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Three Centers of Power
There are three centers of power in London. Buckingham Palace is the center of royal power. The Houses of Parliament are the center of political power. Westminster Abbey is the center of church power.
Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham. King George III bought the palace in 1761.It is now the official home of Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal Family. There are nearly six hundred rooms in the palace.
The two Houses of Parliament (the House of Lords and the House of Commons) are in Westminster Palace. It was built between 1840 and 1860. It was designed by architect Sir Charles Barry.
The original Palace of Westminster was the home for the Royal Family until the 16th century. Then it became the meeting place of the Parliament.
Westminster Abby was a Norman church. The present building was started in 1245 by King Henry III. Westminster Abbey is a very important church. Nearly all the English Kings and Queens since William I was crowned in Westminster Abbey. In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in the Abbey.
1. There are two centers of power in London. F
2. Buckingham Palace was built by the Duke of Buckingham. T
3. King George III bought the palace in 1765. F
4. There are nearly five hundred rooms in the palace. F
5. The Westminster Palace was the home the Royal Family. T
6. Sir Charles Barry designed and started to build the Houses Parliament in the 16th century. F
7. Westminster Abby was a British church. F
8. In 1953 Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in the Parliament. F
9. The two Houses of Parliament are in Westminster Palace. T
10. Westminster Abbey is a very important church. T
Complete the sentences using articles. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Russia occupies THE eastern half of Europe and THE northern third of Asia. Россия занимает половину восточной Европы и треть северной Азии.
2. THE climate of THE northern part of Russia is severe. Климат северной части России суровый.
3. This winter is true Russian winter with hard frosts. Эта зима – настоящая русская зима с сильными морозами.
4. It is warm in THE Crimea and THE Caucasus. В Крыму и на Кавказе тепло.
5.Washington is THE capital of THE United States of America. Вашингтон является столицей Соединённых Штатов Америки
6. I want to go to New York some day. Я хочу поехать в Нью-Йорк однажды.
7. THE best way to know and understand people of other countries is to meet them in their own homes. Лучший способ узнать и понять людей других стран – это встретиться с ними лично.
8. Is Australia AN island or A continent? Австралия – это остров или континент?
9. THE Red Sea is between Africa and Asia. Красное море находится между Африкой и Азией.
10. There are seven continents on THE Earth. Есть семь континентов на Земле.
4. Complete the sentences using some, any, no where it is necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Was there ANY water in the glass or SOME milk? Была ли вода в стакане или немного молока?
2. There was soap in the box; he used it to wash his hands. В коробке было мыло; он взял его, чтобы вымыть руки
3. There was SOME soap in the box: it smells of soap. В коробке было немного мыло, пахнет мылом
4. There are SOME letters for you on the table. На столе для тебя лежит письмо.
5. Do you like ANY apples? Вы любите яблоки?
6. Were there ANY of our teachers at the stadium? На стадионе были наши учителя?
7. There were SOME students of our group at the consultation yesterday. Вчера на консультации были студенты нашей группы.
8. Will there be ANY concerts at the club next month? В следующем месяце в клубе будут концерты?
9. There were yellow and green pencils on the table. На столе были желтые и зеленые карандаши
10. People need oxygen for breathing. Людям нужен кислород для дыхания.
Read the text. Translate Passages 2, 4, 5 in writing. Answer the questions below in writing.
The British Parliament and the Electoral System
The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords, the House of Commons and the Sovereign as its head.
The House of Commons plays the major role in law-making. It consists of Members of Parliament (called MPs for short), each of whom represents an area in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. MPs are elected either at a general election, or at a by-election following the death or retirement of an MP. (Палата общин играет главную роль в законодательстве. Она состоит из членов парламента (сокращенно называемых парламентариями), каждый из которых представляет область в Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса или Северной Ирландии. Члены парламента избираются на всеобщих выборах или на дополнительных выборах, по причине смерти или выхода на пенсию)
Parliamentary elections must be held every five years, but the Prime Minister can decide on the exact date within those five years. The minimum voting age is 18, and the voting is taken by secret ballot.
Britain is divided into parliamentary constituencies. Each constituency is a geographical area: the voters who live in the area select one person to serve as a member of the House of Commons. The simple majority system of voting is used in parliamentary elections. This means that the candidate with the largest number of votes in each constituency is elected, although he or she may not necessarily have received more than half the votes cast. Voting is by secret ballot. The following people may vote: all British citizens over the age of 18; citizens of other Commonwealth countries and the Irish Republic who are resident in Britain. British citizens living abroad may vote. Members of the House of Lords, foreigners, mentally ill people in hospitals, prisoners and convicted people may not vote. (Британия разделена на парламентские округа. Каждый избирательный округ является географическим районом: избиратели, проживающие в этом районе, выбирают одного человека в качестве члена Палаты общин. На парламентских выборах используется простая мажоритарная система голосования. Это значит, что избирается кандидат, набравший наибольшее число голосов на каждом избирательном округе, хотя он или она необязательно получили более половины голосов. Голосование тайное. Голосовать могут следующие лица: все граждане Великобритании старше 18 лет; граждане других стран Содружества и Ирландской Республики, проживающие в Великобритании. Могут голосовать и граждане Британии, проживающие за границей. Не имеют право голосовать: Члены Палаты лордов, иностранцы, душевнобольные люди, находящиеся в больницах, заключенные и осужденные.)
