Expressing fixed future arrangements — КиберПедия 

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Expressing fixed future arrangements

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Be going to

We use 'be going to' for:

a. planned events or intentions. These events or intentions are decided on

before the moment of speaking.

Frank is going to study computer science.

b. for future predictions based on physical (usually visual) evidence.

Be careful! You're going to delete those files!

Present Continuous

We use the present continuous for:

planned or personally scheduled events. Usually used with principle verbs such as: come, go, begin, start, finish, have, etc.

He's coming tomorrow afternoon.


'Going to' or '-ing' are often both correct for planned events. 'Going to' should be used for distant future intentions.

He's going to be a system administrator.

Present Simple

We use the present simple for:

scheduled public events such as train and plane schedules, course schedules, etc.

The plane leaves at 6 o'clock.


I. Complete this conversation. Use be going to and the verbs given.

Martha: Mark: Martha: Mark: Martha: Mark: Martha:   Mark:   Martha: What you __________ this weekend, Mark? (do) I'm __________ to an art gallery on Saturday. (go) That sounds interesting. Yeah. There's a new exhibit at the Modern. And how about you, Martha? Well, Brian and I __________ a ballgame in the afternoon. (see) And what you __________ in the evening? (do) Brian __________ his mother in the hospital. But I __________ anything really. (visit/not to do) Well, I __________ some friends over a barbecue. Would you like to come? (have) Thanks. I'd love to.


II. What are the people going to do? Write sentences about the future. Use the words in the box.

listen to music       do some calculations     find some information check the computer for viruses  write a report       print a document       surf the internet    copy this part of it    see a movie    leave for home


1. Tom is starting a word processor.

He's going to write a report.

2. Susan is switching the printer on.


3. Sergio is starting a search engine.


4. Linda is putting on her headphones.


5. Helen is turning off the computer.


6. Marcus is inserting a disc into the DVD drive.


7. Mr Kaspersky is starting an anti-virus program.


8. Daniela is highlighting several lines of the text.


9. Luisa is clicking the Calculator icon.


10. Giuseppe is connecting a modem to the computer.



III. Choose the right verb from the box to complete the sentences.


going to  visiting  meeting    going     planning   hoping to


As you can see from my schedule, I’m __________1be out of the office next Monday. On Monday I’m __________2 a supplier company in Dublin. Their sales manager is __________3 me at the airport at 10 a.m.

After that we’re __________4 out to the company’s factory just outside the town. I’m __________5 see their new production facilities. If everything looks OK, I'm __________6 to sign a deal with them the same day.


IV. Complete the sentences using will or be going to. Sometimes both variants are possible.

1. Look out! We __________ crash!

2. – There's the doorbell. – I __________ go.

3. We promise that if you vote for us, we __________ double your income in twelve months.

4. – It's very cloudy, isn't it? – Yes, I think it __________ rain.

5. The next train to arrive at platform six __________ be delayed 7.32 service for Bristol.

6. I wonder what she __________ do next.

7. – Can somebody answer the phone? – I __________.

8. – Poor Ms Mellgren went to hospital yesterday. – I'm sorry to hear that. I __________ send her some flowers.

9. – This room's very cold. – You're right. I __________ turn on the heater.

10. – Oh dear. I can't do this homework. – Don't worry. I __________ help you.


V. Complete the short dialogues. Use will or be going to and any other words you need. Sometimes both variants are possible.

1. A: I've got to phone a Paris number. Do you know the code?

B: No, _________________ in the directory for you.

2. A: What are you doing over the Easter holidays?

B: Absolutely nothing. We _________________ rest.

3. A: Did you hear the weather forecast?

B: Yes. _____________ cold at first, then _____________ a little warmer this afternoon, and this evening _________________ some

light showers.

4. A: Why did you buy a house in such terrible condition?

B: It was cheap. We _______________ modernize it from top to bottom, and we _____________ into a restaurant. What do you think?

5. A: If you are elected, what ________ your party ______ about unemployment?

B: We have carefully considered this issue. When we are elected we __________ create half a million new jobs.

6. A: What are you doing here? Annie's expecting you for lunch.

B: I completely forgot! I__________ a ring, and tell her I ____________ be late. Thanks for reminding me.

7. A: How will the price increase on the Internet services affect your business?

B: To be perfectly honest, we haven't thought about it yet. We ____________ cross that bridge when we get to it.

