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2021-02-01 | 103 |
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Dialogue I
A. K.: Good morning!
J. R.: Good morning! Can I help you?
A. K.: Yes, It’s my first time in the United Kingdom and I don’t know where to go and what to do. Besides my English is not good enough.
J. R.: No, no it’s all right/ you are quite fluent. Where are you from?
A. K.: I am from Moscow.
J. R.: Are you on business or on holiday?
A. K.: It’s a business trip. I am taking part in the “Wonder World” Exhibition.
J. R.: Really? I’m going to work at this exhibition too. I’m Joy Royal, a BBC correspondent. And this is Mr. Terry Trade, managing director of Electronics Ltd. His company is one of the main participants in the exhibition.
T. T.: How do you do?
A. K.: How do you do. I am happy to meet you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexander Krasnov. I’m executive director of the Russian School of Business.
T. T.: Are you planning to show something at the Exhibition?
A. K.: No, I have come to buy not to sell. I’m interested in teaching equipment for our School. If possible, I’d like to see your products, Mr. Trade. I have heard a lot about your firm.
T. T.: Please, come to our stand. By the way, Mr. Krasnov. Today our company is giving a cocktail-party for our foreign partners. It would be nice if you could come. You’ll meet a lot of people of Big Business there: men and women, buyers and sellers, importers and producers, scientists and businessmen, lawyers and bankers, engineers and inventors.
A. K.: Thank you. I’ll come with pleasure.
T. T.: Here’s an Invitation Card for you. You’ve got yours, haven’t you, Joy?
J. R.: Yes, I have.
A. K.: Now, I must be going. I hope to see you later. Good-bye.
T. T. See you later. Good-bye.
J. R.: See you later. Good-bye.
Лексика к диалогу I
Прочитайте, запишите и выучите лексику:
You are quite fluent - Вы говорите вполне свободно
to be on business - быть в командировке
to take part in… - принимать участие в …
“Wonder World” - «Мир чудес»
exhibition - выставка
BBC (British Broadcast Corporation) - Британская радиовещательная
managing director - генеральный директор
participant - участник
to introduce - представиться
executive director - исполнительный директор
teaching equipment - учебное оборудование
If possible - Если (это) возможно
I have heard a lot - Я много слышал
stand - стенд
a cocktail-party - коктейль вечер
foreign partner - иностранный партнер
It would be nice if you could come - Было бы хорошо, если бы вы смогли
customer - заказчик, клиент, покупатель
producer - производитель
scientist - ученый
inventor - избретатель
engineer - инженер
I’ll come with pleasure - Я с удовольствием приду
invitation card - пригласительный билет
You’ve got yours, haven’t you? - У тебя есть твой (билет) не так ли?
I hope to see you later - Надеюсь, увидимся попозже
See you later - Пока. Увидимся позже
Dialogue II
Belov, a representative of the foreign trade company has arrived in New York to discuss some business matters with the people of Black and Co. The foreign trade company is interested in buying the Model BS 25 machines.
Mr. Blake, a representative of Blake and Co, a leading manufacturer of the type of machines, meets him at this office.
Blake: Good morning Mr. Belov, glad to see you in New York. Did you have a good trip?
Belov: Oh, yes. Thank you. Everything was all right.
Blake: Is it your first visit to New York?
Belov: Yes, it is.
Blake: Oh, I’m sure New York will impress you greatly. There are many places of interest here and you’ll enjoy sightseeing I think.
Belov: I’m sure, I will. Thank you. And now I’d like to discuss with you some points of the contract.
Blake: Good. What is your problem?
Belov: During our talks in Moscow you promised us to deliver the goods in December, but our customers require the goods urgently. Could you deliver the goods sooner?
Blake: I’m afraid we cannot do it at the moment as we are heavy with orders. But I think we can help you if you agree to take part deliveries.
Belov: When could you deliver the first lot?
Blake: Probably not earlier than in June, and will ship the balance of the goods in three lots at regular intervals within six months. Will it suit you?
Belov: Yes, thank you, Mr. Blake. It was nice to have seen you. Good-bye for now.
Blake: Good-bye Mr. Belov.
Лексика к диалогу II
Прочитайте, запишите и выучите лексику:
a foreign trade company - компания по зарубежной торговле
a representative - представители
business matters - деловые вопросы
to buy - покупать
a leading manufacturer - ведущий производитель
to impress - производить впечатление
places of interest - достопримечательности
to enjoy - получать удовольствие
points of the contract - пункты контракта
talks - переговоры
to promise - обещать
to deliver the goods - поставлять товары
customer - клиент
to require - требовать
urgently - срочно
an order - заказ
to take part deliveries - принимать частичные поставки
a lot - партия товара
the first lot - первая партия товара
to ship the balance of the goods- отгрузить остаток товаров
at regular intervals - через регулярные промежутки
to be heavy with orders - быть загруженным заказами, иметь очень
много заказов
Will it suit you? - Это вас устроит? Это подойдет вам?
It was nice to have seen you - Было приятно повидаться с вами. (эта фраза
употребляется при прощании)
5. Разыграйте диалоги:
1. —Good evening, Mr. Krasnov. I’d like to introduce you to my guest.
— Meet Mr. Frank Stanley from Canada.
— Nice to meet you Mr. Stanley. What do you do for a living?
— I’m a bank manager. My bank has a first-class reputation.
— That’s great. Nice to hear it.
2. —Please, meet Peter Britten from UK.
— Please to meet you Peter. What do you do for a living?
— I am a manufacturer of computers, microprocessors and so on.
— Oh, that’s what I want to buy.
— I’ll be happy to do business with you.
3. —Hello, Mr. Brown! Nice to see you again.
— Hello, Mr. Trade! Glad to see you too.
— How is your business?
— My business is doing well. It’s the best kind of trade for me.
— I know. Your equipment is used in all fields of economy: industry and agriculture, medicine and space research transport and sport …
4. —Let me introduce myself, Mr. Krasnov. I’m James Blake, I’m Mr. Trade’s
agent here in the UK.
— Nice to meet you, Mr. Blake. What sort of products do you sell?
— Electronic equipment, of course.
— I’d like to buy computers for the Russian School of Business.
— Great. I hope to cooperate with you too.
5. —I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Wallace. May I introduce Mr. Krasnov to you?
— How do you do, Mr. Krasnov. Glad to meet you.
— How do you do, Mr. Wallace.
— I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Are you on business or on holiday?
— I’m on a business trip here. I’m interested in teaching equipment for our School.
— Hope to work with you.
— I hope to cooperate with you too.
6. —Glad to meet you, Mr. Brown.
— Pleased to meet you too Mr. Krasnov. I’ve heard a lot about the Russian School of Business.
— Thank you, Mr. Brown. And what do you do!
— I work in the bank. I’m a manager.
— Are you planning to take part in the exhibition?
— Yes I am. I’m going to buy computers and microprocessors at the exhibition “Wonder World”.
— And I’m looking for teaching equipment for our School.
— I wish you good luck, Mr. Krasnov.
— Good luck to you too, Mr. Brown.
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