III. Повседневная и деловая коммуникация — КиберПедия 

История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

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III. Повседневная и деловая коммуникация

2020-12-27 189
III. Повседневная и деловая коммуникация 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Work with a group-mate to discuss the following:

1. What do you say when you meet someone new?

2. Do you to tell some more information besides your name?

3. Does what you say depend on the situation (introducing yourself in a job interview, introducing yourself in an email)?

Part I. TEXT

1. Here are the words and word combinations you have to learn. Rewrite them and find their meaning using online translators (www.lingvolive.com, www.multitran.ru.

Age, occupation, to introduce, to move, on business, for fun, position, applicant, experience, to put in some effort, to make new friends, to achieve, to be keen on, enjoy.

2. Read and translate the text:

Introducing yourself to people in an English class

Starting with the most important piece of information, we say ‘I’m Maria Smirnova.’ or ‘My name is Maria Smirnova.’ If you want to say how old you are, you simply say ‘I’m twenty-three.’ or ‘I’m twenty-three years old.’ Then you say, for example, ‘I’m Russian.’ or ‘I’m from Russia.’ To give more detail about where you live, you can say ‘I’m from Sochi in Russia.’ or even ‘I’m from Sochi, in the south of Russia.’

If you live somewhere different now, you might like to add this information by saying, for example ‘I was born in Sochi, but I live in Saint-Petersburg now.’ You can also give some explanation “I moved here to study”.

If you want to talk about your family it is possible to say, ‘I live with my parents and my younger brother.’ You can add, ‘I also have an older sister who lives in Moscow.’

If you work, you can talk briefly about this, saying, for example, ‘I’m a web designer’ or ‘I work as a web designer.’

When we meet other people for the first time, it is sometimes nice to tell them a little about ourselves – our interests and what we like to do in our spare time. There are various ways to do this:

I like playing tennis in my spare time. /I play a lot of tennis.
I like reading. / I’m keen on reading. I’m a big fan of Real Madrid.

If you are in an English class, you can explain why you are learning English. You say, for example, ‘I’m learning English because I need it for my job/my studies.’ or ‘I’m learning English because it’s useful for travelling.’ It’s possible that you simply want to say ‘I’m learning English because I enjoy learning languages.’

We hope this has given you a few phrases to use when you are meeting new people.

3. Look through the text and find the following information:

name, age, country, city, occupation, family, hobbies.

4. Find the phrases useful when introducing yourself in the text above and make up dialogues.

Part II. Language

When you speak or write in English, it is useful to think about the level of formality. You can use formal, neutral/semi-formal or informal language. We use formal language in situations that are serious or that involve people we don’t know well. Informal language is more commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we know well. Most uses of English are neutral; that is, they are neither formal nor informal.

5. Match the level of formality and the example, where it is used:

1. formal a) day-to-day interaction with colleagues and teachers
2. neutral b) textbooks
3. informal c) popular magazines/books
4. formal d) speaking or chatting online
5. neutral e) official reports
6. informal f) interviews
7. formal g) business letters
8. neutral h)postcards or letters to friends
9. informal i)text messages

Let’s study the typical grammar and vocabulary used in formal, semi-formal/neutral and informal communication.

Formal English


Punctuation, proper grammar, and correct sentence structure are very important. A formal sentence:

Research has shown that learning a second language, in addition to expanding career and social opportunities can also expand the reasoning capability of the brain, although this finding is disputed by some scientists.

A less formal sentence:

Learning another language can improve your career and social life. Some people also say it can make you smarter, but others disagree.


A formal sentence: The economy is currently quite robust; nevertheless, some specialists predict an imminent recession.

A less formal sentence: The economy is very strong right now, but some specialists say we’ll have a recession soon.

Less formal words: Help (n.) buy need whole enough More formal words: assistance purchase require entire sufficient


NOT: The price went up. BUT: The price rose/increased.


I’m/ You’re/ can’t; don’t; wasn’t; it’s…

NOT: The shipment hasn’t arrived. BUT: The shipment has not arrived.

