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Give the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations.

2020-12-27 257
Give the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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человек по фамилии Джиггинс; здоровая привычка; дышать у открытого окна; делать зарядку; в свободное время; в раннем возрасте; целое поколение молодых людей; босиком; роса; вода из-под крана; из консервной банки; в каком бы то ни было виде; как все; люди такого рода; не иметь шанса дожить до преклонного возраста; на неверном пути; утомить всех соседей своими воспоминаниями; в любом приличном доме; в любом случае; бегать наперегонки (участвовать в забеге); сидеть (оставаться) в тени.



Find the following sentences in the text. Translate them into Russian.


    1. Jiggins used to stand and breathe at an open window for half an hour before dressing. 2. After all it cost him nothing this way.  3. The fact he dumb-belled himself to death at an early age does not prevent the whole generation of young men from following in his path. 4. They are ridden by the Health Mania. 5. They make themselves a nuisance. 6. They hunt for ozone. 7. After all their fuss they presently incur some simple old-fashioned illness and die like anybody else. 8. Also, drop all that cold bath business. 9. So much for the point.   



4. Make up sentences of your own using the structure ‘to have something done’ according to the model.

Model: Yesterday I had my tooth pulled out.

to have the appendix taken out; to have one’s blood pressure tested; to have a chest X-ray taken; to have one’s heart (lungs) sounded; to have one’s eyes examined; to have something bandaged; to have a tooth filled.



Find in the text the words and word-combinations which describe


a) the things Jiggins did to be healthy;


b) the things the young men who follow in his path do.



Answer the following questions.

1. What was Jiggins’s life-style? What kind of habits did he have? What kind of things did he lift for exercise? What did he do to make his brain clear? 2. In the author’s opinion, why did he die? 3. What is the author’s attitude to those who ‘followed in his path’? 4. What does the author recommend us to do to live to be really old? What kind of food does he recommend us to eat? What kind of exercise does he recommend us to take? In what way? Does the author really mean what he says? 5. Did the author manage to prove the idea “No matter how hard you try to be fit you will die like anybody else”? Does the jocular tone of the story contribute to the effectiveness of his argument? Why or why not?



7. Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary from the text.


1. Человек по фамилии Браун – его личный врач. 2. Я считаю, что тебе надо задуматься о своем образе жизни и отказаться от вредных привычек. 3. Курение, особенно в раннем возрасте, очень опасно для здоровья. 4. Иногда походить босиком по росе очень полезно. 5. Пить воду из-под крана не рекомендуется. 6. Я занимаюсь спортом, потому что, как и все люди, хочу быть здоровой. 7. Эти продукты содержат большое количество химических добавок, поэтому кормить ими детей не рекомендуется. 8. Вы очень бледны – вам стоит побольше находиться на свежем воздухе. 9. Чтобы избежать солнечного удара, в полдень лучше находиться в тени. 10. Большинство женщин в странах Азии доживает до преклонного возраста. 11. Как дожить до ста лет? 12. Врачи советуют не переедать на ночь.


Make up a conversation between

a) Jiggins and one of his friends;


b) Jiggins and one of the young men ‘who followed in his path’;


c) the author and one of the young men who do their best to stay healthy.

    2. Discuss the following questions.

1. What’s your idea of a healthy lifestyle – what are some of the things we should and should not do to stay healthy? What do you do to keep fit? 2. What can be the best kind of relaxation for a student? 3. What sports are available at your university? Do you take any form of regular physical exercise? If not, why not? 4. Are you careful about what you eat? What’s your idea of a balanced diet? Why do you think it might be dangerous to keep to fashionable diets of various kinds? 5. What are the commonest infectious diseases nowadays? Which of them are thought to be fatal ones? What special precautions do you take against falling ill? 6. Do you usually consult a doctor if you are unwell, or do you let your body cure itself? Do you trust or mistrust doctors? 7. What do you think about alternative medicine (herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, etc.)?    

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