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2021-01-29 | 153 |
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1. The sun rises in the west. 2. Mice catch cats. 3. The river Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean. 4. The Pacific Ocean washes France. 5. Carpenters (плотники) make things from metal. 6. Water boils at 80 degrees centigrade. 7. The short hand of the clock points to the minute. 8. The watchmaker repairs calculators. 9. The earth goes round the moon.
21.Ask questions and answer them.
1. (Your country) (have)'
(Does your country have) a national holiday? Answer:
2. (People) (celebrate)
When............ this holiday?
3. (People) (celebrate)
Why............ this holiday? (What is its origin?)
4. (People) (eat)
............ big dinner on this holiday?
5. (People) (exchange)
............ presents on this day?
6. (People) (visit)
............ their friends and relatives on this day?
7. (People) (do)
What else............ on this day?
8.......... (People in your country) (celebrate)
Express the all-time truths and activities, habitual, customary actions. Give as many examples as you can.
Model: ice
St.A: Ice melts at 0 ° С
St.B: Ice turns into water at 0 °C, etc.
1. The Earth, the Sun, the Moon, water;
2. flowers, birds, fruit;
3. the French, the Italians, the Japanese.
Mention a number of actions associated with the given situations. Try to think of as many actions as you can.
Model: When she gets up she...
St.A:... does her morning exercises.
St.B:... takes a shower, but she doesn't take a bath.
St.A or St.C:... cooks breakfast, etc.
1. Before she leaves home she... 2. At the Institute she... 3. In the evening when the day is over, she... 4. For breakfast she usually... (You may give your own situations to your friends).
The Present Continuous Tense
I | am V-ing | (I am painting) | |
You We They | are V-ing | (you are painting, we are going...) | |
He She It | is V-ing | (he is painting, she is going...) | |
Am I | V-ing? | (Am I painting?) | |
Are you Are we they | V-ing? | (Are you painting? Are they going?) | |
Is he Is she Is it | V-ing | (Is he painting? Is she going?) | |
I | am not V-ing | (I am not painting) | |
You We They | are not V-ing | (You are not painting) (we aren’t going...) | |
He She It | is not V-ing | (He is not painting) (she isn't going...) |
Данные формы употребляются для выражения действия, которое происходит в момент речи и длится как процесс.
Глаголы, выражающие чувства, восприятие и умственную деятельность, во временах группы Continuous не употребляются: want – хотеть, like – нравиться, wish – желать, see – видеть, know – знать, hear – слышать, feel – чувствовать, notice – замечать, understand – понимать, remember – помнить, recognize – узнавать, forget – забывать, seem – казаться, be – быть.
Случаи употребления:
1. What are you doing? -1 am reading a book.
(Действие в момент речи).
2. This -week we are starting work at 10 o'clock. (Действие, которое происходит в настоящее время, но не является обычным; временно).
3. My grandmother is always grumbling. (Постоянно повторяющееся действие, подчеркивается интенсивность).
Глаголы в форме настоящего продолженного времени употребляются с обстоятельствами: now – сейчас, at the present moment – в настоящий момент и т.п.
Глаголы движения go, start, come, leave употребляются в настоящем продолженном времени для выражения будущего действия. She is coming in a day or two. – Она приезжает через день-другой. Are you leaving tomorrow? Ты уезжаешь завтра?
Use the verbs in the Present Continuous Tense.
1. Look, it (rain) hard outside. 2. You (not listen) to me. 3. What you (do) now? 4. You (wait) for anybody? 5. I think she (read) something funny, because she (laugh) all the time. 6. Why you all (stand) here?.What (go) on? 7. Who you (look) at so attentively? 8. Peter still (work) in his office or he (wait) for me downstairs? 9. What you (listen) to? 10. The students still (write) a test. 11. He (go) to the theatre tonight.
Make the sentences negative.
1. She is typing a letter. 2. The sun is shining. 3. They are going to the Institute. 4. The dog is running along the wall. 5. We are reading a text. 6. The children are playng in the garden. 7. The man is waiting for you. 8. The students are writing a dictation. 9. She is having an English class now. 10. We are doing our lessons. 11. His parents are leaving next week. 12. My friend is taking his examination.
Make these sentences interrogative.
1. John is opening the window. 2. They are arriving in Moscow tomorrow. 3. The people are hurring to the stadium to see the football match. 4. My mother is cooking a meal. 5. Somebody is knocking the door.6.We are playing volleyball. 7. He is reading an interesting book. 8. Ann is standing in the corner of the room. 9. The are working at the report. 10. I am taking a pencil off my bag. 11. She is looking at the blackboard. 12. They are talking about their work.
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