Part IV. Business Documents: Resume / CV — КиберПедия 

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Part IV. Business Documents: Resume / CV

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12. If you want to apply for a Master’s Program, internship or holiday part-time job abroad, you should send a CV (curriculum vitae, BE) / résumé (AE) and a covering letter (BE) / cover letter (AE).

A résumé or CV is a document that contains a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education. The principal differences between a CV and a résumé are:

●A CV is a complete record of your professional and academic history, together with a summary of your skills; a résumé is a summary of the experience and strengths that you have that are relevant to the particular job you are applying for.

●A résumé is usually one page, except for very senior posts; a CV can be longer

than this.

●It is unusual to include personal information such as your birth date, marital status, etc. on a résumé; this information is optional on a CV.

●It is common to include the names and contact details of your referees on a CV, but rare to do so on a résumé. CVs are moving closer to the model of the US résumé, in that it is now becoming common to summarize your experience and strengths in the Profile (also called the Career summary) section. For obvious reasons graduates tend not to have a lot of work experience. However, employers are often more interested in a graduates potential rather than their limited work experience. What employers want to see in a graduate is future potential, ambition, a fresh mind and performance. Successful candidates tend to be those who show motivation, enthusiasm, have transferable skills and are able to communicate effectively.

12.1. Study the part of a CV. Fill the gaps with these extracts:

a) be provided

b) technical skills

c) play chess in a local club

d) Graduate trainee

e) Bachelor of Science

f) Association of Computer Students

g) a highly-motivated graduate


John Alonzo Profile I am ____________1 with excellent problem-solving and leadership skills. I am seeking a challenging career with a progressive company that provides an opportunity to capitalize my ____________2 and abilities in the field of IT. Education 2015-2019          __________3 in Information and Communications Engineering,                        University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England 2015-2014         A-Levels in Computer Science,                        Uxbridge College, Hillingdon, England   Achievements/Responsibilities 2017-2019     President, ___________4 2014-2015     Layout Artist, The Guardian Student Magazine Pre-professional experience 2019              Technical support intern IT Department at Xerox Business Services                       Philippines Inc. (June-Feb.)                       Provided level 1 support, handled troubleshooting and maintenance 2018 (summer) _____________5 (two months)                         Handled monitoring and deployment 2016                Part-time post as first line support on an IT helpdesk   Key Skills      Hardware and network troubleshooting, Programming (Java, C++, Visual Basic, Android Programming Language), Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite,                         Excellent written and verbal communication skills,                         Ability to work independently or as part of a team Interests         Enjoy music, travelling, ____________6   References     Will ______________7 upon the request  


12.2. Work with a group-mate to discuss the following:

1. What is a purpose of a CV?

2. Is there a standard format for a CV?

3. Should you use the same CV for all jobs applications?

4. What headings do you normally find in a CV?

5. Should you always tell the truth when writing your CV?

6. How many pages long should a CV be?

7. How could the CV of John Alonzo above be improved?

12.3. Fill in the text «How to get a job» with suitable words.

a) covering letter b) interview    c) vacancy    d) contract e) Curriculum Vitae (CV) f) qualifications       g) job advertisements   h) training   i) job offer   j) application form

How to get a job

Stage 1: Study to obtain the necessary ____ and complete your vocational ___.

Stage 2: Prepare your ______ which summarizes your skills, qualifications, training and work experience.

Stage 3: Search the ____ for a suitable ______ in your chosen field.

Stage 4: Complete an _______ or send your CV with a _________.

Stage 5: Attend an __________.

Stage 6: Receive a ________.

Stage 7: Accept it and sign a ________.


12.4. Write a CV to some university/ company/ society. Here are a few examples of CVs/Resumes:



1. Work with a group-mate to discuss the following:

1. What does the word “global’ mean?

2. Is English “global”? Prove your point of view.

3. What other global languages do you know?

4. Could you name the countries where English is an official language?

5. "English is necessary for living on the Internet." What do you think about this statement?

6. Is learning languages an easy thing? Why?

7. Why is learning English important for the Russian students?

8. Why are foreign languages essential for specialists?

9. Why is English necessary for you? Can you name 5-10 reasons to learn it?


2. Look at the following international words and guess their meaning and check the pronunciation:

official, global, essentially, characterized, “lingua franca”, diverse, ethnic, spread, population, accent, concern, variety, slang, major, majority, minority, percent, particularly, to identify, international,multinational, proficiency, potential, hybrid, origin, sphere, status, figure, literacy, technology, character, economy and commerce, MBA programs, businesses.


Part I. TEXT

1. Here are the words and word combinations you have to learn. Rewrite them and find their meaning using online translators (,

“Lingua franca”, the spread of,worldwide status, technological and cultural influence, employee, requirement, currency, minority, percent; widely spoken, widespread, fluent, diverse, major, to be characterized, to be taught; to borrow, to transfer via, to expand, to establish, to tie up, to require, to pronounce, to emerge, according to the statistics, essentially, particularly, approximately, overall.

2. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs A-E. There are three extra headings.

1. Geographical distribution of English.

2. Technological and cultural influence on language.

3. English for business.

4. Varieties and subvarieties of English.

5. Reasons for learning English today.

6. Disappearance of minority languages

7. Pros and cons about English as a global language.

8. The definitions of the term ‘global English’.

Global English

A _____

There is no official definition of "global" or "world" language, but it essentially refers to a language that is learned and spoken internationally, and is characterized not only by the number of its native and second language speakers, but also by its geographical distribution, and its use in international organizations and in diplomatic relations. A global language acts as a “lingua franca”, a common language that enables people from diverse backgrounds to communicate on a more or less suitable basis.

