money to do that. And I don't know which task I should start with. Well, let's begin with the planning. First, I'll be busy with a hall. Though it's difficult to call that tiny space a hall, I think, I can find the place for a hallstand with hooks and a mirror because they are on the walls. But where shall I put a small bench or a chest of drawers for shoes? Nowhere! By the way, where does that door go? As far as I remember, there must be a store-room. But is it large or not? Wow! There is enough space to hang all my coats and raincoats and put all my shoes! Good. But the colour of the walls here is awful. I must paint them pale cream and the floor - light brown. Or, maybe, dark red. No, my mum will be in horror, she won't outlive it. It's easier to decide what to do with a bathroom. The bath is there, the sink with taps is there too. The walls are tiled light pink and white. I need here only a large mirror, a shelf for cosmetics and a rack for towels. Ah, there must be a bathmat, something bright. Well, is there any space for a washing machine? Mine is not very wide. Let's measure. Fine, to a hair. Now, let's go to the kitchen. At the sight of it I want to cry. Everything must be done the other way. There will be a lot of work! I'll move the sink closer to the window, then there will be a working table with drawers and only then I'll place a gas stove. Several cupboards over them will be fine. The fridge will be in the corner. Everything will be at the hand. And the wall at the stove, the table and the sink must be tiled. In the corner opposite the fridge I put a dining table, a corner sofa and two or three stools. What colours to choose? Ah, I think, yellow with blue will be cool. A couple of houseplants and the kitchen will be in full order. The room, at last. There are only nineteen square metres. There must be two zones: working-dining and for rest. Luckily, I don't need to buy a wardrobe, there is a built-in one, and rather spacious. So, opposite the door I'll have a computer table with my PC, a processor and a printer and a swivel chair at it. I like comfort. A little further there will be a bookcase and one bookshelf with all my dictionaries, reference books and textbooks over the desk. At the wall near the window I see a corner sofa and two armchairs. There will be a coffee table between them. No dining tables. My guests prefer to sit on the carpet, like Japanese people. So, I must think about the carpet, thick and large. Several days ago I saw the one I need. A colour TV set will be on the low chest of drawers (I should keep my belongings somewhere) between the desk and the armchairs. But where should I put a musical centre? Let it be on the shelf over the armchairs. There are only two things remained to put – a standard lamp and my palm. Well, I'll put them on the sides of the sofa. Something is not done. Well, I have four not very large pictures of London, just for this wall. I'll hang them over the armchairs. That's all. I'm dog-tired. And this is only the planning. What will I do when the work begins? But it's my flat! Hurrah! 

A) Find in the text the following words and word combinations.

Дурачиться; неважно; десятиэтажный дом; который часто не работает; мусоропровод; лоджия; обставить мебелью квартиру; крошечное пространство; вешалка; тумбочка для обуви; кладовка; раковина с кранами; стены, облицованные кафельной плиткой; давай измерим; тютелька в тютельку; при виде; ближе к окну; рабочий стол с ящиками; кухонный шкаф; табуретка; комнатное растение; в полном порядке; встроенный гардероб; довольно просторный; вращающийся стул; чуть дальше; угловой диван; журнальный столик; мои вещи (принадлежности); музыкальный центр; торшер; пальма.


B) Answer the questions on the text.

1. What kind of a house is a new flat of Anna in? 2. Is it a two-room or one-room flat? 3. What does Anna do the first? 4. What problems does she have? 5. What modern conveniences does she have in her flat? 6. Her flat is on the last floor, isn't it? 7. What is she going to do with her hall? 8. Are there any problems with the bathroom? What does she need there? 9. Is there any space for her washing machine? 10. Why does Anna want to cry at the sight of the kitchen? 11. What changes will she do in her kitchen? 12. What colours does she choose for her kitchen? 13. Is her room large or small? 14. Why doesn't she need any wardrobe? 15. Do you think Anna has a lot of books? 16. Why doesn't she want to have a dining table? 17. Where will her guests sit then? 18. What is she going to hang on the walls: carpets, pictures or maps? 19. Will the room be crammed up with furniture or spacious? 20. Does Anna like houseplants or not? 21. Why is she so happy?

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