The election campaign lasts about three weeks. The election is decided on a simple majority - the candidate with most votes wins. An MP who wins by a small number of votes may have more votes against him (that is, for the other candidates) than for him. Many people think that it is unfair because the wishes of those who voted for the unsuccessful candidates are not represented at all. The British parliamentary system depends on political parties. The political parties choose candidates in elections. The party which wins the majority of seats forms the Government and its leader usually becomes Prime Minister. The Prime Minister chooses about 20 MPs from his or her party to become the Cabinet of Ministers. Each minister is responsible for a particular area of the government. The second largest party becomes the official opposition with its own leader and "Shadow cabinet". Leader of the Opposition is a recognized post in the House of Commons. The official title of the Opposition is Her or His Majesty's Loyal Opposition. (Избирательная кампания длится около трех недель. Выборы решаются простым большинством голосов - побеждает кандидат, набравший наибольшее количество голосов. Кандидат, победивший с небольшим количеством голосов, может получить больше голосов против (т.е. эти голоса идут за других кандидатов), нежели чем за. Многие люди считают, что это несправедливо, потому что пожелания тех, кто голосовал за проигравших кандидатов, совсем не учитываются. Британская парламентская система зависит от политических партий. Политические партии выбирают кандидатов на выборах. Партия, получившая большинство мест, формирует правительство, и ее лидер обычно становится премьер-министром. Премьер-министр выбирает около 20 депутатов от своей партии, чтобы стать кабинетом министров. Каждый министр отвечает за определенную сферу деятельности правительства. Второй по величине партией становится официальная оппозиция со своим лидером и "теневым кабинетом". Лидер оппозиции занимает законный пост в Палате общин. Официальное название оппозиции-Лояльная Оппозиция Ее или Его Величества)
1. What does the British Parliament consist of? (answer: The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords, the House of Commons and the Sovereign)
2. Who is the head of the British Parliament? (an s wer: the Sovereign)
3. Which House plays the major role in law-making? (answer: The House of Commons)
4. How is the Prime Minister elected? (answer: The party which wins the majority of seats forms the Government and its leader usually becomes Prime Minister)
5. What is the minimum voting age? (answer: The minimum voting age is 18 y.o)
6. What is a parliamentary constituency? (answer: Each constituency is a geographical area: the voters who live in the area select one person to serve as a member of the House of Commons)
7. Which candidate is elected from a constituency? (answer: the candidate with the largest number of votes, although he or she may not necessarily have received more than half the votes cast)
8. How long is the election campaign last about? (answer: The election campaign lasts about three weeks)
9. Which party forms the Government? (answer: The party which wins the majority of seats forms the Government)
10. Who chooses the Cabinet of Ministers? (answer: The Prime Minister chooses about 20 MPs from his or her party to become the Cabinet of Ministers.)
2. Read the text. Decide if the statements below are true or false. Put ‘T’ if it is true, put ‘F’ if it is false.
Three Centers of Power
There are three centers of power in London. Buckingham Palace is the center of royal power. The Houses of Parliament are the center of political power. Westminster Abbey is the center of church power.
Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham. King George III bought the palace in 1761.It is now the official home of Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal Family. There are nearly six hundred rooms in the palace.
The two Houses of Parliament (the House of Lords and the House of Commons) are in Westminster Palace. It was built between 1840 and 1860. It was designed by architect Sir Charles Barry.
The original Palace of Westminster was the home for the Royal Family until the 16th century. Then it became the meeting place of the Parliament.
Westminster Abby was a Norman church. The present building was started in 1245 by King Henry III. Westminster Abbey is a very important church. Nearly all the English Kings and Queens since William I was crowned in Westminster Abbey. In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in the Abbey.
1. There are two centers of power in London. F
2. Buckingham Palace was built by the Duke of Buckingham. T
3. King George III bought the palace in 1765. F
4. There are nearly five hundred rooms in the palace. F
5. The Westminster Palace was the home the Royal Family. T
6. Sir Charles Barry designed and started to build the Houses Parliament in the 16th century. F
7. Westminster Abby was a British church. F
8. In 1953 Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in the Parliament. F
9. The two Houses of Parliament are in Westminster Palace. T
10. Westminster Abbey is a very important church. T
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