8. A: It's John's birthday tomorrow.

B: Is it? I can't afford a present but I _______________ buy him a


9. A: How old is the company programmer?

B: He's 64. He _________________ retire next year.

10. A: Why are you leaving so early?

B: Because the teacher gave us a lot of homework and I _________ do it very carefully.


VI. Bob Watt is talking to another passenger on the flight from Jakarta to Tokyo. Complete the conversation. Use the phrases in the box.

Word order

When you use more than one adjective before a noun, the adjectives are usually in the following order:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 noun
  Your opinion about sb/sth size age shape/ color where sb/ sth is from what sth is made of specific type  
A Nice   new     woollen   sweater
His       blue     naval uniform
A Serious           medical problem
A Lovely big     American     car
That   tall young   French     woman
A Strange     triangular   stone   building
Her Silly little teenage         brother


Therefore say a little old man        NOT an old little man

                      strange new ideas NOT new strange ideas


Note: same, whole, entire, only, next, last

If one of these adjectives comes in a series of adjectives before a noun, it should always come first, immediately after the identifier: the same stupid old jokes / the only serious problem / his next big political speech.


There are also signs of ‘zones within zones’. For example, people tend to say a beautiful new dress not a new beautiful dress, suggesting that evaluative adjectives in zone II precede other kinds of adjectives there. There is also a tendency to say a recognizable zig-zag pattern, suggesting that more abstract adjectives precede more concrete ones. But as the word ‘tend’ suggests, the rules are not hard and fast.


Choose the right sentence:

  1. A nice big cardboard box.
  2. A big nice cardboard box.
  3. A cardboard nice big box.
  4. A nice cardboard big box.


I. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to the adjectives.

1. The solution of the problem must be perfect but not always unique.

2. This is the only problem that may attract our attention.

3. A sphere is a geometrical name for a round or ball-shaped solid.

4. Counting arose from daily needs of calculating objects in outer physical world.

5. The major method of proof is deduction.

6. The math language which codifies present science so clearly has a long history of development.

7. The scientific definition demands a lot, indeed: the knowledge, erudition, rich and productive imagination and lucky insight.

8. The algebra of the early Greeks (of the Pythagoreans and Euclid, Archimedes, and Apollonius, 500-200 B.C.) was geometric.


II. Choose the correct order of the adjectives.

1. I bought a pair of _____ shoes.

a. black leather

b. leather black

2. It was a ____ car.

a. red fast

b. fast red

3. Our office is in that ____ building.

a. big round

b. round big

4. I bought ____ knife.

a. a Swiss army

b. an army Swiss

5. It's ____ film.

a. a beautiful old

b. an old beautiful

6. It's ____ phone.

a. a mobile expensive

b. an expensive mobile

7. The ____ visitors were Japanese.

a. two last

b. last two

8. It's ____ airline.

a. a popular American

b. an American popular

9. It's ____ company

a. a family old

b. an old family

10. It's a ____ restaurant.

a. cheap good

b. good cheap


III. Put the adjectives in the correct order in the blanks.

1. Mr Almeyda lives in a(n) ___________________________________________

(white, small, beautiful, old) house.

2. Our new manager is a ______________________________________________

(tall, young, beautiful) girl.

3. Her office is a ____________________________________________________

(little, lovely, square) room.

4. The Nakayamas have a(n) __________________________________________

(small, black, ugly) dog.

5. We’ve just found a ________________________________________________

(small, beautiful, black-and-white) cat.

6. They’ve bought a _________________________________________________

(tiny, red, second-hand) car.

7. In our office we’ve got a(n) _________________________________________

(old, nice, square) table.

8. The company is going to install ______________________________________

(new, German, expensive) equipment.

9.  I ordered online a(n) ______________________________________________

(white, new, cotton) shirt.


IV. Match the opposite adjectives then use one of each pair to complete the sentences.

positive negative
Strong heavy
High huge
Minor defective
Exciting weak
Reliable expensive
Attractive out of date
Tiny low
Economical boring
Portable serious
Brand new ugly


1. Compared to the huge old version, this one’s __________.

2. The $2000 is __________ so you can carry it with you wherever you go.

3. Its design had become __________ so we had to stop making it.

4. Low fuel consumption makes it one of the most __________ cars on the road.

5. Customers found the design sample __________ and lacking any real interest.

6. Most people thought it looked ugly but some found it very __________.

7. Its ultra-hard plastic casing means it’s very __________.

8. We won't take part in the project because we are having __________ financial problems.

9. We think our next model SL2010 will be of __________ quality.


Comparison of adjectives

Types of comparisons

a. as + adjective + as (to show that two people or things are similar in some way).

