What would you like to do from American lists? What is possible to realize in Russia from American lists? — КиберПедия 

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What would you like to do from American lists? What is possible to realize in Russia from American lists?

2020-12-27 111
What would you like to do from American lists? What is possible to realize in Russia from American lists? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Make your personal fall bucket list and share with me. Follow my example (see doc my list) and tell me what you are going to do and what you have already done.

1. Catch the last warm days in Indian summer

2. Buy a bright umbrella and take a stroll on a rainy day

3. Have a fall movie night/ Harry Potter movie marathon/watch a spooky movie

4. Jump and roll in pile of leaves

5. Sit in a cozy coffee shop drinking your favorite coffee or hot chocolate

6. Add to wardrobe smth typical of autumn, for example square scarf

7. Put summer clothes away in the wardrobe, declutter

8. Gather a bouquet of colorful leaves, make a fall floral arrangement

9. Drink/cook a pumpkin spice latte

10. Cook homemade jam/marmalade

11. Cook mulled wine/hot chocolate with marshmallows

12. Buy beautiful stationery and a new notepad

13. Knit a scarf/a sweater/a blanket

14. Print your summer photos

15. Walk in rubber boots/wellies

16. Pick up mushrooms in the forest

17. Make a fall playlist and listen to the rain

18. Start to prepare Christmas gifts

19. Paint your nails in fall color

20. Buy a fall/cozy scented candle and burn lots of candles (see doc candles, extra pictures attached)

21. Buy warm pajamas/a comfy cozy sweater/a pair of cozy fuzzy socks

22. Choose and buy the most aromatic and strong autumn tea (buckthorn, ginger, orange+cinnamon, etc)

23. Store some interesting books to read the whole fall/cuddle up with a cozy blanket and a book

24. Celebrate Halloween

25. Decorate your house for fall/make your home smell like fall

26. Buy autumn harvest from old ladies in the street

27. Buy spices for warm comforting dishes/try a new autumn recipe

28. Make something out of pumpkin/indulge in pumpkin treat

29. Bake something to spread the aroma of cinnamon around the house (a yummy apple pie)

30. Take lots of photos of the beauty around you

31. Warm up by the bonfire

32. Enjoy the first frost in the morning

33. Spend a weekend at a cabin in the woods

34. Have a fall photo shoot

35. Sip hot cocoa and curl up with a blanket while the rain is drumming on the window

36. Take a walk in the park, admire and rustle golden leaves

37. Buy care/cosmetics products with warm scents

38. Arrange a nostalgia evening with friends/ invite a friend for a cinnamon roll breakfast

39. Drink a cup of apple cider

40. Road trip to scenic places with colorful foliage

41. Do a random act of kindness/compliment a stranger

42. Go for a crisp morning walk

43. Go on a bike ride

44. Try horse riding

45. Collect an autumn puzzle

46. Connect with an old friend

47. Slow down and think about life, savor little moments

48. Embrace hygge

49. Do until the New year something important that was planned before

50. Make a winter bucket list and wait for the New year


Possible new words and phrases (+check out next lesson about hygge)

feel autumn vibes – чувствовать осеннее настроение

cozy = snug – уютный

cozy atmosphere/ambience – уютная атмосфера

atmosphere = ambience

create a relaxing environment/ambience

comfy = comfortable

comforting – успокаивающий, утешающий

light a candle – зажечь свечу

scented candle – ароматическая свеча

flickering light – мерцающий огонь

wrap yourself in a warm blanket – завернуться в теплый плед

curl up with a good book – завернуться, устроиться

cuddle up/snuggle up – прижаться, обняться

savor/relish the moment = enjoy – наслаждаться моментом

put on fuzzy socks – надеть пушистые носки

knit blanket – вязаное одеяло

sip hot cocoa – пить маленькими глотками горячее какао

yummy = delicious

decorate in hygge style – украсить дом в стиле хюгге

embrace hygge – accept/adopt hygge in your life

take a stroll = take a walk

spooky = scary= horror movie

declutter = get rid of/throw away/donate some things you don’t need

indulge in (pumpkin) treat = pamper/spoil yourself with something delicious




*About Halloween and Thanksgiving we will talk separately.

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