So because English is so widely spoken, it has been referred to as a “global language”. While English is not an official language in many countries, it is the language most often taught as a second language around the world. It is also, by international standards of communication, the official language for aircraft/airport communication and shipping. Also, in countries with several tribal or ethnic groups speaking different languages, they often choose English as the official language of government, as in Nigeria, India and Papua New Guinea. Its widespread acceptance as a first or second language is the main indication of its worldwide status. According to the statistics, about 400-500 million people around the world speak English as a first language and about 1.5 billion people speak English as a second language. In other words, one in every 5 people on our planet regularly uses some sort of English - and the percentage is growing all the time.

B _____

But there are numerous arguments for and against English as a global language. On the one hand, having a global language aids in communication and in the scientific community. On the other hand, it leaves out those who, for one reason or another, are not fluent in the global language.

A secondary concern with respect to the spread of global languages (including major languages other than English such as Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, etc.) is the resulting disappearance of minority languages, often along with the cultures and religions that are primarily transmitted in those languages. Language death caused by English has been particularly pronounced in areas such as Australia and North America where native speakers have been displaced by speakers of English in the process of colonization.

C _____

The major varieties of English in most cases contain several subvarieties, such as Cockney slang within British English, Newfoundland English, and the English spoken by Anglo-Quebecers within Canadian English, and African American English within American English. English is considered a language with no variety being clearly considered the only standard. Because of English's wide use as a second language, English speakers can have many different accents, which may identify the speaker's native dialect or language.

D _____

Just as English itself has borrowed words from many different languages over its history, English words now appear in many languages around the world. This fact indicates the technological and cultural influence of English speakers. English is mixing with and marrying other languages around the world. Other languages absorbing English words often give them new forms and new meanings. So many Japanese, French and Germans mix English words with their mother tongues so that the resulting hybrids are called Japlish, Franglais and Denglish. In Japanese, there is a verb Makudonaru, to eat at McDonald’s. One of the many “Englishes” spoken and written today is Euro-English. Euro-English has its origins in the political arena of the European community.

E _____

In spite of these facts, English has emerged as a global language for many reasons. English is the main language used for electronic communication. About 80 percent of all electronic information stored in computers and transferred via internet is in English. Approximately 65 percent of Internet host computers are in the US. In more than 100 countries, people in chat rooms discuss topics and communicate in English.

Besides the reason above, English is greatly necessary for businesses, global corporations, the global economy and commerce. It’s increasingly true as international trade expands every year, bringing new countries into contact. Large corporations have established themselves all over the world in almost every country and all stock and currency markets are so closely tied up. Many of the best MBA programs are taught in English, so speaking it well can put you in a position to get the best training. Most multinational companies require a certain degree of English proficiency from potential employees so in order to get a position with a top company, more and people are learning English.

So to know English is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Knowing English well is one of the main requirements for graduates of Russian universities, who want to become ICT specialists and to have a successful career.


3. True, false or no information according to the text. Find the sentences in the text that support your point of view.

1. “Lingua franca”, a common language that enables people from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities to communicate on a more or less unsuitable basis.

2. English is a “global” language because it’s widely spoken by people over the world.

3. According to the statistics, about 150 million people speak English as a second language.

4. English speakers can have many different accents, which may identify the speaker's native dialect or language.

5. English is the unofficial language of the Internet.

6. Many of the best MBA programs are taught in English, so speaking it very well can put you in a position to get the best training.

7. Unofficially, English is becoming the international language of travelling and tourism.

4. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

Родной язык, официальный язык, общий, универсальный, дипломатический, широко распространенный, этнический, всемирный, около, появление, многочисленный, быстро, с одной стороны, с другой стороны, малочисленный, заменить, считать, определять, заимствовать, влияние, примерно, работники, образованный.

5. Prepare a short summary of the text using the following expressions (See Appendix II for annotation details):


Part II. Language


6. Rewrite the sentences using Passive verb forms:

1. People use English in electronics and business communication. 2. Professors teach English as a second language all over the world.3. About 400-500 million people around the world speak English as a first language. 4. Speakers of English displaced native speakers in the process of colonization. 5. In more than 100 countries, people in chat rooms discuss topics in English. 6. English has borrowed words from many different languages over its history. 7. Most multinational companies require a certain degree of English proficiency from potential employees. 8. Texting for everything (e.g. SMS) affects the literacy skills of young people.


7. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Английский язык является официальным языком в 40 странах. Это наиболее распространенный язык в международном бизнесе, науке, медицине. 2. Слова, которые заимствуются из английского языка, могут использоваться в том же виде. Некоторые слова, заимствованные из английского языка, изменяются. 3. Лингвисты считают, что исчезновение многих языков неизбежно. 4. Каждый образованный человек обязан знать хотя бы один иностранный язык. 5. Знание иностранных языков дает возможность общаться и понимать людей других стран. 6. На английском языке говорят во всем мире. 7. Настоящий профессионал не может обходиться без знания английского языка, так как это язык международного общения. 8. Инженер сможет прочесть инструкции к приборам, если он будет знать английский язык. 9. Ученый должен знать английский язык, чтобы читать научные книги и выступать с докладами на международных конференциях. 10. Знание иностранных языков помогает нам знакомиться с обычаями и традициями других народов.

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