In negative sentences we use not as/so … as.

The silver car is as expensive as the red one.

b. twice (three times)/half as +adjective + as (expresses the degree of difference between

people and things).

Their company employs twice as many people as ours.

half/twice the size/age/length

Her office is half the size of mine.

c. more + adjective (adjective + er) + than (expresses the difference between two people or things).

Mr Parker is more experienced in marketing than Mr Clarke.

The opposite is less … than.

Mr Clarke is less experienced than Mr Parker.

d. the most + adjective (the adjective + -est) + of/in (compares one person or thing with two or more people or things in the same group).

He's the most loyal person in the company.

The opposite is the least … of/in.

He's the least loyal person in the company.

e. much/a lot/far/a little/a bit/slightly + comparative (expresses the degree of difference between two people or things).

Model C is a bit cheaper than model X.

f. comparative and comparative (shows that something is increasing or decreasing).

The pollution gets worse and worse every day.

g. the + comparative …, the + comparative (shows that two things change together or that one thing depends on another thing).

The longer he spoke, the more bored we became.

h. by far + the + superlative (emphasises the difference between one person or thing and two or more people or things in the same group).

This year was by far the worst the company has had.


V. State the types of comparison in the following sentences.

1. Portable hard drives are becoming cheaper with larger storage sizes, but one of the most overlooked areas is the issue of data securit._________________

2. This problem is as difficult as the first problem.________________

3. The sooner the problem is solved the better (so much better)._________________

4. Her answer is the most convincing of all.________________

5. Your drawing is a little worse than my drawing.______________

6. This solution is a great deal better than the last suggestion._____________

7. A hacker broke into Britain’s Ministry of Defense computers and obtained confidential information about the nation’s intelligence services, in one of the nation’s worst breaches of security.______________

8. The internet’s greatest asset – being borderless – is also a drawback._____________


VI. Read the following newspaper adverts. Copy out all adjectives and fill in the table below.

1. Erase Boards

Dry erase boards work much better than the standard blackboard since you don’t need to get your hand all chalked up whenever you erase whatever’s written on it - not to mention the ugly and unergonomic design the blackboard eraser has, and this is where the Ultraser comes in. It is actually a plastic disc with a really large handle for easy erasing with a dry eraser underneath doing all the work. Sure looks like it has a bigger footprint to get rid of all the written “data” much faster though. Not to mention it makes a pretty good anti-talkative student projectile while you’re in class.


2. New gadgets

Intel has recently released sixteen new chips that incorporate the 45nm Hafnium-based high-k metal gate transistors which have been proven to be smaller, faster and more eco-friendly than previous generations. According to Gordon E. Moore, co-founder of Intel, he thinks that this new process is a major breakthrough as the biggest transistor advancement in 40 years. In addition, this improvement is tipped to further extend Moore’s Law - at least for a little while longer when other folks thought that it is done and over with already.


3. Walt Disney goes for Japan

According to Reuters, the second biggest US entertainment company also known as Walt Disney, will attack the Japanese market next year with cellphones being their main attraction. Working in coordination with SoftBank, both companies will be producing cellphones and online content. Taking in consideration that Japan is a huge market that has top-notch mobile phones, the adventure in Asia has high chances of being a success, but on the other hand, the true Walt Disney fans are mostly children and teens, so it might not be that easy to succeed in Japan.

Positive comparative superlative
large larger the largest


VII. Choose the best word from the box to complete the text.

better faster  less  more slowest the cheapest than as

If you have a long distance to travel, and money is not a problem, then it is __________1 to go by plane, because it is __________2 and __________3 convenient. Travelling by bus is __________4 but also the __________5 form of transport. Trains are usually more expensive __________6 buses.


VIII. Study the chart comparing three models of electronic laptop.

   Then complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap.