But! The company ’s employees is a possessive, NOT a contraction! It means “The employees of the company.”

With possessives, you can use either “‘s” or “of the” – but try to avoid using “of the” multiple times in a single phrase: the terms of the client’s contract
NOT: the terms of the contract of the client.


Idiom: The software is a piece of cake. The software is quite user-friendly.
The software is extremely easy to use.

Slang: A million bucks in profit. A million dollars in profit. Text speak: Tks & we look 4ward 2 meeting u. Thanks, and we look forward to meeting you.

Also avoid shortened words: The info was incomplete. The information was incomplete.

Semi-Formal English

Could you look over this report? (look over = review and check for errors)
She came up with a great idea. (came up with = created, invented, thought of)

I ’m available on Friday morning. The directors weren’t happy.

This project is on the back burner. (on the back burner = not a priority at the moment)

We’re operating in the red. (in the red = no money, negative cash flow)
Semi-formal (inviting your boss): “Would you like to join me for lunch?”
Informal (inviting your best friend): “Hey, wanna grab a bite to eat?”
Semi-formal: “Hello, how are you?”

Informal: “Wassup?”


Say “I’d like…” instead of “I want…”

When making requests use “could you” and “please,” don’t just give commands: Say “Could you please call me later?” and not just “Call me later.”
Another part of polite English is making criticisms and negative comments in an indirect way:

NOT: You’re wrong. BUT: I’m afraid you’re mistaken.
NOT: I disagree. BUT: I’m of a different opinion. / I see it differently.
NOT: This is terrible work. This could be improved.

Informal English

1. SHORTER, SIMPLER SENTENCES – PERFECT GRAMMAR IS NOT AS IMPORTANT (So don’t be so nervous about mistakes when speaking!)
“Have you finished your work yet?” = “Finished your work yet?”
“But I don’t think so.” Starting sentences with “but,” ending sentences with prepositions, using sentence fragments – these are all done in informal spoken English.


um, uh, like, lemme see…= hesitation, when you need a moment to think before speaking

I mean…= to clarify …you know? = to check if the other person understands
Gotcha. = I understand How come? = Why? Yeah right. = a sarcastic way to say “I don’t believe you.”


Phrasal verb: “I won’t put up with this!” (put up with = tolerate)

Idiom: “Could you give me a hand?” (give me a hand = help me)

Slang: “I aced the test!” (aced = got an excellent grade)


He’s gonna be angry. (gonna = going to)

I wanna learn how to ski. (wanna = want to)

Didja like the movie? (didja = did you)

6. Read the conversations and say which level of formality they are. Why do you think so?


R: Are you Edward Green?

G: Yes.

R: I am Jenny Ross. How do you do?

G: Hello. Pleased to meet you.

R: Welcome to Bibury systems.

G: Thank you.


A: Hello.

B: Hi.

A: I am Brian, What’s your name?

B: My name is Maria.

A: Nice to meet you, Maria. Where are you from?

B: Nice to meet you too. I’m from Russia, and you?

A: I’m from the United States.

B: A nice place to live.

A: Are you here on business or for fun?

B: Neither one, I’m here just to take this course.

A: We have fifteen minutes for the break. Do you want to go get some coffee?

B: Sure, that sounds great!


Chris: I do not think we have been introduced. My name is Chris.

Kate: Nice to meet you Chris. My name is Kate. (Handshake)

Chris: Hello Kate, pleased to meet you too. How is your first day going?

Kate: It is going very well. There is a lot to learn, but this job seems similar to my last job. The people here seem very friendly. Do you work in the IT department?

Chris: Yes, I do.


A: Hi.

B: Oh, hey.

A: I’m Rachel.

B: I’m Zach.

A: Hi Zach, nice to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you.

A: So, we’re here at the YouTube Space. So you must be a YouTuber.

B: Yep. Make videos for kids.

A: Yeah? What’s your channel?

B: Pancake Manor.

A: Oh wow.

B: What’s yours?

A: Mine’s Rachel’s English.

B: Oo.

A: So I teach English on my channel.


7. Fill the spaces with the suitable sentences given below.

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