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Exercise 45 p.68 Study the following chart.

2021-01-29 232
Exercise 45 p.68 Study the following chart. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree
late later latest
early earlier earliest
exactly beautifully more exactly more beautifully most exactly most beautifully
often oftener/more often oftenest/most often
quickly quicker/more quickly quickest/most quickly
Slowly slower/ more slowly slowest/ most slowly
well badly much1 better worse more best worst most
little less least


Exercise 46 p.69 Make up sentences, using the adverbs given in the chart according to the following model.

Model: Nick speaks French well, Ann speaks French better than Nick,

and Peter speaks French best (of all).


Exercise 47 p. 69 Translate the following sentences, using 'much', 'far', 'a great deal', 'still' with the adverbs in comparative degree.


1. Мой брат говорит по-французски намного лучше, чем по-английски. 2. Некоторым людям гораздо больше нравится путешествовать зимой, чем летом. 3. По воскресеньям я встаю намного позднее обычного. 4. Перед экзаменами студенты, как правило, значительно больше и усерднее занимаются. 5. Моя сестра гораздо чаще меня ходит в театр. 6. Вчера наши спортсмены играли еще быстрее. 7. Со словарем вы переведете статью намного точнее. 8. Сегодня солнце светит гораздо ярче, чем вчера.

The Article

Exercise. 38 p. 21 Study the following patterns:

A. Give me a book. (any book) Give me the book. (the book in your bag) В. There is an article in today's paper. The article is on modern architecture. It's an interesting article.

Exercise 39 p.21-22 Make up situations, explaining the use of the article in the following pairs of sentences.

 1. (i) This is a house. (ii) This is the house. 2. (i) You can have a new bag. (ii) You can have the new bag. 3. (i) May I have an English dictionary? (ii) May I have the English dictionary? 4. (i) This is a famous picture. (ii) This is the famous picture. 5. (i) You had a copy of my report. (ii) You had the copy of my report. 6. (i) She is a doctor. (ii) She is the doctor.

Exercise 40 p.22 Fill in the blanks with articles.

1. This is — very difficult sentence for me. — sentence has too many unknown words in it. 2. Ours is — noisy street. — street is in the centre of the city. It is — street with very heavy traffic during the day. 3. "Is there — theatre in your town?" "Yes, we have one. — theatre is in the town's central square." 4. You have — mistake in the second form of the verb. — mistake is bad, it is not — spelling but — grammar mistake. 5. He has — interesting collection of butterflies. — collection is the second best in our country. 6. He has — elder brother. — brother is away the greater part of the year. He is — sailor.


Exercise 41 p. 22 Fill in the blanks with articles. Retell the passage.

I like Elsom. It is — seaside resort in — South of England. — town is not very far from Brighton and it has the charm of — old town. ___ Town was never fashionable. In winter Elsom was usually — quiet place and the Dolphin — very comfortable inn. In — hall of — inn there still is a framed letter from Mr Thackeray, — famous writer. In August and September — town is full of holiday-makers and is for two months __ noisy place.

(After "The Round Dozen" by W. S. Maugham)

(a) with the names of meals


 Exercise 43 p. 44 Study the following patterns:


It's time for dinner.

What a good dinner! You are a fine cook.

The dinner she gave us was well-cooked.

After dinner we shall have coffee.


Exercise 44, p.44 Insert the article where necessary.

1. — supper will be served at nine. 2. Father usually reads his morn­ing paper at — breakfast. 3. She had — breakfast of toast with butter which she washed down with a cup of coffee. 4. He left house soon after __ breakfast and promised to be back some time before — lunch. 5. We shall have — light supper because we had — good dinner. 6. Do we have time to watch the film on TV before — supper? 7. She invited us to stay for — dinner, and — dinner, I must say, was very good. 8. There will be nobody to — dinner except the family.


Exercise 45 p.44 Translate the following.

1. Что у нас сегодня на ужин? 2. В кафе напротив всегда можно получить горячий завтрак. 3. По воскресеньям у нас обычно кто-нибудь бывает к обеду. 4. У вас достаточно времени для небольшой прогулки перед завтраком. 5. Твоя сестра угостила нас прекрасным обедом. 6. Мы позавтракаем на террасе, хорошо? 7. Врачи рекомендуют ранний и легкий ужин. 8. Купить что-нибудь на обед? 9. Закажи, пожалуйста, обед из трех блюд на меня тоже. 10. Я больше всего люблю кашу на завтрак.


(b) with names of materials


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