Model A Model B Model C
Weight                 180 g 140 g 98 g
Number of features      8 12 16
Price                     £140 £180 £220

: Model A is cheaper    than model B. (price)

1. Model A is much __________ than model C. (weight)

2. Model C has twice _____ _____ features as model A.

3. Model C is _____ _____ than model A. (price)

4. Model A is _____ _____ expensive.

5. Model C is _____ _____ (weight)

6. Model B is not _____ _____ _____ model C. (price)

7. Model A has _____ features _____ model B.

8. Model C is _____ _____ expensive.

9. Modal A is _____ _____. (weight)

10. Modal C has _____ _____ number of features.


IX. Aisha explains why she changed her job. There is one mistake in each line. Correct the mistakes.

Well, I moved to Computex because it is the bigger and successfulest company in the region, so it offers the best career opportunities and the most high salaries. I’m more happier at Computex because my colleagues are more friendly as at Jarvis and I think the work is interestinger. But, I’m afraid I also have to work more harder than before. a. ___________ b. ___________ c. ___________ d. ___________ e. ___________ f. ___________ g. ___________


X. Complete the conversation with the superlative of the adjectives.

A: So which do you think is __________1(good) car?

B: Well, the people carrier is __________2 (big).

A: Yes, but it's __________3 (expensive) too.

B: OK, so we could go for the hatchback -- it's __________4 

(cheap) and __________5 (economical).

A: Yes, but it's also __________6 (slow)! Why don't we

choose the saloon? It's __________7 (comfortable).


XI. Complete the dialogue with the appropriate form of the adjectives.

A: What did you think of the Yelton Hotel?

B: It was __________1 (comfortable) than the others.

A: Yes, but it was __________2 (far) from London than I thought.

B: I agree. But it wasn't as __________3 (expensive) as the others.

A: Mmmm. It was certainly the __________4 (cheap) of all the hotels.

B: I think it's probably the __________5 (good) choice.

A: And the __________6 (economical).


XII. Complete the sentences using the comparatives or superlatives of the adjectives in the box.

cheap fast busy low big little fresh late  few comprehensive

1. The staff are not very happy about __________ pay increase.

2. Oil was at its __________ price in 30 years.

3. This is one of the __________ times of the year for the department.

4. Slovenia is the country with the __________ Nike employees: 8 employees.

5. CDs would be far __________ to produce without the glossy packaging.

6. Our chefs use only the __________ produce available.

7. The flight time from Volgograd to Moscow is __________ than two hours.

8. They claim they offer a __________ service than other firms.

9. North America remains the firm's __________ growing market.

10. Electrolux is one of Europe's __________ consumers of steel.


XIII. You and your colleague want to fly to Stockholm. You can choose between two airlines. Write a note to your colleague comparing the two airlines. Say which one you prefer to travel with and why. Write about 50 – 80 words.

  National airline Low-cost airline
Cost ? 300 ? 80
Fly to Airport close to the city(taxi to city centre:? 10) Airport 60 kilometres from the city (taxi to city centre:? 60)
Free meal during flight Yes No
Flights each day 3 1
Arrival times 10:30 a.m.  7:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m.

XIV. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The job was by no means an easy one.

2. So far as I can judge he is in the same nervous condition he was at this time last year.

3. I left a note asking my friend to let me hear from him as soon as he got back.

4. An accurate control of the motion of jet-propelled planes is possible due to the availability of reliable modern computers.

5. Thanks to the reliability of modem computing devices space flights can be accomplished successfully.

6. Any person can operate a desk computer because of its simplicity.

7. It is a highly important instrument as it may be used in many experiments.

XV. Translate the sentences into English using your active grammar and vocabulary.

1. Многие программисты работают более 40 часов в неделю.

2. Чем больше музыкальных файлов на жестком диске, тем сложнее отыскать нужный файл.

3. Столица России является самым дорогим городом в мире.

4. Эта модель не такая новая как та, но она немного дешевле.

5. Компания HP продает в два раза больше принтеров в нашем городе, чем ее конкурент Canon.

6. Они должны платить больше, чтобы привлечь лучших кандидатов на эту должность.

7. В нашем городе становится все труднее найти хорошо оплачиваемую работу.

8. Двадцать крупнейших компаний контролируют более 50 процентов рынка.


adverbs or adjectives? confusing cases

Adjectives and adverbs with the same form; adverbs with two forms

Some adjectives and adverbs have the same form: for example, a fast car goes fast; if you do hard work, you work hard. In other cases, the adverb may have two forms (e.g. late and lately), one like the adjective and the other with - ly.

There is usually a difference of meaning or use. Some examples follow; for more detailed information, check in a good dictionary.

XVI. Fill each of the gaps with one of the following adverbs.

direct    carefully   quietly    suddenly  late    fast     clean anxiously    straight   lately      sharp    fast  widely   hard


1) We had to work very ……………to finish in time.

2) The exams were over and everyone was waiting……………for the results.

3) I…………… forgot it was her birthday.

4) The next flight doesn’t go…………… to Rome. It goes by way of Paris.

5) They have……………differing opinions.

6) Can you come to my office at eight o'clock……………?

7) He drove very…………… to London, but still arrived too…………… for the meeting.

8) A straight road goes ……………from one place to another.

9) You should drive very …………… in wet weather.It’s dangerous to drive ……………

10) Do you know how David is? I haven’t heard anything……………

11) We were just sitting here and ……………and…………… there was a loud knock at the door.


XVII. Use the adjective or adverb in brackets to complete each of the following pairs of sentences correctly.

1) It’s an …………… question. You should be able to answer it (easy/easily)

2) The letter I received this morning form my boss was quite ……………

3) I received the letter this morning quite……………. (unexpected/ unexpectedly)

4) I’m afraid you’ve done this piece of work ……………

I’m afraid your work has been very I’m afraid. (careless/carelessly)

5) What was wrong with Bill? He looked very ……………

Bill talked to me …………… (sad/sadly)

6) They worked together very……………

They looked very …………… as they worked together. (happy/happily)

7) I can type a bit but I’m very……………

I’m afraid I can only type very (slow/slowly)

8) He is a…………… web designer. He designs…………… (well /good)

9) It was a ……………decision to make. I …………… had any time to think about that. (hardly/hard)



The Numeral


      CARDINAL         ORDINAL

        CARDINAL       ORDINAL          

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21






















the first   (1st) the second (2nd) the third  (3rd) the fourth (4th) the fifth the sixth the seventh the eighth the ninth the tenth the eleventh the twelfth the thirteenth the fourteenth the fifteenth the sixteenth the seventeenth the eighteenth the nineteenth the twentieth the twenty-first (21st) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 101     thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred 100 and one     the thirtieth the fortieth the fiftieth the sixtieth the seventieth the eightieth the ninetieth the (one) hundredth the 100 and first  






a (one) hundred

a (one) thousand

a (one) hundred thousand

a (one) million

a (one) billion



NOTE: There is no plural after hundred, thousand, million and billion when they are part of a number. On their own they can be plural.

two hundred companies BUT hundred s of employees

five million barrels        BUT million s of euros


Compound numerals

27 54 131 308 1,003 6,799 1,623,457   7,500,000 1,200,000,000 99,620,000,000 twenty-seven fifty-four one (a) hundred and thirty-one three hundred and eight one (a) thousand and three six thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine one million, six hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-seven seven million five hundred thousand (seven point five million)* one billion two hundred million (one point two billion) ninety-nine billion six hundred and twenty million (ninety-nine point sixty-two billion)

*(…) - short form



Sign 1/2 1/3 1/4 3/5 33/5 Spoken Form a half or one half a third or one third a quarter or one quarter three fifth three and three fifth Sign 0.1 0.03 6.02 3.15 Spoken Form nought point one nought point nought three six point oh two three point one five


Mathematical Expressions

Example 1 + 2 = 3 3 -- 1= 2 2 x 3 = 6 6: 2 = 3 Spoken Form '1 plus 2 equals 3' or '1 and 2 is 3' '3 minus 1 = 2' or '3 take away 1 = 2' or '1 from 3 = 2' '2 multiplied by 3 = 6' or '2 times 3 = 6' or 'two threes are 6' '6 divided by 2 = 3' or '6 over 2 = 3' or '6 into 2 is/goes 3'



14 % 32° C or F 10 m x 12 m fourteen per cent thirty-two degrees centigrade/Celsius or Fahrenheit ten metres by twelve metres


Telephone numberS

603 724 six oh three, seven two four (Am) six zero three, seven two four


Be going to

We use 'be going to' for:

a. planned events or intentions. These events or intentions are decided on

before the moment of speaking.

Frank is going to study computer science.

b. for future predictions based on physical (usually visual) evidence.

Be careful! You're going to delete those files!

Present Continuous

We use the present continuous for:

planned or personally scheduled events. Usually used with principle verbs such as: come, go, begin, start, finish, have, etc.

He's coming tomorrow afternoon.


'Going to' or '-ing' are often both correct for planned events. 'Going to' should be used for distant future intentions.

He's going to be a system administrator.

Present Simple

We use the present simple for:

scheduled public events such as train and plane schedules, course schedules, etc.

The plane leaves at 6 o'clock.


I. Complete this conversation. Use be going to and the verbs given.

Martha: Mark: Martha: Mark: Martha: Mark: Martha:   Mark:   Martha: What you __________ this weekend, Mark? (do) I'm __________ to an art gallery on Saturday. (go) That sounds interesting. Yeah. There's a new exhibit at the Modern. And how about you, Martha? Well, Brian and I __________ a ballgame in the afternoon. (see) And what you __________ in the evening? (do) Brian __________ his mother in the hospital. But I __________ anything really. (visit/not to do) Well, I __________ some friends over a barbecue. Would you like to come? (have) Thanks. I'd love to.


II. What are the people going to do? Write sentences about the future. Use the words in the box.

listen to music       do some calculations     find some information check the computer for viruses  write a report       print a document       surf the internet    copy this part of it    see a movie    leave for home


1. Tom is starting a word processor.

He's going to write a report.

2. Susan is switching the printer on.


3. Sergio is starting a search engine.


4. Linda is putting on her headphones.


5. Helen is turning off the computer.


6. Marcus is inserting a disc into the DVD drive.


7. Mr Kaspersky is starting an anti-virus program.


8. Daniela is highlighting several lines of the text.


9. Luisa is clicking the Calculator icon.


10. Giuseppe is connecting a modem to the computer.



III. Choose the right verb from the box to complete the sentences.


going to  visiting  meeting    going     planning   hoping to


As you can see from my schedule, I’m __________1be out of the office next Monday. On Monday I’m __________2 a supplier company in Dublin. Their sales manager is __________3 me at the airport at 10 a.m.

After that we’re __________4 out to the company’s factory just outside the town. I’m __________5 see their new production facilities. If everything looks OK, I'm __________6 to sign a deal with them the same day.


IV. Complete the sentences using will or be going to. Sometimes both variants are possible.

1. Look out! We __________ crash!

2. – There's the doorbell. – I __________ go.

3. We promise that if you vote for us, we __________ double your income in twelve months.

4. – It's very cloudy, isn't it? – Yes, I think it __________ rain.

5. The next train to arrive at platform six __________ be delayed 7.32 service for Bristol.

6. I wonder what she __________ do next.

7. – Can somebody answer the phone? – I __________.

8. – Poor Ms Mellgren went to hospital yesterday. – I'm sorry to hear that. I __________ send her some flowers.

9. – This room's very cold. – You're right. I __________ turn on the heater.

10. – Oh dear. I can't do this homework. – Don't worry. I __________ help you.


V. Complete the short dialogues. Use will or be going to and any other words you need. Sometimes both variants are possible.

1. A: I've got to phone a Paris number. Do you know the code?

B: No, _________________ in the directory for you.

2. A: What are you doing over the Easter holidays?

B: Absolutely nothing. We _________________ rest.

3. A: Did you hear the weather forecast?

B: Yes. _____________ cold at first, then _____________ a little warmer this afternoon, and this evening _________________ some

light showers.

4. A: Why did you buy a house in such terrible condition?

B: It was cheap. We _______________ modernize it from top to bottom, and we _____________ into a restaurant. What do you think?

5. A: If you are elected, what ________ your party ______ about unemployment?

B: We have carefully considered this issue. When we are elected we __________ create half a million new jobs.

6. A: What are you doing here? Annie's expecting you for lunch.

B: I completely forgot! I__________ a ring, and tell her I ____________ be late. Thanks for reminding me.

7. A: How will the price increase on the Internet services affect your business?

B: To be perfectly honest, we haven't thought about it yet. We ____________ cross that bridge when we get to it.

8. A: It's John's birthday tomorrow.

B: Is it? I can't afford a present but I _______________ buy him a


9. A: How old is the company programmer?

B: He's 64. He _________________ retire next year.

10. A: Why are you leaving so early?

B: Because the teacher gave us a lot of homework and I _________ do it very carefully.


VI. Bob Watt is talking to another passenger on the flight from Jakarta to Tokyo. Complete the conversation. Use the phrases in the box.

Expressing fixed future arrangements

a. I'm just attending

b. how long are you staying?

c. What are you doing

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